Li Zhian is a professional paparazzi. There are four people under his hand. In order to make his name better, he set up a photography studio, which is actually a sneak shot.

What they like the most is to dig out the fierce materials in the circle, and then sell the news to the media after digging, and get huge profits from it.

If they dig into an artist’s scandal, their favorite thing to do is to contact the artist first and then ask for a price. If the other party agrees, it will be easy to handle.

Hand in the money with one hand, and hand in the information with the other.

They also have professional ethics. As long as the sealing fee given by the other party is refreshing, they will provide all the information and never back it up.

But if the other party disagrees, they will sell the news.

Most of the real hammers such as cheating or domestic violence by so-and-so artists that broke out on the Internet are the result of no negotiation between the two parties.

Li Zhian came to talk to a male artist this time. This male artist is married and has always been a model couple in the circle with his wife. However, he received anonymous information that the male artist seems to have cheated and raised a mistress outside.

This is a big deal. If he takes a photo of Stone Hammer, their studio will also receive a lot of money.

So he and a few people in the studio took turns staring at the male artist, but they didn't even stare at anything for three days. Today it was his turn to stare. He quietly followed the male artist, who took the male assistant to the mall.

Li Zhian was about to follow into the mall, but unexpectedly found a somewhat familiar face.

When a paparazzi is a paparazzi, the eyes must be strong, but the entertainers in the entertainment industry are not well-known, too many, even if the paparazzi’s eyes are strong, they can’t know each other every time they see a familiar face. Who.

Li Zhian didn't recognize Jiang Mian at first.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Mian hasn't officially debuted yet, and the reason why she is hot is because of Qin Jingrun. She has no masterpieces and can't even touch the side of the star.

If it weren't for the hot search for Jiang Mian's braveness in the past two days, and the hot search for sandals at the bottom of the hot search list, Li Zhian is a little familiar with Jiang Mian's face, he might not recognize Jiang Mian.

After recognizing Jiang Mian, he was a little happy.

Jiang Mian was not alone. There was a young man next to her. The two were very close. He couldn't find any other relationship to explain apart from the relationship between her boy and girl friends.

After staring at the male artist for three days, he didn't stare at anything, but unexpectedly met Jiang Mian.

Although Jiang Mian is not a big celebrity, she has been very popular recently. Taking a bit of her news and letting it go can also make a lot of traffic.

Li Zhian decided to talk to Jiang Mian first. Seeing the two people's intimate gestures just now, maybe there will be more intimate actions, so that it will be more attractive.

As for the male artist, after thinking about it, Li Zhian called the studio and asked another person to come and stare.

He hung a small camera on his chest, pretending to be a photography enthusiast, slowly mixing into the crowd, followed by Jiang Mian and Zuo Xingping into the mall, adorning the back very skillfully.

The first and second floors of the shopping mall are the clothing store. Zuo Xingping is holding his baby girl's hand and wants to pull her to the women's clothing store. Jiang Mian drags him into the men's clothing store.

"Dad, you have to change your clothes." Jiang Mian began to choose clothes for Zuo Xingping.

This store is much more upscale than the one Jiang Mian took Zuo Xingping to last night. The store was near the hospital last night. It was just a very ordinary clothing store. The unit price of a piece of clothing does not exceed 300. .

And this store--

Master Tian looked at the price code casually, a short sleeve cost more than 900.

He converted in his mind: In the wholesale market, such a short sleeve is at most eight yuan, more than 900, he can buy a wardrobe!

The total is only 30,000. If you buy it for him, what else will he buy for his baby girl.

"Mianmian, let's go." Tianshi father decisively pulled Jiang Mian who was choosing clothes.

Jiang Mian put the clothes in his hands in the arms of the heavenly master and pushed him to the fitting room.

"I do not……"

"Dad, didn't you say you came to the mall? I would be angry if you were like this." Jiang Mian pretended to be unhappy.

Master Tian: "..."

He is talking about visiting the mall, but his purpose is to take his daughter around, buy and buy for his daughter, not him!

Fearing that the baby girl will be angry, Tian Shifu thought and thought: "Then let's go to another house. It is too expensive."

Jiang Mian frowned, and soon he understood Heavenly Master's worries.

This dad is reluctant to spend money on himself, but spend money on her without even blinking his eyes.

Jiang Mian took his arm and said, "Dad, let's do it, you buy it for me, can I buy it for you?"

Master Tian was taken aback.

"It was such a happy decision." Jiang Mian clapped his hands.

Zuo Xingping hurriedly shook his head. When he was rich, how could he still spend money from his baby girl? How could he be a father like this.

Moreover, the daughter bought him such expensive clothes, which is another type of windfall for him. After a while, the clothes will break due to various problems.

"If this doesn't work, then let's go back." Jiang Mianyu wanted to go out.

Master Tian didn't know anything, and finally had to hold the clothes into the fitting room.

Jiang Mian bought three sets for Master Tian.

Zuo Xingping wanted to check the price, but Jiang Mian didn't give him the opportunity, so he took the card to pay the bill.

Li Zhian has been following quietly, taking some useless pictures, but he saw that Jiang Mian took the card to settle the bill.

When couples go shopping, the man usually checks out, but some women check out. In this case, it is very likely that the man gave the card to the woman.

So the woman checked out and there was nothing.

But the artist is different. This behavior can be analyzed for many meanings, no matter what kind of meaning, as long as it is discussed, it will be hot.

Seeing Jiang Mian's big deal, all of them were bought for the man, there were even more points to discuss.

Li Zhian continued to follow.

Jiang Mian took Tianshida to the shoe store again. This shoe store was a specialty store of a certain brand. Tianshida wanted to take Jiang Mian forward, but he didn't pull it, so Jiang Mian forced him to press it inside the store.

The waiter knelt to change Zuo Xingping's shoes, he quickly moved his legs away, and the waiter held the shoes with an awkward and polite smile.

She really saw such a "shy" customer for the first time.

"Don't kneel to others easily." Zuo Xingping couldn't help but said.

Kneeling to others for no reason, if both sides are fate, it is easy to commit a charge.


What they do in their profession is "service". Customers are God. If they want to make customers have a good experience, they must lower their attitude.

If it's a lofty posture, who will come in and buy?

"Go to the side, don't help." Jiang Mian picked up the shoes, squatted down, and personally put them on for the heavenly master.

"Mian Mian." Because he was too shocked, Master Tian was stunned. No reaction, Jiang Mian helped him take off his shoes smoothly and put on new shoes.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Mian raised his head and bent up a pair of eyes exactly like those of Tianshifu, "I will put on shoes for my father."

Zuo Xingping remembered that when Jiang Mian was four years old, it was his turn to raise a baby girl.

Every time it was the turn of the celestial master to raise his daughter, he would find a way to save some money and then rent a small house so that the baby daughter would have a place to live.

Once after showering for the baby girl, he was lying on the bed holding the fragrant baby girl, and his leg suddenly hurt-in order to save money to rent a house, he took a bill, his leg hurt a little, and he has not healed. , It hurts from time to time.

Afraid of frightening Xiao Jiang Mian, Zuo Xingping endured it all the time.

Xiao Jiang Mian lay on his chest, and didn't notice it at first, but later Xiao Jiang Mian discovered it.

She rubbed Zuo Xingping with her small hands, and the soft force was transmitted to Zuo Xingping's heart through her legs, giving him infinite strength, and the severe pain in her legs seemed to disappear instantly.

He asked the baby girl what she was doing, and the baby girl said seriously: "I will rub my father's leg so that my father won't hurt."

In the blink of an eye, the baby girl who rubbed her legs had become a big girl, and she didn't dislike putting on shoes for herself at all.

Master Tian looked at Jiang Mian in a daze, wishing to give the best things in the world to her baby girl.

"Okay." Jiang Mian got up, "Dad, see if it fits."

Master Tian bowed his head to hide the enthusiasm in his eyes. He stood up and took two steps, then nodded, "It's very suitable."

Jiang Mian wanted to buy a few more pairs for Heavenly Master Father, Heavenly Master hurriedly stopped, and simply told the truth: "Mianmian, you buy me such expensive ones, they will all have problems soon."

Jiang Mian relieved him: "Wait for something broken before buying a new one."

Regardless of the master's hindrance, she bought three pairs of shoes just like clothes, and after a round of shopping, the master was completely different.

The father and daughter stood together, attracting many people's attention.

"very handsome."

"Legs are so long."

"Hair is a little longer, otherwise it's more handsome."


Jiang Mian's hearing is good, she looked at Master Tian, ​​and after a while, her eyes fell on the curly hair of Master Tian.

It seems to be a bit long.

Zuo Xingping noticed that the father and daughter were telepathic, and he immediately understood what the baby daughter wanted to do, and hugged his head quickly: "No, no, sleep, you must not touch your hair!"

He knows how expensive it is to get hair in a barbershop. If the baby girl spends money to get his hair out, his hair will probably appear in all sorts of weird conditions the next day.

Zuo Xingping once was entangled in the street by a cosmetics-promoting agent, saying that he was given free skin care and shampoo without any fees.

Zuo Xingping hesitated-considering whether what the other party said was true or not, the other party took his hesitation as a tacit consent and dragged him into the store without a word.

Then halfway through skin care and shampooing, it is said that the free experience is over, and then you have to pay.

He also said that all the things they used were imported, and he had to pay for a few things, and the other party Bala gave him a pass, which probably meant that Zuo Xing would pay five thousand.

Let alone five thousand, Zuo Xingping didn't even have five yuan.

Finally, it was confirmed that Zuo Xingping was really poor, and the store was angrily drove Zuo Xingping out. After Zuo Xingping found a place to wash his face and hair, he discovered that his hair had fallen out inexplicably.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

Zuo Xing flattened his wig for three months before finally growing his hair back.

Since then, he has been very cautious about his hair, and places like shampoos must never be touched.

Zuo Xingping told this story to his precious daughter, and must put an end to her daughter's idea of ​​tidying his hair.

Jiang Mian after listening: "..."

Heavenly Master thought it was because his hair used very expensive things that caused him to get a "windfall", so his hair suddenly fell out.

However, Jiang Mian felt that the reason why Tianshi father's hair fell out was because of the things that the store used for him.

"What's the name of that store?" Jiang Mian asked murderously.

Heavenly Master thought and thought, shook his head: "Forgot."

Jiang Mian sighed and had to give up.

As she was about to continue shopping, she suddenly saw from the opposite shop window that there was a figure behind her holding something and shooting at her.

Jiang Mian: ... paparazzi?

Master Tian didn't notice it at all, but he felt a change in his daughter's expression: "What's wrong?"

"Someone is taking pictures of me." Jiang Mian said.

Zuo Xingping suddenly became nervous, Jiang Mian blinked: "Dad, look at me."

The father and daughter continued to stroll around, and Li Zhian who followed behind wanted to kneel—the two of them were all in circles, what are they doing! Can you do something else!

After a few laps, Li Zhian was a little annoyed. He found a chair and sat down, took out the camera and looked at the photos he took, to see if he had any valuable photos.

Looking at it, he felt that there was a shadow in front of him, and he didn't pay attention to it at first. There were many people in the mall, and it was normal to stand in front of him.

When he realized that something was wrong, he suddenly raised his head and faced a smiling face.

"What is being shot, let me see." Jiang Mian held an inflatable hammer in his hand, and his voice was very kind.

I don't know why, Li Zhian felt that his hair seemed to stand up.