Shen Shiqing smiled softly, and he also found out Jiang Mian's guidelines for dealing with things. As long as he behaved and treated with courtesy, Jiang Mian would not do it casually.

He said in a very gentle voice: "Then tell me your address and I will pick you up."

Then he added: "If you don't believe me to send people to the police station, why not go to the police station with me? I have friends in the police station."

Jiang Mian found that Shen Shiqing, who had become mentally ill, was very good at climbing.

But he got the four of Huang Wenkang into the police station. Regardless of other things, this act alone was considered a good thing.

She bothered to talk to him lazily and was about to hang up. When she heard this, her heart moved: "Which police station did you send them to?"

"The Municipal Public Security Bureau." Shen Shiqing said, "Miss Jiang, don't worry, I won't fool you with this kind of thing."

"Very good." The detective father refused to let her go to the police station. She couldn't find a reason to go. Now there is a ready reason.

Shen Shiqing on the phone tick the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, as long as his attitude softened, Jiang Mian's attitude towards him would also soften. He did not believe that Jiang Mian would still carry it under his offensive.

There is no woman in this world that he can't handle.

"Then I'll come to pick you up." He said softly.

Jiang Mian raised her eyebrows, there was a free "mount", don't let it go, she reported the address.

Caro bay.

Shen Shiqing's eyebrows jumped. This is the most noble and top-notch district in the country. The rich mansions inside cannot afford it even if they have money.

Only the super rich can live in it.

Jiang Mian live inside?

With Qin Jingrun's net worth and status, he is not eligible to buy a luxury house in this area, and neither does he himself.

Shen Shiqing slowly twisted his eyebrows, his thoughts flashed.

After thinking about getting to know Jiang Mian, the latter's attitude towards him did not put him in the slightest. When blackmailing him, the export was five million.

And, the people from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television also turned towards her.

He always wanted to check Jiang Mian's background, but no matter how he checked, the results were blank. I only know that she is a rich daughter, and I don't know who her parents are.

If it hadn't been learned from Xie Huaiyu that Qin Jingrun and Jiang Mian were father-daughter, he would not find any effective information.

However, he wanted to threaten Jiang Mian with this news, but instead of being threatened by Jiang Mian.

But it doesn't matter, this is more challenging and arouses his stronger desire to conquer.

Now that Jiang Mian appears in this top-notch area, is it a representative? What Jiang Mian said is true, and the information Xie Huaiyu gave him is also wrong.

Although Jiang Mian and Qin Jingrun have a private relationship, they are not a father-daughter relationship.

So, what is Jiang Mian's background?

Hanging up the phone, Shen Shiqing's eyes were excited when he saw the prey.

There was a vibration from the mobile phone and the word "Guan Xin" was displayed on the screen. Shen Shiqing glanced at it and threw the mobile phone to the assistant.

The assistant answered the phone: "Miss Guan, Mr. Shen is busy at work. I will tell you what I need."

Guan Xin called to ask Shen Shiqing about sending Jiang Mian something to the crew.

Shen Shiqing personally came to the crew early in the morning. Everyone thought he was here for Guan Xin, but they didn't expect Shen Shiqing to come for Jiang Mian.

Those people looked at Guan Xin's gaze, making her angry, but helpless.

Even if Jiang Mian was not on the crew, he could think of ways to disgust her.

Guan Xin didn't understand why Shen Shiqing did this. After she was rescued by Shen Shiqing at the ball, she felt a little grateful for Shen Shiqing, in addition to gratitude and moved.

In the past, Guan Xin rarely took the initiative to call Shen Shiqing, unless it was necessary, and she did not want to call Shen Shiqing when necessary.

She knows what Shen Shiqing thinks of her, but she likes Gu Qiwen, and she cannot accept Shen Shiqing at all.

But she couldn't refuse Shen Shiqing, he was too domineering, and her refusal was useless.

She should be relieved of Shen Shiqing's approach to the crew today. However, after a long time, she has become accustomed to Shen Shiqing's indulgence and care for her, and Shen Shiwang suddenly did this, making her almost unable to relax.

He knows that she hates Jiang Mian, and he also hates Jiang Mian. Jiang Mian treats them so, how could he still send Jiang Mian something to the crew, behaved so friendly that everyone misunderstood?

What does he want to do.

Guan Xin thought about it and couldn't understand it, Zheng Xiaoyu kept saying in her ear: "... Mr. Shen has always been so kind to you, but you have never responded. At this time, Jiang Mian came out, and again and again. The three angered President Shen, she must have deliberately used this method to attract President Shen's attention."

"Look, she succeeded, didn't she? And she is rich again, maybe she said something to Mr. Shen in private, or to please Mr. Shen, if you don't care about it anymore, Jiang Mian will bully you to death. of."


These voices rushed into her ears, and she couldn't ignore them even if she wanted to ignore them. Zheng Xiaoyu was right, and Jiang Mian must have caught Shen Shiqing's attention.

Otherwise, Shen Shiqing would not do this.

Guan Xin finally made up his mind to call Shen Shiqing. In the past, if she learned from the assistant that Shen Shiqing was busy, she would not say anything again. This time—

She whispered: "Then when will he finish?"

A surprise flashed in the assistant's eyes. He subconsciously looked at Shen Shiqing, contacted the latter's gaze, and said: "I don't know for now, I will tell President Shen that you have called."

"Wait." Guan Xin said, "Then you wait for him to finish and tell him for me. If I have time, I would like to see him."

Assistant: "Okay."

At the end of the call, the assistant relayed Guan Xin's words to Shen Shiqing without fail. After the latter heard it, he pulled an arc of inexplicable meaning at the corner of his mouth and said: "Get the car and go to Carlo Bay."

Knowing that Jiang Mian was going out, the housekeeper was shocked: "Miss, this is not good, your injury..."

"My injury is all right. If something happens, what am I doing." Jiang Mian said without blinking, "I have already told my dad, and my dad agrees. If you don't believe you, call my dad."

How can the butler dare to call Han Xu during this time period? Han Xu is busy now, but if he doesn't call, how can he know what Jiang Mian said is true.

If Han Xu didn't agree with Jiang Mian to go out, they let Jiang Mian leave, and Han Xu learned that they would definitely deduct their wages.

The butler was riding a tiger with difficulty.

Jiang Miandang did not see his tangled expression. She frowned and sighed: "Grandpa butler, don't you believe what I said?"

The butler was shocked.

He didn't expect that after more than ten years, he could still hear Jiang Mian calling him grandpa butler. That's what Jiang Mian called him when he was a child.

Later, when he grew up, his temper became worse and worse, and he didn't even call Han Xu, let alone a housekeeper.

"I'm just going out and going around, and I will be back soon." While the housekeeper was in a daze, Jiang Mian walked out of the house openly and called a servant to drive her to the entrance of Karo Bay.

Shen Shiqing has already arrived. There are strict records on the vehicles entering and exiting Caro Bay, and his car cannot get in.

After the car stopped outside, he looked around calmly.

Karo Bay is backed by the bay, with fresh air and beautiful scenery, but the people who can live in it are all bigwigs, and they usually get in and out of the car.

So there will be no idlers around, causing this piece to be very deserted and quiet.

It is inevitable that some people will be worried, if a bold gangster breaks into Caro Bay, he will tie up anyone inside.

As long as you succeed, you will have no worries for a lifetime, provided that you are not caught.

no way.

Caro Bay has the most advanced security system, and the entire Caro Bay is stationed with a regiment of military forces to protect the people inside.

No one dared to break in.

The detective father broke through at the beginning and succeeded. Not only did he succeed, he also stole Xiao Jiang Mian.

But the local tyrant father was so scared that he quickly complained to the security system, but he did not confess to the detective father. Later, the security system was upgraded to inferior status every once in a while, and it was changed frequently to prevent high-end people from cracking the security system.

This is all thanks to the detective father.

The detective father threatened the local tyrant father last time. If he didn't tell him about Jiang Mian's wrist injury, he would go to the local tyrant father's house at night.

Although the local tyrant is confident in his own security system, he understands how "perverted" Lian Feng is.

He lazily gambled on whether the Lian Feng was better or the security system was better, so he simply told the detective father about the matter.


Shen Shiqing was sitting in the car and saw the military guard standing at the entrance. He had looked at him several times.

In a tower post slightly higher, someone kept staring at him.

This is an intuition.

Shen Shiqing raised his eyebrows. After he arrived, he called Jiang Mian and the latter directly hung up.

Just when Shen Shiqing decided to fight again, a Rolls Royce drove out of the entrance of Carlo Bay.

Then, he saw Jiang Mian being respectfully invited out of the car by the driver.

"Drive over." Shen Shiqing narrowed his eyes and said to the driver.

Jiang Mian had already noticed Shen Shiqing's car, so he asked the driver to stop-there were no other vehicles around, except for Shen Shiqing.

When the car stopped, Shen Shiqing sorted out his expressions, with a gentle smile, opened the door and got out of the car. Just about to speak to Jiang Mian, he heard Jiang Mian say to the servant: "Okay, let's go back, my horse is here. ."

Shen Shiqing: "..."

The servant glanced at Shen Shiqing, then retreated.

Jiang Mian looked at Shen Shiqing, the latter's expression quickly returned to normal, and made a request to Jiang Mian: "Miss Jiang, please get in the car."

Jiang Mian didn't move.

The driver also got out of the car and was about to walk around to open the door for Jiang Mian. Jiang Mian smiled: "President Shen, since you are going to invite me to dinner, you also bring a driver, it is too insincere."

Shen Shiqing heard what she was saying and said to the driver: "Go back by yourself."

The driver backed silently.

"Ms. Jiang, it's because I didn't think well. It's windy here, so get in the car first to avoid catching a cold." Shen Shiqing's voice was genuinely concerned.

Jiang Mian glanced at him, and then sat in the back seat casually.

Shen Shiqing: "..."

The driver saw this scene all in his eyes, his eyelids twitched: This Jiang Mianguo really used Shen Jiao as the driver.

Shen Shiqing stood there for a second, looking coldly in the direction of the driver. The latter touched his gaze, his scalp numb, and he hung his head as if he hadn't arrived.

Shen Shiqing got into the driving seat, started the car and left. He looked at Jiang Mian in the rearview mirror: "What do you want to eat at noon, Miss Jiang?"

"It's not that Mr. Shen is old and has amnesia." Jiang Mian said without raising his head.

"Okay." Shen Shiqing chuckled, "Then let's go to the police station first."

An hour and a half later, Jiang Mian and Shen Shiqing arrived at the Municipal Bureau.

Jiang Mian led the "mountain" into the hall just now, and happened to meet Zhou Sirui rushing out of the elevator like a wind, and he glanced at Jiang Mian, the brakes, and his eyes widened: "Oh my grandmother, what are you doing? Again?!"

Jiang Mian gave a sweet smile and pointed to Shen Shiqing: "I'm here to report the crime. He kidnapped me just now."

Shen Shiqing: "???"