The little paper man wanted to run to Jiang Mian, but the detective father pinched his leg and couldn't move.

Jiang Mian came to rescue it, and under the serious eyes of the detective father, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and explain: "Xiao Bai didn't do anything. It just caused the big drug lord to suffer a bit of flesh and blood."

She snorted coldly, and said pretentiously: "If it weren't for him, Dad, could you suffer such a serious injury? He deserved it!"

"Mianmian, I'm a policeman." Lian Feng returned the twisted little paper man to Jiang Mian. Although his expression did not change much, his expression was already softer.

"My duty is not to avenge personal revenge, but to take up the weapon of the law and let the criminals break the law."

There was nothing unusual about the monitoring that Zhong Wuli banged his head, and Jiang Mian in the corridor outside was behaving and did nothing.

Even the front is not visible, but inside is a little relieved.

The forensic doctor in the police station took the place of the doctor, and simply handled the injuries for Zhong Wuli.

Because of Jiang Mian, Lian Feng stopped staring, but returned to the office, ready to educate his daughter.

"In the future, you are not allowed to do anything like this." Lian Feng said.

Jiang Mian nodded obediently.

I thought: Next time, stay hidden and not be discovered by the detective father.

Knowing that Jiang Mian was trying to vent his anger, Lian Feng sighed in his heart, and he touched Jiang Mian's soft long hair: "You have a wound on your body. Didn't I let you stay at home? Why are you not obedient."

Jiang Mian didn't want to argue with the detective father about the injury, anyway, for the parents, even if she had a small hole in her body, it would be a "serious injury".

"Dad, eat." She opened the insulation box, and the fragrance of the food overflowed instantly, "I made it by myself."

The insulation box is big enough, and Jiang Mian is for two people-she didn't eat at home after she made it, so she came over on an empty stomach and ate with the detective father.

Two people eat more deliciously than one.

In criminal police work, it is rare to eat on time, and when you are busy, you can eat whatever you want.

Lian Feng had forgotten about being "hungry" long ago, and when he smelled the rich fragrance of rice, and then saw Jiang Mian's dishes, he hesitated for two seconds and frowned, "You did it?"

Jiang Mian nodded and pointed to the plate of sweet and sour pork ribs: "But this is made by Grandma Jiang, she is too enthusiastic, I can't refuse."

Lian Feng was not surprised that Jiang Mian met Grandma Jiang, he nodded, and the father and daughter sat down to eat.

Jiang Mian wanted to ask about the progress of the case, but the detective father told her to leave it alone. She wouldn't answer even if she asked.

There was a knock on the door, and then the game came in: "Lian Feng, you..."

Seeing the picture in front of me, I paused when I paid the game, and then I smelled the fragrance of rice, and my stomach suddenly screamed.

Fu Ju arrived at the police station early in the morning, and like Lian Feng, he has not eaten until now.

"Forget it, let's talk after dinner." Fu Ju backed out again, just as Zhou Sirui ran over with the boxed lunch and handed it to him respectfully.

Fu Ju suddenly felt a bit of comfort, but when he thought of Zhong Wuli's affairs, this comfort frowned again.

He sighed deeply, and left with the lunch.

"Dad, did I trouble you." Jiang Mian held the small bowl and looked at the door.

The bureau should have something to discuss with the detective father, but because she was there, she had to give up.

"Yeah." Lian Feng nodded.

Jiang Mian: "......???"

She actually meant to ask, but did not expect the detective father to nod his head? !

"You are here, I can't calm down to work." Lian Feng looked at the time, "Go back, I'll be back as early as possible in the evening."

Finally, he emphasized again: "Mianmian, I will deal with this case. You can heal your injuries at home and go back to filming after you recover. Don't come to the game."

I don't know how many eyes are staring at him in the system now. The closer Jiang Mian walks with him, the more dangerous it becomes.

"Can't I come to deliver the food?" Jiang Mian didn't want to agree. She knew the police father's concerns, but only if she knew more could she find a way to help the detective father.

"Obey." The tone of the detective father couldn't be refused.

Jiang Mian lowered her head, the little paper man sticking to her clothes, looking at the little paper man, a murderous intent flashed in Jiang Mian's eyes: if it really couldn't work, she let the little paper man do it, destroying Zhong Wuli.

Anyway, she definitely couldn't give Zhong Wuli a chance to hurt detective father.

Lian Feng's cell phone rang suddenly. He did not avoid Jiang Mian to answer the call. Jiang Mian vaguely heard the word "woke up" and moved in his heart. When the detective father hung up the phone, she asked, "Dad, it was the original uncle who woke up. ?"

Lian Feng nodded, his eyes felt a little relaxed.

Yuan Jinfei wakes up, it means he is completely fine.

"Dad, let me go to the hospital to visit Uncle Yuan with you." Jiang Mian said.

She could go to the Armed Police Hospital quietly, but she found that the more she didn't want to let the detective father know what she was doing, the easier it was to be caught by the detective father.

In that case, let's proceed in a fair and honest manner.

Lian Feng wanted to refuse. He just wanted Jiang Mian to stay home and not to run around. This would help her recover from the back injury.

However, even if he refused, Jiang Mian might secretly go to the hospital behind his back, as if she secretly ran into the police station.

In the end, Jiang Mian went to the Armed Police Hospital with the detective father as he wished.

After they arrived, Yuan Jinfei was coaxing Xia Qiuyan. Although his face was pale, his voice sounded very loud: "It's okay, don't you just stabbed a knife? The shot I shot last year was better than this one. It's also dangerous... You have to believe that my life is hardened, and God won't take it easily."

"Just woke up and talked nonsense." Xia Qiuyan stared at him helplessly with tears in her eyes and a haggard face.

Since Yuan Jinfei had an accident, she was rescued, sent to the intensive care unit, out of danger, and transferred to the general ward... She followed up the whole process, and almost didn't close her eyes.

After the two caregivers from the company arrived last night, she took a hasty rest. She woke up after not taking a long time, for fear that Yuan Jinfei would not be there when she woke up.

Now Yuan Jinfei finally woke up, her heart hanging in the air finally fell back.

"Uncle Yuan, Aunt Xia." Jiang Mian called.

Hearing the sound, the two realized that Jiang Mian and Lian Feng were coming. Yuan Jinfei looked at the two of them and raised an eyebrow at Lian Feng and said, "I heard that you were attacked last night. Saved?"

The news that gunmen were waiting to assassinate the company lurking in the police station has spread inside the bureau, and the police who protected Yuan Jinfei also got the news.

Yuan Jinfei woke up and found that he had been in a coma. It had been more than two days, so he asked him to tell him what happened in the two days.

"Yes, old Lian, the more you live, the more you go back, and you have to go to sleep to save." Yuan Jinfei smiled, smiling, his face suddenly changed, and his face instantly became distorted-he was wounded.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Xia Qiuyan was angry and distressed: "You can't be normal?!"

Yuan Jinfei hurried to please her with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, I want to eat tofu brain."

"I'll buy it for you." Xia Qiuyan got up and invited Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, you can go with me."

Suddenly, Jiang Mian, who was named, glanced at the detective father, who nodded slightly, and she had to leave the ward with Xia Qiuyan.

After the two of Jiang Mian left, Yuan Jinfei's smile slowly faded, and he coughed in pain.

Lian Feng frowned.

"I can't die." Yuan Jinfei said, "Is it someone from Zhong Wuli who went to the police station to assassinate you?"

The police protecting Yuan Jinfei only told him that someone had come to the police to assassinate Lian Feng, and did not know that the killer was Zhong Wuli himself, so Yuan Jinfei did not know that the killer was Zhong Wuli.

Until Lian Feng explained, he was a little bit incredulous in surprise: "Just caught it? Or was it caught by Mianmian?"

Only the delicate little pepper can catch Zhong Wuli?

Lian Feng was noncommittal.

Yuan Jinfei didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly smiled again: "A tiger father has no dogs and a girl."

Lian Feng's eyes softened a lot.

Lian Feng told Yuan Jinfei some details. The two have worked together for many years, and there is no need to say some things, and each other can understand each other's meaning.

Yuan Jinfei paused for two seconds, and said, "Old Lian, I actually found that there was an internal problem long ago."

"I haven't said it, but I don't want to believe it." He laughed a little bit to himself. "We rushed to the front line all day long, pinning our heads to the waistbands, working hard, and finally, the back kept pulling our hind legs.

He lowered his voice: "Do you think Zhong Wuli sent someone to do the cut on my body?"

"No." Yuan Jinfei looked at Lian Feng's eyes and said word by word, "It's his own."

But which "owner" is unknown.

This is why Yuan Jinfei wanted to spread Xia Qiuyan.

Jiang Mian and Xia Qiuyan walked out of the hospital. The latter saw Jiang Mian with a thoughtful look, and suddenly said, "Mianmian, are you very puzzled, why should you come out with me."


She was just thinking about where to buy tofu brain.

When Yuan Jinfei proposed to eat tofu nao, Jiang Mian knew that he wanted to smoke Xia Qiuyan, and she—Yuan Jinfei was seriously injured, and she should not be able to eat soon after waking up, so he proposed to eat tofu nao. The request is unreasonable.

He should have something to talk to the detective father, if Xia Qiuyan didn't call her, they would also find a way to get her away.

Although he had guessed it in his heart, Jiang Mian nodded following her words.

Xia Qiuyan laughed, and the fine lines in the corners of her eyes fainted: "Because your former uncle wanted to talk to your uncle Lien about work, and used this excuse to push me away."

"Aren't you angry?" Jiang Mian found that Xia Qiuyan didn't seem curious at all.

"Why do you want to be angry?" Xia Qiuyan said, "He doesn't want me to know, he naturally has his reasons. What's more, even if he knows some things, he won't be able to help. It's better not to know, so that I don't worry about it. It makes him feel more at ease."

"Since I can't help much, the only thing I can do is to be obedient and not trouble him," she said.

Jiang Mian respected this Aunt Xia in awe.