This voice was from Shen Shiqing, Jiang Mian didn't look back, and didn't pay attention, Quandang didn't hear this sentence.

Continue to eat melon.

She saw Guan Xin had picked up the glass of wine with ingredients.

"Miss Jiang." Shen Shiqing walked around behind Jiang Mian, standing in front of Jiang Mian with an open mind, "Long time no see."

Shen Shiqing was not low in height, so he was stuck there, blocking out the light.

Jiang Mian looked up lazily and saw Shen Shiqing wearing a clown mask, and said: "Mr. Shen, I am very curious, do you really like me? You don’t like me, so that you only need to look at my back. Can recognize me."

Shen Shiqing stared at Jiang Mian without blinking, and said softly, "What if I say yes."

Jiang Mian: "..."

After this person was scared by her, changed his strategy?

Jiang Mian deliberately said: "The last time I accidentally scared President Shen, after returning, President Shen didn't have nightmares at night, right."

"Thanks to Miss Jiang, it's okay." Shen Shiqing suddenly sat down beside Jiang Mian.

Although the sofa is a one-person sofa, it is quite spacious. If you sit alone, there is a lot of money left, but if you sit with two people, it's a bit crowded.

Jiang Mian suspected that Shen Shiqing's head was pinched. She squinted her eyes and sat there without moving, "Do you believe it or not I will smash that cake on your head?"

Shen Shiqing: "..."

Shen Shiqing sighed: "Under all the eyes, even if Miss Jiang is not scrupulous, how can she be scrupulous about King Qin."

"Don't worry, I won't think too much about the relationship between you and the movie emperor Qin." Shen Shiqing chuckled lightly, with a seemingly nonchalant voice, "I just remind Miss Jiang, don't use violence in everything. Solve, you are a beautiful little girl, a little more civilized, and more attractive."

The goose bumps on Jiang Mian's arm came out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She is a little sure now that it is very likely that Shen Shiqing was frightened by her at Shang Pinxiang that day, so much so that she would think of using the "Huairou" policy to deal with her.

Jiang Mian found that she still "liked" the normal version of Shen Shiqing more, and now this abnormality made her itchy and more wanting to beat people.

"Give you three seconds to get out of my sight." Jiang Mian said lightly, "Even if I don't use cake, there are ways to make you scream in front of everyone and lose face."

A second later, Shen Shiqing stood up very desperately.

Then, he stood behind Jiang Mian again and told Jiang Mian by action that he had left her sight.

Jiang Mian furrowed her brows. In the face of such a "ruly" Shen Shiqing, she couldn't do anything for a while.

In the distance, Guan Xin had already drunk the glass of wine.

It didn't take long for Guan Xin to appear as if she was invincible. Huang Wenkang stood up halfway, and the other three also stood up. The four surrounded Guan Xin and left.

Jiang Mian discovered that Shen Shiqing hadn't made any movements and had been standing behind her.

She could see Guan Xin in this direction, and Shen Shiqing could also see it naturally.

That being the case, what he should do at this time is to go up and save Guan Xin. He didn't move, but stood here as a bystander watching the show, watching Guan Xin being taken away by Huang Wenkang.

She is still going to watch the play, and the other protagonist in the play does not move.

She stood up and turned her head: "President Shen, you have been taken away by someone, so why don't you go after it?"

Shen Shiqing did not answer the question, stepped forward, and whispered: "Miss Jiang, are you worried about Guan Xin?"

"It seems that I blamed Miss Jiang before." Shen Shiqing smiled lightly, and then reached out to Jiang Mian. After meeting Jiang Mian's gaze, his hand was in the air, and then he put it back. "I am responsible for the previous misunderstanding of Ms. Jiang. I apologize, there are not many girls in the world like Ms. Jiang, who is so kind and lovely and considers others everywhere."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"As for Guan Xin, Miss Jiang, I think you made a mistake, she is not my prudent." He suddenly took off the mask and stared at Jiang Mian, "From now on, you will be my prudent."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Since Miss Jiang is worried about Guan Xin, I will go and see." Shen Shiqing took two steps forward, then stopped, and then invited back, "Ms. Jiang wants to go with me?"

"It seems that Miss Jiang is reluctant." Shen Shiqing expressed regret and nodded to Jiang Min, then put on the mask again and walked in the direction where Guan Xin had left.

Jiang Mian turned the fork in his hand, and the impression that Shen Shiqing had left Jiang Mian before was not only stupid but stupid.

Harmful Jiang Mian once doubted the original book. With such an IQ, how did Shen Shiqing become the biggest villain in the original book.

But Shen Shiqing who appeared tonight, his every move towards Jiang Mian is full of warmth and freehand, as if he has changed himself, and it does not look like "acting".

Hey, it's probably because she was scared out of the hidden IQ, but now she looks like a villain-Jiang Mian can't see what he is thinking.

Shaking his head, Jiang Mian started looking for the figure of the actor father in the venue. During the search, her mobile phone rang, which was a strange number.

She picked it up, and Shen Shiqing's voice resounded over there: "Miss Jiang, Guan Xin has been drugged, what do you think should be done to these four dudes who want to do something wrong with her?"

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows: "If you have the skills, send the four of them to prison."

Shen Shiqing: "Since Miss Jiang requested so, I will definitely do it."

Jiang Mian hung up the phone.

Shen Shiqing looked at the screen showing the end of the call, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a cold arc.

At this moment he was standing in a room, his bodyguards controlled Huang Wenkang and Guan Xin lying on the bed groggy.

She didn't drink much of that glass of wine, her thoughts did not fall into darkness completely, but she couldn't gather her mind.

She knew that Shen Shiqing had come, and she had rescued her.

Guan Xin felt a sense of security in Shen Shiqing for the first time. She tried to keep her eyes open, but dumbly heard Shen Shiqing calling, calling the person on the other side "Miss Jiang".

Who is he calling?

"Shen..." Guan Xin murmured, trying to raise her head, but her body was weak, her eyes were a little fuzzy, and she looked at people as ghosts.

Shen Shiqing walked to the bed and stared at her.

Guan Xin looked at Kimchi and looked at him.

After a while, he sat on the bed, held Guan Xin in his arms, and pushed the hair on her face to the sides, moving very gently.

Just looking at the actions will make people feel that he treats the person in his arms as if he treats the most precious baby in the world.

However, his eyes were cold and terrible.

He was once fascinated by Guan Xin, Guan Xin's stubbornness and strength, weakness and kindness... He wanted her, wanted to destroy her pride, and wanted her to show a submissive expression in front of him.

But now, he found that he had lost interest in her.

He has a new goal.

Guan Xin fell asleep peacefully in his arms, and the next second, Shen Shiqing threw her on the bed, acting like a rag doll.

The four of Huang Wenkang were pressed to the ground by bodyguards, the door of the room was closed tightly, and they chose a soundproof room specially.

As long as you close the door, even if you yell inside, people outside will never hear any sound without attaching their ears to the door.

"Someone wants to send the four of you to prison. Let me think about what I can do to satisfy her."

When Jiang Mian found the actor father, he found that he was sadly trapped between the two ladies. Jiang Mian hurried forward and easily helped the actor father to get rid of the two peach blossoms. By the way, he received four envious, jealous and hateful eyes. .

"Baby, who were you talking to just now?" Qin Jingrun got rid of the group of people who pestered him and started looking for her baby girl, but the ball hall was large and crowded, and it was not easy to get there for a while.

From time to time, people will be blocked talking again.

He also asked Chen Xu to go to the other side to find him, and by the way, he called Jiang Mian, only to call it and prompt "The number you dialed is in a call."

"Harassing phone calls." Jiang Mian casually said a reason, but the actor father didn't think much.

Next, he firmly watched Jiang Mian by his side. The dance music changed. The actor father glanced at the dance floor and asked the baby girl: "Do you want to dance?"

Jiang Mian shook his head.

The actor father found that the baby girl's mood was a little wrong, he took Jiang Mian to the corner, and touched his daughter's small face: "Is it uncomfortable?"

"No, I'm just thinking about a question." Jiang Mian said, "Dad, if someone is originally a snake, but one day he becomes neurotic, how do you say I should deal with it?"

The actor father pondered for a moment, and said: "It's easy to handle. Send it to a mental hospital."