After ending the video call with Jiang Mian, Lian Feng went to go through the discharge procedures.

He asked the two nurses that Han Xu asked him to go back, but to his surprise, he received a call from Han Xu.

The two carers took a high cost of care, and they only came to work for a few days, and the employer told them to go back. If they didn't have that much money, they would be very happy.

But they took a lot of money, and Lian Feng asked them to leave. Not only were they not happy, but they were panicked.

Moreover, it was said that it was Lilian Feng, who hardly let them do anything, so the two did not leave immediately, instead contacting Han Xu's assistant to report the matter.

Han Xu has been busy with business affairs these days, and he has been so dimly busy when he heard the assistant talk about it, but he didn't react for a while.

When did he hire a caregiver?

Only after the reaction came did I understand what was going on. Lian Feng had more than a dozen knives on his body and was discharged now?

It's not really a man of iron, Han Xu had to temporarily stop the meeting and set aside five minutes to call Lian Feng.

"Do you have a pit in your brain? Just leave the hospital now?" Han Xu hadn't rested in these few days. He was so angry, and when Lian Feng's phone was connected, he snapped and said, "How do you become a father! Want to think about Mianmian! She was scared when you were injured, and now she is discharged from the hospital before the injury is healed, do you want her to worry about eating and sleeping?"

"Don't think you are a policeman, I dare not scold you." When Han Xu called, another cell phone kept calling. Annoyed, he threw the other cell phone on the ground. The assistant quickly picked it up and turned it off.

Compared with Han Xu's aggressive temper, Lian Feng's voice was calm: "I told Mianmian."

Han Xu: "..."

Thinking of the two nurses, Lian Feng rarely explained: "My injury is no longer serious. There is a case that needs me to deal with, and I must be discharged from the hospital."

Han Xu called and was worried that his baby daughter would be worried when he knew that Lian Feng was discharged from the hospital, but Lian Feng told him that Jiang Mian knew.

Suddenly feeling that this action was unnecessary, he snorted angrily, "Mianmian agreed?"

Thinking of his daughter's disapproval expression, Lian Feng's heart warmed, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he hummed.

"All right, I want to have a meeting." Han Xu hung up and wanted to call his baby girl, but time didn't allow him, so he kept busy with the meeting.

For a while, the two nurses and businessmen took the initiative to say to Lian Feng: "Police Officer Lien, Mr. Han paid us very well. Now you are discharged from the hospital, so let's take care of your friend, the former police officer. How about?"

"We are voluntary." said the two nurses.

I took so much money, but only worked for a few days...Because of taking care of Lian Feng, by the way, I knew about Yuan Jinfei's injury. Once they negotiated, they decided to transfer the care of Lian Feng to Yuan Jinfei.

In this way, they are at ease with the huge commission.

Lian Feng looked at them. The nurses were a couple, with very ordinary looks.

When most people learn that they can get huge commissions without having to work, they are afraid that they are already excited and feel that they have taken a huge advantage.

There are not many sincere people like this.

He didn't refuse either. Yuan Jinfei really needs to be taken care of, and Xia Qiuyan is always alone.

Two more caregivers can also relax her.

After completing the discharge procedures, Lian Feng took the nurse to Yuan Jinfei's ward. When he arrived, Xia Qiuyan was dipping a cotton swab in water and tapping Yuan Jinfei's cracked lips.

"Company, what are you..." Xia Qiuyan was a little surprised when he saw Lian Feng change into his hospital gown and put on his own clothes.

"I'm discharged from the hospital." Lian Feng said, "These two stayed to help you take care of Lao Yuan."

What Xia Qiuyan wanted to say, Lian Feng didn't give her that opportunity, he confessed a few words and turned and left.

The bureau sent two policemen to guard at the door, meaning to protect Yuan Jinfei.

Original Jinfei was injured by a sneak attack, and now the murderer doesn't know who it is or whether the other party will touch the hospital. He must be protected.

"Thanks." Lian Feng said to the two men, "Be energetic and pay attention to your surroundings."

"Yes." The two police officers nodded heavily.

When Lian Feng left, the two dared to show admiration to Lian Feng.


Lian Feng returned home first, and when he arrived at the police station, it was already over ten o'clock. At this point, the criminal investigation team had only a few people on duty.

He came back quietly, everyone was doing their own thing, and didn't find him back.

Until Zhou Sirui suddenly noticed that the light in the captain's office was on, he was shocked. The company and the original team were both injured in the hospital. Who entered the captain's office okay?

He pushed the door vigilantly and saw Lian Feng sitting in a chair, looking down at the file.

"Company?" Zhou Sirui was shocked.

Lian Feng made a gesture to him, asking him to remain silent, then got up and signaled Zhou Siri to go with him.

Before Jiang Mian, in order to avoid the continuous frontal injury from smoking, when he left, he forcibly collected the cigarettes of the detective father. Lian Feng just looked at the file and subconsciously wanted to touch the cigarette. After touching it for a while, he remembered that the cigarette was taken away by his daughter.

It happened that Zhou Sirui came in.

At this moment, he didn't even know that his baby girl was on the next floor. He only had to walk a few more steps to see Jiang Mian's figure.

Zhou Sirui hurriedly fetched the cigarette from his pocket, Lian Feng took the root, and before lighting it up, there was a door slamming on the lower floor.

"Why can't I push it away." Then there was no sound.

Zhou Sirui took a few steps, glanced downstairs, and said, "Company, I guess the security door on the fourth floor is stuck."

Neither of them cares, the door is stuck, there will be workers coming to fix it tomorrow, and it's useless for them to see it.

As everyone knows, the so-called Carmen is just a little paper man getting into the door lock and pretending to lock the door.

Jiang Mian slowly moved aside like a thief.

So even if the people upstairs look down, as long as they don't come down, they won't see her.

If the detective father really went down, then she would have to raise her hand and smile and say hello, and then said to the detective father: "Dad, I'm lost."

Fortunately, what she was worried about did not happen, and the detective father did not come down.

Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief.

She frowned and she finished playing the video with the detective father at 7 o'clock in the evening. She thought that even if the detective father had to be discharged from the hospital, it would not be so fast, at least tomorrow.

But I don't want him to be discharged so soon, and that's it. Can he go home and rest at night? He ran back to the police station with a whole body of injuries, and now he smokes!

I really don't care about my body at all.

If she didn't have the identity of "stealth" now, she would want to rush directly in front of the detective father.

Jiang Mian heard the sound of the lighter igniting, and then a faint smell of smoke drifted down. She looked downstairs, hoping that at this time, no one would come up from downstairs.

"Go back to work." Lian Feng said to Zhou Sirui.

Zhou Sirui did not leave, he hesitated: "Company, your injury..."

He knew how much Lian Feng suffered from his injuries. It was enough to come back once a few days ago, but the doctors had issued danger notices. How could he be discharged from the hospital with his injuries.

Lian Feng tapped the cigarette on the railing, and the ashes fell through the gap in the railing, and Jiang Mian was inevitably fluttered.

"Gao Huaqiang is still in the detention room?" He asked.

Zhou Sirui shook his head: "It is handed over to the court."

"But he said he wanted to sue you for beating." Zhou Sirui was annoyed. "But you can rest assured that there is no problem with the monitoring. If his accusation is not established, it will be treated as nonsense."

Lian Feng said, and a cigarette was about to end soon, Zhou Sirui was a little curious: "Company, why do you want to fight Gao Huaqiang."

The eavesdropping Jiang Mian was taken aback, and the detective father hit Gao Huaqiang? When?

Zhou Sirui was really curious.

In the hearts of everyone in the game, the company is a person who is not easily emotional.

He said that emotions will influence people's thoughts. A criminal policeman must remain calm when solving a crime, no matter what the situation is.

Emotions are the most difficult to control. Even experienced old criminals cannot guarantee that they can remain calm in any situation.

Especially when encountering some hysterical criminals, it is even more difficult.

But the company can, which is another reason why the police station admire the company.

They once went out to work once, and an ordinary person was kidnapped by a gun by a criminal. The situation was very dangerous. The criminal was a passionate criminal, and the hostage had many wounds that were tortured by the criminal.

In the end, Lian Feng took out his gun in front of everyone, and came to the opposite side of the scene with the murderer: fire together and see who gets the bullet faster.

Everyone: "!!!"

Regardless of the dramatic changes in the crowd, Lian Feng locked his eyes on the murderer: "Dare you?"

The murderer looked domineering, but his eyes raised excitement. He was just looking for excitement to find someone to commit a crime. Now there is a policeman playing "games" with him, and he is so excited that he can't wait to fly to the sky side by side with the sun.

"of course can."

A gunshot struck the murderer and died instantly.

The hostages were rescued and sent to the hospital for rescue. Fortunately, they were rescued in time. The doctor said that if they were a few minutes later, the hostages could not be rescued.

Lian Feng's actions saved the hostages on another level.

Otherwise, even if the sniper is finally in place and the murderer is killed, the hostage will be sent to the hospital.

This incident caused Lian Feng to recite the punishment.

The people above think his approach is undesirable. Once the counter-effect is achieved and the criminal is angered, even the striker and the hostage are likely to die.

Some people think that Lian Feng is doing the right thing, and that it is handled specially during special times.

This incident is thanks to Chen Ju's mediation in the middle to protect Lian Feng, otherwise Lian Feng will not be promoted and will decline.

No matter what the people above decide, after knowing it, people in the game offered their knees to Lian Feng. Some people asked Lian Feng, "Company, are you not afraid? Just in case, in case..."

Lian Feng looked at the young policeman who was asking people, and said slowly: "With me, there is nothing wrong."

In everyone's eyes, the company has a computer-like brain that can calmly calculate any formula and will never influence itself with personal emotions.

The bureau stipulates that: incumbents must not act on offenders because of personal emotions.

Lian Feng will only take action on the murderer while on duty.

Lian Feng glanced at Zhou Sirui, who raised his hand weakly: "I swear, I will never say anything."

"Look at him not pleasing to the eye." Lian Feng said lightly.

Zhou Sirui: "..."

Knowing that the company would not say anything, even if he was curious, Zhou Sirui didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Seeing that Lian Feng hadn't instructed him to interrupt him any more, he left quietly.

Jiang Mian raised his eyes and looked at the shadow projected by the detective father on the wall in front, with a sore nose.

She didn't need to guess what the reason for the Dad's attack on Gao Huaqiang was.

At this moment, the lights of the stairs suddenly went out, and the surroundings instantly became dark.

In the next second, Jiang Mian heard an unfamiliar, cold voice from upstairs: "Company Captain, don't come here unharmed."