Jiang Mian looked at the princess Bomi, in her early twenties, tall, fair-skinned, big eyes and long eyelashes. The real person is more beautiful than the picture.

Few people look good when they cry, but this princess Bomi fully explains what a beauty is crying, pear flowers bring rain.

Ordinary people see it, but they are afraid that their hearts will be weakened a long time ago.

Good-looking is good-looking, but not as soon as you enter the door and cry before you say anything.

Jiang Mian straightened up while watching with admiration, but as soon as she moved, she was pressed back on the cushion by the local father.

Jiang Mian lay down obediently and let the local tyrant father handle it.

Han Xu pressed the pause button, got off the bed, and gently covered Jiang Mian with the quilt. Without reading Chu Nianshi, Chao Han Jiayuan said coldly: "What's the matter with you? Asking you to pick up someone, you actually took someone I'm crying, I don't think you want to do the assistant job."

"Ah... It's not about Assistant Han." Chu Nianshi wiped his eyes in a panic, choked up, "I, I just got here, and I'm a little scared."

"I didn't cry on purpose, I'm sorry." While she said an apology, she worked hard to keep herself from crying, and looked at Jiang Mian on the bed unconsciously.

Looking at Princess Bomi's rainy eyes, Jiang Mian showed her a big smile.

She had blocked the peach blossoms for the actor father and the detective father more often, and she finally understood why the local tyrant father asked her to go home after saying hello to Chu Nianshi.

Dare to love again to pull her to block Peach Blossom.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Is the purpose of co-authoring her daughter for dads to block peach blossoms?

What Jiang Mian had guessed before was that King Bomi wanted to marry Chu Nianshi to the local tyrant father-now she wants to change this idea.

I'm afraid it's not that King Bomi wants to marry Chu Nianshi to the local tyrant father, but Chu Nianshi likes the local tyrant father and wants to marry himself.

However, the local tyrant refused.

So this princess Bomi came up with a domestic blind date method to get close to the local tyrant father so that she could create opportunities to get along with the local tyrant father.

As a result, as soon as the princess Bomi entered the door, she saw her watching a movie close to the local tyrant father. She was shocked in her heart and cried.

Jiang Mian remained on the sidelines, not speaking.

"Miss Chu, don't be afraid. This is the Han company. The people here will definitely not be unruly towards you. You can rest assured." Han Xu said calmly, "I have promised your father, this time your purpose of returning home , I will let Han Jiayuan follow up the whole process. Considering that Miss Chu is unfamiliar with this place, she will inevitably panic in her heart. I have hired two female bodyguards for you. With them, you should be at ease now."

Soon, two girls in casual clothes walked in.

Jiang Mian raised her eyebrows, and she didn't know when the female bodyguard from the local father came over.

Chu Nianshi glanced at the two female bodyguards. They were about the same age as her, with ordinary faces.

She heard something else from Han Xu's tone, panic and anxiety flashed in her eyes, pinched the corner of her clothes, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Han, do I live here tonight?"

"It's just a choice. There are many wards in the hospital. If this one doesn't suit Ms. Chu's wishes, you can choose another ward. If you don't want to stay in the hospital, there are hotels nearby. Ms. Chu can choose by herself." Han Xu said. If you need anything, you can order the bodyguard, and the bodyguard will help you buy it."

Chu Nianshi seemed to want to cry again, but she was restrained, her eyes were very flustered, and she almost blurted out and asked, "Do you live here too?"

"I naturally go home to live." Han Xu asked Han Jiayuan to push the wheelchair over, helped Jiang Mian to sit in the wheelchair, and asked him to rearrange the room.

Chu Nianshi realized that Han Xu stopped responding to her after the arrangements were made, and was busy taking care of the girl the whole time. She was disturbed and panicked in her heart, and stepped forward: "Mr. Han, can I live in your house? Or a hotel close to your home is okay... Even if there are bodyguards, I am scared without you here."

She stretched out her hand to catch Han Xu. She stretched her hand in the air, and when she saw Jiang Mian in the wheelchair, she retracted her hand stiffly.

Han Xu put the blanket on his lap for Jiang Mian'er, and met his baby girl's narrow gaze. When Han Xu's old face was hot, she always felt that everything was seen by her baby girl.

He subconsciously stretched out his big palm to cover Jiang Mian's eyes and scraped the tip of his daughter's nose: "Don't think about it."

Jiang Mian: "..."

The intimate movements of the father and daughter were seen by Chu Nianshi, and her body shook.

"There is no hotel near my house. As for living in my house..." Han Xu straightened up, looked at Chu Nianshi, and said, "Although I am older than you and a friend of your father's, Miss Chu is right. Men and women are different. Naturally I can't let you live in my house."

"You can live here with peace of mind. If you are still afraid, I will call a few more female bodyguards."

After finishing speaking, Han Xu touched his daughter's little face lovingly again: "Let's go, let's go home."

Han Xu pushed Jiang Mian out, and Jiang Mian raised his hand and waved to Chu Nianshi in a friendly way as a greeting.

Chu Nianshi opened his mouth, what he wanted to say, but couldn't say it, so he could only watch Han Xu push Jiang Mian out of the ward.

Han Jiayuan nodded to her politely, and then left the ward.

Soon, she and two female bodyguards were left in the ward.

The two female bodyguards glanced at each other. Just when they wanted to talk, they saw Chu Nianshi looking at them dimly, and asked them quietly, "Do you know what the relationship between Mr. Lian and that girl is?"

The female bodyguards shook their heads.

As soon as he finished shaking his head, Chu Nianshi's tears came down and couldn't stop it.

Two bodyguards: "..."

"Then what do you think they will be related to?" Chu Nianshi asked expectantly.

"This...I don't know." The bodyguard said a, "However, there are usually no girls around Han."

"Yes." Bodyguard B nodded, she thought for a while, and said, "Zong Han is very different to a girl, and she is very nervous. When she is in hospital, Zong Han will come to accompany her every day. As for what the relationship is, I do not know either."

Hearing that, Chu Nianshi's tears were even more fierce, and she felt uncomfortable and even had difficulty breathing.

Thinking of Jiang Mian being held in a wheelchair by Han Xu, she asked carefully: "Did she have any disease?"

Bodyguard a: "I didn't get sick, it seems that I was slightly injured, but Han is always worried."

Chu Nianshi choked up and said, "You go out first, I will call you if I have something to do."

"Are you all right." Bodyguard a said concerned, "If you cry like this, your eyes will swell up tomorrow morning."

"Yes, according to your crying method, your eyes will probably swell into a line tomorrow." Bodyguard b said, "You are so beautiful, if your eyes are swollen, it would be ugly."

It's okay not to say, Chu Nianshi's crying became more and more unstoppable, and her tears flowed out like money. She finally found a chance to speak: "You guys don't talk. I didn't mean to cry, I... ...You go out first."

The two bodyguards looked at each other: "Then we go out first, you have something to call us."

Chu Nianshi nodded in a panic. After the bodyguard closed the door and went out, she buried her head in the quilt and whimpered.

She rarely likes a person, and finally mustered up the courage to come to China, wanting to have a chance to get along with Han Xu.

Her father said to her that if you like it, you must fight for it, but why didn't her father tell her that Han Xu already has a sweetheart.

No, I'm afraid my father doesn't know.

Thinking about it this way, it made me cry even more sad.

Chu Nianshi tore off the quilt, wrapped the quilt with his headband and body, and cried happily in the quilt, before finally letting him out of crying.

The secret love and the intended pursuit had failed before it even started. She looked at the front in confusion, not knowing what to do.

That girl is more beautiful than her, and Han Xu likes it again.

Or, forget it.

"Dad." Jiang Mian got in the car and looked at the tyrant father, "Didn't you say that Princess Bomi came to find her boyfriend, but I think she seems to like you, dad."

Han Xu coughed in embarrassment and guilty conscience.

Jiang Mian's eyes were full of smiles, and he continued: "You still want her to have a blind date with Dad Lien. Dad, it is very bad for you to do this."

"Mianmian, did you like the male model that Dad ordered you last time?" Han Xu decided to divert the attention of his baby daughter, "If you are upset, Dad will order a few more to accompany you, how about? "

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh anymore.