The local tyrant snapped his fingers, and the handsome guys on the deck stepped back very disappointed. Then the male model in a white uniform filed out from the other side. They divided into two rows and made an inviting action: "Miss, please come on. ferry."

Seeing that the baby girl still didn't respond, the local tyrant frowned and glanced at the male models. This batch seemed a bit tacky and didn't look very good, so he snapped his fingers and prepared to let the next batch come again.

"Dad!" Jiang Mian returned to his senses and took the hand of the local tyrant father. The villain in his heart had already obeyed the local tyrant father. She said dumbfounded, "It's okay."

The local tyrant said: "There are three more batches, or look at them all?"

Without waiting for Jiang Mian to reply, he said again: "Let's get on the boat first."

The wind is a bit strong, and he is afraid that his baby daughter will catch a cold, so he will talk about it after getting on the boat.

At this moment, the male model headed by a row of handsome men suddenly came out——

Heaven and Earth is very famous in the circle of the club. The male models in it have their own advantages and are very popular. Each has its own unique characteristics. In addition, there are two most common characteristics: handsome and good in shape.

The male model who came out could tell at a glance that he was much more handsome than the others.

In addition to his appearance, he has a particularly gentle temperament, like a young man with a scroll in his hand.

Under many gazes, he descended the cruise ship down the stairs, walked to Jiang Mian, and smiled politely at Jiang Mian. Then he stretched out his right hand and shook it behind Jiang Mian, and then there was a tender rose in his hand.

He bends slightly, like a little prince, handing the flower to Jiang Mian's eyes: "Little princess, I hope I can be your knight tonight."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Goose bumps all over.

The local tyrant took a look at the male model and got a little impression: "You are the top card...what's your name?"

Just as he could take the initiative to disembark, and then use magic to please Jiang Mian, it was enough to make local tyrant father look at him more.

The male model smiled softly, not caring about the "top card" Han Xu said, doing their job, often encountered this situation, has long been used to it.

Furthermore, since entering this business, you must understand that you are a commodity, and that the commodity is judged by customers, it is normal.

"Sir, my name is Xingran." He said naturally his stage name in the clubhouse.

The male models in the club will take stage names, and no one will use their real names in the place where they enter the water.

Han Xu nodded, and said to Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, this name is not bad, and long ones are fine, how about it?"

The hidden meaning of the local father: if the baby girl likes this, wrap him up, hold the baby girl in the palm of his hand every day, and let the baby girl enjoy the feeling of falling in love.

It doesn't matter whether you buy something like this with money, it doesn't matter whether the other party is really good for the baby girl because of the money. For the local tyrant, this is enough.

After Jiang Mian was injured, Han Xu never gave up this idea, but he was busy with work and rarely had time. Later, he went to the United States to deal with emergencies, even more so.

Today is a rare free time. He has to let his baby girl choose and choose. It doesn't matter if he doesn't like it. Take your time and don't worry.

Xingran still maintained the gentleman's bending over, and his warm and intoxicating eyes stared at Jiang Mian affectionately. There seemed to be thousands of stars hidden in it. It seemed that Jiang Mian was his unswerving lover.

For the local tyrant father's enthusiasm, Jiang Mian had to look at Xing Ran carefully.

It is worthy of being the top card, apart from other things, this looks and temperament, plus acting skills, spikes many small meats in the entertainment circle.

Jiang Mian took the rose: "Thank you."

A hint of surprise flashed across Xing Ran's eyes—he had received many guests, including men and women, and most of them flashed surprise in their eyes when they saw him.

Under normal circumstances, you will use your hands and feet against him, and look at him is different.

In the eyes of many customers, there is no dignity in doing their job. Spending money is the uncle, and he has to do whatever he wants. There is no way, because he is a "commodity".

But Jiang Mian didn't show any emotions in his eyes, as if he was just a beautiful and exquisite jewelry, just two glances.

Such a look is very impolite, but it is the most respected look they can receive in their industry.

It seems that this is a good waiter-Xing Ran thought.

The important thing is that Jiang Mian is so beautiful, so beautiful, even when he first saw him, his heart twitched gently. Such guests are unavoidable.

Jiang Mian didn't care what a male model thought. Seeing that the local tyrant father was about to make a golden sentence, he quickly took his arm and got on the boat.

She wants to take a good look at this luxurious cruise ship.

"Go, there is a ballroom on the boat. Dad will show you it."

The cruise ship is maintained by staff every day, so that the boss can use it immediately when it is needed.

When the local tyrant father arranged it before, the cruise ship staff received the news and quickly arranged the ballroom: adding some other decorations to the original luxury, so that the luxury is filled with atmosphere, and the atmosphere is filled with little girls. Playful-this is specially designed for Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian stepped in, and his eyes suddenly lit up-the crystal lamp above his head was too bright and flashed.

She unconsciously wanted to close her eyes, but she didn't want to go dark, a slender hand covered her eyes.

This hand is not owned by local tyrant father.

She raised her eyes slightly, and met Shang Xingran's smiling eyes.

Jiang Mian: "..."

A group of male models who followed her looked at Xing Ran with envy and jealousy, and they all complained: This guy is fast.

Some exquisite pastries and red wine were prepared in the ballroom. The local tyrant snapped his fingers, and the sound of music immediately sounded. He embraced Jiang Mian and sat down on the basket chair in the middle of the ballroom.

Immediately afterwards, the male models seemed to have received some instructions, suddenly took off their white uniform jackets, entered the ballroom and began to dance on the beat of the music, the dance was very wild, the shirt buttons half and half loose, revealing most of the attractive abdominal muscles.

While jumping, he did all kinds of tricks at Jiang Mian, trying to get Jiang Mian's attention - if ordinary people saw this scene, they would have already screamed excitedly.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian looked calmly, without any excitement, only a little smile on his face.

Xingran did not jump, but followed Jiang Mian. Han Xu noticed him and frowned, "Why don't you jump?"

Xingran is very good at talking: "Sir, as a knight of the little princess, you should follow her every step of the way."

The local tyrant is quite satisfied with this male model.

He looks good and looks good, although he is a little utilitarian, it is not objectionable.

As for what the other party thinks in his heart, Han Xu doesn't think deeply. Anyway, he spends money and the other party can spoil his daughter and make her happy.

He said: "You are a clever one."

I was about to continue giving "Amway" to my baby girl, but found that her daughter was a little bit distracted and didn't seem to like it.

The local tyrant frowned. He thought his daughter would like it. Did he think wrong?

Or is it that my baby girl is embarrassed because of him?

Contemplation flashed in the eyes of the local tyrant father, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was such a reason.

He decided to play with his baby girl for a while, and then set aside some time for his daughter to stay with them for a while and let her choose the one she liked.

He is usually too busy and must find someone to spoil his daughter.

"Dad." Han Xu said as soon as Jiang Mian said, "If you don't like it, dad asks them to change one."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian glanced at her and was very excited, and kept glaring at her male models. He held his forehead and immediately put his head on the shoulder of the tyrant father: "Dad, let them go, I just want to..."

Before he finished speaking, the local tyrant father's cell phone rang suddenly, and Jiang Mian had to stop talking.

Han Xu frowned and glanced at the caller ID. It was his assistant who called.

The assistant knows his temperament. He hates being interrupted by phone calls when he gets along with his daughter, unless it is important.

The local tyrant wanted to hang up, but after thinking about it, he was connected.

Jiang Mian couldn't hear what the person on the phone said to the local tyrant father, but she saw that the local tyrant father's face changed. When the local tyrant father hung up, she asked, "Dad, what happened?"

"There's something wrong with the company." Han Xu frowned, and anger flashed through his eyes. Finally, he had time to get along with his baby girl and asked him something, but he didn't show up.

Fortunately, he can't accompany his precious daughter, but there are male models in the heavens and earth, Han Xu also feels a bit of comfort.

"Dad, I'll go back with you."

How could Han Xu be willing to let his baby girl not be able to play because of his own business? He touched Jiang Mian's hair: "Mianmian, these male models are all for money, so let them play with you. Don't worry, they all After signing the agreement, if you dare to bully you, Dad will send him to the west!"

And besides the male models he ordered on the cruise ship, there are more staff and bodyguards, these are his people.

If Jiang Mian suffers a lot of harm, none of the people on the cruise ship can get rid of the relationship-they will only treat Jiang Mian as a baby, so how can they dare to move their minds.

So in terms of safety, the local tyrant is not worried at all.

After speaking, Han Xu left quickly--maybe after handling it, there is still time to return.

Jiang Mian watched his father throw her down and shook his head helplessly. The other three fathers didn't want her to fall in love casually. It would be nice if the local tyrant father came here as long as she was happy and not wronged. -Commonly known as spending money to buy happiness.

She could also let the male models leave, but it was the local tyrant father who paid a little—with the lavishness of the local tyrant father, the price must not be low.

If they were to leave like this, then they would be too easy to make money. Although the local tyrants are not short of money, they can't squander it so casually. It is the "hard-earned money" of the local tyrants.

But let her stay with these male models... Jiang Mian touched the goose bumps on her arm, after thinking about it, she called Tang An'an.

Tang Anan knows that Jiang Mian has something tonight, so he doesn't need to take care of Jiang Mian, and spends his leisure time in the hotel on Weibo.

At this moment, there are several mobile phones in front of her, each with a Weibo account, her hands are constantly flying, and she is typing—she is scolding those nonsense and rhythmic scolding Jiang Mian on Weibo.

After receiving Jiang Mian's call, she was shocked, her hand loosened, and the phone hit her face, making her grinning in pain.

"An'an, I have sent you a location. If it's okay, come and play."

Hanging up the phone, Tang An'an was silly for a moment, and for the first time he met the boss with an assistant to play with-which of the artists she had served before treated assistants as human beings?

The little boss was thinking about himself when he went out to play, Tang Anan was moved and quickly packed up and rushed to the location address Jiang Mian sent her.

At the same time, Chen Xueyi also received a call from Jiang Mian.

The girl was practicing yoga with a mask on, and when Jiang Mian invited her to play, she looked at the time, it was nine o'clock, and it was time to go out... she hesitated.

But after hesitating for a few seconds, she agreed.

Chen Xueyi has no friends in the circle. It is rare to encounter Jiang Mian who has such an appetite, and Jiang Mian has always been very good to her. The invitation from a friend is not enough to go.

After getting dressed and going out, I didn't expect to meet Yu Ran in the elevator.

Chen Xueyi and Jiang Mian are familiar, Yu Ran and Jiang Mian are familiar, but Chen Xueyi and Yu Ran are not very familiar.

She is a newcomer, and she is a senior in the circle. Although she is not tepid, but she has been in the company for many years, and she has a fixed group of diehard fans.

So her agent wanted her to bind Yu Ran to rub his heat, Chen Xueyi naturally refused. She and her agent were not very happy. When she saw Yu Ran, she would think of her agent and felt embarrassed.

"Are you going out to play?" Yu Ran asked politely, knowing that Chen Xueyi and Jiang Mian had a good relationship.

Chen Xueyi nodded without concealing it, and said openly: "Mianmian asked me to go out to play."

Speaking of Jiang Mian, Yu Ran smiled: "I wish you a good time."

"Thank you, Teacher Yu."

When she came to the first floor, Chen Xueyi saw Jiang Mian's assistant beckoning to herself. After a conversation, she understood that Jiang Mian had called the two of them to go together, so they took a taxi together.

When they arrived at their destination, under the guidance of the bodyguard, their eyes straightened when they saw the cruise ship.

Jiang Mian actually called them to play on a luxury cruise ship at night, it was simply too extravagant! !

When they saw the handsome male model slipped, their legs softened and they almost knelt.

"Mianmian, what's going on?" Chen Xueyi wiped her eyes, "This, this won't break the law, right."

A male model smiled at Chen Xueyi, and she shivered.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She looked at the frightened two women, and clapped her hands: "I asked you to come here to play. What are you afraid of? Let's play with them boldly."

The male models knew that the newcomers Tang Anan and Chen Xueyi were Jiang Mian’s friends, and they enthusiastically gathered around—they wanted to get in front of Jiang Mian before, but Jiang Mian refused directly. Don’t let them disturb her. Those who are also interested no longer come together.

The male models thoughtfully looked for topics to chat, and quickly eased the tension and anxiety of Tang Anan and Chen Xueyi.

Tang An'an never dreamed that one day she would be surrounded by a group of handsome guys, instantly giving her the feeling of being a heroine.

It's so dreamy!

Chen Xueyi was very calm, but her footsteps were a little erratic.

Finally, under the mobilization of the male model, everyone played the game and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Seeing that the two of them had been integrated into the game, Jiang Mian smiled and looked back.

She has no friends, and the familiar girls around are Tang An'an and Chen Xueyi. It would be nice to call them over to relax.

"You don't have to follow me, go and play with them, I don't restrict your activities." Jiang Mian said to Xing Ran, who has been following her.

She has made it clear that she does not need to accompany, but Xingran still follows her, but the distance between him and him is very particular, not far or close, which will make her notice him without annoying her.

It is worthy of being the top card, and it is quite good to grasp it.

"Little princess..." Xingran said.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Stop." Jiang Mian said, "You can call me Miss Jiang."

Xing Ran changed his words with fascination and said, "Miss Jiang, you don't seem to like the excitement."

Jiang Mian was noncommittal.

The male models in the club are all professionally trained. In addition to face and figure, chat skills are also very important.

Some people who go to the club just simply want to talk. These male models will go through certain entry points to help the guests relieve their unhappiness and decompress them.

Xingran has been following Jiang Mian, trying to find an entry point into the conversation several times, but without success. Since he has taken a lot of money, he has to "work".

Otherwise, he didn't do anything and took the money for nothing, which is not reliable in his hands.

Moreover, Jiang Mian is the first such beautiful customer he has encountered since he entered the industry. She has no malice towards them, which really makes people feel good.

It's a pity to miss such a superb guest.

He looked at Jiang Mian's expression, decided not to wait any longer, stepped forward slowly, and reached out to hold the girl's slender waist, with a seemingly temptation in his voice: "Miss Jiang, let's go to a quiet place."