Han Xu took Jiang Mian directly to his mansion. Jiang Mian was no stranger to this mansion. She lived here when it was Han Xu's turn to raise her as a child.

But after moving out to live alone, she never came back.

It was so late, after learning that Jiang Mian was going back, the butler waited at the door with a few servants. When Jiang Mian got out of the car, they respectfully bent over and said, "Welcome the lady back home."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"It's all gone." Han Xu waved, and the butler quickly led the people down.

Han Xu pushed Jiang Mian into her bedroom.

The bedroom is on the third floor. There are only two bedrooms on the third floor, Jiang Mian and Han Xu's.

The bedroom is large, with a matte finish. The most striking thing is the custom-made five-meter-wide bed, half of which is occupied by dolls.

Not only that, but they are also stacked on the wall.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Who put so many dolls so frantically.

Although these dolls are very cute and beautiful, but with so many piles, no matter how beautiful they are, they will dazzle their eyes after a long time.

"Dad, did you make these?" Jiang Mian pointed to these dolls. She probably understood why the original owner moved out to live independently.

"Right." Han Xu didn't feel wrong at all, he hesitated, "If you don't like it, dad will let someone out tomorrow."

When he was young, the baby girl told him that she liked to put dolls in the room so that she could play with her at home. Han Xu asked him to prepare a variety of furry dolls.

Later, the baby girl made a fuss about moving out to live alone, but she didn't take any of the dolls she liked.

Han Xu guessed that these dolls were not "new" anymore, and his daughter didn't like it anymore, so when Jiang Mian couldn't live at home, he would stuff some new dolls into the room from time to time.

Over time, the room will be pushed more.

Because his daughter did not live at home, Han Xu was reluctant to throw away the dolls Jiang Mian had played with, and stayed.

What he thought was: If his daughter really doesn't like it anymore, let her handle it by herself when she returns home.

As a result, Jiang Mian never returned home after moving out.

Now that the baby girl comes back, Jiang Mian has the right to deal with these dolls. She can deal with it whatever she wants.

"Mianmian, after you moved out, I haven't moved anything in the room, it's the way it was when you left." Han Xu pointed to a picture album on the desk and said, "Look, you painted half of it. Dad keeps his paintings."

It was late. After Han Xu had a conversation with Jiang Mian in the room, he helped Jiang Mian to lie on the bed: "Hey, close your eyes and go to bed. Dad will leave when he falls asleep."

Han Xu gently patted the quilt with his hand to coax Jiang Mian to sleep. Although he knew that his daughter had grown up, he didn't need him to coax him, but seeing Jiang Mian lying on the bed, Han Xu inevitably remembered the scene of him raising Xiao Jiang Mian.

At that time, the baby girl was lying on this bed like this, let him sleep slowly.

But such opportunities are rare, because he is busy with work, and Xiao Jiangmian is often asleep when he comes back.

Now it is rare to have the opportunity to guard her daughter to sleep, even if her daughter has grown up, Han Xu still coaxed subconsciously.

Jiang Mian felt that the rich father would not leave without watching her fall asleep, so she had to close her eyes and pretend to fall asleep slowly.

After confirming that Jiang Mian was asleep, Han Xu's patting motion stopped. Looking at the sleeping face of his baby girl, Han Xu lowered his head and kissed Jiang Mian's eyebrows.

Then he turned off the light, moved carefully and left the bedroom without making a sound.

Han Xu invited the butler and ordered the breakfast tomorrow to follow Jiang Mian's taste, and the butler led away.

Han Jiayuan greeted him. He felt that he still had to ask the situation clearly so that he could handle it, otherwise he might make a mistake if he didn't pay attention.

"Ms. Han, how do you arrange for that Miss Chu?"

Han Xu had been busy all day, sitting on the sofa and pinching his eyebrows, but he was happy when he thought of the baby girl sleeping in the bedroom. By the way, he became a little more patient and said: "You look at the arrangements and find someone to arrange to meet her. The rest is at her own discretion."

"But this candidate..." Han Jiayuan was shocked by Han Xu's relaxed tone. This is not to go to the club to choose a male model. People choose a boyfriend, and his identity background is not low. Then I found a few young people. Fool it.

"Is your head full of tofu residue? So many young talents are not enough for you to select?"

Han Jiayuan: "..."

If he heard correctly, the boss meant that he wanted him to marry online?

Han Xu yawned. He still had work to deal with tomorrow. He walked back to his room slowly-Bomi asked him to help his daughter Zhang Luo blind date. There was no clear stipulation on the man’s family background, as long as Chu Nianshi liked it. .

In that case, he cast a wide net and let Chu Nianshi choose himself. As for whether it can be found in the end, it doesn't matter to him.

He only does what he is supposed to do.

Waiting for Han Xu to wash and lie on the bed, he held the tablet and slid. The picture above showed that he was visiting the official website of Heaven and Earth.

He wanted to order a few people to come home with his baby girl tomorrow.

After thinking about it, forget it.

He raised a mouth in the car, and the baby girl looked like she didn't like it.

He glanced at the photo of the male model on the official website and slid over. Except for the top card, he really didn't seem to have any good looks.

Maybe my daughter thinks that these male models are not very long, and I have time to see if there are any better ones.

After Han Xu exited the bedroom, Jiang Mian waited for a while before opening her eyes. She turned on the bedside lamp, got up and picked up the picture album that Han Xu said she had not finished before.

When I opened it, I found that the unfinished picture was a portrait sketch of a character, with only a rough outline and eyebrows drawn, but at a glance, I could tell that I wanted to paint a local tyrant.

Maybe it's because a few years have passed, maybe the original owner doesn't want to remember.

Therefore, the original owner's memory of living in this mansion is very vague.

Jiang Mian shook her head, picked up a doll on the ground casually, took out her mobile phone to call Tian Shi Daddy-after the call with Tian Shi Daddy was hung up by the local tyrant, she never found a chance to call Tian Shi Daddy again.

Now I finally had a chance, but the system prompts her that the number she dialed has been shut down. Jiang Mian had to do it.

She walked around the room, and slowly, some memories of living here in her mind began to become clearer.

With a move in his heart, Jiang Mian's gaze fell on a beautiful glass bottle on the bookshelf. The glass bottle was filled with small drifting bottles, and each drifting bottle contained a small note.

After his daughter moved out, the local tyrant would come to this room if he had time, but he would not mess around with the contents.

The memory tells Jiang Mian that the original owner wrote the words on the small note in the drifting bottle, but there is nothing in the memory.

Jiang Mian took down the glass bottle and poured all the floating bottles inside on the table. The little paper man quietly got out of her hair and unpacked the floating bottles with her.

Jiang Mian dismantled the drifting bottle casually, and only two words were written on the small note inside: It's annoying.

"I didn't come back today."

"It's OK to accompany me."

"Dad is a big bastard!"

"I hate dolls, I don't like them, but they are the only ones with me."


The little paper man took the initiative to pass the strip of paper to Jiang Mian, who poked his little head: "I'm sleepy, you can put them all back."

Little paper man: "???"

Jiang Mian returned to the bed, surrounded by various dolls. She and the dolls stared at each other.

Finally, I grabbed a doll casually, meditated lazily, closed my eyes, and plunged myself into a deep sleep.

Jiang Mian was awakened by the ringtone of the mobile phone. She fumbled for a while and fumbled for the mobile phone from the pile of dolls. She didn't know how the mobile phone got into the pile of dolls.

"Mianmian, are you awake?" Tang Anan called. Jiang Mian asked for three days off. Although the girl didn't know the reason for Jiang Mian's leave, she would ask about Jiang Mian every day.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Can she answer the phone without waking up?

"What's the matter?" Jiang Mian sat up from the bed.

"It's Shen Shiqing, he came to the crew to give you a lot of things." Tang An'an's voice was somewhat incredulous, "No part of Guan Xin."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Tang Anan said: "He asked me where you are, of course I can't tell him." Besides, she didn't know where Jiang Mian was.

"He is so weird, why did he come to the crew to give you something. Now everyone is discussing, saying that Guan Xin has fallen out of favor, as if you made her fall out of favor." Tang An'an felt inexplicable about Shen Shiqing's hand, no He knew what to say, so he immediately contacted Jiang Mian to let the little boss know about it.

"I see." Jiang Mian said, "don't pay attention to him, when he takes the wrong medicine, go crazy."

Tang Anan heard the inattention in Jiang Mian's tone, as if he was not surprised by Shen Shiqing's behavior.

So she calmed down.

After finishing the conversation with Tang An'an, Jiang Mian got up, Yu Guang saw the little paper man writhing on the desk.

I walked over and found that the little paper man was still sorting out the drifting bottles.

The drift bottle is very small, and the strip of paper inside is easy to take out-the little paper man holding the drift bottle can pour out the strip of paper.

But it was necessary to roll up the unfolded paper strips and then put them back. For the little paper man, this was a difficult action. After busying all night, he didn't put all the paper strips back in.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Seeing the serious actions of the little paper man, she always felt that she was driving child labor.

"Come on, go on." She poked the little paper man's head again and went to wash in the bathroom.

After washing, there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Mian opened the door. Standing at the door was the housekeeper, and a servant pushed the dining car.

Seeing Jiang Mian, the housekeeper hurriedly said: "Miss, Mr. said that you have injuries on your body. Don't get out of bed easily. Go to bed and lie down."

Jiang Mian ignored this, she asked, "Where is Dad?"

"Mr. left to work at six o'clock," said the butler.

Jiang Mian, who got this answer, was not surprised. The steward said: "Breakfast is prepared according to your taste. You can choose whatever you want."

After the servant put the breakfast away, Jiang Mian said, "Retreat."

"Your injury..." The housekeeper hesitated, and Han Xu told him when he left, that he must keep Jiang Mian's attention and not allow her to get out of bed at will.

"It's okay." Jiang Mian said obediently, "I don't move."

The housekeeper and servant had to leave the room.

There are many types of breakfast, more than twenty kinds in total, without repetitions. Jiang Mian can't laugh or cry. Does the local tyrant think she is the king of stomachs?

I picked something casually, and while I was eating, the phone rang again, it was a pure number.

Jiang Mian raised her eyebrows, and she was somewhat impressed by this number.

After thinking for a while, she connected the phone, and Shen Shiqing's voice came from the receiver: "Miss Jiang, I have sent the four of them to the police station. Do you like this gift?"

Jiang Mian took two seconds to think of the four people mentioned by Shen Shiqing. They were the four dudes headed by Huang Wenkang who liked to play with women with drugs.

"It's a pity that I went to the crew today. You are not here. I heard that you have asked for leave. I don't know if I have the honor to ask you to have a casual meal?"