In order to let his baby daughter choose the best, the local tyrant made a room for him. Originally, he wanted to project to Jiang Mian’s ward so that Jiang Mian didn’t need to see it in person, but Jiang Mian wanted to observe it closely. Had to prepare a smart push bed, pushing Jiang Mian away.

The average age of the ten bodyguards is between twenty-five and thirty-five. In order to show their abilities in front of Jiang Mian, two groups of two will have a friendly battle in front of Jiang Mian.

In fact, the ten people were a little unwilling at first. They were here to be bodyguards, not to show them to others, but whoever made Han Xu the boss, gave enough money.

But when they saw Jiang Mian, this unwillingness disappeared.

Protecting the beautiful girl is also pleasing to the eye.

The bodyguards are arrogant. Since they have to choose the strong ones, they don't want to let themselves be "not good" in front of Jiang Mian, so they show themselves with great enthusiasm.

After Jiang Mian watched a lap, he found that they have their own strengths, some are stronger in fighting ability, some are more powerful, some are good marksmanship, and some are strong in martial arts.

Her eyes fixed on one of them.

This bodyguard just introduced himself as Adu, who is studying martial arts.

Jiang Mian saw it very clearly. When the first few people were going to work in groups, no one wanted to be with Adu.

When the last bodyguard was with Adufen, Jiang Mian saw a flash of annoyance from that bodyguard's face.

It seemed to be annoying that I was not lucky enough to be with Adufen.

So Jiang Mian’s attention just now focused on Adu. When Adu and his partner's bodyguard started their hands, when the partner's bodyguard had a dagger, and he had no weapons, he took the partner's bodyguard's dagger with three moves. .

"Mianmian, Dad's bodyguards are good, right." The local tyrant father was very satisfied with the performance of the bodyguards.

"Which one do you want to choose?" Han Xu touched the baby girl's hair, "If you like it, Dad will give it to you."

There are so many good bodyguards that they are given to their daughters, and he will be searched for later.

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry. He took the arm of the local tyrant father to indicate that he was not in a hurry. He immediately turned his eyes to Adu and said, "Adu, can you show your hands more?"

When Han Xu saw Jiang Mian talking to Adu, he felt that the baby girl seemed to be a little interested in Adu and looked at Adu carefully.

He has many bodyguards, except for the two bodyguards who often follow him, he only recognizes the other bodyguards, and he can't even remember their names.

Compared with the other nine bodyguards, Adu is the youngest and looks the thinnest. As for whether he is powerful or not, it feels the same in the eyes of the local tyrant father.

It looks better than the other bodyguards.

Han Xu frowned. Is it because Adu is younger and better-looking than the others, so she likes him?

Hearing that he was named, Adu raised his slender eyes and looked at Jiang Mian. After a while, he said, "What do you want me to do, Miss?"

Jiang Mian pointed to a bodyguard with very obvious muscles. This bodyguard was extremely powerful. After comparing with his partner's bodyguard, he easily lifted his partner's bodyguard with one hand.

"Try it with Creel?" Jiang Mian said.

Adu's eyes flickered, he glanced at Jiang Mian seriously, and then nodded, "Okay."

But Creel slammed his two big fists, spoke a foreign Chinese, and said to Jiang Mian: "Miss, I don't play with Adobe, he is too fast."

Jiang Mian: "..."

What is this metaphor?

Adu did not give Creel a chance to retreat, and rushed towards Creel, who cursed "shit" and quickly backed away.

The remaining eight bodyguards stepped back collectively, vacating their positions, with metaphorical excitement on their faces.

Bodyguards also have their own circle, especially they specialize in serving the rich.

Han Xu is generous and raises them. Many times they can get high wages without a job. This is a good thing for others, but for them who have real ability, it feels a little bit of inferiority.

Therefore, they will also compete secretly. The better their performance, the more Han Xu will use them, just like a harem.

Occasionally, they will learn from each other, avoiding time and unfamiliarity in all aspects.

Everyone is not bad, but among a group of bodyguards, according to their strength, they can always be divided into different levels. Creel is an Englishman, born as a mercenary, and used to be a boxer in an underground boxing ring.

Then there was Adu, he rarely shot, but once he shot, no one could beat him, even Creel was defeated by him.

Of course, this is a private gossip by a bodyguard, whether it really is to be determined.

The bodyguards had long wanted Adu to play against Kriel to see who was better, but there was no chance.

Now I finally have the opportunity to watch the two play openly, and I am very excited. If it were not for the presence of the boss, they would have jumped up and shouted.

After Adu and Creel started to work, Jiang Mian understood what Creel's previous phrase "he was too fast" meant-Adu was very fast.

Creel focuses on strength, and Aduna's body is obviously not at the same level as Creel. Once he is imprisoned by Creel's power, Aduna loses.

Therefore, his speed is very fast, he moves quickly, retreats quickly, Creel's power is almost useless, but Creel is not easy to provoke.

Probably, I had discussed with Adu before and had some experience. At the beginning, the two of them fought together, but they were not at a disadvantage, but he soon showed defeat.

At this moment, Creel suddenly yelled and stretched his sleeves. There were blue veins on his arms bursting, and his strength was stronger than before.

Then, a silver light flashed, and A'du showed his weapon—he was actually wrapped with a soft sword, and he didn't even see how he made the sword. The soft sword was wrapped around Creel like a snake. On his arm.

Adu twisted the hilt of the sword, and with a "clang" sound, Creel was in pain, thrown away his arm and backed away, the soft sword followed like a shadow, and it ran into Creel's throat.

The latter spread his hands, stared at Adu and panted, and after a while said to Jiang Mian, "I said he was too fast."

Adu closed his hand and buckled the sword to his waist. His sword was almost gone in the blink of an eye. His soft sword had been wrapped around his waist as a belt, and his coat was covered by it.

To be able to draw and close the sword so quickly, I am afraid that I have been practicing since I was a child.

Jiang Mian's eyes lit up and said to Han Xu, "Dad, I'm going to be Adu."

"Okay." Han Xu was not stupid, and accompanied his baby daughter to watch a "competition", and it was clear who was more powerful.

He usually doesn't pay much attention to bodyguards. These bodyguards are found by assistants. Han Xu doesn't know what their abilities are.

Anyway, you can protect him.

Today's performance gave him a new understanding of his bodyguards.

The assistant is really good, and he will be given a raise at that time.

The other bodyguards left with regret. Before leaving, they glanced at Adu with envy.

There was no turbulence in Adu's expression, it seemed that it was normal to be selected by Jiang Mian.

Bodyguard, who is not a bodyguard to protect.

"Daddy, go ahead." Jiang Mian urged the local tyrant father to leave. If the local tyrant father knew that she wanted the bodyguard for the detective father, he would definitely be jealous.

She smiled sweetly at the local tyrant father, trying to sell cuteness to make the local tyrant father feel at ease to work: "You don't have to stay with me in the hospital all the time."

"How do you do that." Han Xu shook his head, "Mianmian don't worry, dad can work just like in the hospital."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian rolled his eyes and said, "Dad, I heard Uncle Yuan say that you have several video conferences today. You can't push all of them to accompany me. I'm in the hospital and can't run. You come back after work. Look at me too."

"Dad, if I delayed your work, I would feel guilty." Jiang Mian looked at the rich father pitifully.

Han Xu did have several video conferences today, one of which was a video with a foreign president.

He had planned to push it all.

At this moment, facing the look in the eyes of the baby girl, where could he say rejection, he had to agree.

"Then Dad will come back tonight." Han Xu said, "You are good, you are not allowed to get out of bed."

Then he said to Adu: "You look at her."

"Good boss." Adu nodded.

"Goodbye, dad." Jiang Mian smiled and waved.

Han Xu left the hospital. After getting in the car, he looked at assistant Han Jiayuan with a deep gaze. The latter was numbed by the scalp he was looking at, and he whispered, "Ms. Han, what are your orders?"

Looking at him this way, he was a little panic.

Han Jiayuan is a member of the Han family. The dead father Han was specially trained as an assistant to Han Xu, so he was named Han.

"You know I wanted to give you a raise." Han Xu said suddenly.

Han Jiayuan felt a sudden change in his heart. With his understanding of the boss, Han Xu spoke in this tone, which meant that there was a big turning point in the back, and this turning point was often not very good.

He began to think about where he did not do what Han Xu intended.

Doesn't seem to...

Han Xu didn't know what Xiao Jiujiu was in the assistant's heart. He said blankly: "Did I say that my work arrangements, don't let Mianmian know?"

Han Jiayuan came to understand that the boss was angry that he told the young lady about the work arrangement. He shouted wrongly: "The young lady took the initiative to ask."

He stared at Han Xu's expression and said, "Miss took the initiative to ask, I can't lie to her. Besides, Miss asks about your work arrangements and cares about you, for fear that you will be tired..."

Han Xu's expression heats up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Han Jiayuan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: Sure enough, pulling the young lady out at this time will surely extinguish the boss' fire.

Han Xu stopped talking, and of course the injury of the baby girl was more important than the company.

He refused to let the assistant tell Jiang Mian of his work arrangements, just because he was worried that Jiang Mian would not let him stay with the hospital when he knew it, but he would still be known.

He decided to deduct Han Jiayuan's salary for three months!

After Jiang Mian sent the nurse away, she and Adu were the only ones left in the ward. The latter met Jiang Mian's sight, pondered for a moment, and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"How do you know I want you to do something?" Everyone thought it was Jiang Mian who wanted a bodyguard to protect her.

Even the local tyrant father thought so. He wanted to assign a bodyguard to Jiang Mian before, but Jiang Mian refused.

Adu said: "It's not reasonable to simply protect a little girl, any one among the ten of us is enough. But you have to choose the most powerful one among us, which is unreasonable."

This is also true.

Jiang Mian went straight to the subject, took out his phone, clicked on the photo of Interpol's father, and handed it to Adu: "I want you to protect this person."

Adu glanced and frowned.

Jiang Mian stared into Adu's eyes and said, "I want him to be safe, can you do it?"