"Did you have a good time last night?" After the play with Yu Ran, the two chatted a few words, and Yu Ran suddenly asked with a smile.

Jiang Mian: "?"

How did Yu Ran know that she went to play last night?

Seeing her doubts, Yu Ran explained: "I ran into Teacher Chen in the elevator last night."

Jiang Mian understood, she smiled and said, "Not bad."

Tang Anan couldn't help saying: "It's super good."

She had several dreams last night-and on the cruise ship, a male model chatted with her very well. The two added WeChat to each other, and they chatted for a while after returning to the hotel.

Although I know that this is a professional habit, it does not prevent her from being happy.

Yu Ran: "?"

Then, he saw the little girl and the assistant in front of him and smiled at each other, full of tacit understanding.

Yu Ran smiled and joked: "Next time you go out to play, you can also call me. I haven't been to play in a long time."

"That won't work, you are a big star and you will be recognized." Jiang Mian teased him by the way when he heard that he was joking.

Tang An'an covered her mouth and snickered, brain filling the picture of Teacher Yu being surrounded by male models--poof.

"If a big star is like me, then you can't cry to death." Yu Ran Yu Guang noticed Tang An'an's expression, and became more curious in his heart.

But he also understands that joking is a joke, and it would be too ignorant to really follow up.

"Teacher Yu, I'm bothering you, I have a question to ask you." The two were talking, suddenly a voice intervened-it was Guan Xin.

She didn't know when she came over and ignored Jiang Mian.

Yu Ran frowned without leaving a trace, feeling a little unhappy in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face: "Just tell me."

Guan Xin glanced at him timidly, and asked cautiously: "Can I ask you to come and talk?"

When she spoke, she pulled the corners of her clothes nervously, using this little gesture to express her cramps and anxiety.

When most men see this, they will subconsciously pity.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian didn't intend to pay attention to her, but seeing Guan Xin's actions and ignoring her behavior, it was clear that she was here to respond.

That being the case, if she should not go back, she would appear to be too gentle.

Jiang Mian rubbed his eyes lightly, tilted his head, and said to Tang An'an very puzzled: "An'an, I didn't sleep well last night, and my eyes were not very good. You can help me see, who is the lady talking? "

Tang Anan said very cooperatively: "Mianmian, it's Teacher Guan."

"It turned out to be Teacher Guan." Jiang Mian gave a long oh, and she smiled and said to Yu Ran, "Mr. Yu, you are so sorry to hear the frightened voice of Teacher Guan, this little rabbit. You were too harsh in the rivalry scene with Teacher Guan, scared her?"

Politeness and respect and cowardice are two completely different emotions. If Guan Xin's tone is generous, it won't make people think too much.

This is also the reason why Yu Ran was a little unpleasant just now. Guan Xin showed timidity and cautiousness, as if Yu Ran bullied her, making her tremble like this.

Yu Ran looked at Guan Xin, and said politely: "Maybe there is a little harshness in the play, Miss Guan, you don't have to be so afraid of me... If you accidentally scare you in the play, sorry."

Guan Xin's expression stagnated.

She did not expect that her request, after Jiang Mian's interpretation, made her afraid of Yu Ran, and even vaguely blamed Yu Ran.

She did have a question to ask Yu Ran, but after looking for it on the spot, she saw that Yu Ran had been talking with Jiang Mian.

She could actually wait for Yu Ran to finish talking with Jiang Mian before coming over to invite, but seeing the two laughing at Yan Yan, she remembered Shen Shiqing's indifference to her, and Gu Qiwen thought about the suspicion that arose between her and Shen Shiqing, the more anger in her heart More prosperous.

So I couldn't hold back coming over, and wanted to leave Yu Ran in front of Jiang Mian to kill her power.

"Teacher Yu, I..." Guan Xin wanted to explain that she didn't mean that.

Yu Ran didn't give her this opportunity. Even though he felt a little unhappy, he still smiled gently: "If you have anything, just ask here."

"Yeah, there are so many people here, everyone is watching." Jiang Mian said, "Otherwise, there is a news that Teacher Yu is bullying newcomers by virtue of his predecessor status... The media is accustomed to crawling and talking nonsense, Teacher Yu You might be a hot search."

"I would rather not have such a hot search." Yu Ran shook his head and laughed, looking "scared".

Guan Xin's face turned red and white. She really didn't understand why Yu Ran would help Jiang Mian to speak. Usually, she didn't see any intersection between the two, just because Jiang Mian was the heroine?

Taking a deep breath, Guan Xin wanted to turn around and leave. However, she just said that there is a problem and ask Yu Ran for advice. Wouldn't she offend Yu Ran if she turned and left now?

In the end, she clenched her palms, calmed herself down, and was not affected by Jiang Mian: "Teacher Yu, wait for me to have two scenes with you. Just now when I was watching the script, I felt that there was a dialogue in these two scenes. There seems to be something wrong, but I can't figure it out, so I want you to see it."

When it comes to drama, Yu Ran is much more serious. Professional actors are - regardless of whether the actors and actors are in harmony or not, "drama" is above all else.

"Teacher Yu, Teacher Guan, then I won't bother you." Jiang Mian smiled and walked to the other side.

It was in contrast to Guan Xin's approach to find Yu Ran but ignoring Jiang Mian.

The heroine of other people will greet you, the second female lead, but the second female lead directly ignores the heroine... This scene is seen by many people.

A staff member likes Jiang Mian very much-he can't eat people with a soft mouth, very uncomfortable.

In the end, it was difficult to calmly post a circle of friends: [The female number two of our crew is really amazing, and I love the female one, tut, it is different that there is a gold master behind it. 】

As a result, I don’t know who took the screenshots and broke the news to a certain entertainment big V, without specifying which crew it was, only the initials were substituted.

This situation is wide-ranging. When the big v sends out the news, netizens quickly watched and guessed which crew "qcwy" was.

During this time period, many of the first letters of the crew were composed of these letters.

As soon as the news came out, several crews were named in an instant, especially the female second in one of the crews was recognized as a gold master in the circle, leading most people to think that the female second in the news was the female artist.

Therefore, even if "The Shallot Story" is picked up by netizens, each of them analyzes the truth, and Guan Xin's name is also popular, but without a real hammer, there is no splash.

Jiang Mian still knew the news on the Internet when she saw someone in a private message asking her whether the second woman who was bullying the first woman was Guan Xin with the gold master behind her.

Jiang Mian didn't have many scenes yesterday, but today's scenes are very full. There is still a night scene in the evening, and there is almost no time to play with mobile phones.

She ignored these private messages, poked into the hot search and took a look, and saw that many people were in the connotation Guan Xin. There was no denying that she felt a little more parted~

Waiting to play with Guan Xin at night, seeing that the other person's face was much paler than during the day, Jiang Mian asked with concern: "Teacher Guan, your face doesn't look pretty, it's not related to the hot search on the Internet."

Guan Xin: "..."

Just as Yu Ran came over, Jiang Mianyang raised his voice: "Teacher Yu, you said it was a coincidence. During the day, I was still saying that you might have been on the hot search because of Teacher Guan, but I did not expect that Teacher Guan himself would be on the hot search. "

Yu Ran didn't know about Guan Xin's hot search, but it was a coincidence to hear Jiang Mian say this, and it was a nod of the following consciousness.

Seeing Guan Xin's increasingly stiff face, Jiang Mian's smile became sweeter. She said in the voice of someone who came here: "Teacher Guan, it's a good thing to go on hot search. It can increase a lot of fans."

Everyone in the crew knows that since Jiang Mian opened Weibo, he had two consecutive hot searches because of Qin Jingrun's accident. Now Weibo fans have broken through one million-a newcomer, there is such a high popularity before the filming of the movie is complete, enough It's enviable.

But what she said is right. Hot search is indeed a good thing, and the popularity of attention can be increased. Guan Xin can't refute, she can only hold back, her face is very wonderful.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Mian went to the talk show with satisfaction~

At eight o'clock in the evening, Jiang Mian called Tian Shi Daddy, but the latter did not answer, so she sent a message for Tian Shi Daddy to go back to the hotel for dinner, without waiting for her to come back at night.

Although knowing that the two guards hired by the local tyrant father took good care of the detective father, Jiang Mian was still a little worried. Since it was not too late after work, she took a taxi to the Armed Police Hospital.

After waiting, I found a stranger standing at the door of the ward with a straight back. Seeing Jiang Mian approaching, he locked her eyes sharply.

Not like a bodyguard, but like a guard.

Is it a colleague of detective father?

"Who are you?" This man was indeed a guard, and he was following Chen Ju. He saw Jiang Mian coming straight and asked.

Jiang Mian pointed to the door and said skillfully: "I am the patient's family living inside."

Astonishment appeared in the guard's eyes, he looked at Jiang Mian carefully.

Such a beautiful girl, claiming to be a family member of the company... He remembered that Chen Ju asked if his company had a target the night before, and he vowed no.

just now?

He was in a daze, Jiang Mian had already opened the door.

"Eh, you can't..." The guard hurriedly said, but he was a step late.

Jiang Mian had already entered the ward. There were five people in the ward, including Lian Feng who was lying on the bed. Five pairs of eyes were looking towards Jiang Mian.

The Chen Bureau of the Provincial Bureau, the Sub Bureau of the Municipal Bureau, Li Zeliang, the head of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Provincial Bureau, and He Ming, an expert in psychological profiling.

The night before yesterday, Chen Ju brought a murder case, but the murderer has not been caught. In the past few days, new victims have appeared. In desperation, he had to find the injured Lian Feng.

After understanding all the situation, Lian Feng proposed a few detection points, but he found no clue, so he came to visit tonight.

In this case, it is best to follow up the whole process, and it is easiest to grasp important clues. However, even the forward is injured and cannot move around at will. He can only be a consultant.

While discussing, Jiang Mian pushed in and cast his gaze subconsciously.

Jiang Mian was watched every day on the set. He was used to this kind of gaze for a long time. Seeing everyone looking at her, in order not to shame the detective father, he greeted everyone with special warmth: "Good evening."

Lian Feng lowered his head to cover the flash of smile in his eyes.

The remaining four: "..."

Who is this girl?

The guard hurriedly said: "Company, this girl said it was your family..."

Lian Feng hummed softly: "Come here."

The guard thought: It's really a family member.

He knew there was no place to speak for himself, and silently exited the ward.

"Company, this..." Li Zeliang frowned, regardless of family members. They are now discussing the case and letting people who don't know how to enter, it's not good.

Chen Ju's eyes fell on Jiang Mian.

After my daughter came back last night, her face was depressed, her eyes flushed, and she cried for a long time.

Chen Ju knew that she had made chicken soup and went to see Lian Feng, and he was very happy about it.

It stands to reason that Chen Yubing should come back happily. Why was he so sad when he returned?

Worried about what was wrong with Chen Yubing, Chen Ju immediately put aside the matter at hand, and after repeated questioning, he understood what was going on.

"Impossible, Lian Feng has no target, I will inquire for you." After hearing what Chen Yubing said, Chen Ju said flatly.

"Furthermore, how can you kill a little girl based on his personality?" Chen Ju analyzed for Chen Yubing. "You said that girl is only 18 years old and is the daughter of a friend of Lian Feng. There is not only a difference in age between the two , It's still a generation away."

It is absolutely impossible for a man like Lian Feng to violate the most basic ethics. A girl who can be his daughter, if he really dares to start, then it is not Lian Feng.

Chen Yubing felt much better: "Dad, do you also think that Lian Feng used that little girl to reject me on purpose?"

Chen Ju nodded: "Lian Feng once told me that he didn't want to find someone because his job was dangerous and couldn't harm other girls. To be honest, I didn't want to match the two of you at first, he was right."

As a criminal police officer, he leaves early and returns late. There is no stable vacation. The salary is not high. The masses of the people will always rank first, and there is very little time to spend with their families.

In particular, there will be various field tasks, and sometimes confidential tasks. None of these tasks is simple. Pin your head to your belt at any time.

Such a profession is respected, but if there is a partner in marriage, the target will suffer a lot of suffering that should not be followed.


Chen Ju chuckled, "Look at it, you just turned your elbow out of the way before you stroke the horoscope."

Chen Yubing's face blushed. When he thought of Jiang Mian, who was more beautiful than himself and younger than himself, Lian Feng was so gentle to her, and his heart was sad again: "But, what if it's true."

"Believe Dad, it is absolutely impossible to be true." Chen Ju said very confidently, "If the girl is about the same age as you, it is still possible."

He patted Chen Yubing's hand, sighed, and said, "But Bingbing, since Lian Feng uses this method just to refuse you, I think he is determined not to look for it. Or else it counts. Come on, you are so good, you can find something better than him."

Although he admires Lian Feng and wants him to be his son-in-law, the twisted melon is not sweet. If the opponent is really unwilling, it's boring to drag him.

"No, Dad, I recognize him." Chen Yubing said firmly, "As long as he doesn't have anyone he likes, then I have a chance."

She suddenly thought: "He rejected me in this way, but he didn't want me to be too sad, indicating that he has me in his heart and I can't give up."

The more I thought about it, the more I felt like this, Chen Yubing gained a little more confidence in his heart.

"Dad, the little girl is named Jiang Mian, can you help me look up her information, okay?" She begged Chen Ju. She wanted to know who Jiang Mian's father was and what was the relationship between her father and Lian Feng.

Regardless of what Jiang Mian said, after she grows up, the news that Lian Feng married her is true, she must understand clearly-if it is true, she will not believe in Jiang Mian’s father, and hope her daughter will marry My good friend.

Chen Ju frowned. He is the leader of a bureau. If you want to check a person's information, it is naturally easy to find. But just because he is a game leader, some privileges cannot be used indiscriminately.

But in the face of his daughter's request, Chen Ju couldn't refuse, let alone check some background information, so he agreed to Chen Yubing.

This investigation revealed that the basic information about Jiang Mian in the internal system showed that the girl’s parent column was empty, that is, the girl was an orphan.

Chen Ju came to Lian Feng because of the case and had not told Chen Yubing the news. He saw Jiang Mian at this moment and immediately matched the girl with the little girl her daughter was talking about.

Then he looked at Jiang Mian's gaze a little.

As soon as Jiang Mian entered the door, he felt pressure from his gaze, his gaze turned slightly, facing Chen Ju's gaze, and smiling at him.

Chen Bureau: "..."

Chen Ju was dazzled by this smile.

Oh, this girl is so beautiful, what if Lian Feng is really waiting for her to grow up?