Jiang Mian's plan is that she will not sign any company and will open her own studio as the boss in the future.

Either don't do it, do it best, this is her code of conduct.

After thinking about it, she did not explicitly agree to the actor father, but she did not refuse, she only took the actor father's arm: "Dad, you forgot, I'm just a freshman, even if I want to sign, it's still early, don't worry."

What else Qin Jingrun wanted to say, Jiang Mian reminded: "Dad, if we don't hurry up, the party will be late."

Qin Jingrun had to temporarily shelve the signing of the contract. However, as the baby girl said, she was only in her freshman year, she was early, and not in a hurry.

He quickly asked Xia Qi to handle Jiang Mian's hairstyle. After spending half an hour before and after, Qin Jingrun took out the beautiful crown and put it on Jiang Mian's head.

Jiang Mian remembered that there was a crown given by a local tyrant in the hotel room. If he saw too much, he would be immune, and let the actor father treat her like a doll.

The actor father also changed to a new suit, and the father and daughter stood together, Xia Qi looked sour and admired.

Finally, Qin Jingrun led Jiang Mian, who was dressed like a princess, into the car.

Chen Xu acted as the driver and arrived at the destination one hour later.

When getting off the car, Chen Xu took out the prepared masks from the car and told the father and daughter: "Don't take them off casually, especially you, Mianmian."

Jiang Mian nodded, she knew Chen Xu's worry.

Even if someone recognizes the actor father, as long as she wears a good mask, she is not recognized.

"Mianmian, this time you follow Dad obediently, and you can't run around." The actor father thought of taking Jiang Mian to the reception last time, and the latter broke a person's wrist and couldn't help but tell.

"I wear a mask on my face. Others can't recognize me, so no one will come to us." At most, the organizer will ask him out to talk.

He had to put the baby girl under his eyelids to be relieved.

"It's all about Dad," Jiang Mian answered obediently.

The plan is good, but often the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

When the father and daughter entered the ball hall, the two young men squirted champagne indiscriminately, and many people avoided it. When they entered, a lot of people happened to rush over, the father and daughter were forced to rush away, and the mask on the face of the actor father also fell, and soon someone recognized him.

Jiang Mian, who wanted to return to find the actor's father, saw several men in suits and leather shoes surrounding the actor's father through the crowd, and Chen Xu followed him.

After thinking about it, Jiang Mian didn't go over.

If a woman joins in with the actor father later, it will not be too late for her to step forward to rescue the actor father.

Jiang Mian chose something to eat casually, and chose a small independent sofa for the meeting, eating and looking around.

Because it is a makeup party, there are all kinds of clothes to wear, most of them wear masks, a few don't wear them, and some have strange makeup that can't see their original face.

She saw a girl wearing a nurse's uniform and zombie makeup, scary everywhere.

Jiang Mian: "..."

It's no wonder that some people are spewing champagne, wearing masks anyway, and don't know each other.

"Beautiful lady, have a dance." As soon as he took his gaze back, a smiling voice rang in his ear, Jiang Mian raised his head and faced a frog mask.

The frog wore a burgundy suit, bent slightly, stretched out his hand, and made a request.

There is a dance floor in the middle of the party, and there are many people dancing on it.

"Sorry, I won't." Jiang Mian shook his head and politely refused.

"It doesn't matter, I can teach you." The frog did not give up, lowered his voice, and said charmingly, "I have good dancing skills, and I will teach you soon."

Jiang Mian refused again, with a tough tone: "Thank you, no need."

It is normal for a man to invite a woman to dance in a dance like this, but if the woman refuses twice in a row, the man should leave with interest.

However, the frog didn't seem to hear Jiang Mian's refusal. He didn't leave, and took two glasses of wine from the side, and handed it to Jiang Mian: "Since the lady doesn't want to dance, I have two drinks with you?"

Jiang Mian finally looked at him, and the eyes behind the frog mask lit up.

He had been staring at Jiang Mian a long time ago, even if he couldn't see the facial features, but with her exposed white and tender skin, coupled with this skirt, and the special temperament revealed by her movement and quiet...

He concluded that this is the best.

And he hasn't encountered the best for a long time.

Jiang Mian looked at the wine glass he handed over, took it, shook it gently, then handed it back, curling his lips and said, "I want to drink the glass in your hand."

The frog paused: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Mian tilted his head: "Don't you want to?"

The frog smiled, exchanged the wine glass in his hand with Jiang Mian, and suddenly said: "My friend seems to be looking for me, to be a company." He took the glass of wine and left.

Jiang Mian's eyes fell on his back, with cold eyes floating.

In the wine the frog gave her, she smelled of inferior scent-the other party took the medicine in the wine, and the action was silent, and when he took the wine, she immediately dropped the medicine in, which was obviously a veteran.

Since the actor father can bring her to this dance, it shows that this is a very formal private dance, and I didn't expect this to happen.

Someone actually gave her medicine under her nose.

After thinking about it, Jiang Mian got up and followed the frog not far away.

The frog carried the wine into a three-seater deck.

There were two people sitting there, one wearing a fox and the other wearing a lion.

"Nothing?" the lion asked.

The frog put the wine glass on the small coffee table: "She saw that I had added ingredients in it."

Fox: "How did she tell?"

The frog was unhappy: "How do I know... She has already found out, she can't force her to drink it. Damn, it's really superb. When I got close, there was a fragrance on my body, that taste..."

All three of them are dandies with a little money in the family. There is no shortage of women around, but what they love to do most is to find goals at the dance party.

Found it, talk first.

If you don't have to do anything, if the other party gets the bait obediently, they will be happy.

In this case, most of it is your wish.

Sometimes when they encounter uncooperative prey, they will take special actions-get some drugs.

After the prey wakes up, if they cry, they just pay a penny.

For them, this is extremely exciting.

They also have a plan, and will only place orders at the dance party. In this case, the other party disappears for a while and will not be noticed.

But Frog didn't expect that the best product he was interested in could see that he was taking medicine in the wine.

It's not a good thing for both parties to make a big mess, so the frog stopped and stopped.

The fox sighed, "It's a pity."


Jiang Mian listened to the conversation of these three people, whether inside or outside the circle, it was too common to prescribe medicine.

Even if they report to the police, it is difficult to convict without definite evidence.

So they are confident.

It's fine if she didn't meet it, she met it, in an extraordinary period, very treated.

Jiang Mian took another glass of wine and walked slowly towards the three of them. Just two steps later, a man wearing a monkey mask and a woman walked over and sat down opposite the three of them.

Jiang Mian paused.

She stopped not because someone suddenly passed by, but a woman who appeared.

The woman was wearing a yellow dress, half of her long hair curled behind her head, half of her hair hung behind her waist, and she wore a rabbit mask in front of her—Guan Xin.

Jiang Mian and Guan Xin have been playing against each other in the crew for so long, even if they can't see her face clearly, they can tell who she is through such a dress.

Why is she here too?

Jiang Mian turned his gaze to the monkey-is this person Shen Shiqing?

The monkey said something, not Shen Shiqing's voice.

"Miss Guan doesn't need to be so nervous, I just invite you over for a drink." said the monkey.

The monkey put the glass of wine on the table in front of Guan Xin.

Guan Xin refused, she is not stupid, no matter what the occasion, do not lightly accept the wine from strangers.

The reason why she was able to come to the dance was that Shen Shiqing brought her here. Just now, Shen Shiqing was called away. She stood by and carefully looked at the people around her.

Then the person wearing a monkey mask came over and invited her.

He introduced himself as Huang and Huang Wenkang.

Guan Xin's heart moved.

When she set out, Zheng Xiaoyu sent her a list from WeChat. The list was part of the guests invited to the dance.

Guan Xin didn't know where Zheng Xiaoyu got this list, but she subconsciously remembered all the names on the list.

She knew some of the names of the people on the list, some did not know them, and all she knew were the famous stars in the circle. What surprised her most was that she also saw Qin Jingrun on the list.

Guan Xin was a little excited, but he didn't expect Qin Jingrun to come to this banquet.

If there is a chance to meet Qin Jingrun and say a few words, it will be enough for her.

It's just that everyone in the ball wears masks and different clothes. It is too difficult to tell which is Qin Jingrun.

And Huang Wenkang, clearly stated on the list, the youngest son of **** real estate tycoon.

This kind of identity, if she can get acquainted, will be beneficial and harmless to her.

But thinking of Shen Shiqing, she hesitated again. She left with another man. If Shen Shiqing saw him, he would definitely be unhappy.

After thinking and thinking, she sternly refused.

But Huang Wenkang didn't give up, and he asked several times. Guan Xin kept looking for Shen Shiqing's figure who didn't show it, and finally came over with half a push.

She can't rely on Shen Shiqing all the time, she should also get to know other relationships, as long as she keeps her heart.

After she develops, she will be able to help Qiwen more in the future.

Thinking this way, my heart became more determined.

Guan Xin said: "Sorry, I am allergic to alcohol and cannot drink."

As she said, she suddenly felt a sight falling on her body, and when she looked subconsciously, she only saw a touch of pink hidden in the crowd.


Jiang Mian sat back on the small sofa again. When she saw Jiang Mian talking with the group of people, she finally remembered-this was a very important plot at the back of the original book.

Guan Xin attended a masquerade party, but was drugged at the masquerade party. She woke up halfway and couldn't follow her. Finally, Shen Shiqing rushed to rescue her.

And Huang Wenkang, who was stunned by her, and his three friends were all repaired by Shen Shiqing.

But in order to show her kindness and generosity, the hostess showed to Shen Shiqing that she did not suffer from any major problems, and hoped that he would let them go.

Although Shen Shiqing was unhappy, it was Guan Xin's face that let Huang Wenkang go.

Then the four people naturally thanked Guan Xin, especially Huang Wenkang. From then on, they loved Guan Xin deeply, like a little wolf dog. Guan Xin asked him to do whatever he did, and he was very obedient.

The four of Huang Wenkang would form an alliance with the male protagonist in the later period and fight against Shen Shiqing, which added a lot of blockage to Shen Shiqing, which caused Shen Shiqing to regret later. Why did he follow Guan Xin's words and let them go.

Jiang Mian didn't expect to come to a dance party with the actor's father, and he would encounter the development of the plot of the original book.

She forkped a piece of cantaloupe, ready to watch the show.

"Miss Jiang, is the melon sweet?" Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.