Li Zhian looked back subconsciously. When he was sitting down, he saw Jiang Mian on the other side. Why did he come to him in the blink of an eye?

But his head didn't turn-Tian Yu's father pressed his hand on his shoulder.

When the paparazzi is too long, sometimes it is inevitable to be caught by the boss. In this case, it is necessary to react accordingly.

Li Zhian is a veteran and has only missed one hand since he started his career. So he really didn't understand how Jiang Mian found him.

Although he was puzzled, Li Zhian naturally couldn't admit that he was taking a sneak shot in front of him. He pretended to be stupid: "Beauty, we don't know it. The photos I took casually are not good for you to see."

Jiang Mian knocked on the inflatable hammer in his hand and nodded: "What you said really makes sense."

Li Zhian was overjoyed. It seemed that Jiang Mian was just puzzled and not sure. He was about to say a few more words to fool him, so he heard Jiang Mian say: "But we know now. Now that we know, there is nothing wrong with seeing your camera. Right."

"If you're embarrassed, let's go to the safe passage." Jiang Mu knocked a small hammer on Li Zhian's right shoulder. The latter's right shoulder suddenly became sore and unable to use force, and the camera fell off his hand.

Jiang Mian picked up the camera, Master Tian let go, and the father and daughter walked towards the safe passage.

Li Zhian's expression changed. The camera in his hand was professional, and the lens was almost 100,000 smaller. Besides the latest shot of Jiang Mian, there were also previous male artists.

In any case, he had to get the camera back.

Jiang Mian flipped through the photos in the camera, frowning, too much, she flipped it lazily.

She flipped the camera to the left and right and found the location of the memory card. As soon as she withdrew the card, Li Zhian followed.

"What are you doing!" Li Zhian's eyebrows jumped when he saw this.

Jiang Mian held the memory card: "It's obvious."

She handed the memory card to Master Tian, ​​who took it, and broke the memory card in half in front of Li Zhian.

Tianshida just saw those photos, and he snorted: "Hiding in the dark to take pictures of others will damage your yin virtue. If you want to live longer, you can accumulate more virtue for yourself."

Li Zhian: "???"

Since it was revealed, he no longer concealed it. He took a deep breath and made his face smile: "I just patted casually. I didn't photograph you. It is not easy for us to do this business. Don’t worry. I will never go out and talk nonsense, return the camera to me."

The other people in the studio were caught by the owner several times, but they were beaten up and their cameras were smashed.

Although there are no people in the safe passage, this is a shopping mall with people coming and going. I believe they dare not do anything to him.

But if he dropped the camera, he would lose more than 100,000.

"If I don't pay it back." Jiang Mian raised the camera in his hand. It should have been specially bought for sneak shots. It was palm-sized and hung on his body as if he was carrying a walkman. It was generally difficult to notice.

If it weren't for her sharp eyes, it would be really hard to spot Li Zhian's sneaky figure in the window.

Li Zhian's face changed slightly: "Miss Jiang, you have to be forgiving and forgiving."

"Didn't you just say that you don't know me?" Jiang Mian was playing with the camera swayingly, and Li Zhi'an who looked at him twitched for fear that her hand would slip and the camera would fall.

Li Zhian swallowed his throat: "Miss Jiang has been hot recently, and she is so beautiful. Sooner or later, it will be a big fire. How can I not recognize you."

Jiang Mian: "..."

This flattery is enough.

"But I heard that the photos you take will be backed up, just to prevent them from being discovered, so as not to fall short, is that right?" Jiang Mian's inflatable hammer hit the wall without a moment, and looked at Li Zhian with a smile. .

Li Zhian didn't speak for a while.

"It seems to be true." Jiang Mian reached out, "Where is the backup?"

Li Zhian: "Give me the camera and I will delete the backup immediately."

Jiang Mian wondered: "Do you paparazzi insist on not seeing the coffin and not crying? With the camera in my hand, I can destroy it at any time. As for the photos you took, I just took a rough look and didn’t get anything. . I'll give you another chance, the backup is deleted."

"I'll count three times." Jiang Mian took the inflatable hammer and asked the celestial father to hold the camera, holding the camera in both hands, and making a gesture that he wanted to hit.

Li Zhi'an was furious. He didn't expect Jiang Mian, a newcomer, to be so sophisticated and not easy to fool at all. He honestly took out his phone and deleted the backup in front of Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian happily returned the camera to Li Zhian.

But at this moment, she saw that something flashed past Li Zhian's cuff.

Jiang Mian strangled his wrist without thinking, and opened the cuff to reveal a small bracelet Li Zhian was wearing. There was a small camera on the bracelet.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Do paparazzi now practice "Cunning Rabbit Three Caves"!

No wonder the promise is so refreshing, it turns out that there is still a layer of "protection."

Li Zhian's face changed drastically, and then he reached out and gave Jiang Mian a hard push!

Master Tian uses a button phone, and he has almost no knowledge of these modern electronic devices.

He didn't know much about cameras, data, backups, and so on. He stood by the side and let the baby girl handle it.

He has been staring at Li Zhian. When Jiang Mian found the camera bracelet in Li Zhian’s hand, Tianshidi saw the change in Li Zhian’s eyes—he was no stranger to this kind of eyes, and he often saw this when he was cleaning up. Kind of eyes.

Therefore, when Li Zhian pushed Jiang Mian, Zuo Xingping held Jiang Mian with a very fast speed and backed away, avoiding Li Zhian's hand. Regardless of whether the latter pushed Jiang Mian or not, he wanted time to run.

Anyway, if the camera is in hand, he just needs to run outside.

One of the basic conditions of being a paparazzi: physical strength, especially to run fast.

The reason why Li Zhian has been in the industry for so long, he has only missed once before today, is because he is not only good at avoiding, but also good at running.

But this time, he was destined to be disappointed.

Jiang Mian took the inflatable hammer in the hands of the celestial master, and smashed it against Li Zhian's leg quickly.

With a bang.

Li Zhian threw himself to the ground with his legs, and when he fell, he tried to lift the camera high-he would rather fall to himself than to the camera!

Jiang Mian walked over and picked up the inflatable hammer. Li Zhian held his head and shouted, "Don't slap your face!"

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Mianmian, I'll come." Master Tian was very angry. Without him, the baby girl would definitely be pushed down by this person.

The floor is so hard, if the baby girl falls to the ground, it hurts much? !

The more he thought about it, the more angry he got, and the Heavenly Master grabbed the inflatable hammer in Jiang Mian's hand and smashed at Li Zhian.

This kind of inflatable hammer doesn't hurt much when hitting the body, but Li Zhian didn't hide his interest.

At this moment, the little paper figures pasted in Jiang Mian's skirt suddenly slipped out, without knowing where they had slipped, and quickly slipped back—lifting a solid wooden stick and handing it to the heavenly master.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Zuo Xing put down the inflatable hammer and picked up the wooden stick.

Li Zhian found that Zuo Xingping hadn't played, and thought the opponent had played enough.

As a result, when he looked up, he saw Zuo Xingping's inflatable hammer replaced with a solid wood stick, and he blurted out.

Finally, Li Zhian was completely honest and deleted all the photos without any backup.

Only then did Jiang Mian leave the safe passage with Master Tian.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Mian returned all the little paper people to the heavenly master.

However, the little paper man who followed her home and stayed in her bag all night refused to return to the heavenly master.

"It likes you." Seeing that the baby girl is not afraid of moving the little paper man, Tianshida was very happy. He asked expectantly, "Mianmian, do you like it? If you like it, I will keep it with me. you."

In this way, he is not by his daughter's side at ordinary times, and he is accompanied by this little paper man, which means that he is by his baby girl's side~

"Like it." Jiang Mian nodded, "They are just like fathers."

Through the explanation of the celestial master, Jiang Mian understood that the little paper man was raised by the blood of the celestial master, so if he was far away from the celestial master, he would become a dead thing.

Heavenly Master only needs to transform this little paper man to make it attached to Jiang Mian's blood qi, so that it will belong exclusively to Jiang Mian.

However, the tool for the transformation is in Dao Robe, which is placed in the detective father's ward, so he has to go back.

Master Tian wanted to buy things for his baby daughter. Finally, the father and daughter wandered for several hours until the caregiver called and said that the detective father was awake and the father and daughter returned to the hospital.

Lian Feng was lying halfway on the bed with a cigarette between his fingertips.

When he saw the two men coming back with big bags and a pair of shopping, the detective father shook his hand slightly and his cigarette **** burned a hole in the bed sheet.