Jiang Mian, like Heavenly Master Father, opened his eyes to Gu, what did Qi Yanshu say and how they did it themselves.

"Uncle Qi, trouble you." Jiang Mian bent over to Qi Yanshu, and was stopped by Qi Yanshu's wrist.

Master Tian's eyelids jumped, and he just wanted to wave Qi Yanshu's obstructive hand away. The latter had already let go of Jiang Mian: "You're welcome, it's just a trivial matter. Besides, I have something to trouble Senior Brother Wuzhen."

Master Tian: "???"

He asked him what he was looking for, didn't he shook his head and said it was okay?

"Dad, I went out with Dad Zuo." Jiang Mian held the criminal police father's hand, kissed the criminal police father lightly on the face, and then withdrew from the ward with Tianshi father.

The father and daughter were sitting on the lounge chairs outside, and the heavenly master was gloomy.

When Jiang Mian learned that the detective father's Gu had been resolved, he felt relieved and noticed the expression of Master Tian: "Dad, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Tianshi father shook his head, is he going to tell his precious daughter that he is jealous of the guy whose surname is Lian.

It doesn't matter, the baby girl has kissed herself too.

He comforted himself like this.

Jiang Mian rested his head on the shoulders of the celestial master, "Dad, when you do cleaning work in the future, you must pay attention to safety."

"Yeah." Listening to the soft voice of the baby girl, Tianshida nodded his head heavily, "Don't worry, sleep, you have to trust Dad, Dad is very powerful."

Jiang Mian laughed and stretched out her little finger: "Then we have agreed that you must tell me what is going on, and you can't hide it from me."

"Okay." The Tianshi father drew up Jiang Mian's tail finger without thinking, and the father and daughter agreed like children.

A scene automatically appeared in Jiang Mian's mind-the original master also hooked up with the celestial master when he was young, but probably it took too long and the original master's memory retreated, resulting in a blurry picture and it was difficult to see clearly.

While talking, Luo Jiale came over with a bag of things—he had been waiting in the corridor outside, but he answered the phone halfway through, saying that the car he had parked was blocking the way of others, so he went down to deal with it.

It took a long time to solve the problem, but when I came back later, I found that the door of the ward was still closed, so I didn't dare to bother me.

Seeing that it was late, I thought about it and went to buy lunch. No matter what happened, I had to eat. When I bought it, I saw Jiang Mian and Zuo Xingping sitting on the chairs outside, but the boss was nowhere to be seen.

"Miss Jiang, my husband..."

Jiang Mian: "Uncle Qi is inside."

Luo Jiale was relieved, he thought Qi Yanshu was gone.

He took out the lunch, but he didn't ask to enter the ward, and he went to sit in another place without disturbing Jiang Mian and Zuo Xingping.

Jiang Mian actually didn't have much appetite. The detective father was still unpacking Gu in the ward, but the Heavenly Master was already hungry. He had always had a big heart. Anyway, it was no big deal to solve Gu.

So he was holding the box lunch with gusto, and wanted to pick out all the meat inside to his baby girl, but Jiang Mian was dumbfounded to stop him.

She poked the rice with chopsticks, recalling the undercover mission of Interpol's father in her mind. Lian Feng did not tell them that Zhong Wu had fled, but Jiang Mian knew that Interpol's father had something to hide.

She wanted to know the specific situation of the entire undercover mission. The detective father couldn't make a breakthrough here. Other police officers who knew the situation would naturally not tell her the truth.

Last time she asked Yuan Jinfei, the other party directly ignored it.

She didn't know why she wanted to know the whole process so much. Some intuition told her that this matter was endless.

But this kind of case must have a file, if she wants to know the specifics, unless - go to the police station where the detective father is and take a peek at the file.

Jiang Mian's eyes lit up, and after making a good idea in her heart, she felt better.

Turning his head to look at Heavenly Master Father, the latter was almost finished eating, and the food was delicious.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Mian also had a bit of appetite and ate a little.

When he was about to throw it away, Zuo Xingping looked very distressed, and then said: "Sleep, I'm not full."

Jiang Mian was stunned, and Heavenly Master took the lunch box in her hand and ate the rest of her in a few clicks.

Jiang Mian was funny and distressed, frowning at the tattered clothes on Master Tian.

I have been busy with the detective father's affairs, and I forgot about the Tianshi father catching the murderer.

"Dad, how did you catch the murderer? The clothes are broken like this, are there any injuries on your body?"

"No." The Tianshi father promised that the baby girl should pay attention to safety in the future, and should not hide something from her. After thinking about it, he slowly told Jiang Mian what happened last night.

It's just that the concealed murderer is a fox demon. There are not many demon now, so there is no need to say it to scare the baby girl.

It is better to make my daughter believe in science.

Jiang Mian relaxed, and suddenly raised his head, and saw a person walking in the corridor ahead—a floral dress with high heels on his feet and an insulation box in his hand. It was Chen Yubing.

Jiang Mian's brows frowned immediately.

After she left the other party with "anger" the day before yesterday, she actually came again today. Is this still not giving up on the detective father?

If the detective father liked Chen Yubing, Jiang Mian would naturally not do much, raising his hands and feet in favor. But the detective father asked her to help block it, indicating that he didn't like it, and the other party also moved forward, which was really ignorant.

Besides, the detective father is still in the ward to relieve Gu.

And-Jiang Mian was a little unhappy with Chen Ju.

The detective's father came back from a mission and was seriously injured. Not to mention how good a ward was to be placed in, at least it's medium.

However, the room arranged for him was small and narrow.

That's all, knowing that the detective father is injured, he has to find him for the case-although it is to find the murderer earlier, so that no new victims will be discovered.

But the provincial bureau and the municipal bureau are separated by a layer. Li Zeliang of the provincial bureau cannot catch the murderer, so there are no other elites. He has to come to the detective father?

With the news that Chen Yubing gave her back through Chen Ju, he increasingly concluded that Lian Feng was borrowing Jiang Mian and wanted to retreat from difficulties. The relationship between him and Jiang Mian was not what Jiang Mian said.

After he had a feeling in his heart, Chen Yubing personally made a loving lunch at home today. After some careful dressing, he came to the hospital.

Unexpectedly, he saw Jiang Mian as soon as he approached. Chen Yubing's expression changed slightly. He immediately thought that Lian Feng would only treat her as a junior. He breathed a sigh of relief, raised a smiling face, and said hello: "Mianmian, you also come to see you. Uncle?"

She deliberately emphasized the words "Uncle Lian".

Although Jiang Mian was younger and more beautiful than herself, but because she was younger, she couldn't be better than herself-Lian Feng would definitely not like her friend's daughter more politely.

Then she saw Master Tian, ​​her eyes fell on the tattered clothes of Master Tian, ​​and she subconsciously frowned.

Although Chen Yubing's father is a policeman, her mother is an artist, and most of her education comes from her mother-for example, when going out, the most basic requirement is clean clothes, otherwise it is impolite.

When she just came over, she saw Jiang Mian and Zuo Xingping close together, so she asked, "Mianmian, is this your boyfriend?"

I couldn't help feeling a little bit more secretly happy, and it was true that Jiang Mian and Lian Feng were acting for her the night before.

The expression in Chen Yubing's eyes clearly expressed her inner thoughts. Jiang Mian glanced, with a light expression, stood up: "Aunt Chen, this is my father."

Jiang Mian ignored her shocked look, and only said: "Aunt Chen, even Uncle has something to do, and if you don't see outsiders, please come back."

Chen Yubing was confused by Jiang Mian's two consecutive sentences, and when she heard Jiang Mian let her leave, she subconsciously retorted: "He is injured, what can happen?"

"Mianmian, you may have some misunderstandings about me." Even though she is already unhappy, but Chen Yubing's education allows Chen Yubing to maintain etiquette, why should she care about a little girl.

She said anything lazily, and didn't want to care about whether Jiang Mian and the young man next to her were father-daughter, and walked straight to the ward with the insulation box.

Jiang Mian's face became cold, and when he was about to intercept him, the door of the ward suddenly opened, revealing Qi Yanshu's face. Jiang Mian ignored Chen Yubing and went over her: "Uncle Qi..."

"It's okay." Qi Yanshu lightly nodded to her, trying to say something, and when he noticed that there were strangers, he swallowed.

"Looking" looked in Chen Yubing's direction, the latter stepped back subconsciously after seeing the white cloth in front of him.

Jiang Mian had already rushed into the ward, Tian Shifu hurriedly followed, and seeing Chen Yubing wanted to come in, he slammed the door and locked it.

Jiang Mian ran to the bed and saw Lian Feng lying on the bed. Although his face was a little pale, he was much better than before.

But he closed his eyes tightly and seemed to be asleep.

"Gu worm was in his body for a period of time. Now that he has solved the Gu, he is relaxed, and after sleeping, his vitality will recover when he wakes up." Qi Yanshu's explanation sounded.

He pointed to the paper cup on the bedside table: "The worm is there."

Jiang Mian and Tianshi Daddy leaned over to look at it, but there was a box of blood water inside. Qi Yan wrote: "Gu worms usually melt when they leave the host body."

Thank you too lightly, Jiang Mian thought for a while, and said very seriously: "Uncle Qi, if you need my help in the future, I can't ignore it."

Master Tian also wanted to keep her baby girl away from Qi Yan's book. Hearing the words, he quickly said: "Junior Brother Chen, you can just find me in the future... Well, let me see your eyes. The thing about your eyes is my business."

Jiang Mian suddenly remembered what Tian Shifu had said to her before that the reason why Qi Yanshu's eyes had a problem was that he was cursed by seeing things that shouldn't be seen. However, by mistake, he escaped the doom of death at the age of 30.

She didn't even understand curses and things like that—the cultivation system was different, so she didn't have the right to speak, standing by and watching them.

Qi Yanshu shook his head lightly: "I already have eyebrows, brothers don't have to worry about it."

Does the curse matter?

Master Tian was surprised...If this is not possible, he searched in his mind and suddenly said, "You wait."

He took out the robe from the bag on the sofa, fumbled for a long time, and found a palm-sized light yellow ball from it.

In front of Jiang Mian, he put the little ball in Qi Yanshu's hands: "This is for you, you can help solve the Gu, you can't make you busy."

In this way, they are both cleared, and the heavenly master’s clearing door is clear.

What he gave was completely enough.

Qi Yanshu held the small ball, frowned, and finally accepted it without saying anything.

Jiang Mian looked at Heavenly Master Father in surprise, never expected that there was an inner alchemy in the Heavenly Master Father's Taoist robe.

She was speeded up by the heartbeat of the rich spiritual power contained in the inner alchemy, and quickly lowered her head, lest the two of them discover the abnormality.

Such a mortal world lacking aura, there will be demons!

In other words, if she wants to find spiritual power in the future, she is no longer limited to ghost cultivation, but can she also focus on the demon?

Jiang Mian's gaze fell involuntarily to the Taoist robe of Master Tian.

At this moment, she suddenly had an impulse to take the Taoist robe of the Heavenly Master Father as her own.

She suddenly understood that among the four fathers, the Tianshi father was the richest one, regardless of money.