Jiang Mian and Xia Qiuyan crossed the road, and a rider on an electric car suddenly turned around, and Xia Qiuyan quickly pulled Jiang Mian to her side.

After that, she put Jiang Mian on her side and talked about some interesting things she knew about when the detective father and Yuan Jinfei partnered.

"Aunt Xia, how long have you been with the original uncle?" Jiang Mian was curious.

It can be seen that Xia Qiuyan and Yuan Jinfei have a very good relationship, but why don't the two get married.

"Ten years." Xia Qiuyan said. She glanced at Jiang Mian and easily saw the doubt in the little girl's eyes. "Do you want to ask me, why didn't your former uncle and I get married?"

The thing about eye margins is real. For example, Jiang Mian felt good after seeing Xia Qiuyan at the first glance.

When Xia Qiuyan also saw Jiang Mian, he subconsciously regarded her as a junior, and showed her a little more affection for her elders and juniors.

Xia Qiuyan and Yuan Jinfei were together for ten years. Yuan Jinfei's parents were both policemen, but both died on duty.

Yuan Jinfei gave Xia Qiuyan everything he could, but they just didn't get married.

Xia Qiuyan's parents had trouble at the beginning, fearing that in case Yuan Jinfei changed his mind someday, and kicked Xia Qiuyan, the nice little girl was trampled by Huanglian Po. Who else could he marry in the future?

It was not until Yuan Jinfei bought a new suite that the house was registered with Xia Qiuyan's name, and his own name was not written on it, and his parents stopped.

But his parents and Xia Qiuyan's friends were very puzzled, why didn't the two get married. A marriage certificate can give a woman a sense of security. Taking the original Jinfei as a person should not be so unreasonable.

It stands to reason that there is a difference between Xia Qiuyan and Jiang Mian. This kind of thing is not easy to tell the little girl, but she herself doesn't know why, so she easily understands Jiang Mian.

"Your former uncle always worried that something happened when he was working. If we get married, a small book will fix our relationship, and I will marry again in the future, it will be the second marriage. Others will despise me and cannot marry a good person." A touch of sweetness.

Many people feel that she and Yuan Jinfei have paid more than Yuan Jinfei together, and she is very wronged. Only she knew how good that man was to her.

It's so good that if something happens to him in the future, her way will be calculated for her.

He didn't want to use a marriage certificate, so he tied her around. She can leave at any time as long as she wants.

"So..." Xia Qiuyan turned around, "You even your uncle loves you, you can remind him appropriately and ask him to find a girlfriend."

Jiang Mian囧.

It seems that people who have dropped out like to find someone who hasn't dropped out, and it's connected.

Xia Qiuyan sighed slightly and said, "If you have care behind you, you will be more cherished."

The lover has a good relationship with the company. She doesn't want an accident with her lover, and naturally she doesn't want an accident with the company.

Jiang Mian coughed, bending his eyes and said, "I will try hard."

Xia Qiuyan smiled lightly, Yuan Jinfei woke up, the stones in her heart dispersed, and her mood became better.

Looking at Jiang Mian in this way, she suddenly found that the little girl and the company captain seemed a bit similar.

But she didn't think too much about it, uncle and nephew, a bit like it is normal.

The two chatted a lot, and the relationship was closer. Jiang Mian's name for Xia Qiuyan was advanced from "Aunt Xia" to "Aunt Xia".

They wandered around and finally found a tofu shop.

Probably because it is close to the hospital, the small shop has a very good business, and there is still a queue.

"Mianmian, you are waiting for me here." Xia Qiuyan saw that there were many people inside, so she asked Jiang Mian to wait beside her-after learning from Yuan Jinfei that Jiang Mian was an actor, she searched for some news about Jiang Mian on the Internet .

The little girl is so good-looking, if someone takes advantage of others to move their feet, she hasn't encountered such a situation.

Jiang Mian stood at the door and waited. A few minutes later, Xia Qiuyan held two cups of tofu and handed Jiang Mian a cup: "Try it."

"Thank you Aunt Xia." Jiang Mian took it, and the two returned.

At this moment, a strong sense of crisis rose from Jiang Mian's heart, she threw the tofu brain in her hand back without thinking, and rolled Xia Qiuyan to the ground.

With a bang, the tofu brain exploded.

Jiang Mian got up quickly and pulled Xia Qiuyan into the tofu brain shop. Only for an instant, she saw a man wearing a jacket retract his hand. The opponent missed a hit and had already alarmed the target person. Without a word, she turned and ran. the speed is very fast.

"Aunt Xia, you are waiting here." Jiang Mian dropped this sentence and chased out the jacket.

"Mianmian!" Xia Qiuyan is not an ordinary woman. From the gunshot to the time she was thrown to the ground by Jiang Mian, she knew that someone would attack them.

She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down, knowing that it would be of no avail to run up, so she took out her mobile phone and dialed Lianfeng's number.

Lian Feng and Yuan Jinfei were still discussing the case of Zhong Wuli. The phone rang, and when Xia Qiuyan was calling, his eyebrows wrinkled.

He pressed the answer button, and Xia Qiuyan's voice came over: "Company, Mianmian and I were attacked, the other party has a gun, Mianmian went after it."

She reported her position quickly and accurately.

Lian Feng stood up fiercely, and said in a deep voice, "You enter the store to hide, I'll come over immediately."

There is not necessarily only one murderer.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Jinfei straightened up when he realized that something was wrong, his pained expression changed.

Lian Feng glanced at his pale and bloodless face and said, "There are paparazzi staring at Mianmian, I will pick them up."

Yuan Jinfei was stunned: he had forgotten that Xiao Jiao was an actor, and he swayed outrightly. It was indeed easy for reporters to squat over.

Lian Feng left the ward, and Xiao Zhang, the policeman on the opposite side, said: "Call back to the team, and transfer two more people to guard."

Xiao Zhang didn't know why, but still nodded.

Lian Feng quickly arrived at the Tofu Brain Store. He called Jiang Mian while he was there, but no one answered him.

Ordinary people have rarely heard of gunshots, and the guns only sounded once, so that the people around them didn't react at all. They only saw Jiang Mian and Xia Qiuyan rolling on the ground inexplicably. Those who didn't know thought they were touching porcelain.

Until someone saw that something was wrong, and said that someone had killed someone with a gun, they were afraid and curious, and looked here from a distance.

The people at the Tofu Brain Shop all ran far away, and the boss was so scared that he was too scared, and he drove Xia Qiuyan out for fear that it might hurt him.

When Lian Feng arrived, Xia Qiuyan squatted under the tree at the door, with a tofu brain hit by a bullet and exploded under her feet. Because of this buffer, Jiang Mian was given a chance to pull Xia Qiuyan away.

It is easy for Jiang Mian to dodge by herself, but if she gets out of the way, Xia Qiuyan will definitely suffer.

"Company." Xia Qiuyan explained what happened just now, and then pointed in the direction ahead, "Mianmian chased it from there."

"Mianmian will be fine." Xia Qiuyan's face was pale, both comforting Lianfeng and herself, "Didn't she help you catch the murderer last night? She didn't run up impulsively."

Lian Feng said nothing.

If there was only one murderer, Jiang Mian had a small paper figure, and she could control Zhong Wuli on the stairs last night. For this reason, Lian Feng will not worry too much.

But what if the murderer responds?

At this moment, Lian Feng's cell phone rang, and Jiang Mian called.

Lian Feng's tight shoulders relaxed slightly, and Jiang Mian was able to call, indicating that it was all right.

"Dad, I was running just now and I didn't hear your call." On the other end of the phone, Jiang Mian's slightly hasty voice came, "I'll be back with Aunt Xia later."

At this moment, she and the jacket are in an alley. She holds a mobile phone in one hand and talks with the detective father in a low voice, holding a gun in one hand and aiming at the jacket opposite.

The jacket knelt on the opposite side, and according to Jiang Mian's request, he picked up a piece of wire next to him and bound himself.

Jiang Mian didn't know that Xia Qiuyan had notified Lian Feng. She didn't say this on the phone. She thought that she couldn't make it clear on the phone for a while. She planned to bring the person to the hospital first.

Having said that, it took Jiang Mian a lot of time to catch up with the jacket. The other party was familiar with this area, and he had obviously stepped on it.

And he came here on a motorcycle, and he was about to ride away as soon as he saw it. The distance was relatively long, and it was unwise to throw his shoes.

In a hurry, Jiang Mian wrapped the little paper man into a ball of paper and threw it at the jacket.

With this help, the little paper man made a little effort by himself, so he slammed his jacket on the head.

Like last night, it first removed the gun from the jacket. The jacket hurt, the gun fell to the ground, and the car fell to the ground.

Looking at a moving paper man next to his hand, he thought he was dazzled.

After such a delay, Jiang Mian drew close, and the jacket started to run without thinking about it.

Jiang Mian is injured, and her spiritual power has not fully recovered. If it weren't for the help of the little paper man, she might not be able to catch up.

The jacket ran to a remote place, trying to get rid of Jiang Mian, but later found that he couldn't get rid of it, and Jiang Mian was honest when he raised the gun to him.

There is no ups and downs in Lian Feng's voice: "Have you caught the murderer?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

She quickly realized that Xia Qiuyan had notified the detective father, and she responded generously.

Lian Feng said concisely: "Location."

Jiang Mian looked around: "I don't know where this is, I will send you a location."

After the sending, the father and daughter hung up the phone and Jiang Mian walked towards the jacket. Before the detective father came, she had to ask this person carefully.

"Tie tightly." Jiang Mian kicked a brick under her feet, and her jacket tied herself tighter obediently, and finally tied a knot.

"what's your name?"

"Wang Weidong."

Jiang Mian: "Tell me everything you know."

Wang Weidong did not speak, and Jiang Mian was not surprised. If the other party said obediently, it would be abnormal.

Jiang Mian put his gun to Wang Weidong's chin and forced him to look up: "You are now looking forward to the police coming, so you will be safe, right?"

"You are very good at choosing a place. Look at this alley. There is no camera. There is garbage and smelly everywhere, so no one will come in." Jiang Mian smiled extraordinarily. "Then what happened in it, others will also I won't know."

Jiang Mian slid the muzzle and touched Wang Weidong's left eye: "If I cut one of your eyes, I just need to make sure you won't die, how about it?"

Panic flashed in Wang Weidong's eyes, and he subconsciously said: "Your uncle is a policeman! You are breaking the law by doing this!"

Jiang Mian's eyes were cold, he knew that she and Lian Feng were related to "uncle and nephew", and only a few people in the bureau.

"Are you preaching in my face?" Jiang Mian was amused, "Then what were you doing just now?"

Jiang Mian loaded the gun and pulled her finger to the trigger. She lowered her head slightly, locked her eyes on Wang Weidong, and asked word by word: "I'll give you another chance, who sent you?"

Wang Weidong's body began to tremble. He saw that Jiang Mian's finger was pressing on the trigger, and he knew very well how many bullets were in the gun.

With this shot, he will not only lose his eyes, but also die.

"I...I can't say." Wang Weidong whispered his lips, his face pale.