Jiang Mian was shocked.

In the memory of the original owner, the detective father rarely showed tenderness to her.

Because of his personality, Lian Feng has never exposed his emotions, especially as he grows older and becomes estranged with his daughter, he does not express his emotions in front of Jiang Mian.

It was precisely this that made Jiang Mian dislike the detective father more and more.

Local tyrants and movie emperors have always been stingy to express their love for their daughters, and they want to put the best things in the world before her.

But Lian Feng will not, his love is restrained, as deep as a mountain.

Therefore, when he revealed his fear in front of Jiang Mian, Jiang Mian was shocked.

She recalled everything that happened in the stairwell, she also rescued the detective father and didn't regret it, even if she did it again, she would do it.

But she will be more cautious.

Relying on her own cultivation base and the help of a small paper man, Zhong Wuli is a mortal to her.

But she forgot, she is also a mortal now.

Even if she has the cultivation base, it is only one level of Qi refining, and this cultivation base is limited. Before the foundation-building period of cultivation, she can't even show the true energy of the body protection. If the bullet hurts her fatal part, no one can save her.

"Dad, I will protect myself well in the future." Jiang Mian stretched out his hand and grabbed Lian Feng's big palm, "but you also have to promise me to protect yourself."

"I have four dads, and I don't want anything to happen to any one of them," Jiang Mian said. "I used to be ignorant. Now that I grow up, our family will be neat and tidy."

"Okay." Lian Feng answered very briefly.

But Jiang Mian knew that this was the heaviest promise that the detective father could give.

Jiang Mian didn't want to sleep at first, but before he knew it, he actually fell asleep—probably because he exhausted his spiritual energy when he was away from the clock in the stairwell.

This body is actually very weak, but it is because she has cultivated to the first level of Qi refining and has spiritual power that allows her to have a higher force value than ordinary people.

She was no different from ordinary people if her spiritual power was exhausted.

She had a rare dream. There were many scenes flashed in her dreams. Most of them were scenes of a little girl getting along with a few men. Then the scenes went round and round, and finally fixed in a figure-Zhong Wuli.

In reality, it is not easy to kill Zhong Wuli, but in his dreams he is not so particular.

Jiang Mian killed Zhong Wuli to and fro in his dream, and then resurrected him after killing him again and again, repeatedly. Finally, Zhong Wuli knelt on the ground and kowtowed to her: "I dare not, I never dare anymore..."

Jiang Mian looked at him condescendingly, and coldly spit out a word: "Kill."

After arriving at the community, Lian Feng parked the car and saw that Jiang Mian was asleep, and couldn't bear to wake her up, ready to take her home. Just about to move, remembering the injury on Jiang Mian's back, his hands paused in the air.

At this moment, Jiang Mian, who closed his eyes, suddenly spit out a cold "kill" word, killing intent and awe-inspiring.

Lian Feng: "..."

What exactly did Zuo Xingping teach his daughter!

"Mianmian." Lian Feng called softly.

Jiang Mian opened his eyes fiercely, still a little confused: "Dad, are you here?"

"Here." Lian Feng pulled up the stunned daughter, and put his coat around Jiang Mian by the way.

The house is on the sixth floor. This suite was bought by Lian Feng with a mortgage several years ago, and the suite where he lived with Xiao Jiang Mian before was occupied.

Lian Feng received a large sum of money for demolition, but he gave all the money to the parents of a criminal police colleague.

——The colleague died to save Lianfeng while solving a case with Lianfeng. Lian Feng is not to blame for this, and Lian Feng is not to blame for the policeman's parents.

Since you choose to be a police officer, you must be prepared to sacrifice at any time.

Therefore, Jiang Mian had never been to this suite-after receiving the room, Lian Feng invited it, but was rejected by the original owner.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Mian's eyes fell on the little rabbit slippers on the shoe rack. Tang Xiaoshu's slippers were still on her feet.

She put on the bunny slippers quite naturally.

Lian Feng glanced twice, with a faint smile in his eyes.

When decorating the room, even though Lian Feng knew that Jiang Mian would not live in, he did not completely decorate the room according to his own style, and the overall style did not appear too cold.

"This is your room." Lian Feng took Jiang Mian to a bedroom, "Look if you like it or not."

Jiang Mian glanced at the detective father, reminiscent of the cartoon necklace he gave, and the straight-steel aesthetic style, she suddenly had a bad premonition.

——Not pink again!

With a premonition of seeing pink, Jiang Mian opened the door. Unexpectedly, the room was not pink, but light blue. At a glance, it was very small and fresh, very suitable for little girls.

Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is not pink, although she prefers a more simple style, she is also good to be fresh.

"so beautiful."

Lian Feng's eyes kept falling on Jiang Mian, and when she saw her showing the most natural look of liking, his cold eyebrows suddenly softened a lot.

"There are pajamas in the closet." The detective father's career is the most down-to-earth. His monthly salary is only that little. He paid off his mortgage and put one into Jiang Mian's living expenses card. There is not much left.

So he didn't buy many clothes for Jiang Mian. There were only a few simple sets in the closet, and they weren't any famous brands, but they were all selected by him carefully-very cartoonish girls.

"You have injuries on your body. Don't touch the water. Don't take a shower." Seeing that it's too early, Lian Feng was about to leave the room and let Jiang Mian rest.

After walking two steps, he stopped, hesitated for a moment, and said, "If you don't want to live here, you can go back to your own room tomorrow, but you must wait for the injury before you go back to work."

After a pause, he faintly threatened: "Otherwise, I will tell the other three people about your injury."

Jiang Mian: "..."

The four dads are coming together... She can imagine the local tyrants leading a group of doctors around her waist.

She quickly promised: "I will ask the director for leave on WeChat immediately."

Speaking of sending a message to Director Zhang in front of Interpol's father, he thought that Director Zhang had gone to bed early at this point, but he didn't expect that he hadn't slept yet, so he quickly returned three question marks.

Jiang Mian typing: I accidentally got hurt, please take three days off.

Lian Feng said suddenly, "Seven days."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Dad, I'm the lead actor. There are so many people in the crew. You can't be too willful." Jiang Mian said seriously, "Three days is enough."

"You only had a week of rest due to such a severe trauma." She glared at the detective father with a puffed face.

The detective father was silent for two seconds and did not speak any more.

[Jiang Mian: I accidentally got hurt. Please take three days off and return to the crew after three days. 】

[Director Zhang: Where is the injury? is it serious? what happened? It's so late, where are you? 】

Seeing this reply, the detective father twisted his eyebrows, and a director said that there were too many concerns.

He asked: "What's the director's name?"

Jiang Mian replied smoothly, and randomly found a reason to reply to Director Zhang. The latter readily agreed to her fake. Jiang Mian also sent Tang Anan a WeChat message by the way.

So if she doesn't go back tomorrow, Tang Anan won't panic when she wakes up and sees WeChat.

"It's done." Jiang Mian shook the phone to the detective father, the corner of his mouth rose slightly and he exited the room.

"Good night, Dad."

"good night."

Lian Feng, who returned to his room, stood by the window and lit a cigarette. Instead of thinking about Zhong Wuli, he took out his phone, opened the search box, and typed "Zhang Zhixin" in it.

After reading Zhang Zhixin's basic information, he clicked on Zhang Zhixin's photo, glanced at it twice, exited the phone, and wiped out the cigarette.

Jiang Mian meditated for one night, regaining some spiritual power, and did not lie in bed until Tiantian twilight. When she woke up, the detective father had already left and went to the police station.

There was a very rich breakfast on the table. Naturally, the detective father did not make it himself. There are many breakfast shops downstairs. At first glance, he bought it specially and then left.

After Jiang Mian finished the breakfast, he glanced at Tang Anan's reply on WeChat.

The girl was very worried. Jiang Mian had asked for leave for a few days, but she was not by her side, for fear of something wrong with Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian replied a few words to calm her heart.

Suddenly there were three days off, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

Open the refrigerator at home, it's empty.

After thinking about it, Jiang Mian decided to buy some food, make a lunch, and then send it to the detective father.

It just so happened to take this opportunity to go to the police station to learn about the big drug lords.

Just do what he said, Jiang Mian went downstairs carrying a small bag and went straight to the nearby supermarket.