"Miss, let me take the liberty to ask, what is his relationship with you?" Adu did not rush to answer Jiang Mian, but asked such a question, which made Jiang Mian a little surprised.

She straightened up slightly and said, "Is this important?"

"I am employed by Boss Han, and you are the immediate protector." Adu nodded and replied very seriously, "Now you let me protect others and ensure his safety 100%. This is not within my scope of work. ."

"If the relationship between him and you is important, I will determine the level of my ‘protection’ according to the degree of importance." Adu said, "As for 100% to ensure his safety, I’m sorry, I can’t do it."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Is it so honest?

Adu continued: "There is no 100% peace in this world. Accidents happen at any time. If you want me to protect him, it means that this person is in an insecure environment. If you have to give me an answer, mine is the answer. Yes, I can only try to protect him."

Jiang Mian thought for a while and said, "He is a very important relative of me." She emphasized the word "very important".

Adu: "I see."

Adu didn't show it on his face, but he was a little confused in his heart.

Jiang Mian and Han Xu are father and daughter, and the man in the photo is Jiang Mian’s relatives, indicating that they are also relatives with Han Xu. If this is the case, if you need bodyguard protection, you can send Han Xu directly, or you can send more.

Finally, why did Jiang Mian come forward and choose him?

The most important thing is to carry Han Xu behind his back.

Although there was doubt in his mind, Adu did not show it, nor did he ask. As a bodyguard, he took money to work, so he didn't need to know anything else that he shouldn't know.

Jiang Mian chose Adu because he has martial arts skills. There are not many people who can learn traditional martial arts these days.

Compared with other bodyguards, Erze Adu is not so eye-catching. He changed the clothes of the bodyguard and wore ordinary casual clothes. He looked like a working man in his twenties.

Jiang Mian asked him to go to the detective father's side, and he could protect the detective father, or secretly do things for the detective father-with A'du's skill, with his help, it would definitely be more convenient for the detective father.

Jiang Mian learned more about Adu.

Adu is twenty-six years old, from elementary school martial arts, from the martial arts inheritance sect "Qishan School"-Jiang Mian has never heard of it, but from Adu's tone, you can hear that Qishan School is a very powerful school.

However, as the times have changed, traditional martial arts have gradually been eliminated. After all, learning martial arts is too hard. You must start from an early age without stopping.

And no matter how high you practice martial arts, you can finish it in one face with hot weapons such as bullets, bombs, and missiles.

So far, most of the martial arts inheritance sects have disappeared, and the rest are still sticking to it, and it is difficult to produce elites.

This is also true of Qishan School. Few people know that there is only Adu in the whole school. He relied on the martial arts handed down from his ancestors, taught himself since he was a child, and now he has such a skill.

However, no matter how high martial arts is, you can still get hungry without money.

He had no academic qualifications and couldn't find a good job. Eventually, relying on this martial art, he entered the business of bodyguards.

Before becoming a full-time bodyguard for Han Xu, he lived a life similar to that of Tianshida. It wasn't until he became the bodyguard of the local tyrant father that he lived a decent life.

He is very grateful to Han Xu, so he can protect Jiang Mian without reservation.

But Jiang Mian asked him to protect the detective father, and there was a layer in the middle, so he put forward the "importance" argument.

After understanding Adu's basic situation, Jiang Mian asked: "If you are alert, can you avoid the bullet?"

Adu thought for a few seconds, and said honestly: "As long as it doesn't fire dozens of guns at me."


Jiang Mian nodded in satisfaction, so she gave Adu the contact information of the detective father and asked him to find the detective father.

At this time, A'du knew that he was protecting a policeman. He raised his eyebrows and left without saying anything.

Seeing his leaving back, Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief--if it wasn't for her injuries, she would also like to try Adu's skills in person to see if her strength at the first level of Qi refining can beat Adu.

She lay on the bed with her mobile phone, considering whether to send a message to the detective father, tell her in advance, think about it, and forget it.

Anyway, she said, the detective father must not agree and let her "take" the person back.

Cut first and play later.

Humph, she learned from him!

Adu took the bus and made several rounds. It took nearly two hours to finally reach the city bureau-he could take a taxi directly, and he was reluctant to pay the money.

Looking at the magnificent door of the city bureau, Adu took out his cell phone and dialed the number Jiang Mian gave him.

The first time, it passed, no one answered.

The second time, it's connected, and hang up.

For the third time, there were two beeps, and there was a deep voice: "Who?"

Ah Du pointed out his intention: "Mr. Lian, I am the bodyguard invited by Miss Jiang to protect you. My name is Ah Du."

Lian Feng: "..."

Lian Feng: "You can leave now."

Adu: "Then I will come up to look for you."

Without waiting for Lian Feng to speak, Adu hung up the phone and stepped into the city bureau—when setting off, Miss Jiang told him that Mr. Lian might not let him protect him.

At this time, he doesn't need to do anything, just forcefully follow.

Commonly known as: dead skin and face.

"Company, what's the matter?" Zhou Sirui found that Lian Feng's expression was different and couldn't help asking with concern.

Lian Feng shook his head lightly: "When will the people from the provincial bureau arrive?"

Zhou Sirui: "There should be more than ten minutes."

Lian Feng lowered his eyebrows and said nothing.

"Company, the people from the provincial bureau will take Zhong Wuli away and transfer the case to the provincial bureau, making it clear that they want to..." Zhou Sirui lowered his voice, and did not say the second half.

Once Zhong Wuli was transferred to the provincial bureau, the people in the provincial bureau would deal with him, and the person would not be in his own hands.

And now Zhong Wuli bites himself to death and calls him Zhong Wushang. Although his brother is a big drug lord, he is dead, and he doesn't know what his brother did.

He was biting at this point, and someone inside helped him, so he was so confident.

Because as long as it is handled properly, there is no definite evidence to prove that he is Zhong Wuli.

Zhou Sirui was scary just thinking about it.

Lian Feng put out the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray, and walked out: "No one can **** someone from me, not even the provincial bureau."

Zhou Sirui was shocked and hurriedly followed Lian Feng. He thought that Lian Feng was going to make preparations, but he didn't want Lian Feng to come to the elevator without taking the elevator. He just stood by the side, looking like he was waiting for someone.

People passing by will respectfully shout "company" when they see Lian Feng.

Zhou Sirui was very puzzled, the people from the provincial bureau hadn't come yet.

Besides, Yilian's temperament, even if Chen Ju came, would not personally welcome it.

Who is here, will make the company wait.

Zhou Sirui guessed in his heart that it was the niece of the company, and only she could make the company treat it like this.

As a result, after the elevator opened, it was not Jiang Mian that Zhou Sirui thought came out, but a young man.

"Mr. Lian, I'm Adu." Adu didn't expect to meet Lian Feng as soon as he got out of the elevator. He had been a bodyguard for many years and made him understand that the man in front of him was completely different from Han Xu.

Lian Feng glanced at him: "Come with me."

He said to Zhou Sirui: "The people from the provincial bureau will notify me when they arrive."

Adu followed Lian Feng to his office, and as soon as he entered the door, it was a move to face him. Adu calmly responded and kept a few points. In the end, the two drew a tie.

Lian Feng stopped first and said lightly: "Go back and tell Mianmian, take care of your injuries."

Adu reacted, this Mr. Lian thought that they were in a tie, and the two of them were of equal strength, so he did not need his protection.

"Mr. Lian." Adu said with a stern look, "I am here to protect you on Ms. Jiang's instructions. I will not go back without her speaking."

"But my salary is from Boss Han. If you really don't want me to protect you, you can also choose to call Boss Han and ask his opinion."

"And..." Adu touched his hand to his waist, and the soft sword fell into his hand. In the blink of an eye, his soft sword had been wrapped around Lian Feng's neck. "I think I need to let Mr. Lien know that I have Protect your qualifications."

Lian Feng lowered his eyes and looked at the sword body that was as thin as a dark wing. After a while, he said, "What did Mianmian say to you?"

"Miss Jiang didn't say anything." Adu retracted the sword. "During the time I protect you, you can send me to do anything except murder."

Jiang Mian was lying on the bed and playing games on the tablet. The phone bell rang. She glanced at it. The detective father called. She snickered twice.

A few minutes ago, she received news from Adu, who told him that he had successfully met with the detective father.

As you can imagine what the detective father did this call, Jiang Mian reached out and clicked the hang up button.

She decided not to contact the detective father for a few days. Anyway, there is a hidden line of Adu, and she can know everything about the detective father.

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Mian pretended to send a message to the detective father on WeChat: [Dad, I’m recovering from my injury now, and my mobile phone has a lot of radiation and it’s not convenient to answer the phone. 】

Jiang Mian saw "the other party is typing" at the top of her head, but after losing for a long time, she did not receive any reply.

She couldn't help but cheat.

After thinking about it, she turned on the camera, turned the camera to herself, and made a kiss to the camera.

After the filming, she opened the photo editing software, added a "mua~" based on her picture, and sent it to the detective father.

After receiving the photo, Lian Feng looked at it tenderly for a long time, and finally saved the picture.

Zhou Sirui came to inform: "The company, the people from the provincial bureau are here."

The gentleness in Lian Feng's eyes was immediately replaced by fierceness, he pulled his collar, and then his battlefield was next.

Adu followed him silently, Lian Feng didn't speak, acquiescing to his existence.

Putting off the job that could be pushed, Han Xu finally arrived at the hospital at 9:30 in the evening.

"Are you sleeping?" he asked the nurse.

The carer shook his head.

He asked again: "What do you eat at night?"

The nurse reported the names of several dishes, and Han Xu nodded in satisfaction when he heard Jiang Mian having a meal.

He waved his hand to let the nurse retreat, and Han Xu gently opened the door, trying to quietly watch what the baby girl was doing.

As soon as I pushed it away, my daughter's voice came out: "...When will you be back?"

Han Xu frowned: Who do you talk to?

"Of course I miss you."

Han Xu was sour, why he had never heard the baby girl tell him so obediently that he missed him, which **** was talking to the baby girl!

and many more--

Han Xu's eyes narrowed, Mianmian can't fall in love, right? !

Han Xu couldn't stand anymore, opened the door, raised his long legs and walked into the ward.

"Mianmian, who do you call?"

Jiang Mian turned his head and saw the local tyrant father, his eyes curled with a smile: "Dad, I'm on the phone with Dad Zuo."

Han Xu said, Jiang Mian said something more, the local tyrant approached, stretched out his slender and beautiful fingers, and pressed the hang-up button quickly and firmly.

Jiang Mian: "..."