After Lian Feng woke up, he instantly realized that he had been forced to faint. He first looked at Jiang Mian and smiled comfortingly at her: "I'm fine."

Then his gaze turned to Zuo Xingping and Qi Yanshu. The act of "stun him" must have come from these two people. Zuo Xingping didn't have that skill... Finally, Lian Feng's gaze was fixed on Qi Yanshu.

Zuo Xingping was also convinced. Even so, he even said to the baby girl that it was okay. Do you really think that you can hide her baby girl?

I'm all done with myself!

"Don't pretend." Tianshi Daddy couldn't help but said, "We all know your situation."

After speaking, he said angrily: "What are you doing with this kind of thing, if something happens, you let Mian Mian..."

Feeling unlucky again, he hurriedly shut his mouth: "In short, you should quickly explain what happened to you during this period, so as to solve the Gu in your body."

Lian Feng's eyes changed, and his eyebrows were twisted instantly.

Jiang Mian had been looking at the detective father, and when he saw it, his heart moved. The expression of the detective father clearly knew that he had been caught.

"Dad." Jiang Mian sat on the edge of the bed, holding his arm, "What the **** happened? Who instigated you?"

"Uncle Qi can solve Gu, but he needs to know what Gu is in you before he can solve it for you."

Lian Feng's pupils shrank suddenly. After a while, he touched his daughter's smooth hair and hesitated, "Mianmian, are you not afraid?"

"Scared." Jiang Mian put his head on his shoulder and whispered, "I'm afraid that something will happen to my father and I will never see my father again."

The detective father said solemnly: "Sorry, I scared you."

"As long as Dad can get better." Jiang Mian shook his head and complained a little bit, "Dad, I know you don't want me to worry, so I don’t want to hide my injury, that’s fine. As long as the trauma is kept, there will always be Raise well, but how can you keep hiding things like Zhonggu?"

Lian Feng paused: "Even if you say something like this, a few people will believe it."

That's why he didn't mention it at all.

"I believe it, and Dad Zuo will believe it too." Jiang Mian looked at him, "If it wasn't for Uncle Qi's presence this time, I just found out, Dad, are you going to keep it from us?"

Lian Feng didn't speak. After a while, he said, "The reason why I got Gu is because I asked others to attack me."

Jiang Mian's answer was unexpected, and her brows wrinkled.

Master Tian pinched his fingertips, trying to figure out for Lian Feng, if something went wrong in his mind, he would be able to ask others to guilty himself.

By now, Lian Feng knew that if some things were not clear, he couldn't understand this Gu-he would naturally hope that he could solve Gu.

It's just that this matter involved the undercover mission he performed. After thinking about it, Lian Feng had no choice but to tell the story briefly.

The drug trade has always been cleaned up. In many cases, after a small den is cleared, new dens will appear after a short while.

Like criminals, different people commit crimes every day.

Lian Feng has been staring at the drug lord Zhong Wuli for three years, but has been unable to find important evidence.

Zhong Wuli's whereabouts are extremely hidden. If you want to find him, you have to find where he is hiding first so that you can get close to him.

In the end, Lian Feng decided to try his best and sneak into the drug group as an undercover agent.

In the past, there were also police officers who sneaked in, but they were often discovered for various reasons before they even reached the top. They have sacrificed many young policemen.

Even if he escaped by chance, he became addicted to drugs, and he is still in the drug rehabilitation center.

If you want to enter a drug gang, the most basic one is to touch drugs.

The people inside will try newcomers, but are also afraid of encountering slivers.

It took Lian Feng a month to successfully break himself into the top and learn about Zhong Wuli's lair-in a very hidden small village in Miaojiang, the entire village was from Zhong Wuli.

The drugs they sell to the outside world are all produced here, and the underground layer of Xiaozhaizi has a complete drug production chain.

Lian Feng can enter here, has become a confidant.

Even if Lian Feng wanted to break into the interior, he couldn't avoid it. Even if Lian Feng tried his best not to touch it, the people inside would put drugs in his food, which was stipulated by Zhong Wuli.

If he refuses too obviously, it will arouse suspicion.

Every one of his subordinates must touch drugs, and as long as they touch them, they will become addicted. If he has drugs, the people below will naturally work for him.

Those who are addicted to drugs will know how painful it is when the addiction strikes.

Zhong Wuli is very cunning and cautious, even if it is his confidant, he will not believe it 100%.

In addition to making drugs, he will also let people make a potion of truth water. After this potion is drunk, people's mind will become trance, and others will ask what to answer.

This was developed by the United States to prevent spies and spies.

But this kind of truth water, as long as the person who drinks it has a firm mind, he won't be able to learn the truth.

It is precisely because Lian Feng passed the verification of the truth that he was qualified to enter Xiaozhai.

There was a black tooth woman in the stockade who was in her fifties. She was an original inhabitant of the stockade. The stockade was robbed by Zhong Wuli. Some people resisted and killed herself.

In order to survive, the people in the stockade had to obey.

Heifang had a daughter. When the stockade was robbed, one of Zhong Wuli's henchmen snatched her daughter away, and a group of people ruined her.

The girl committed suicide the next day.

The reason why Black Tooth allowed herself to live was to avenge her daughter. She is a Gu, but it takes a lot of time to raise Gu, and her life is shorter. After having a daughter, Black Tooth never raises Gu again.

Since her daughter's death, she has quietly raised Gu. What she wants is not just the lives of the few who killed her daughter, but the entire group. If they hadn't broken in, her daughter would have died at a young age. .

But raising Gu can't be raised in the past, and how can she fight against a drug dealer group with her own strength.

Then, she found Lian Feng.

That night, Lian Feng had just survived a wave of drug addiction-Hei Ya Po was in charge of the meals with the remaining indigenous residents in the stockade.

While delivering the meal, she stared at Lian Feng with muddy eyes sunken under her eyelids, and then slowly uttered a few words: "I know you are a policeman."

Lian Feng's heart was shocked, and his face was not visible. He thought it was Zhong Wuli who asked him to test him. He sneered, before speaking, Black Tooth said, "You don't need to deny it. Give me all my bugs. Having said that, it saw you put the message out."


Lian Feng frowned, he thought he was extra careful and would never be found.

He calmly looked at the black tooth woman, not allowing himself to reveal any expressions, and only casually made a fierce villain.

Heiyapo said: "The one named Zhong won't believe you, he will test you again. Six months ago, a policeman came and he didn't pass that pass. He died, and he died terribly."

Lian Feng was shocked-in fact, before he took over this undercover mission, there was a message from an undercover that he had penetrated into his abdomen.

However, after the news came out, there was no news from him after that.

In addition to discovering Zhong Wuli's nest and grasping evidence of his drug making, Lian Feng's mission this time was also to find that colleague.

After he came to the stockade, he did not dare to inquire more for fear of causing suspicion, but did not want to get news from the black tooth.

He clenched the cartoon necklace he bought for his daughter in his palm, and said casually: "Then this one is pretty awesome. I can get here, but I don't want to think about the people under the boss who eat rice porridge."

"How did he die?" He asked with interest, with a look of curiosity + gloat.

"It's roasted," Black Tooth said in a low voice. "The person surnamed Zhong made a grill and cooked him alive."

The blue veins of Lian Feng's temple burst out instantly, and the sharp corners of the pendant of the cartoon necklace pierced the skin of the palm of his hand because of his firm grip.

He heard himself saying in a very calm voice: "The boss's trick... is really ruthless. I will see if I dare to have a note to undercover in the future."

Seeing that he still didn't believe in him, Hei Fang was a little anxious: "Soon, the police will end up with you. The one surnamed Zhong will feed you truth water when your drug addiction strikes. You can't stop it. "

Lian Feng's face changed.

"You can't stop it." She murmured nervously, "I told him at the beginning that he couldn't stop it, he didn't believe it, he didn't believe it! I wanted to save him, but I couldn't."

"If you don't want to die, believe me, we will work together!" She stared at Lian Feng, her eyes like a beast.

Lian Feng believed, after that, he learned what Gu was from Black Tooth.

The black tooth woman's method is to give him a Gu, the Gu she laid is called Silk Gu, which can lurch in his temple and eliminate the drug addiction in his body.

He must volunteer for Black Tooth to successfully cast Gu. Heifangpo said frankly that Silk Gu has no way to relieve it.

The longer Gu stayed in his body, over time, he would have headaches, more and more pains, until one day he couldn't stand it, either mad or brain dead.

There is no other solution.

Lian Feng faces two choices:

One is that what Hei Fang said is false, she was sent by Zhong Wuli to test him, and there would be no second level of temptation at all.

One is that what the black toothwoman said is true.

With Lianfeng's understanding of Zhong Wuli, he forced him to drink the truth water when he was drug addiction, and Zhong Wuli would definitely do this kind of thing.

The task has not been completed, and the necklace bought for his daughter has not been brought back to her... Lian Feng finally chose to believe in the black tooth woman and asked her to put the silk gu in his body.

As soon as Gu entered the body, he knew that Black Tooth hadn't lied to him.

After that, Zhong Wuli deliberately picked a wrong punishment and cut off the source of his "confidential" drugs.

Lian Feng counted the time, pretending to be drug addiction, Zhong Wuli really let him drink the truth water.

He passed this pass successfully.

Finally, he completed the task and returned with a whole body of injuries. Heifang died, Zhong Wuli pushed his brother out and fled.

Lian Feng said about these picks and picks, and concealed all the dangers he had suffered from drug addiction and experienced.

This dangerous and thrilling undercover mission came to his mouth, as if it were light and windy.

Even if the detective father didn't reveal how dangerous he was, he only emphasized that Silk Gu got into his body to help him, but Jiang Mian knew that all this was just the reason why the detective father simplified.

She took a deep breath and left other questions temporarily. Now the most important thing is to solve the gu for detective father.

The black tooth woman in the detective father's mouth said that Silk Gu could not be solved, then—

"Uncle Qi, can you solve this Gu?" She looked at Qi Yanshu and asked each word.

Qi Yanshu looked back at her and tapped his chin: "Yes."

Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief, and asked a little eagerly, "What do I need to prepare?"

Qi Yanshu shook his head, he lowered his head for a moment, and then said: "No, you can go out."