The comer is not good.

This was Jiang Mian's first reaction when she heard this voice, and she felt a strong killing intent in this voice.

Killing intent is intangible, but it can be clearly felt.

This man came to the detective father.

Jiang Mian moved, and then stopped. Since the other party dared to appear in the police station, he was still so confident, it is estimated that he has some hole cards.

The detective father has injuries and no weapons, and she is a certain distance upstairs, and the light is dim, she can't act rashly, in case he accidentally injured the detective father... you might as well observe it first, and then look for opportunities.

Jiang Mian gently beckoned, the little paper man got out of the lock and floated to the ground, silently crawling upstairs along the corner.

Darkness works for people, but it doesn't work for paper men.

Jiang Mian listened to the voice upstairs intently.

"Captain company, Lian Feng, Feng Lian." The voice laughed. "The pseudonyms you take undercover are so random. You said that if I sent people to check it out, would your identity be revealed soon?"

"Unfortunately, you didn't notice." Lian Feng's voice did not fluctuate. In the darkness, only his fingertips flashed a little scarlet.

He slowly turned around, and looked at the people standing at the top of the stairs in front of him by the light coming through the window.

Only Zhong Wuli appeared in such a tone and in this way.

Why Zhong Wuli appeared here, and lurking in the corridor, is temporarily out of Lian Feng's consideration.

His eyes fell on Zhong Wuli's hand, who was holding a miniature laser gun in his hand.

During the undercover period, Zhong Wuli showed this gun to Lian Feng.

This laser gun was given to him by a foreign customer. It is only palm-sized, compact and convenient, and easy to carry.

Any kind of close-range gun can't compare to it.

It has an automatic aiming function.

When the trigger is pressed, the laser will split into five in the middle, which can instantly divide a person into five even pieces.

Zhong Wuli used a traitor to demonstrate the effect of this gun. In front of the company and many henchmen, he used this laser gun to divide the traitor into five pieces.

The traitor is Zhong Wuli's confidant and has done a lot of detrimental things. He has always suspected that Lian Feng is an undercover agent, and kept pushing Lian Feng to expose himself.

Designed by Lian Feng, Zhong Wuli thought he had betrayed him.

The evidence is in front of him, Zhong Wuli is a suspicious person, only a little doubt is enough to be a foregone conclusion.

After killing people, Zhong Wuli ignored the five **** corpses on the ground, and looked around at the laser gun. His eyes were full of interest, and he was obviously satisfied with the power of the gun.

"Drag it to feed the dog."

Then he looked at Lian Feng’s eyes and slowly said, “If I am under my hand, as long as I have a bite, I will definitely not starve you. But I hate betrayal the most. Unfortunately, someone will come to test me from time to time. The bottom line, I hope this is the last time, I really don’t want to let the brothers around me disappear."

Everyone was silent.

When the net retraction started, the first thing Lian Feng did was to steal the laser gun.

Otherwise, many people will die.

Finally he succeeded.

After converging with the large group, he turned in the laser gun and was sent to the hospital due to his injuries. After he woke up, he asked about the whereabouts of the laser gun.

Yuan Jinfei told him that the laser gun was handed over to the provincial bureau and kept by the provincial bureau.

But now, he reappeared in Zhong Wuli's hands.

A dark color flashed across Lian Feng's eyes.

When he said that Zhong Wuli was not dead, and that Zhong Wushang was dead, Chen Ju told him that the case had been closed, and when he said that the case ended here, Lian Feng wondered if there was a ghost inside.

But he said nothing, including Yuan Jinfei.

Now, his suspicion was not wrong.

He took the laser gun stolen from his life, but within a few days, he turned it back into his own hands.

I have to say, this is ironic.

"Recognize this gun." Zhong Wuli shook the gun in his hand. "Don't move the company captain. I'm afraid that if I am not careful, if my hand shakes, you will become five equal parts lying in front of me. It's ugly."

"How did you come in?" This is nonsense, but Lian Feng had to ask, delaying time can make him think of a way to get out of trouble.

He walked on the edge of life and death countless times, and a heart had been trained long ago. Even if the muzzle of the laser gun was aimed at him, he might be divided into five in the next second, but his heartbeat did not accelerate at all.

The more dangerous the moment, the calmer he is.

The cigarette **** burned to the end and burned on his fingertips, he opened it lightly, and the cigarette **** fell vertically.

The laser gun locked him, and he had no chance to escape.

Besides, even if there is, he can't run.

Zhong Wuli held a laser gun, and if he was desperate to kill, the man on duty would be a living target unsuspectingly.

Zhong Wuli's goal is him.

"How did I get in?" Zhong Wuli walked down the stairs. He deliberately slowed down and invisibly increased the pressure.

Although he knows, perhaps this pressure is not worth mentioning to Lian Feng.

"This question is a good question. Haven't you been very smart? When I was in the stockade, I didn't have to say anything, and you could understand what I was thinking. Then guess how I got in."

Lian Feng said nothing.

"You should be very curious about how this gun came back to my hand." Then he changed the conversation and said, "I heard that your policemen all have guns. What about your gun, let me see."

Without waiting for Lian Feng to speak, he smiled on his own, thinking that he was chatting with a friend when he didn’t know: "I forgot, the company captain was discharged from the hospital with injuries. Your position has not been restored, and the gun has not been returned to you ."

He snorted unclearly: "In other words, the company captain doesn't have any weapons on his body. How embarrassed me is this."

Lian Feng looked towards the window without leaving a trace, and his voice was very weak: "What do you want to do?"

"I don't really want to kill you for the time being." Zhong Wuli didn't sell too much. He went down two more stairs, only four steps away from Lian Feng.

Lian Feng was noncommittal.

If Zhong Wuli killed him cleanly, it would be abnormal.

"You ruined everything about me, and you killed my brother. Although my brother is ugly and stupid, he is the only blood relative to me. You killed him and made me a lonely person. It feels uncomfortable. Let you taste it."

"After my investigation, you were an orphan, but someone adopted you later. Your adoptive father was an ordinary worker, and one day he was suddenly killed on the roadside. For this reason, you were admitted to the police academy and became a policeman every day. Born to death, I haven't asked a wife for so many years."

"But I heard that you seem to have a niece, who is very beautiful." Zhong Wuli said, "I really want to see how beautiful it is."

Lian Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

"Finally I have a reaction. It seems that what I checked is correct." Zhong Wuli's voice chilled without warning, "Lian Feng, wait until I find your beautiful niece and peel her face off. Personal leather mask, what do you think?"

"Okay, you can come and try it." In this suffocating oppression, a third voice suddenly sounded, "Xiao Bai, do it."

In the next second, Zhong Wuli felt a sharp pain coming from his hand, and with a snap, the laser gun fell to the ground.

Realizing that there was something wrong, he ran upstairs in an instant, and at the same time drew a gun from behind, without any hesitation, he continued to push the trigger downstairs.

Bang bang bang!

Just as Jiang Mian was about to chase him up, a few bullets suddenly greeted him. Fortunately, at the moment of the moment, Lian Feng held him and rolled to the ground to avoid.

"Mianmian?!" Lian Feng's calm voice was full of shock.