After the prom, Jiang Mian and the actor father returned to the villa and changed their skirts.

Qin Jingrun really wanted to let her baby girl live in the villa. After he bought the villa, the baby girl has never lived in it.

However, Jiang Mian had a play the next morning, and if he returned to the hotel at night, there would be no need to rush tomorrow, so Qin Jingrun had to take her back to the hotel himself.

"No need for Dad, I just take a taxi and go back." Jiang Mian refused.

She just heard Chen Xu sort out tomorrow's work schedule for the actor father. The actor father had to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning, and it was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

If the actor father sent her back, it would take at least two hours to go back and forth.

"That's how it works." Qin Jingrun was unmoved. He had watched the news of several young girls having accidents in the car at night. How could he dare to let her go back because the baby girl is so beautiful.

He thought his baby girl was worried about being recognized, and said, "I won't get out of the car."

"I'll send Mianmian back." Chen Xu saw that one of the father and daughter insisted on sending it, and the other insisted on not giving it. Instead, the stalemate came to a stalemate, so she had no choice but to speak out.

He began to think, why let Lin Xi go home early.

There was a smile in Jiang Mian's eyes, she deliberately - she knew that the actor father could not let her go back alone, but as long as she insisted not to let him send it, Chen Xu would naturally stand up.

In this way, she and Chen Xu have a short time alone. She wants to ask Chen Xu some questions.

Qin Jingrun finally agreed. Looking at his daughter's back, he sighed and carefully put up the skirt that Jiang Mian had worn.

As soon as Jiang Mian left, the huge room suddenly became deserted.

As soon as his daughter left, he started to think about it.

Qin Jingrun shook his head helplessly, took some time to wash, and then picked up the script.

Soon his brows wrinkled, and there was a touch of thought in his eyes.

At the ball, the baby girl asked him how to deal with a person who changed from snake disease to neurosis. At the time, he only thought that Jiang Mian asked casually without thinking about it.

Now think about it carefully, the baby will not ask this question for no reason, and what she asks is "how to deal with it".

At that time, he should have wanted to ask, but the baby changed the subject, he forgot for a while.

Thinking of this, Qin Jingrun took out his mobile phone, clicked on the address book, turned around, turned to a number, and dialed out—the promologist.

"Star Qin, just call me before leaving, miss me so soon?" The initiator was a friend of Qin Jingrun. The other party discussed a big deal and was happy to hold this dance party and invited Qin Jingrun.

Qin Jingrun didn't want to be poor with him, and bluntly stated his purpose: "Who did you invite to the ball?"

"Why are you asking about this." The promoter wondered, "This is all handled by my secretary, and I don't know."

Qin Jingrun: "Is there a list?"

"Wait, let me ask." After a while, the promoter said, "I have sent the list to you on WeChat."


Qin Jingrun clicked on WeChat and sent him a full list. The list was very long. Qin Jingrun read it slowly, and finally his eyes fell on Shen Shiqing.

According to the list, only Shen Shiqing can be known to the baby girl except for the companions brought by the guests.

Qin Jingrun's eyes slowly narrowed: During the time he was separated from the baby, did Shen Shiqing find her baby girl?

"Uncle Chen, will my father be filming "Death Plan 3" again, and when will I film it?" Jiang Mian asked in a curious tone.

In the original book, the actor father was filming "Death Project 3" in the United States. Although she asked the heavenly master to prevent the actor father from going to the United States, she wanted to completely stifle this danger, only to completely let the actor father give up the movie.

However, based on Jiang Mian's understanding of the actor's father, he can postpone the filming, but if he gives up the filming, he probably won't agree.

He starred in the first two films of this series, and if he abandons the shooting of "Death Project 3", the film will be abandoned.

She had a rare opportunity to meet Chen Xu, and Jiang Mian had to seize this opportunity.

Chen Xu is the manager of the actor father, he would never want to see the actor father something.

Jiang Mian was inconvenient to talk to the actor father about some things, but revealed a little bit to Chen Xu, so that he knew what to do.

Chen Xu unexpectedly mentioned that Jiang Mian suddenly mentioned the "Death Plan 3". It was probably boring. The little girl didn't have a topic to look for, he thought.

"It was going to be shot before, but your father delayed it." Chen Xu said.

He was surprised about this incident. He had arranged it well, and was going to the United States for an inspection to see if he could start shooting.

As a result, Qin Jingrun suddenly said that the plan was postponed, and he didn't say why when asked.

Qin Jingrun has always been serious and responsible in his work, and he seldom sees such a wayward side of Qin Jingrun.

"I don't know when to shoot for the time being." Chen Xu shook his head. He saw Jiang Mian's face hesitate, as if he had something to say.

"What's the matter?" Chen Xu asked.

Jiang Mian said: "Uncle Chen, think of a way to prevent Dad from filming "Death Plan 3" in the future."

Chen Xu: "?"

Jiang Mian looked at him and said earnestly: "Whether it's making a movie or a TV series, there must be a start-up ceremony, just for everything to go smoothly. Although it is a bit superstition, it is also for peace of mind, otherwise it will just save this step."

What Jiang Mian said was reasonable, and Chen Xu nodded in agreement.

"I had a dream about my father before. I dreamed that my father had an accident during the filming of "Death Plan 3". After that, I went to the temple to ask a monk to interpret the dream. The monk told me that my dream was an unknown omen." Jiang Mian looked serious, even if her acting skills were not as good as the actor father, but she was still top-notch.

Chen Xufeidan did not doubt, but his expression became solemn.

In fact, the staff behind the scenes believe this more than the artists.

Chen Xu: "You told your father about your dreams?"

No wonder Qin Jingrun suddenly decided to postpone the filming of "Death Plan 3".

"No." Jiang Mian shook his head, "I just gave a hint, I'm afraid Dad will think more."

She observed Chen Xu's expression and continued without blinking her eyes: "I had this dream again a few days ago. It is exactly the same. I understand my father. If there is no valid reason, he will definitely not give up "Death Project 3." I want to come. If you want to go, I have to trouble you with this matter."

Chen Xu is an agent, and the work arrangements of the actor father are all handled by him. It is up to him to find a way to make the actor father unable to shoot "Death Project 3", which is much easier than Jiang Mian.

"I see." Chen Xu nodded, "I will find a way."

Chen Xu didn't think that Jiang Mian was lying. First, he didn't see that Jiang Mian meant lying in it; secondly, what are the benefits of Jiang Mian's lying?

Their father and daughter are in a good relationship, and Jiang Mian's unreasonable composing of such words seems to curse Qin Jingrun.

Assuming everything is true, in order to avoid danger, he has to think carefully.

"Thank you Uncle Chen." Jiang Mian laughed, "You can put me down at the intersection ahead."

Chen Xu was still thinking of Jiang Mian's dream about Qin Jingrun's accident, and was surprised when he heard that.

Jiang Mian said: "I have something to go to another place. After Uncle Chen returns, please don't tell my father."

What Chen Xu wanted to say, Jiang Mian did not give him a chance to speak: "It's 10:30, it's not too late, shouldn't Uncle Chen be like my father, worry about what will happen to me."

Jiang Mian was already an adult and had her own choice, and there were many pedestrians in the surrounding streets. Chen Xu finally parked the car at the intersection in front.

Saying goodbye to Chen Xu, Jiang Mian took a taxi and went to the city bureau where the detective father was.

At this point, the people in the city bureau must be off work, at most there are police on duty.

She just can take this opportunity to step on the spot first, and then find a way to sneak into the police station.

When the night is dark and windy, it is perfect when sneaking into the police station.

"Girl, it's so late. The police station is off work. What are you going to do at the police station?" The driver was a little puzzled when he heard Jiang Mian's report, and looked up at Jiang Mian in the rearview mirror.

Jiang Mian thought of a reason casually: "My home is near the police station."

The driver was curious: "Is it safe to live near the police station?"

"Yes." Jiang Mian nodded, "We are afraid of even a thief in our area."

Driver Dale: "If you really meet someone who dares to show up, isn't that impatient?"

In general, drivers who drive at night like to make noise. They tend to fall asleep at night. Chatting with passengers can wake up their minds. After a few words, the driver suddenly asks: "The house prices over there must be very expensive."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Along the way, Jiang Mian listened to the driver’s talks, and occasionally Jiang Mian responded politely, and he was able to talk about this topic for a long time.

When he arrived at the destination, the driver felt that it was rare to meet such a co-produced passenger, so he wiped out the fraction of Jiang Mian's taxi fare and only charged a whole.

Jiang Mian looked at the Municipal Bureau, the entire office building of the Municipal Bureau was solemn and solemn, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau stood at the door in large characters, giving people a sense of security inexplicably.

Most of the lights in the building are off, but the lights on a few floors are still on.

The door was closed, the light in the guard room was on, and a guard was sitting inside on duty.

This kind of guards guarding the gates will be on duty 24 hours a day.

Jiang Mian glanced, she couldn't enter through the front door openly.

She started to circle around the city bureau, and finally came to the wall behind the building. The wall was about five meters high. It was sparsely populated and almost no one passed by.

Jiang Mian looked around, then glanced at the wall, she could enter through the wall.


There is monitoring!

As expected to be the city bureau, Jiang Mian glanced at the camera mounted on the tree, presumably to prevent anyone from entering over the wall, although the five-meter wall was already high enough.

Just when Jiang Mian was thinking about how to solve the surveillance, the little paper man suddenly got out of her sleeve, Jiang Mian looked at it, and she didn't know when it was hidden.

The little paper man twisted and twisted at Jiang Mian, Jiang Mian really couldn't understand its "dance"-although the little paper man was transformed by the celestial master, he was born on the basis of her qi and blood, and his strength was greater than before.

But Jiang Mian couldn't communicate with it, so he could only guess at it.

The little paper man can understand her meaning quickly.

Probably found that the little master didn't understand its meaning, Xiaobai didn't twist at all, and began to roll himself up, directly into a thin strip.

Then its jio kicked on Jiang Mian's hand, and it actually "shot" itself out.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Xiaobai accurately landed on the wall, stretched out his body, grasped a hanging branch, and quickly climbed onto the tree.

Then it came to the camera on the tree, opened its body, and pia stuck himself on it.

Jiang Mian suddenly felt the urge to ask for a few more paper figures from Master Tian. This is really the most intimate little helper.

The celestial father of another city suddenly got an itchy nose and sneezed heavily. After the sneeze, he touched his head: Mianmian must have missed me!


Jiang Mian easily stepped into the wall, and when he encountered the camera along the way, the little paper man posted it all the way.

There is a floor plan of the building in a display column-this is to facilitate people to accurately find the designated office area when they come to work.

Jiang Mian took a closer look and recorded the route. The criminal investigation team's office is on the fifth floor.

There was someone on duty in the hall. Jiang Mian took advantage of the opportunity when the opponent got up to catch the water, quickly ran in, and then entered the safe passage.

The little paper man grabbed her hair and drifted in the wind.

When Jiang Mian came down to the fifth floor, she had to find where the archives room was. Just when she ran to the fourth floor and was about to continue walking up, a voice suddenly rang from the top of her head, and Jiang Mian hurriedly stopped.

"Company, why are you back now?"