The local tyrant father was having a transoceanic meeting. When Lian Feng called, he didn't want to answer, but the four fathers hardly contacted each other. If they contacted each other, there must be something.

Therefore, under normal circumstances will be connected.

Han Xu had to make a pause gesture, walked to the side, and connected to the phone.

As a result, as soon as the connection was made, Lian Feng said, "Mianmian is injured", and Han Xu's first reaction: "Isn't Mianmian with the surname Gu?!"

Lian Feng didn't say much. He held Jiang Mian, who was rushing over to grab his mobile phone, into his arms to prevent her from moving and pulling the wound. He said to the mobile phone, "Come here first."

"No, Dad, I'm not injured! You don't need to come here! Really!" Jiang Mian couldn't move at all when he was slapped in his arms by the detective father. Of course, she has other ways to let the detective father loose her, but she How can you do something against the detective father.

Jiang Mian thought to herself: If she knew she should have brought her refined fragrance with her body, let the detective dad smell it and it would be over.

"I'll be here right away." Han Xu hung up the phone, Lian Feng never lied, he said that his baby girl was injured, so he must be injured.

Han Xu's face sank. He has been busy with company affairs these days and has no time to contact his baby girl at all. Now--

He called in an assistant: "The meeting is over, call the bodyguard over."

"President Han?" The assistant hesitated, "This meeting..."

With billions of dollars in capital flow, everyone is still waiting for Han Xu to make up his mind.

Han Xujie glanced at him: "Are other people eating dry food? Wouldn't the company not be able to operate without me?!"

The assistant was silent.

Soon, Han Xu took ten bodyguards and rushed to the Armed Police Hospital.

Lian Feng hung up the phone and carefully pressed Jiang Mian on the bed. Jiang Mian wanted to move. He took out a pair of handcuffs and put it on the table. He said coldly, "I will handcuff you again."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She began to wonder if this was her father.

Jiang Mian was gone, she really didn't expect the detective father to be so tough.

She knew that the detective father was doing her good. There was an inner ghost staring at him in the bureau, and there was a time bomb like Zhong Wuli, and he was in a dangerous vortex.

She followed him and couldn't avoid getting involved, and the way to prevent her from getting involved was to send her away.

The more the detective father thought about her, the more she was reluctant to leave.

She didn't know it. Since she knew and had the ability, she naturally wanted to stay and help him.

Even if she doesn't know how to catch the inner ghost, she can follow the detective father to protect him personally.

"Dad, I promise not to intervene in this case again." Jiang Mian said, "I will stay at home and heal my injuries."

"It's my fault, I shouldn't take you home." Lian Feng was unmoved, he took Jiang Mian by his side, even if Jiang Mian only exists as his "niece", they are close together, they will Into the eyes of the caring person.

"You are in danger at any time by your side. Only if you leave, I can work without burden."

Jiang Mian pursed his lips and said nothing.

Lian Feng picked up the wound medicine and treated Jiang Mian's wound with gentle movements: "You have helped me a lot. You helped me catch Zhong Wuli, and you helped me catch Wang Weidong. Your original uncle and I have already figured out how to deal with it. ."

"What you need to do now is to take care of your injuries and go back to continue filming after you recover, instead of staying with me and fighting the criminals."

Jiang Mian put her head on her hand, and the detective father moved so lightly that she could hardly feel the pain from the wound. She suddenly said, "Dad, or I will be a policeman."

In this way, she can follow the detective father openly and help him.

After the words fell, there was a pain in her back, and she let out a cry of pain—the detective father shook her hand directly and poke her on the wound.

The detective father apologized in a low voice, and immediately moved a little lighter, but he said harshly: "Mianmian, if you want to be a policeman, unless I am gone."

Fearing that his tone was too harsh and aroused Jiang Mian’s rebellious mentality, Lian Feng calmed himself down and lowered his voice a little bit: “If you don’t want to make a movie, you can go to your father’s company, choose what you like, and do whatever you want. Yes, but you cannot be a policeman."

He knew exactly how dangerous the profession of police is.

He can be a policeman, he can sacrifice his life for this profession, but he will never allow his daughter to enter this business.

"Mianmian, listen to Dad, okay."

Jiang Mian wanted to shake her head very much. However, facing the request of the detective father, she really couldn't shake it, so she had no choice but to say: "Then how do you and Uncle Yuan respond? The enemy is in the dark, you are in the dark, and Uncle Yuan is lying injured again. In the hospital, you are the only one, you..."

"The criminal investigation team plus me, there are 18 people in total." The detective father told the truth, and he found that in Jiang Mian's heart, he seemed weak and could kill him by anyone.

"I'm not fighting alone, there are a group of people behind me." After handling the wound, Lian Feng touched Jiang Mian's hair, "No one can easily hurt me."

The voice of the detective father carried a touch of pride that could not be ignored.

Han Xu came in very quickly, bringing in ten bodyguards with expressionless faces in black clothes and trousers, arousing many eyes.

"Mianmian, where is it hurt?" After seeing Jiang Mian, Han Xu directly ignored Lian Feng next to him and looked at Jiang Mian nervously.

I want to take Jiang Mian to look at it, but I don't know where she is hurt. I am afraid it will hurt her.

Before the detective father spoke, Jiang Mian touched her waist: "I accidentally fell down the stairs."

When Han Xu heard this, he breathed fire at Lianfeng without hesitation: "Mianmian stayed with you these days? How did you take care of her?!"

Lian Feng didn't say much, Han Xu came, he should naturally leave, he still has a lot to do.

He glanced at Jiang Mian and turned to leave.


Lian Feng paused, and left without looking back.

After leaving the nursery, he glanced at the ten bodyguards standing at the door.

Any one of these bodyguards would be submerged when thrown into the crowd, only because ten people were standing together in the same clothes would they win the eye.

They have been professionally trained, and some are foreign mercenaries, experienced and experienced, and the strength of each one cannot be underestimated.

The eyes of the bodyguards flashed sharply in the eyes of Shang Lianfeng.

Another reason Lian Feng asked Han Xu to come was because he wanted the "eyes" around him to see that Jiang Mian was not the one they could move.

Han Xu's financial resources can give Jiang Mian the best protection.

When Lian Feng finished his work for the time being, he returned home alone with the insulated box Jiang Mian sent him. He took out the plate containing the sweet and sour pork ribs given by Grandma Jiang and returned it to Grandma Jiang when he went out tomorrow morning. .

He stood there for a while, walked to Jiang Mian's bedroom, and gently pushed away.

After Jiang Mian got up, he arranged the quilt on the bed at will. It would not look too messy, but it would not be too neat.

The corner of Lian Feng's mouth raised slightly: At least, his daughter stayed in this room for one night.


Jiang Mian was really packaged and taken away by the local tyrant father. He saw Jiang Mian’s wounds. Apart from anything else, he immediately asked the bodyguards to find a wheelchair, pushed Jiang Mian into the car, and sent them directly to the private hospital under the name of Han. .

That is, the hospital where Jiang Mian was admitted to when he cut his wrist just after passing through.

——Hurry up and let her meet Yuan Jinfei. By the way, there is no opportunity for Xia Qiu Yan.

Finally, I could only talk to Xia Qiuyan on WeChat and told Xia Qiuyan not to go out alone.

Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the news that the police would protect her personally.

Wang Weidong fell into the hands of the police. As long as the people behind him are not stupid, he will not do anything easily at this time. Then I saw how the detective father tried to find the inner ghost and solve Zhong Wuli.

Unfortunately, she can't participate.

"Dad, can I ask you for a bodyguard?" Jiang Mian is now in the heart of Cao Yingxin. Since she can't stay by the detective father to help him, she can change to another person. By the way, she can also be a voice transmission. cylinder!

She lay on the hospital bed, enjoying the fruit feeding from the local tyrant father, who fed the baby girl while holding the computer to handle the work.

Hearing this request from the baby girl, the local tyrant waved his hand: "Of course it can, as much as you want."

"No, no, one is enough." She doesn't need it, "I want a great one."

Half an hour later, the local tyrant made a call and ten powerful bodyguards came.

The local tyrant father said to the ten bodyguards in a tone of "competition for martial arts" to his daughter, "You all show your abilities, let Mianmian choose."