Under Jiang Mian's huge sums of money, the detective father can move into the luxurious VIP ward on the top floor of the Armed Police Hospital-this kind of ward is generally only eligible to live in the bureau-level or above.

Regardless of space, environment or layout, it is many times better than the previous ward.

The detective father wanted to walk by himself, but Jiang Mian firmly disagreed.

Thinking of the thirteen stab wounds in the case, she is still frightened-a normal person with more than ten stab wounds on his body, drove the car to the studio, and then caught a robber as if nothing had happened?

She found a wheelchair, helped the detective father to sit on it, and said blankly: "You can't refuse, or I will be angry."

After a few seconds of silence, Lian Feng, frowning and refusing, finally succumbed to Jiang Mian's threat and got into the wheelchair.

"Dad, you don't need to be so nervous." Jiang Mian was a little funny, just sitting in a wheelchair.

She didn't know that Lian Feng was just not used to letting herself be in a weak state, and being pushed around in a wheelchair was not the style of Lian Feng.

No matter how badly he is injured, unless he can't stand up, he will never use foreign objects. It is a kind of stubbornness and pride in his bones.

Such persistence had to step back when she met her daughter's expressionless, very written "threat".

"Dad, do you want to go shopping outside?" Without waiting for the detective father to answer, Jiang Mian made a decision for him, entered the elevator and pressed the button on the first floor.

She gradually figured out how to get along with the detective father, no matter what she said, the detective father would refuse, so she also asked politely, anyway, the detective father would finally acquiesce in silence.

When I got off the elevator, the elevator stopped midway, and someone came in, also pushing the wheelchair. An old man sat on it, and the old man came in by pushing the wheelchair by himself.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Mian stepped forward to help.

"Thank you, little girl."

"You're welcome."

The old man glanced at Lian Feng, probably seeing him in a wheelchair with him, and started talking: "Young man, what's the matter?"

Lian Feng: "..."

"Suffered a little bit." Jiang Mian replied on behalf of the detective father with a smile, "Grandpa, how about you."

"Me." The old man smiled and lifted the blanket on his lap. "Look at it."

The old man had his leg amputated at the knee, and he smiled and said, "It was absent in an earthquake a few years ago, when it was to save a little girl as big as you."

Jiang Mian was in awe.

The old man continued: "Then the little girl will become my granddaughter-in-law." It sounds proud.

Jiang Mian: "..."

The elevator reached the first floor and opened. A young girl in her twenties stood there. Seeing the old man, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Grandpa, why did you get down by yourself."

"It's okay, I'm fine, don't worry." The old man's voice was kind, and the young girl pushed the old man away.

A young man ran over in the distance, took the wheelchair into his hand, touched the young girl's head, and the family of three left with a smile.

"Is there someone you like?" The detective father's voice suddenly remembered.

He noticed that Jiang Mian's gaze fell on the young girl and the young man who were carrying them side by side, and there was coldness floating in his eyes-the three words Gu Qiwen appeared before him.

Jiang Mian just felt that the scene of the three grandparents getting along was very warm, so he looked at it more and heard the policeman asking like this, and he made a blank "ah".

The detective's father frowned and Jiang Mian said, "There is a small garden over there, Dad, let's go there."

Lian Feng thought that Jiang Mian didn't want to talk about this issue, so he had to remain silent.

Pushing the detective father around the small garden, it was almost seven o'clock, after thinking about it, Jiang Mian directly pushed the detective father to the hospital cafeteria.

But just after two steps, the phone rang, and it was the local tyrant who called, and Jiang Mian laughed.

"Mianmian, Dad is done ahead of schedule today, can you meet my little princess?"


Jiang Mian glanced at the detective father and said honestly: "Dad, I'm staying with Dad in the hospital."

"Hospital? Is he injured?" Han Xu's voice was extremely surprised-wasn't this guy very angry when he called and threatened him yesterday? Also ran to find my baby girl!

An accident flashed in Jiang Mian's eyes. Listening to the tone of the local tyrant father, did you know that the detective father was back?

The movie emperor father and the heavenly teacher don't know this at all, have they contacted in private?

This is a rare thing.

Thinking about things in her heart, she didn't delay her answering in her mouth, um, just about to say, Han Xu said: "Give him the phone, and I will tell him."

Jiang Mian had to hand the phone to the detective father.

Han Xu said, "I don't care if you are hurt or not. You already saw Mianmian yesterday. I will come to pick up Mianmian now, right?"

If it wasn't for the thought that Lian Feng was injured, the local tyrant would not say this to him and would come directly to pick up the baby girl.

Lian Feng said indifferently, "If Mianmian wants to go with you, I have no opinion."

Han Xu was satisfied instantly.

The next sentence, Lian Feng said: "If you don't want to go with you, you will leave by yourself."

Han Xu is quite confident, will the baby girl not go with him?

He snorted: "Give me the address."

After Lian Feng said the address, he hung up the phone without saying anything. He immediately arranged for a car and rushed to the Armed Police Hospital.

Jiang Mian, who listened to the conversation between the two throughout the process: "..."

Lian Feng didn't seem to feel that he had cheated his daughter at all. He was honest and wanted Jiang Mian to choose one of the two fathers.

He returned the phone to Jiang Mian, his expression unchanged: "If you want to see your father Han, go and play with him."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She seriously suspected that the detective father's trick was to advance and retreat.

If she really left with the local tyrant father, leaving the injured detective father alone in the hospital, she would definitely feel guilty.

If you don't go with the local tyrant father, the local tyrant father finally had some free time and asked to see her daughter, but she chose the detective father, so she would not be sad?

Jiang Mian took the phone and changed the subject: "Let's go to the cafeteria to have a look."

A faint smile flashed across Lian Feng's eyes, and he heard from Jiang Mian's tone that his daughter wanted to accompany him more.

The cafeteria of the Criminal Police Hospital is quite large. In school, Jiang Mian always went home to eat Liu Ma's for noon. The original owner didn't like eating at the film academy and found it not delicious. They would either eat in the restaurant outside or go home.

Jiang Mian subconsciously retained this habit. After entering the hospital canteen, she looked at it curiously-after all, it was the first time to eat in a place like a canteen.

Most of the patients who come to the armed police for medical treatment are within the system, and most of the patients are accompanied by family members, and it is just time for meals. There are a lot of people in the cafeteria, but fortunately, the cafeteria is large enough to not seem crowded.

Jiang Mian found an empty place: "Dad, I'm going to have a meal."

On the other side, Han Xu drove four low-key laps. He sat in the back seat, sliding some pictures of star-rated restaurants on the screen, and prepared to take his baby girl to eat.

After eating early, you can play outside.

The local tyrant father clearly arranged the time for the father and daughter at night, and suddenly received a WeChat message from his baby daughter: "Dad, I am waiting for you in the hospital cafeteria. Let's have dinner together."

There was also a cute emoji stolen from the actor's father.

[Han Xu:...canteen? 】

The local tyrant father looked blank, what the cafeteria was.

[Jiang Mian: There are many dishes in the hospital cafeteria, which look delicious. 】

Jiang Mian sent a photo, and Han Xu clicked it to take a look. His face suddenly showed disgust—I saw several large iron basins joined together in the picture, and each iron basin was filled with vegetables, greasy and greasy. of.

Compared with the food pictures of high-end restaurants, it is not on the same level.

[Han Xu: Mianmian, Dad will take you to other places to eat. These dishes are not tasty at first sight, so let them eat them. 】

The local tyrant father felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and his daughter sent him a photo of the cafeteria, showing that he was going to eat the cafeteria, didn't he just want to be with Lian Feng?

How does that work!

It must be the guy who used his injury to sell miserable to the baby girl to win her sympathy.

Han Xu sneered, wanting to grab his daughter under his nose?

He told the driver: "Hurry up."

Jiang Mian ignored the words of Tyrant Father: [Dad, call me when you arrive. 】

She could see all the good dishes in one breath. Naturally, she wouldn't carry a large pot of dishes in the cafeteria by herself, so she asked a brother in the cafeteria to help bring the dishes.

Lian Feng watched as the empty table in front of him was filled, and he noticed that most of the dishes in it were for blood.

Lian Feng: "..."

"Dad, Father Han is here, I will pick him up, lest he can't find his way."

Han Xu is often mocked by several other fathers—he is Lu Chi.

When he travels, he has luxury cars to pick him up. He keeps track of what he does. After a long time, he has no sense of direction.

So he will take two bodyguards wherever he goes. The role of a bodyguard is not to protect his personal safety, but to recognize the way ==

Lian Feng frowned. What he said to Han Xu was that Jiang Mian stayed with him and Han Xu left. But looking at Jiang Mian's actions, did he want the three to be together?

Lian Feng pinched his eyebrows, trying to say something, and swallowed back to Jiang Mian's cheerful smile.

Jiang Mian came to the entrance of the hospital. He didn't wait long and drove around in four circles.

Han Xu got out of the car and saw the pretty baby girl standing under the street lamp. He only felt that the exhaustion of working all day disappeared in an instant, and the anger brought to him by the idiots he met during the day also disappeared.

"Hungry, let's go, Dad will take you to eat delicious food." Holding his daughter's hand, the local tyrant frowned, "Why is it so cold? It's windy at night, don't catch a cold."

Speaking of preparing to take off her suit jacket, Jiang Mian hurriedly stopped. She was wearing a pink skirt and dressed in a custom suit made by a local tyrant, what it looked like.

"I'm not cold, Dad, didn't you promise me to go to the cafeteria to eat?"

Han Xu: "???"

When did he agree?

Jiang Mian took the local tyrant father's arm and dragged the dazed local tyrant into the hospital. The bodyguard wanted to follow. Jiang Mian made a gesture of staying in place.

The cafeteria was filled with patients and their families. The two bodyguards walked in in black, which was too noticeable.

Han Xu was very surprised when he saw Lian Feng sitting in a wheelchair.

Although he knew that Lian Feng was injured, since Lian Feng was able to find his daughter yesterday, indicating that the injury was not serious, he is now in a wheelchair.

Is this pretend? ! ——The first reaction that popped up in the head of the local tyrant father, which was immediately denied by him. With Lianfeng's temperament, it is impossible to pretend to be injured.

Then he saw the dishes on the table, his eyelids twitched, his eyes revealed a bit of disgust—the place where the local tyrants ate was at least five-star or above, and everything was beautifully presented, which made people extremely Have an appetite.

And the table before me...

His precious daughter actually did this for Lian Feng, the local tyrant father felt sour.

You can guess that Lian Feng was injured at work, but Han Xu also understood why his daughter had to accompany Lian Feng in the cafeteria.

He had no choice but to recognize it, and glanced at Lian Feng: "How can I make myself like this?"

Lian Feng said nothing, Han Xu snorted and ignored him lazily. Looking at Jiang Mian, the thought of abducting the baby girl in his heart grew stronger.

Jiang Mian waited for the two fathers to finish their "greets", and took the local tyrant father to a seat with a smile: "Dad, I just tasted these dishes. These dishes are delicious."

The local tyrants are used to eating delicacies from the mountains and the sea, and occasionally eat some common people, I believe they will like it.

Jiang Mian put a piece of fish meat for the local tyrant father, and put a piece of pork liver into the detective father's bowl.

Lian Feng: "..."

Han Xu: "..."

The two looked at each other-it was Han Xu's unilateral stare Lianfeng, who lowered his eyes, quietly eating his daughter's feed.

Han Xu hesitated to look at the fish in the bowl, and at first he saw that it was fried in low-quality... nothing more, he should make his baby girl happy.

The local tyrant father no longer hesitated.

After taking a bite, he found that the taste was unexpectedly good, not the "bad" taste he had imagined.

The chopsticks of the local tyrant quietly put the fish on the plate several times~

People in the past look at this table from time to time. The main reason is that this combination is a bit strange. In addition, the appearance of the three is higher than the ordinary appearance, which is very attractive.

Then one in a wheelchair, one in customized clothes, and one glance at the expensive ones.

A pink skirt, sitting between the two, for a while to pick up vegetables on the left, and for a while to the right, without speaking, it seemed very harmonious.

Half an hour later, the three of them finished eating. Jiang Mian pushed the detective father out. The local tyrant looked a little unhappy, and actively asked Ying: "Mianmian, let Dad come."

Lian Feng: "..."

After thinking about it, she gave the wheelchair to the local tyrant father.

She could see that the smell of gunpowder between the local tyrant father and the detective father was not strong, unlike with the Tianshi father, the two would pinch very badly when they met.

Since the local tyrant father and the criminal police father can get along peacefully, as a daughter, she naturally has the responsibility to make them more friendly.

"No." Lian Feng flatly refused.

Han Xu said coldly: "Nothing is needed, I'm here, you are not allowed to call sleep."

In this way, the detective father was pushed into the ward by the local tyrant father, who looked at the surrounding environment with critical eyes.

Jiang Mian helped the detective father to lie on the bed, it looked like Lian Feng was a crystal, and it broke with a knock.

Lian Feng suddenly grabbed Jiang Mian's hand: "Did you go to the doctor?"

Jiang Mian was not so careful about his attitude before.

"Of course I have to care about my father's injury." Since the detective father saw it, Jiang Mian no longer concealed it. "You have 13 stab wounds. The doctor said, you can't make any violent movements, Dad, I No matter how you get injured, you are not allowed to move randomly anyway."

Han Xu was taken aback: "...13 stab wounds?"

He vaguely sensed that the "work" in Lian Feng's "work injury" this time was not an ordinary "work."

No wonder it will disappear for up to two months.

He didn't want to care about a seriously injured patient, and frowned, "Have you hired a nurse?"

Jiang Mian shook his head.

The local tyrant took out his mobile phone to call the assistant and asked two nurses to come over. He was very skilled in this matter.

When everything was arranged, the local tyrant father said: "Mianmian, since your dad is injured, let him rest. We will not disturb him."

The implication: go, play with dad!

It happened that the door of the room was knocked suddenly, and then the doctors and nurses walked in - they were here to change the dressing of detective father.

Lian Feng said quietly, and said to Jiang Mian: "Go."

Jiang Mian wanted to look at the detective father's wounds. He focused on the doctors and nurses who came in to see the medicines in their hands, so he didn't notice the eye contact between the local tyrant father and the detective father.

The detective father glanced at the local tyrant father-take Mianmian away.

The local tyrant gave him a look back-OK, don't die.

The local tyrant took the lead withdrawing his gaze and holding the baby girl's shoulder: "Okay, let's go."

Jiang Mian waved to the detective father and exited the ward with the local tyrant father.

Without Lian Feng robbing his daughter, the local tyrant father was happy, and suddenly remembered something: "Mianmian, the cruise ship my father gave you, why didn't you take someone to play?"

Jiang Mian thought for two seconds before remembering that the local tyrant father gave her a luxury cruise ship.

After blinking her eyes, she was busy filming recently, and there was no time to go to the cruise ship, so she had to find a reason: "I can't find anyone to go with me. It's boring to go alone."

The local tyrant father felt a little distressed and said, "It just happens to have time tonight, let's go, my dad will take my little princess out on a cruise ship!"

The local tyrant is an actionist, and he was immediately arranged for him. Jiang Mian couldn't get in at all, and finally gave up altogether.

Forget it, listen to the local tyrant father's arrangement.

An hour later, Jiang Mian and Tuhao Dad arrived at the private bay where the cruise ship anchored.

Jiang Mian had only seen cruise ships in the photos before, but now when he sees the real one, there is only one feeling: too luxurious.

Then, she found a row of handsome men in uniforms standing on the deck of the cruise ship. After seeing her, these men bent over and shouted in unison: "Good evening, Miss."

The local tyrant nodded in satisfaction, and said to Jiang Mian, "Daddy ordered this from the sky on earth. See if you like it."

Jiang Mian: "...?"

Heaven and earth, why do you sound familiar?

The local tyrant looked at his daughter's expression, and said as if offering a treasure: "If you don't like it, dad will give you another batch."

He ordered several groups.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She remembered that heaven and earth is a male model club.