After going out, Jiang Mian thought that he was an actor who had been on hot search several times now. A few days ago, when he went to the mall with Master Tian, ​​he could be spotted by paparazzi. In case he accidentally encountered paparazzi...

So she first went to a jewelry store, and bought a pair of gray and black-framed glasses in it, and put a pair on the bridge of her nose. After wearing it, she didn't look so dazzling.

Jiang Mian looked in the mirror twice, recalling the scene of wearing a beautiful dress and the actor's father attending a dance party last night, comparing the two, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

There are many supermarkets around the community, and Jiang Mian randomly chose a home. There is no shortage of people in the supermarket, especially the supermarkets around the neighborhood, where people come and go, which is very noisy.

Jiang Mian pushed a car and went straight to the vegetable area. She didn't know the taste of detective father, so she could only buy some as she liked.

Thinking that the detective father's house had nothing to eat except mineral water.

After Jiang Mian had finished buying vegetables, he drove the cart to other living food areas and bought some food to satisfy his hunger and a lot of fruits.

Soon, the cart was fully pushed, and even pointed, causing people to look at her from time to time.

After checking out, Jiang Mian carried three big pockets and slowly moved out of the supermarket. She stared at the three pockets in her hand and found that she seemed to be buying a lot.

Although the waist injury was nothing to her, she would inevitably get involved in the wound while carrying something, and the pain from her made her frown uncomfortably.

"Student Jiang?" When thinking about whether to spend money to hire someone to help carry it back, a slightly familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Jiang Mian turned his head subconsciously and saw Jiang Xunian standing a few meters away, supporting an old lady, the old lady was full of silver hair and had a kind face.

Because of Jiang Xunian's sudden voice, she looked at Jiang Mian curiously.

"Mr. Jiang." Jiang Mian's eyes flashed a little bit of surprise, but he didn't expect to meet Jiang Xunian here.

The old lady laughed when she heard Jiang Mian's voice, and her voice was very kind: "Foreword, is this your student?"

"Yes, grandma." Jiang Xunian said.

Jiang Mian's heart moved, and his eyes fell on the old lady-the original book introduced that Jiang Xunian's background behind him was the military, and going to the film school as a professor was just because of his interest. His family background is not ordinary, so his grandmother is probably not an ordinary old lady.

Jiang Mian smiled obediently at the old lady, and didn't call anyone—I don't know how to call, I can't call grandma, it's weird.

In the original book, Jiang Xunian played a lot in the later stage, but the early stage was almost a background board and didn't make much appearance.

Later, Jiang Xunian met Guan Xin at a banquet. The latter was made difficult by the female partner. Because Guan Xin was his student, he made a move to relieve him.

I got acquainted with Guan Xin and took care of Guan Xin from time to time. In the end, he was written by the author "accidentally in a car accident and died on the spot".

According to the description of the original book, Jiang Xunian is a perfect male match, with a background, not bad in length, good character, and not bad.

The more temperamental male protagonist Gu Qiwen, the big villain Shen Shiqing, is so good that he doesn't know where he is.

Jiang Mian was not very familiar with this Professor Jiang, so he couldn't hold back that he often asked her to hand in animal simulation homework on WeChat, but he knew a lot more than before.

By coincidence, I met Jiang Xunian and suddenly remembered that she hadn't handed in her homework for a week.

This Professor Jiang shouldn't remind her of her homework at this time, right?


Jiang Xunian said: "Student Jiang, your homework has not been handed in for a week, and there is still half a month before the final exam."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian: "Okay, I'll pay it tonight."

"In the first year, today is the weekend. It's a rare coincidence that you met your students. Why did you ask them for homework as soon as you came up." The old lady patted Jiang Xunian's hand lightly, her tone a little blamed.

Jiang Xunian said, "I just reminded her to avoid losing her class at the end of the term."

He glanced at the three bags Jiang Mian placed on the ground, and raised his eyebrows: "You should be on the crew at this time... the crew is on holiday?"

"I'm asking for leave." Jiang Mian smiled and was about to continue. Jiang Xunian asked again, "Do you live in Yunshui?"

——The community where the detective's father is located is called Yunshuijian.

She was carrying these three big bags, which would indeed give people the illusion that she lived here, Jiang Mian did not explain, only nodded.

Jiang Xunian's eyebrows were twisted unnoticeably-Yunshuijian was just a very ordinary community. As far as he knew, Jiang Mian was a wealthy daughter. He had seen Jiang Mian driving her luxury car to school more than once in school.

Will she live here?

However, although the Yunshuijian Community is a bit ordinary, the environment is good.

"Ms. Jiang also lives here?" Jiang Mian asked smoothly when he came and went.

"I live here and come to see me on the weekend of the first year." The old lady said, she laughed, "In the first year, I didn't expect to be so fate, I live in the same community with your students."

Elderly people generally like juniors, and Jiang’s juniors are all boys. The old lady sees that the little girl is good-looking and polite. She is still a student of her own grandson, and she loves her a little bit more, saying: "Classmate, are you alone? Buying so many, it's very heavy. In the first year, help your students mention it."

Jiang Mian just wanted to say not to use it. Jiang Xunian had already carried two bags, and the weight from his hand made Jiang Xunian raise his eyebrows: "Are you planning to empty the supermarket?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

Probably because he was not at school, Professor Jiang's attitude towards students was more casual.

Seeing that Professor Jiang wanted to lift up the other bag, Jiang Mian said, "I will do it myself."

The three of them walked into the community. It was a coincidence that the house of Interpol's father and Grandma Jiang's house were in the same unit building.

Moreover, not only in the same unit building, but also on the same floor!

Jiang Mian: "..."

Grandma Jiang was more surprised than Jiang Mian: "Classmate, who are you even the police officer?"

Jiang Mian didn't expect Grandma Jiang to know the detective father. For a while, she didn't know what to say.

Jiang Xunian knew that she was the rich second generation. If she said that the detective father was her father, the professor would doubt it, so she had to say, "He is my uncle."

Grandma Jiang smiled more kindly, and she took Jiang Mian's hand: "I said you look good-faced, you turned out to be Officer Lien's niece."

She said to Jiang Xunian: "In the first year, didn’t I fall downstairs that time? Even the police officer sent me to the hospital. Last time, there was a problem with the water pipe at home, and even the police happened to help me. Finished..."

Grandma Jiang's tone was full of love and gratitude to the armed police father.

Grandma Jiang used to live in this community with Grandpa Jiang. After Grandpa Jiang left, the Jiang family wanted to take her back. She disagreed, and she wanted to live here anyway.

The so-called distant relatives are not as good as neighbors. She lives with an old lady, and sometimes problems will inevitably occur. The detective father occasionally encounters them and will help her deal with it.

At first, Grandma Jiang didn't know the job of the detective father, because the detective father helped her several times, she asked him what he did.

"Even the police officer went home? I haven't seen him for months."

Because of this relationship, the old lady became more enthusiastic about Jiang Mian. She learned that the detective father had gone to the police station. She felt a little regretful, so she invited Jiang Mian to her house for lunch.

At the same time, he also ordered Jiang Xunian to take care of Jiang Mian in school and let Jiang Xunian release water in front of Jiang Mian: "Xunian, you teach that animal or something, it should be difficult... During the exam, you release the water... "

Jiang Xunian: "..."

Jiang Mian said something badly, and finally refused Grandma Jiang's warm invitation, thanked Jiang Xunian, and returned to the house with the bag.

Here Grandma Jiang is still talking: "The police officer is a good policeman. He has helped my old woman a lot. Since his niece is your student, you will..."

"Grandma." Jiang Xunian was helpless. The old man had said this sentence many times. He interrupted her, "After walking for so long, you should sit down and rest first."

Jiang Mian started to be busy in the kitchen, and his mind didn't stop when he was busy. Jiang Xunian was backed by the military, and the military and police's family might need his help in the future.

The inner ghost in the police station can know the whereabouts of the detective father at any time, and can also return the laser gun, an important exhibit kept in the provincial bureau, to Zhong Wuli.

It shows that the position of the inner ghost is not low, and there is probably more than one.

She doesn't understand the internal system, and the thread involved may be deep and messy, but as long as she finds a thread, she can sort out the messy thread.

By the way, also remove the hidden needles in the thread.

Even if you don't consider these, but only consider at the end of the term, it is inevitable to have a good relationship with Professor Jiang.

Thinking of homework about animal simulation, Jiang Mian had a headache.

She quickly cooked three dishes and one soup, and then packed them into boxes. When the detective father took the time to call, she even said that there are several restaurants outside the community that taste good and have a clean environment: "These are all available for takeaway. , You have injuries, don't go out at will."

After a few words in a hurry, someone over there called the company, and Lian Feng had to hang up and resume work.

Jiang Mian tidied up a bit and went out carrying the insulation box.

The door just opposite opened, Jiang Xunian walked out carrying a plate, saw Jiang Mian, an accident flashed in his eyes, and immediately fell to the thermal box in her hand.

Can Jiang Mian cook?

Jiang Xunian's eyes flickered, but he didn't ask much, he just handed over the plate in his hand: "Student Jiang, my grandma asked me to send it."

He couldn't help it.

Jiang Mian had to take it: "Thank you, Teacher Jiang."

"Remember your homework." Jiang Xunian only dropped such a sentence and went back.

The plate was filled with sweet and sour pork ribs, which was the kindness of the old man. She could not pour it out. Put it clean in the heat preservation box and take it to the police station.

As a result, after just two steps, Jiang Xunian came out again, holding a key in his hand, and said helplessly: "Wait."

Jiang Mian: "?"

Jiang Xunian pinched her eyebrows. Before she said anything, Grandma Jiang came out and said with a smile: "Mianmian, you should go to the police station to deliver food to Officer Lian. It's not easy to eat at noon. I will ask you Teacher Jiang to take you there. , So faster."

"Let's go." Jiang Xunian said.

Jiang Mian had to enter the elevator with him, and Jiang Xunian suddenly said, "What is the reason for asking for leave?"

Jiang Mian didn't say, Jiang Xunian didn't care either. He said, "The water in the entertainment industry is deep. Do you know who is the one who can't offend the most when filming in the crew?"

Sure enough, he is a teacher. Whenever he is thinking about education, Jiang Mian asks for advice with a humbly expression: "Director?"

Jiang Xunian shook his head: "It's the staff."

This answer was unexpected by Jiang Mian, Jiang Xunian said slowly: "Offending the director may just make you out of filming and offend the staff...they do a lot of work, and everything you use when filming is These staff members are prepared, once one of them is malicious..."

He didn't point it out, just a smart idea.

He is a professor at the film school, and he has a close relationship with the entertainment industry, so he knows a lot.

"In the circle, acting skills are the foundation of your future success. Among them, character determines how far you can go."

Jiang Mian nodded obediently, with an expression of being taught. Seeing her so obediently, Jiang Xunian frowned. He wanted to say something, but finally he didn't say anything.

Forty minutes later, Jiang Xunian's car stopped in front of the police station. Jiang Mian got off the car and said goodbye to him: "Thank you, Teacher Jiang, goodbye."

Jiang Xunian glanced at her, turned around and left.