With a bang, the man flew out backwards, Jiang Mian couldn't hold back his strength, stepped back two steps, raised his hand and touched his waist.

This kind of pain that was caused by strong force and suddenly pulled to the wound was worse than the pain that occurred when she was injured at first-she forgot that she was injured.

Looking up, the person who was kicked by her had been pushed to the ground by two policemen.

Even though the man was pressed backhand to the ground by the police, he kept struggling and shouting: "Let go of me! Why do you catch me?"

The police yelled: "Don't move!"

Zhou Sirui ran over and used a baton on the man's waist, and the latter pulled it down to be honest.

"Handcuffed up." He said, then seeing Jiang Mian, his eyes widened, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Mian didn’t know what Zhou Sirui’s name was, but Zhou Sirui dangled in front of the detective father last night. Jiang Mian was very familiar with his face. She lifted the insulation box and said softly, “I’ll give it to Uncle Lian. Food delivery."

A famous policeman said: "She stopped Wang Gang, otherwise it would be a lot of trouble."

Zhou Sirui: "..."

During the day, there were several times more people on the fifth floor than last night. They were all police officers coming and going, some in uniforms and some in plain clothes. Except that the person on duty last night knew that Jiang Mian was the company's niece, no one else knew.

Hearing the conversation between Jiang Mian and Zhou Sirui, it was obvious that the girl had come to the company, and for a while, curious eyes fell on Jiang Mian.

Zhou Sirui swept around sharply. The company was not there, and his niece had an obligation to help protect him: "What do you want to do, go ahead."

"The company is in a meeting, you come with me first." Zhou Sirui led Jiang Mian to the detective father's office.

Jiang Mian glanced at the person being tortured: "That person just now..."

Zhou Sirui explained: "The robber who just caught in, sees that the mistress is beautiful and has strong intentions..." He paused and went vaguely, "Fortunately, he was discovered in time."

Jiang Mian's face became cold, and he knew that kick was a little harder.

"You wait in the office first." Zhou Sirui said, he didn't know when the company could finish the meeting.

Jiang Mian's heart moved. Last night, she asked Tang Xiaoshu where the drug lord was located. The latter didn't say that he should have been ordered by the detective father.

Where is this one in front of you?

It's nothing to try anyway.

So she asked obediently: "Uncle, where did the murderer stay last night?"

Zhou Sirui was stunned for two seconds before realizing that Jiang Mian's "Uncle" was calling him. He touched his face and felt a little bit stuffy: He was only twenty-five.

Soon, I thought again: In this way, the company and I are not "the same generation", and we are inexplicably happy again.

He coughed, and answered without thinking: "In Detention Room No. 3."

When someone called him, he ignored Jiang Mian and left in a hurry.

Jiang Mian put the thermos box on the desk and checked the time. It was almost a little bit. It seemed that the detective father would not be back for a while.

After thinking about it, Jiang Mian decided to go to Detention Room No. 3.

But the location of Detention Room No. 3... Coincidentally, a flat map of the fifth floor was hung on the wall of the detective father's office.

The entire fifth floor is the office area of ​​the criminal investigation team, with a large area and a large layout. This kind of schematic diagram is for the new police to quickly get familiar with the location of the fifth floor.

The detention room was in a special detention area. Jiang Mian kept the schematic diagram in his mind and followed the route.

There are three detention rooms in the detention area. I don't know if it was a coincidence or something. When Jiang Mian came over, there was no one outside the third detention room.

Jiang Mian frowned, the prisoner in the detention room, even if the prisoner's hands and feet are tied, there should be a police guard outside the door, right?

She didn't know that it was just a coincidence that the police guarding outside happened to go to the toilet. After all, the prisoner was locked, and the police could not stare every minute of it. There was still time to go to the toilet.

The glass in Detention Room No. 3 where Zhong Wuli was held was double-sided glass. The prisoners could not see the outside, but the people outside could look inside through the mirror.

Zhong Wuli's legs and hands were simply treated with splints and bandages. He sat on the chair without the slightest pain on his face. There was a newspaper on the table in front of him, and he read it with gusto, very leisurely.

As if sensing some kind of peeping, he suddenly raised his head and looked in the mirror.

Jiang Mian squinted his eyes, this person's perception is quite strong.

Zhong Wuli slowly raised his lips: "Lian Feng, have you found the evidence to convict me?"

He thought it was Lian Feng standing outside the mirror.

He knows that Lian Feng understands lips and can read his meaning even if he can't hear his voice.

Zhong Wuli had encountered many policemen and killed many policemen. He thought he understood the police's tricks clearly, but in the end, he was still in the hands of the policemen.

For a while, he really believed in Lian Feng. Oh no, it's Feng Lian.

However, this kind of trust in him made him stumble and almost couldn't stand up.

From Zhong Wuli’s eyes, Jiang Mian saw Confidentiality. She frowned. Even if he put aside his identity as a drug lord, he broke into the police station with a gun last night, intending to kill the detective father. This alone is enough to fix him. crime.

Even if the inner ghost in the system wants to cover him, what reason does it use?

Feeling Jiang Mian's ups and downs, the little paper man secretly emerged from Jiang Mian's cuff.

Jiang Mian pressed its head back to the police station, there were many people, and cameras were everywhere.

However, the little paper man regained his head firmly.

Then, she saw the palm-sized paper figure suddenly shrank and instantly turned into a white dot.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She actually didn't know that the little paper man transformed by the Heavenly Master could still be smaller!

The little paper man jumped from Jiang Mian's palm, even if someone saw it, he would just think it was a little dangling, and wouldn't think too much.

The little paper man became smaller, but also lighter, and it took a long time to float to the ground.

Jiang Mian looked around and took a step forward. The wind he brought up blew the little paper man towards the door, saving him a lot of time.

The little paper man got in along the crack of the door, and then it was very skillful in finding the places that the monitor could not see, and turning its body back to its original size-this kind of thing, it has done a lot with the Tianshi father, and it has become perfect.

There was a smile in Jiang Mian's eyes, and he gave the little paper man a big compliment in his heart.

It is not convenient for her to enter the detention room, but it does not prevent the little paper man from entering.

The little paper man slowly climbed up through the legs of the chair silently, and finally put on the hem of Zhong Wuli's back, and crawled in with very light movements.

Zhong Wuli didn't know that there was a little paper man in his clothes behind him crawling up quietly.

Then, it accumulates power.

With only a bang, Zhong Wuli's head hit the table severely.

From an outsider, it was as if he suddenly went crazy and hit the table with his head.

Bang Bang Bang, Zhong Wuli kept smashing his head, and soon, the middle of his forehead swelled up high.

Jiang Mian covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing. Just then, Xiao Li, the policeman who went to the toilet, came back and saw Jiang Mian: "Who are you?"

Jiang Mian quickly reduced his expression, pointed to the mirror, and said innocently: "Uncle Police, look at the person inside, he is crazy."

Xiao Li knew that the prisoners here were very important. He looked at it and saw Zhong Wuli banging his head. He didn't think much about it for the first time-some prisoners were in custody to attract the attention of the police. All kinds of actions are always made, and self-harm is very common.

Immediately afterwards, he found that something was wrong. This prisoner did not deliberately harmed himself to attract attention, it seemed like suicide!

He hurriedly notified the other police, then opened the door and rushed in to check the situation of Zhong Wuli. The little paper man quietly retreated.

Zhong Wuli hasn't fainted yet, but his mind is already a bit unclear. The previous leisurely and contentment is completely gone. His forehead has been bruised and swollen, his nose is bleeding constantly, and the whole face looks a bit horrible.

Jiang Mian stood outside silently, waiting for the little paper man to come out.

But before she waited, she saw the detective father, Zhou Sirui, Tang Xiaoshu, and Fu Ju going here from a distance.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Lian Feng: "..."

Payment Bureau: "???"

Zhou Sirui sighed slightly: "Mianmian, didn't I ask you to wait in the company office?"

Jiang Mian met the cold eyes of the detective and lowered his voice: "Um...I just walked around, and then I came here."

"Hello, pay the bureau." She greeted the detective father's boss in a good manner.

Fu Ju hadn't slept for almost all night, and his eyes were very blue. Seeing Jiang Mian stunned, he immediately thought of her relationship with Lian Feng and smiled stiffly at Jiang Mian.

But now is not the time for greetings, Lian Feng said to Tang Xiaoshu: "Take her to my office."

Jiang Mian didn't want to leave, her little paper figure was still in the detention room.

However, facing the gaze of the detective father, she had to silently follow Tang Xiaoshu away-the little paper man would find a way to come back.

"How is this going?"

Entering the detention room, seeing Zhong Wuli with a dyeing workshop on his face was shocked.

Xiao Li explained that he heard Xiao Li say that Zhong Wuli suddenly harmed himself. Lian Feng moved his eyebrows and he walked two steps closer. When Zhong Wuli saw him, his eyes focused in trance.

He spit out a mouthful of blood, as if he wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

Lian Feng's hand was resting on the table, and the inquiry from the bureau was in his ear, and there were other police voices. At this moment, he was resting on the edge of the table, and the palm of his left hand facing downward was suddenly scratched slightly.

Lian Feng: "..."

The little paper man slipped into his hand quietly, Lian Feng rolled up his fingers calmly, and put his left hand into his trouser pocket naturally: "Let the doctor come and see first."

The payment bureau added one sentence: "Adjust and monitor."

Zhong Wuli has always been extremely calm. Suddenly, this is too abnormal. Naturally, he needs to be monitored to see what happened before he went crazy.

"Mianmian, why did you come to the police station?" Tang Xiaoshu led Jiang Mian back to the detective father's office. She was very surprised. According to the company's nervousness about this girl, she shouldn't be allowed to come to the police station again.

And according to her brother Tang Xiaole, Jiang Mian should be filming in the studio. How does it feel that she, as an actress, has such free time? !

"I'll bring lunch to Uncle Lian." When Jiang Mian came over, he took the slippers and clothes that Tang Xiaoshu lent her last night and returned them to Tang Xiaoshu.

Tang Xiaoshu glanced at the thermal insulation box on the desk and thought: No wonder the company is so nervous, this niece, the little girl is so sweet.

It’s just that I’ve never seen Jiang Mian come before...

She stopped her divergent thinking and told Jiang Mian not to run around, and went busy again.

Jiang Mian sat on the chair very honestly, waiting for the detective father to come back.

She continued to take a document and read it, but after some time, she heard footsteps outside the door.

The door was unscrewed, and the detective father took a long leg and walked in without expression after closing the door.

"Dad." Jiang Mian got up, picked up the thermos box, and quickly stated her purpose, "I'm here to deliver lunch."

Lian Feng looked at her and took out the little paper man from his trouser pocket.

Jiang Mian: "Cough cough cough."