When Fu Ju learned that Lian Feng had been attacked at the police station, he called to ask about the situation. Lian Feng did not conceal it, and said straightforwardly: "It's Zhong Wuli."

There was a sudden silence on the phone, only to hear Fu Ju's breathing heavier. After a while, Fu Ju said: "...Isn't Zhong Wuli dead?"

Lian Feng lit a cigarette again: "I said, Zhong Wushang died."

The payment bureau did not speak.

Lian Feng said lightly: "The laser gun I handed in has also returned to his hand."

"What did you say?" Fu Ju's voice raised.

The surprise may also be pretended. Lian Feng took a mouthful of smoke and slowly exhaled the smoke: "You should understand what this means."

Pay bureau: "You mean..."

Lian Feng looked at the smoke rising in front of him, and immediately pulled the corners of his mouth somewhat self-deprecatingly.

Both sides fell silent.

After hanging up the phone, Lian Feng's own cell phone kept ringing. After he answered the call, Tang Xiaoshu came over to him Jiang Mian and wanted to leave.

Speaking of Jiang Mian, it was probably due to the telepathy between father and daughter, Lian Feng suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling that his daughter wanted to sneak.

He didn't delay any more, and quickly left the director's office, and he met Jiang Mian who had come out of his office.

Even though various doubts were piled up, at this moment, facing Jiang Mian's self-concealed look, Lian Feng's heart suddenly loosened, and the closeness of his eyebrows slowly dissipated a bit.

He approached, touched Jiang Mian's long hair, and said, "If you have any injuries, don't move around. Go to my office and wait. If you are tired, go to sleep first. I will send you back when I am finished."

Jiang Mian, whose sneak plan failed perfectly: "..."

Looking at Jiang Mian's back waist again, the blood stains on his clothes were particularly dazzling, and Lian Feng's hands were lifted up and Jiang Mian hurriedly said: "It doesn't hurt."

The pain caused by this injury is really nothing here for Jiang Mian.

Tang Xiaoshu suggested: "I have clean clothes here, or change mine first?"

After nodding, Jiang Mian had to follow Tang Xiaoshu to change clothes first.

"Police Officer Tang, where is the murderer locked up?" The detective father didn't tell her where Zhong Wuli was locked up, so she could ask other people.

Tang Xiaoshu thought, just now the little girl asked the company, but the company didn't say anything, indicating that she didn't want the little girl to know. If she said that, wouldn't it be against the company?

So he shook his head and coaxed Jiang Mian like a child: "You have an injury, listen to your uncle, wait in his office, be good."

Jiang Mian: "..."

After changing his clothes, Tang Xiaoshu took Jiang Mian into Lian Feng's office again, and stayed at the office without leaving.

Jiang Mian suspected that this was deliberately done by detective father-detective father saw that she wanted to slip away, so he asked Tang Xiaoshu to stay and watch her.

Forget it, after the detective father asked her what she was doing in the police station, she said she came to him specially. As for why he didn't notify him in advance, I wanted to give him a surprise.

Anyway, this is the reason, even if the detective father is suspicious.

After thinking about it, Jiang Mian calmed down. She began to look at Lian Feng's office. It was about 30 square meters. Behind the desk was a large bookcase with many folders and files.

Jiang Mian walked over and opened it casually.

Tang Xiaoshu wanted to say something, thinking that she was Lian Feng's niece and family relationship, and swallowed it back.

She hadn't looked at Jiang Mian carefully before, but now she had time to look at it and found that the little girl was really beautiful, and then imagined the scene she saw in the stairwell.

I thought: As expected, he is the niece of the company. At a young age, he can subdue the gunmen. After being injured, he is not afraid at all. She has the demeanor of the company.

But the more she looked, the more she felt that the girl was familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Tang Xiaoshu lowered her head in thought, her mobile phone rang, and her brother Tang Xiaole sent her a message: [Sister, when are you coming back? 】

[Tang Xiaoshu: It's early, you go to bed first. 】

[Tang Xiaole: Oh. 】

[Tang Xiaole: Sister, I am going to the film and television city tomorrow, what gift do you want, I will buy it for you. 】

[Tang Xiaoshu: Look and buy it. Be careful when playing, there are many people, don't be stolen. 】

When talking about this, a light bulb on Tang Xiaoshu’s head lit up, she looked up at the little girl who was sitting in the company’s chair looking through the documents, and suddenly said to her brother: [You told me not long ago that you like a girl, who Coming? 】

Soon she received a photo from her brother: [It's her, it's pretty. 】

Tang Xiaoshu: "..."

She clicked on the picture, glanced at it, and then looked up at Jiang Mian on the opposite side, comparing the two, isn't this the same person!

Is it such a coincidence? !

Tang Xiaoshu raised his phone and quietly took a photo of Jiang Mian, and then sent it to Tang Xiaole.

[Tang Xiaole:! ! ! 】

[Tang Xiaole: My god, is my goddess going to your police station to take a night view? ! 】

[Tang Xiaoshu:? ? ? 】

The document Jiang Mian read was about a murder case that was cracked by the detective father. She originally intended to look through it at will, and she was fascinated by it if she didn't pay attention.

It records in detail how the detective father cracked the murder case in two days. These words fell into her eyes, and the scenes were directly and clearly reflected in her mind.

She finally understood why these police officers admired the detective father so much.

When I was watching, I suddenly heard Tang Xiaoshu's voice: "...Are you an actor?"

Jiang Mian raised his head and met Tang Xiaoshu's surprised eyes.

She was not surprised that Tang Xiaoshu asked this, maybe the other person looked familiar to her, and then searched on the Internet to recognize her.

She smiled and said, "Isn't it?"

"My brother is a fan of yours." Tang Xiaoshu explained that fearing Jiang Mian would misunderstand, he felt that the world was a bit small.

An actress her brother liked was actually the company's niece.

Then Tang Xiaoshu said something about Lian Feng in the game, and Jiang Mian also signed Tang Xiaole at Tang Xiaoshu's request.

This is the first time Jiang Mian signed an autograph for a fan, or in this case, it was quite interesting.

Half an hour later, when Lian Feng returned, Tang Xiaoshu stopped talking with Jiang Mian.

Lian Feng said to Tang Xiaoshu: "It's okay, let's go back first."

Tang Xiaoshu was about to leave and found Lian Feng looking at the cup in her hand.

Because she couldn't find something to sign, Tang Xiaoshu couldn't help her brother's pleading, so she had to bring her water cup, let Jiang Mian sign on it, and give it to Tang Xiaole when she returned.

Lian Feng's gaze fell on the signature on her cup: Xiao Le, I wish the college entrance examination a success ^-^, Jiang Mian.

Tang Xiaoshu remembered that the company hated doing things outside of work during working hours. Although it was working overtime tonight, it happened that the murderer came to the police station with a gun. Everyone was busy. She was still here asking for an autograph for her younger brother, which is really out of place.

She whispered, "Company, my brother is a fan of Mianmian, just now..."

Before he finished speaking, Lian Feng nodded, indicating that she could leave.

Tang Xiaoshu was amnesty and ran away holding the cup.

"Are there many people looking for you to sign on weekdays?" Lian Feng asked.

"This is the first one." Jiang Mian blinked.

Lian Feng paused. He didn't say anything just because Tang Xiaoshu said he was asking for an autograph from Jiang Mian for her brother.

It is a good thing that a daughter is liked by others.

"There will be more in the future." Lian Feng didn't mention Zhong Wuli at all, he just wanted to keep these away from Jiang Mian.

Dressing beautifully, filming, and gaining the love of countless fans is what a daughter should have in life.

Looking at the time on his wrist, he said: "Let's go, let's go home."

Jiang Mian: "?"

Didn't you say to send her back to the hotel?

Seeing her doubts, Lian Feng frowned: "You have an injury on your body. Wait until the injury is cured before you work."

"If it is difficult to ask for leave, please give me your director's contact information, and I will help you please." The tone of the detective father cannot allow Jiang Mian to refuse.

Jiang Mian wanted to refute: You were discharged from the hospital with a lot of injuries on her body. Why can't she work with a small hole in her body? How can such a double standard.

However, facing the gaze of the detective father, what he wanted to say silently swallowed back.

She discovered that among the four dads, the one she couldn't refuse was the detective dad-because she refused it and it was useless!

Lian Feng went home before, and when he came back to the police station, he drove his car—his car was a very ordinary brand.

After Jiang Mian got in the car, Lian Feng flattened the seat for her, took off the jacket and covered her body: "Go to sleep, I will call you when I get there."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She doesn't want to sleep!

She lay helplessly, looking at the detective father, with a faint doubt in her eyes: she thought that the detective father would ask her about sneaking into the police station, but he didn't ask anything.

This shouldn't be.

Lian Feng started the car. He drove very steadily. Even if it was half past one in the morning and there were few pedestrians on the road, his speed was very stable, and he did not keep accelerating because there was no one.

This is not because he has poor driving skills.

On the contrary, Lian Feng's car skills are recognized as No. 1 in the game.

In their line of business, sometimes when solving a case, it is easy to be assassinated by the murderer. One time, Lian Feng and Yuan Jinfei were teaming up to deal with the case. The other party hired a group of people to pick them and the large unit alone. Hands on.

There were a large number of opponents, and the two were not opponents. In the end, Lian Feng rushed out of the encirclement with his excellent driving skills.

After the two escaped, Yuan Jinfei vomited up the inventory in his stomach.

But now it's not an escape, there is a person in the car who is holding his heart hurt, so why bother for that speed.

The injury to Jiang Mian was more painful than the dozen or so injuries to him combined.

The reason why he didn't ask Jiang Mian why he came to the police station was because there was no need to ask.

Jiang Mian came to the police station naturally for him.

And he, the father, did not protect her after all.

In any case, Jiang Mian could not be involved in this matter again.

Jiang Mian didn't know what the detective father was thinking. When the detective father let her sleep, where did she sleep, she said, "Dad, will that big drug lord be convicted?"

Although she is not clear about the system in the public security system, she is aware of one thing. There is an internal ghost in the system, standing on the same line with the big drug lord. If the other party wants to protect him, it is still unknown whether she can be convicted.

This is like a previous life, a wicked cultivator who committed many evils and committed public anger, but there is a big boss to protect him, no one can do anything.

Zhong Wuli is a bomb. If he doesn't pull out the inner ghost on his back, he may explode someday.

The other party hated and poisoned the detective father, and if he didn't deal with him, the detective father would always be in danger.

Several assassination methods flashed in Jiang Mian's mind, but she denied them one by one in the end.

"You don't need to worry about this, I'll take care of it." Lian Feng freed a hand to pull off her coat, and the conversation turned around. "When you are with your left father, except for the moving paper, What has he taught you?"


Before Jiang Mian spoke, Lian Feng said again: "He is out of thinking and his IQ is below the pass line. Don't follow him."

When he waited for the traffic lights, he turned his head and stared at Jiang Mian: "If something happens to you, how will your father live?"