As the top card in the sky on earth, Xingran has been able to stand as the top card and has paid a lot of sweat.

From the very beginning when the guests selected him, to the present-ordinary guests are not qualified to order him.

At the same time, he also has the right to refuse to serve certain customers.

Today’s Xingran was originally ordered by a guest, but because the local tyrant was generous and the manager clearly stated that no one was eligible to refuse this time, so even if Xingran had already ordered a guest, he came with him. .

The reason why he is so active and enthusiastic about Jiang Mian is that Jiang Mian is so beautiful, Jiang Mian is not malicious to him, Jiang Mian has no idea about him, and he likes Jiang Mian as a guest.

The original guest Xing Randing, he didn't want to go, but had to go. Tyrant father ordered male models including him, which is equivalent to letting him escape.

Although they can't hide from each other sooner or later, people sometimes change their minds a lot at a certain stage. Because of this episode, Xingran is a little grateful to Jiang Mian.

After getting along with Jiang Mian for a while, this gratitude turned into good feelings and liking after a little understanding of her character.

He didn't want to miss it, he wanted to simply make her happy.

When she is happy, he is happy. Anyway, everyone is just having fun.

Therefore, he took the initiative to attack. He still knew some of his methods very well, but didn't want the methods he was proud of. Jiang Mian had no effect at first.

Jiang Mian strangled his restless hand, raised his eyes to look at him, smiling very delicately: "I don't like strangers touching me."

Xingran only felt a numbness from the wrist held by the girl's white tender fingers, and this numbness extended from the wrist, causing his entire right hand to lose all power for a moment.

Her eyes are beautiful, but although she is smiling at him, there is a faint warning in her eyes.

He didn't hesitate to believe that if he didn't know the practice, he would be miserable next.

This is an intuition.

"I'm sorry." His eyes were full of apologetics, "I passed."

Jiang Mian stared at him for two seconds, lazily guessing if the other party was really apologetic, as long as the other party knew what was going on.

She let go of Xingran's hand, motioned not to follow, and went to play with them.

"Let me accompany you." Xingran asked with a few points, and put his hands behind his back, "If I move your hands and feet again, you will let the bodyguard interrupt my hands."

He knows how to observe words and colors, Jiang Mian has already felt displeased with him, and smart people should understand what it means to be enough.

But he still wants to stay with Jiang Mian for a while, and there will probably be no chance in the future.

This sentence seemed very sincere. Jiang Mian glanced at him: "What do I want your hands to do."

Since the other party doesn't want to "seduce" her anymore, and the length is good, just put a pot of beautiful flowers in front of your eyes for appreciation.

She asked: "You can do magic?"

Xing Ran nodded: "I know a little bit."

As he said, he took a piece of red cloth from the counter next to the bed and put it on his hand, and asked Jiang Mian solemnly: "Miss Jiang, what do you want most at this moment?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

Xingran saw the speechlessness in her eyes, and stopped selling the seal, opened the red cloth, and a crystal crown of exquisite workmanship appeared in his hand.

Jiang Mian: "?"

A bit of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she had a bit of ability to hide from her eyes.

Xing Ran said: "This was prepared by the first life person, the husband said, he should have given it to you, but it was too late. When he leaves, I will give it to you."

It turned out to be a surprise prepared by the local tyrant father, Jiang Mian's heart warmed.

"Can I wear it for you?" Xingran's eyes were expectant and nervous, as if waiting for the answer from his beloved.

Acting all the time is deeply affectionate and too dedicated-looking at the face of the rich father, Jiang Mian nodded.

Xingran put the crown on Jiang Mian's head and looked at the girl's delicate face under the light. The heart in his chest suddenly jumped violently.

"Miss Jiang, you wear this crown like a real princess." He couldn't tell whether this was a false compliment or the most true compliment in his heart.

I just felt that the girl in front of me was radiating light, and the light was so warm that he wanted to get closer unconsciously.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She picked up a glass of red wine next to her and took a sip: "I want to ask you a question. You have such a good look. Whatever you do, why should you be a male model?"

If Xing Ran wants to make money, with his face, enter the entertainment circle like Lin Xueyi, isn't it also a way?

Xingran hesitated for a while, looked down, and then said, "It's probably fate."

This must be a hidden secret, since the other party didn't want to talk, Jiang Mian didn't have the interest to break the casserole and ask the end.

Jiang Mian took a selfie of herself wearing a crown with her mobile phone and sent it to the local tyrant father: [Thank you Dad, the crown is beautiful, I like it very much. 】

Han Xu was furious about what had happened, swearing at him, all the senior executives of the company fell silent and did not dare to breathe in the face of his anger.

"I paid a high price to invite you, not for you to eat dry food! You have a high salary, but if you don't get me to get things done, you will give me a poke, I..."

When he was furious, the phone dinged-he subconsciously glanced at the screen of the phone, and the screen showed a message from his baby girl.

The anger on Han Xu's face was stagnant, and he stared fiercely at the so-called professional elites present, took a deep breath, picked up the phone and opened it, and saw the baby girl wearing the crown, the corner of his mouth subconsciously raised.

This crown was auctioned by local tyrant father from a foreign auction house-it was the dowry of a princess.

The starting price was 50 million, and Han Xu spent 100 million in the end.

When he saw the photo, he felt that his daughter was wearing it beautifully, as expected.

Seeing his beautiful daughter, Han Xu's anger rising in his heart seemed to have been extinguished by a basin of water. He looked at these people in front of him and said calmly: "Say, what can you do to remedy it? I'll listen. ."

All the high-level officials saw the angry boss become docile within a few seconds. Just because they received a WeChat message, it must have been sent by a very important person.

All the curious ones were going to die, but they could only pretend that they didn't see anything.

At the same time, I couldn't help being grateful to the unknown person who sent WeChat. It was he who saved them.

Jiang Mian didn't know that the local tyrant father was angry when she sent the message, nor did he know that the crystal crown on his head was worth 100 million. Seeing that the local tyrant did not reply, she knew he was busy and didn't care.

After thinking about it, she sent the photos to the actor father and the detective father separately.

As for Master Tian-his phone can't receive photos ==

As a result, the two fathers did not reply, Jiang Mian: "..."

She had no choice but to put down the phone in regret.

"Mianmian, come and play." Chen Xueyi played a round of games, and finally awake a lot from the beauty. Thinking of Jiang Mian, she looked around and saw her here, Ding Ding Dong Dong ran over.

She subconsciously turned her gaze to Xingran, and had always noticed him, because Xingran had been with Jiang Mian all the time, and her appearance was so good, it was hard not to let anyone notice.

After two glances, Chen Xueyi's eyes showed a strange look.

I didn't take a closer look before, but the more I look now, the more I see this person is a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

"Do you know him?" Jiang Mian noticed her expression.

Xingran noticed it too, and smiled softly: "Does Miss Chen know me?"

He was sure that he had never seen Chen Xueyi.

However, he is the top card in the world. Chen Xueyi has seen pictures of him from others, and it is not unusual to know him, not surprising.

Chen Xueyi couldn't remember where she had seen it for the time being, so she shook her head. She smiled and pulled Jiang Mian into the game circle: "Since you called me and An An over to play, let's play together. What are you hiding here? ,go."

Jiang Mian did not refuse.

It wasn't until almost twelve o'clock in the game that Jiang Mian let these male models evacuate.

Xingran looked at Jiang Mian silently: "Miss Jiang, goodbye."

He wanted to add Jiang Mian's WeChat account, but he couldn't say it. In Jiang Mian's eyes, he was just a male model.

"Goodbye." Chen Xueyi and Tang An'an enthusiastically waved goodbye to the male models.

For some reason, Xing Ran suddenly walked to Jiang Mian and said impulsively: "Miss Jiang, my name is Ran Xi, this is my real name."

After speaking, I felt a little impulsive, but I didn't regret it. I didn't dare to see Jiang Mian's reaction and turned to the car that came with my colleague.

Ran Xi... Thoughts flashed in Jiang Mian's eyes, as if he had heard this name somewhere.

After that, Jiang Mian asked the bodyguard to send the three of them back to the hotel—he had to film tomorrow.

"Ah, I remember." On the way back, Chen Xueyi suddenly said, shocking both Jiang Mian and Tang An'an.

"Mianmian, the top card named Xingran, I saw him on a director's family portrait before." Chen Xueyi said, "I was absolutely right."

The director of Chen Xueyi's mouth is Wan Qiankun. This director is quite famous in the circle, and he has filmed several martial arts dramas that are regarded as classics by everyone.

But now the martial arts dramas are not very in line with the taste of the public. Gradually, few people shoot pure martial arts. After Wan Qiankun directed several urban dramas, the response was mediocre.

Tang An'an was the first to ask his incomprehension: "If it was Wandao's family, how could he be a male model?"

As a director, Wan Qiankun certainly won't be short of money at home, so that doesn't make sense.

Being able to become a male model voluntarily is all about making money easily with a good appearance.

If there is money in the family, it is not good to do something casually.

"Could it be possible that he went to the heaven and earth to experience all kinds of life?" Chen Xueyi guessed.

Tang An'an and Chen Xueyi are about the same age. They didn't know each other well before, but they got acquainted tonight-sometimes girls' feelings are so strange.

The two of them looked gossip and looked at Jiang Mian together.

"No matter what his identity is, it has nothing to do with us." Jiang Mian yawned, "I'm sleepy, remember to wake me up when you arrive."

Speaking, level the seat, lie on it and close your eyes.

Tang An'an and Chen Xueyi subconsciously silenced, and did not dare to gossip for fear of disturbing her.

Jiang Mian closed his eyes, actually sorting out some plots in the book. These plots are about a young man named "Ran Xi".

Jiang Mian did not expect that the local tyrant father ordered a few batches of male models from heaven and earth, among which the top card was actually an important role in the middle and later stages of the book.

This person, Ran Xi, will turn the entertainment industry upside down for a certain period of time in the future. He exposes many dirty transactions in the industry and offends many people.

After that, he personally killed his biological father Wan Qiankun and went to prison.

In prison, he stayed with some serious prisoners, killed one of the rapists who sexually assaulted children, and finally committed suicide in prison.

The reason why his role is so heavy is because the things he exposed involve Guan Xin, and a lot of black water on the Internet splashes on Guan Xin. In order to restore Guan Xin's innocence, Gu Qiwen confronted him with Shen Shiqing.

As for why the author of the original book wrote this kind of plot, he probably just wanted to prove from the side how much Gu Qiwen loves Guan Xin and how desperately Guan Xin can be, and then promote the plot between Gu Qiwen and Shen Shiqing.

In short, Ran Xi's role is miserable, no less miserable than the original owner.

The book does not say about the entanglement between Ran Xi and his father Wan Qiankun.

Perhaps Ran Xi didn't enter the entertainment industry, but entered the heaven and earth as a male model. This matter has nothing to do with his father-otherwise Ran Xi would not make the act of killing his father.

Jiang Mian's impression of Ran Xi is not bad or not. To her, both Ran Xi and Xing Ran are strangers.

Only four dads can get her heart.

So she quickly left these plots behind.

When I returned to the hotel, Tang An’an Chen Xueyi’s room was on the same floor, and the elevator arrived, and Chen Xueyi suddenly said, "Mian, thank you tonight."

She hugged Jiang Mian, then turned and ran away a little shy.

Tang Anan laughed loudly and waved to Jiang Mian-she decided to go back and update her Weibo account quietly on what happened tonight, and take a look at it from time to time!

As soon as Jiang Mian got out of the elevator, he saw Tian Shida sitting at the door of his room from a distance, turning a Rubik's Cube in his hand, all three sides were put together, and only the last side was left.

"Dad?" Jiang Mian approached, very surprised, "Why are you sitting here?!"

"Mianmian!" Zuo Xingping raised his head and saw Jiang Mian, his face suddenly smiled, "I'm waiting for you to come back."

It was past 11 o'clock when Zuo Xingping returned to the room. He had received a message from Jiang Mian, saying that he would not be coming back for something tonight, so he ordered a meal and asked him to go back to the hotel to eat.

When he came back, he found that the baby girl hadn't come back, and he would go out only when she knew that she had something to do. So he didn't call to inquire, and he was fine either, so he sat at the door and waited for his daughter.

The Rubik's Cube in his hand was taken from Qin Jingrun's car last time, and he went along when he left.

Jiang Mian didn't expect that the Heavenly Master had been waiting for him to come back. He had known that she would have come back earlier.

Master Tian noticed the crown on her head and immediately understood where Jiang Mian had gone tonight. He was a little bit sour: "Han Xu gave you right?"

Only Han Xu would buy Jiang Mian such a shiny princess.

Both the local tyrant father and the actor father are not short of money. The local tyrant father raises his daughter as a princess, and the actor father raises his daughter as a baby.

Tyrant fathers like to give their daughters all kinds of shining and luxurious gifts, while movie king fathers like to give their daughters all kinds of cute gifts.

Tianshi father and detective father are actually more inclined to the latter, in their hearts-their daughter is always a small baby who will never grow up.

Therefore, Tianshifu can infer that the baby girl is staying with Han Xu tonight.

When he thinks of Han Xu, he thinks of the bicycle that broke the chain halfway last time.

Han Xu cheated him every time, and some day he really annoyed him, drawing a villain to pin him!

Jiang Mian took the Rubik's Cube in Master Tian's hand and entered the room with him. Zuo Xing had originally thought that it was already late and the baby girl should go back to sleep.

As a result, he saw that the Rubik's Cube, which he had recovered, was quickly restored with the skill of the baby girl.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

Regardless of the question of whether or not to sleep, the heavenly master's thirst for knowledge was soaring and asked how Jiang Mian did it-he had other ways to restore the Rubik's Cube, but he felt that there was no soul and wanted to do it himself.

However, it's always so bad.

So the father and daughter nestled on the sofa in the room, Jiang Mian patiently taught the heavenly master that there is a formula to restore the Rubik's Cube, and you can know how to restore it through the calculation of the formula.

At the end of the teaching, the father and daughter huddled side by side on the sofa and fell asleep~

The air conditioner in the room is a bit low, and there is no quilt on the two of them.

A few minutes later, a large group of small paper figures began to emerge from the robes of the heavenly master. They stretched their bodies, walked to the bed lightly, and worked together to lift the quilt on the bed, and then intimately covered the quilt on the father and daughter.

Cover the head together.

The little paper people who didn't feel anything was wrong completed the task and got back into the robes.

So the next morning, Jiang Mian was woken up ==