"It's a big deal, you killed me." Wang Weidong's body suddenly stopped shaking. He closed his eyes and looked like he was begging for death.

Jiang Mian frowned. She thought she had already breached the opponent's psychological defense. As long as she cherished her life, she would vomit something.

However, the other party seemed to have figured it out, putting life and death aside, it made her difficult to get started.

She couldn't really shoot down. After a pause, Jiang Mian changed the question: "Why assassinate me?"

Jiang Mian did not ignore the shot, letting Wang Weidong understand that he was right. He opened his left eye, which was not held by the gun, and cautiously said, "My target is not you."

Jiang Mian narrowed his eyes.

She and Xia Qiuyan are together, and the goal is not her, that is--


Wang Weidong did not say.

Jiang Mian's eyes were cold, she poured the remaining spiritual energy into her fingertips, and immediately pressed against Wang Weidong's temple.

She can not kill him, but it doesn't mean that she has no other way.

In an instant, Wang Weidong screamed, only to feel that an invisible steel fork pierced his head, and it was churning over and over inside.

Spiritual power goes fast and retreats fast, but only a moment is enough to make Wang Weidong scared.

He looked at Jiang Mian in horror. He didn't know what she was doing. Jiang Mian took a few steps back and looked at him condescendingly, "Can you tell me now?"

Wang Weidong gritted his teeth: "Yuan Jinfei and Lianfeng have a good relationship. If Xia Qiuyan's death is caused by Lianfeng's relationship, there will be a rift between the two."

A good method of separation, simple and rude.

Even if Yuan Jinfei knew that Lian Feng could not be blamed, he couldn't even dig out his heart for Lian Feng after his beloved woman died because of Lian Feng.

As long as the relationship between them is broken through a small opening, over time, this small opening will always become bigger and bigger.

Jiang Mian pressed the anger in his heart, and asked calmly: "I still refuse to say who sent you here."

Wang Weidong didn't say anything, he could confide some other things, but the most important thing, he would rather die than disclose.

Jiang Mian looked at him, her heart moved. She took out her mobile phone and typed five words on it: "Do you have a bug? 】

She turned the screen to Wang Weidong. After the latter saw it clearly, her face changed, and her gaze at Jiang Mian was pleading.

That's it.

Wang Weidong’s answer is what he can say, but he can’t. If he says...

Jiang Mian suddenly said, "Are you married?"

Wang Weidong nodded.

"Have a baby?"

Wang Weidong whispered: "There is a daughter, five years old."

Jiang Mian sneered: "You have a daughter, but you use a gun to assassinate someone else's daughter. You are really good."

Wang Weidong didn't say a word, Jiang Mian continued typing: [Where is the bug? 】

Wang Weidong saw it and shook his head beggingly.

The wiretap is his last protective cover. If at this moment, his wiretap is found to be taken away, the other party must think he has told the truth.

And his daughter...he can bet his own life, but he can't bet his daughter's life.

He suddenly yelled: "I don't know anything!" Then he suddenly jumped from the ground and slammed into the wall next to him.

With a muffled sound, Wang Weidong fell softly to the ground.

Jiang Mian stood there for two seconds before reacting. Just about to check if Wang Weidong was still alive, the harsh police sirens sounded, and then the police ran in: "Raise your hands, don't move!"

Jiang Mian: "..."

She looked at herself with the gun, and then at Wang Weidong, who didn't know his life or death, who hit her. From outsiders' eyes, the "murderer" was indeed more like her.

"Uncle policeman, the one on the ground is the murderer." Jiang Mian held up his gun and said to a very nervous young policeman headed by him.

The few policemen who rushed over were district police officers here. They received a call from an enthusiastic group of people saying that there was a shooting, and then another crowd pointed them the way, and soon they arrived here.

As soon as I entered the alley, I saw Jiang Mian holding a gun, looking like a murderer in every way.

Police in areas like theirs usually find it difficult to encounter any cases. The most common are small disputes between neighborhoods.

In particular, the headed policeman named Ji Jun has just graduated from the police academy. The shooting was a big one. The first time I encountered it, it was both nervous and excited.

"Put down the gun!" Ji Jun's nervous forehead was sweating, for fear that the beautiful "female murderer" in front of him would shoot indiscriminately and suffer heavy casualties by then.

Jiang Mian sighed, thinking why the detective father hasn't come yet, she wouldn't be invited by these policemen to sit at the district police station for a while.

This thought just flashed, when the detective father came.

Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter?" Ji Jun realized that there was a commotion behind him, and said to the people around him, "We are arresting prisoners, what..."

Lian Feng came over and showed him his credentials.

City bureau.

Ji Jun quickly straightened his back: "Hello, sir."

Lian Feng nodded at him, Xia Qiuyan rushed over, and Ji Jun subconsciously said: "Be careful, she has a gun..."

"Mianmian, are you okay." Xia Qiuyan pulled Jiang Mian and heaved a long sigh of relief when he saw Jiang Mian doing well.

Ji Jun shut up.

"Aunt Xia, I'm okay." Jiang Mian handed the gun to the detective father, smiled at the detective father, and pointed to Wang Weidong, "He hit him himself."

She motioned to detective father to bend over, and then put her toes on the ear of detective father: "Dad, that person is Wang Weidong, with a bug on his body, his family should be controlled by the person who ordered him."

Then he quietly told Wang Weidong that Xia Qiuyan's goal was Xia Qiuyan-if the people behind them were determined to separate the detective father and Yuan Jinfei, Xia Qiuyan was fine this time, but not necessarily next time.

After Lian Feng listened, his expression remained unchanged, and he raised his hand to embrace her, but because of the crowd, he restrained it.

Wang Weidong’s collision was serious, so he had to be sent to the hospital for rescue. Ji Jun quickly ordered Wang Weidong to be sent to the Armed Police Hospital.

Ji Jun looked around and looked around, seeing Jiang Mian and Lian Feng walking outside, he came up, embarrassedly said to Jiang Mian: "Sorry, I misunderstood you just now."

He thought Jiang Mian was also a policeman. Thinking back to the scene when he saw Jiang Mian holding a gun, he felt feverish all over, took out his cell phone, and said Ai Ai, "Would you like to add a WeChat account? If you have the opportunity, I will ask you to eat and apologize. ?"

Jiang Mian: "...?"

Lian Feng paused, tilted his head slightly, his eyes drooping.

Ji Jun looked forward to waiting for Jiang Mian to reply-there were only a few police officers in their area. As for the policewomen, all of them were old and all were clerical jobs. The one who gave birth to the child, the second child of the second child, none of them were young.

It's hard to come across a beautiful policewoman while performing a mission. How could such an opportunity be missed!

Then, he felt some kind of terrible pressure, and only felt that his hairs seemed to stand up. He slowly turned his head to meet Lian Feng's sight.

"Sir, sir, is there anything wrong?" Ji Jun shrank his shoulders subconsciously, only to think that the chief of the city bureau had a terrifying gaze.

He didn't do anything illegal, right? !

As for working hours to colleagues, er, although they are not in a bureau, they are all within the system. It is considered that half of the colleagues want WeChat. There is no stipulation that they cannot do so.

Xia Qiuyan suddenly lowered her head and laughed out--even though she was shot not long ago, she was fine, and Jiang Mian was fine, so she didn't care.

She and Yuan Jinfei have been together for many years and have experienced a lot of dangers, and she has become very strong with one heart.

She leaned to Jiang Mian's ear: "Mianmian, this young man is afraid that he likes you."

Love at first sight is rare, but it's not uncommon—she fell in love with Yuan Jinfei at first sight.

It's just that this young man, in front of the company, has the courage to strike up a conversation with the little girl and ask for WeChat.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Lian Feng asked Ji Jun: "What is your name?"

"Quarterly average."


"twenty five."


"One eighty-two." Ji Jun was satisfied with his height and face. In the police academy, he was recognized as the school grass.

Lian Feng pulled Jiang Mian over, looked at Ji Jun, and said lightly: "She is only eighteen."

Ji Jun: "???"

"The age doesn't match." Lian Feng said, "Let's go."

This is to Jiang Mian and Xia Qiuyan.

Ji Jun stood there blankly, watching the three of Jiang Mian go away to fight back.

"What does the chief of the city council mean?" Ji Jun asked the colleague next to him.

That colleague was also a young man, he thought for a moment, and said: "Captain, what this means, I sound like I dislike you...old?"

Ji Jun: "..."

When he returned to the hospital, Yuan Jinfei knew what had happened, and he didn't care if Lian Feng lied to him and confirmed that his daughter-in-law was okay before he was relieved.

Both Jiang Mian and Xia Qiuyan had some bruises. Lian Feng asked the female nurse to take them to deal with the bruises. He relayed what Jiang Mian had said to him in the ward to Yuan Jinfei.

Yuan Jinfei looked ugly. After a while, he said: "Wang Weidong can't die."

Wang Weidong is the breakthrough point. He is now in the hands of the police. Even if his family is under control, I am afraid the people behind will find a way to kill.

Only a dead person would not speak - and Wang Weidong hit the wall and told the person over there through a wiretap. He would not speak even if he died.

"Lao Lian, how about tactics?" Yuan Jinfei said suddenly.

They spread the news that Wang Weidong was ordered to assassinate Wang Weidong. As for who instigated him, they already knew.

When the news is released, the people behind do not know the truth or not, and they will certainly not sit still and will inquire.

Lian Feng said, he had this meaning.

"Thanks to Mianmian today, the little girl is getting better and better." Yuan Jinfei coughed twice, "Old Lian, or else, let the little girl recognize me as a godfather."

"The beauty you want." Lian Feng said with a glance, exiting the ward to look for Jiang Mian.

The appearance of Wang Weidong has already given them a breakthrough. Next, Jiang Mian must not be involved again.

He pinched his eyebrows: He started to regret letting Jiang Mian go home with him.

He has to send her away.

Jiang Mian and the two of them dealt with the bruises in the room where the nurse was temporarily staying.

Xia Qiuyan only had some scratches on his elbows and knees-Jiang Mian pulled Xia Qiuyan from the bullet and rolled on the ground.

She thought Jiang Mian was the same as her, with only simple bruises, until Jiang Mian called the female nurse: "Auntie, please help me deal with the injury on my back."

The female nurse lifted the hem of Jiang Mian's clothes and opened the back waist against the gauze. Xia Qiuyan gasped when she saw it, "Mianmian, you..."

She thought she was injured by a bullet when Jiang Mian pulled her into hiding. Jiang Mian quickly explained: "It's okay, it was not a small injury last night."

Originally, this injury was a minor injury to Jiang Mian, but she didn't take it honestly today. A wound was torn after a while, then torn again, and then hit again, no problem, there was a problem.

Jiang Mian was not a masochist, so she took advantage of this opportunity to let the female nurse help.

She was hurt in the back, and she was not very well on medicine.

The female nurse let Jiang Mian lie on the bed and was about to deal with Jiang Mian. Lian Feng walked in. Jiang Mian looked at his father, and she wanted to pull off her clothes without thinking.


Lian Feng has seen it.

Lian Feng was silent for two seconds, and said to the female nurse and Xia Qiuyan: "You go out first."

"Dad." Jiang Mian wanted to get up, but was stopped by the detective father's eyes. She hurriedly preemptively said, "If you arrest someone, you will definitely get some minor injuries, and I went to chase Wang Weidong because I have the confidence to catch him. I protect myself very well, really."

She almost raised her hand to swear.

The detective father did not speak, but took out his cell phone and dialed Han Xu's number. After the call was connected, he said, "Mianmian is injured. Come and pick her up to your place."

He chose to fight for Han Xu because he knew that Han Xu would bring a group of bodyguards to force Jiang Mian away.

Jiang Mian: "...?????!!!"