Jiang Mian heard Zhong Wuli's words clearly downstairs. According to the other party's words, she could roughly guess the fact: This person is the leader of a drug organization, and the detective father went to him to do an undercover task, and finally finished it. His lair. In the process, he escaped, but his brother died.

He has a powerful gun, which should have been in the hands of the police, but now it is back in his hands, and he can easily break into the police station and hide here.

The most important thing is-he knows that Interpol will be discharged from the hospital tonight, and that Interpol will return to the police station.

It shows that someone in the police station is in a gang with this big drug lord, and that person can also know the whereabouts of the detective father and reveal his whereabouts to the big drug lord.

For this situation, Jiang Mian is not surprised.

Among the righteous sects in the world of cultivating immortals, crooked melons and jujubes are still raised.

It's normal to have a few insiders inside the public security organs. Some people, for their own benefit, what can't do?

No matter who the inner ghost is, as long as you catch the big drug lord, you can pull the inner ghost out of him.

Therefore, Jiang Mian didn't hesitate anymore, and let the little paper man who had secretly attached Zhong Wuli a long time ago, and it was easy to get the dangerous gun in the opponent's hand.

It's just that she didn't expect that this person was still carrying multiple guns. When she was about to find a way to hide, the detective father rushed over and led her to avoid.

Listening to the shocked voice of detective father, Jiang Mian had no time to explain, and said quickly: "Dad, don't let him run away."

Jiang Mian pushed the detective father away and quickly chased him upstairs.

Lian Feng was startled by Jiang Mian's agile skills. He moved faster than he thought and ran upstairs with Jiang Mian. He saw the little paper man pasted on the stairs with sharp eyes-Jiang Mian ran up just now, but he didn't see it. It, step on it to the ground with one foot.

Lian Feng pulled the little paper man up, picked up the laser gun by the way, and quickly pursued Jiang Mian.

Gunshots sounded upstairs, and Lian Feng's heart jumped wildly.

Jiang Mian chased Zhong Wuli to the eighth floor.

The security access gates on each floor of the office building will be locked if there is no one. People on the upper floors are off work, so the security gates are all closed, so that Zhong Wuli cannot enter through the security gate.

His speed was not slow, he still had a gun in his hand, and shot back from time to time to force Lian Feng back - Zhong Wuli thought that Lian Feng was chasing him.

However, the distance between the two parties was rapidly shortening. When he lowered his gun again, he discovered that the woman was chasing him, and she had avoided all the bullets he had fired just now.

Zhong Wuli was stunned for 0.5 seconds, he was stunned, Jiang Mian was not stunned, she had no weapons on her body, but it didn’t matter, she had shoes!

As soon as the shoes passed, Zhong Wuli dodged, and Jiang Mian drew close after such a delay.

The killing intent in Zhong Wuli's eyes was harsh, and he pulled the trigger at Jiang Mian. The latter's figure suddenly flashed, and he came directly behind Zhong Wuli, leaned forward and grabbed Zhong Wuli's elbow holding the gun, fiercely. Go down.

In the severe pain, Zhong Wuli loosened his five fingers, Jiang Mian probed his hand, and accurately received the gun in his hand. The muzzle was placed on Zhong Wuli’s temple: "Don’t move, I’m afraid I’ll be trembling by accident. After that, you will be lying in front of me like a dead dog, which is ugly."

She relayed to him what Zhong Wuli said to the detective father almost verbatim.

In less than a minute, Yu Zhong Wuli said that the balance was already leaning toward the opponent, and the sharp pain in his elbow and wrist reminded him that he was defeated.

"Good skill." He simply gave up all resistance and laughed low, with a cold appreciation in his voice, "It's rare to see such a good skill among policewomen."

"Then do you want to see something better?" Jiang Mian said, and without hesitation, he kicked his legs down at Zhong Wuli.

With a rubbing sound, Zhong Wuli knelt on the ground, but also stiff, without saying a word.

Thinking that the detective father was injured because of him, the fire in Jiang Mian's heart rose.

This kind of scum that has no idea how many lives is in his hands, if it were in a previous life, she could kill it with a wave of hands.

Now, even if she has the ability to kill him, due to the rules of this mortal world, she can't do it.

But the anger that should be vented, take this opportunity to give it enough—just defend it, don't make it harder, it is her who is injured, what a perfect reason.

Just as he was about to act on Zhong Wuli's other leg, the detective father chased him up, Jiang Mian hesitated and stopped. In front of his father, he was too cruel and seemed not very good.

Lian Feng rushed up, using the light coming through the window, he was silent when he saw the picture in front of him.

Zhong Wuli knelt on the ground, Jiang Mian held a gun in his hand, and the muzzle was on top of Zhong Wuli's head. Not far from him was a turned white sail shoe.

Even though his body was trembling in pain, Zhong Wuli was also smiling. He didn't seem to be afraid of falling into the hands of the police at all. He just said slowly: "Lian Feng, do you think this is over? I tell you, it's not over."

In the next second, the lights on the stairs turned on again, and there was a rush of footsteps downstairs-Zhou Sirui ran up with a few people.

Zhong Wuli's gun was not equipped with a silencer, so the loud noise naturally alarmed the man on duty.

Slowly speaking, in fact, it was only three minutes after the stairs were dimmed to the present.


Lian Feng removed the gun from Jiang Mian's hand, and the latter obediently stepped back.

He took the handcuffs to handcuff Zhong Wuli, and asked Zhou Sirui to take the person down. After a lot of noise, only Lian Feng and Jiang Mian were left in the staircase on the eighth floor.

A policeman was picking up the cartridge case downstairs, looking up from time to time, and then glanced at each other with his companion, his eyes full of curiosity.

After they heard the gunshots ran out, the matter was over. They didn't see the dangerous picture at all. They only saw a little girl holding a gun against a man.

They almost thought the girl was the murderer who ran into the police station at night.

"What is the relationship between the company and that girl?" The crisis is lifted, gossip is human nature, and men are no exception.

"How do I know." The colleague shook his head.

A huge mystery filled the hearts of everyone, but they couldn't find the answer and could only hold it in their hearts.

Jiang Mian stood in the corner, how prestigious she was just now, and now she is so scared.

How should I explain to the detective father about her coming to the police station?

She touched her nose. Although her heart was guilty, she couldn't show it, so she met the detective father's gaze calmly.

Jiang Mian was the first to break the silence. She knew there were police officers downstairs, so she kept her voice low: "Dad, how is your injury?"

Rolling on the ground holding her just now, didn't you tear the wound? !

Lian Feng shook his head, and the little paper man got out of his pocket and quickly ran towards Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian touched its head and said to Lian Feng: "Dad, thanks to Xiaobai, it has done a great job."

She wanted to use this move to tell Lian Feng that the reason why she became so "powerful" was taught by Heavenly Master-to push the pot onto Heavenly Master!

When the detective father saw the scene of Master Tian transforming the little paper man, he would definitely believe it.

The advantage of having a lot of dads is that they can give other dads the education!

Sure enough, the detective father did not ask much.

He picked up the white sail shoes on the ground and frowned.

A bullet made a big hole in the shoe-Jiang Mian smashed the shoe over, and Zhong Wuli subconsciously shot the shoe when he evaded.

The shoes are obviously out of use.

"The company, the people are already closed." Zhou Sirui ran up with an ugly face. It was not a trivial matter that someone rushed to the police station at night to kill Lian Feng by intention.

——Lian Feng didn't tell them Zhong Wuli's identity, Zhou Ruisi thought it was just an ordinary gunman.

"Go find the slippers for the girls." Lian Feng ordered.

There is a lounge in the bureau. Sometimes when you are tired on duty, you can rest in the lounge, so most police officers prepare some daily necessities in the bureau.

Male policemen are not so particular, while female policemen are much more refined.

There was also a young policewoman named Tang Xiaoshu who ran up with Zhou Sirui, who immediately responded, "Company, I will get mine right away."

Soon, Tang Xiaoshu took his slippers up, and in front of other people, Lian Feng restrained and showed no other emotions.

Tang Xiaoshu handed the shoes to Jiang Mian.

"Thank you." Jiang Mian took off the other shoe. It is better to wear slippers than white sail shoes with a big hole.

"Ah, you are injured." Tang Xiaoshu suddenly exclaimed and pointed to Jiang Mian's lower back.

Jiang Mian: "?"

She subconsciously touched her back, then raised her hand, which was already dyed red.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She was actually injured? !

Lian Feng's eyes changed, he walked closer, turned Jiang Mian away, and his eyes fell on Jiang Mian's waist.

Tang Xiaoshu, who was close, clearly saw the company's eyes become extremely cold in an instant, she shivered, and subconsciously took two steps back.

——People in the bureau said that the company had a strong eye, and there were many policemen who had just arrived who were afraid to meet the company's eyes. She finally understood that this was not an exaggeration.

In the next second, a scene where Tang Xiaoshu, Zhou Sirui and other policemen looking here opened their mouths appeared——

Their company actually picked up the other girl!

It's not a princess hug that looks like a cross, but a hug like a child.

Everyone: "...?????!"

Jiang Mian, who was picked up by the detective father abruptly, wanted to turn herself into a small paper man and get into the ground.

——Father, she is eighteen years old, not three years old!

Lian Feng didn't think so much. The reason why he hugged Jiang Mian like this was just driven by instinct - as for why he didn't hug him horizontally, that would tear Jiang Mian's wound more open.

The detective father is tall. Although the undercover mission made him lose a lot of weight, Jiang Mian's height is only as high as his chest, and being held in his arms like this is not a violation.

He carried Jiang Mian to his office.

There were not many policemen on duty, except for the ones in the stairs, the rest were guarding outside the door of Zhong Wuli closed, so Jiang Mian did not receive much attention.

"Dad, I'm fine." Jiang Mian whispered.

The nervous look of the detective father, as if she had been hurt badly.

She felt that she was accidentally rubbed while avoiding bullets just now.

The stairs are narrow and the light is dim. Although she can hear the voice, she has only a little space to escape due to the limitation of the venue.

This injury is not worth mentioning to Jiang Mian.

Lian Feng's jaw tightened, without saying a word, he walked into the office holding Jiang Mian, and put Jiang Mian carefully on the sofa. Tang Xiaoshu got the medicine box with insight: "Company, I'll help this girl handle it. Hurt it."

Lian Feng gave a hum and stepped back.

Jiang Mian was wearing a simple T-shirt. Tang Xiaoshu lifted the hem of her back waist, revealing a scratch about five or six centimeters long, with bullet burn marks around.

Her skin was white, so that the injuries that weren't counted as multiple injuries made Tang Xiaoshu frown.

Zhou Sirui hurried over: "Company, call after the game..."

Jiang Mian knew that Lian Feng must have a lot of things to deal with, so he said: "Dad...Uncle Lian, I'm fine. Go ahead and get involved with the murderer."

She reminded detective father that Zhong Wuli was the most important thing, she just suffered a little injury.

Uncle Lian?

Tang Xiaoshu and Zhou Sirui couldn't help confirming an answer in their hearts at the same time: The company really knew this girl.

Lian Feng had many questions to ask Jiang Mian, but now is not the time to ask, he reached out and touched Jiang Mian's hair restrainedly, and said to Tang Xiaoshu: "Trouble."

Then he strode out of the office.

"Don't bear it." Tang Xiaoshu was quick to treat Jiang Mian's wounds, and couldn't help asking, "I just heard you call Uncle Lian Lien? Are you relatives?"

"Yes." Jiang Mian nodded generously.

However, Tang Xiaoshu was even more puzzled. Everyone knew that Lian Feng was injured and was hospitalized. It wasn't until the accident that he had come back.

When he came back, he was attacked by gunmen.

According to the little girl in front of her, she and the company are uncles and nephews—why did the company bring back his niece when the company returned to the police station?

And in the end, it was his niece who subdued the murderer?

Tang Xiaoshu's mind is full of question marks. Even if she wants to ask questions, she doesn't know which one to ask.

After the injury was dealt with, Jiang Mian decided to sneak off first.

The purpose of her coming to the police station tonight was to take a peek at the criminal police dad's details about the undercover mission.

As a result, she heard the process by mistake, and now she doesn't need to peek at the files, and stay, waiting for her must be the inquiry of the detective father-why come to the police station? How did you get in?

These are not easy for her to explain. Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy.

"Thank you Officer Tang." Jiang Mian stood up, "It's getting late, I should go home."

Tang Xiaoshu: "???"

Tang Xiaoshu was puzzled: "Aren't you waiting for the company?"

"Isn't even Uncle busy? I'll go home first. My parents are still waiting for me at home."