"..." Zhou Sirui's black line, "You can't just joke about this kind of thing!"

With Jiang Mian being able to help the company grasp Zhong Wuli's skill, how could he be kidnapped by one person casually, and enter the police station so swaggeringly.

The loss is to tell him.

Zhou Sirui's Yu Guang glanced at his face that was not pretty, but he held back Shen Shiqing who was silent, and whispered to Jiang Mian, "Go home."

Zhou Sirui knew clearly that Jiang Mian and Xia Qiuyan were assassinated by Wang Weidong outside the Armed Police Hospital.

Although the company didn't tell them about Jiang Mian, he was not stupid. Jiang Mian was already in danger with the company. At this time, the farther away from the company, the safer.

You don't need to guess that the company must have warned Jiang Mian, telling her not to come to the police station at will. I don't think the girl is here again after a day.

Zhou Sirui felt that if he were a company, he would want to take this girl home and have a good education-how could it not be so worrying.

Jiang Mian also lowered her voice: "Where is Uncle even?"

Zhou Sirui hesitated for two seconds and said: "The company went to the scene of the crime."

Jiang Mian remembered the murder case that Adu told her last night.

"Where is Zhong Wuli?" She changed the question.

Zhou Sirui didn't say anything, he said, "Auntie, go home quickly."

He glanced at Shen Shiqing again, and he didn't have any clumsy thinking that Shen Shiqing was Jiang Mian's boyfriend-from the first words Jiang Mian said, she could hear her dislike for this person.

If it's a friend relationship, it's impossible to say "kidnapped" at the police station. Once misunderstood, it's not a joke.

Mostly have a holiday with Jiang Mian.

Zhou Sirui remembered Shen Shiqing's face, thinking about finding a chance to tell the company when that time came - this thought flashed past, and he couldn't help wondering, feeling a bit like a nanny.

Jiang Mian changed the subject: "Uncle Zhou, where are you going?"

"I will send information to the company." Zhou Sirui said subconsciously, and immediately after finishing speaking, "I will never take you there."

Jiang Mian blinked her big beautiful eyes and said innocently: "Why would I go with you, Uncle Zhou, I really came to the police station to report the crime."

She was not stupid. She followed Zhou Sirui to the scene of the crime, was caught by the detective father on the spot, and then called the local tyrant father. She had no quiet time.

Zhou Sirui's expression changed, and his gaze at Shen Shiqing changed. Did he really understand it wrong?

Shen Shiqing never expected Jiang Mian to make such a move. If he didn't say anything, he would really be regarded as a kidnapper.

"Mianmian, what are you doing." Even though his heart was angry, he didn't show the slightest anger on his face, instead he was smiling.

He looked at Jiang Mian helplessly, then turned his gaze to Zhou Sirui, and said, "This police officer, the girl is young, ignorant, and talking nonsense, please don't mind."

"We are here for Huang Wenkang's four people, I don't know..."

Jiang Mian was disgusting enough by Shen Shiqing's "Mianmian", she interrupted Shen Shiqing without hesitation, and said to Zhou Sirui: "Uncle Zhou, I really came to report the crime. Huang Wenkang, the four people, once gave me drugs. Success, where are they locked up now?"

Suddenly thinking of something, Jiang Mian said, "You are responsible for the case of the four of them, right?"

Zhou Sirui was a little confused by the span of the topic, and when he heard the word "drug", his brows frowned and he had an impression.

The four Huang Wenkang were arrested and entered into the bureau yesterday. The reason for the arrest was: using drugs to assault women, and afterwards they would take photos or videos to keep them in order to threaten the women they assaulted.

The second team is responsible for this case.

The four of them are rich second generations who are not doing business properly. The family has money. After being arrested, the family tried their best to get them out. The people in the first team inevitably heard about it.

These four people killed many young girls. They were arrested because someone reported and provided accurate video evidence.

At the scene of the arrest, the four were about to attack a girl-that girl is a very famous actor, the kind often seen on screen.

"Really, didn't you lie to me?"

Jiang Mian: "I lied to you to do something like this."

Zhou Sirui's face was not very good-looking, and Jiang Mian was almost drugged. It is estimated that the company didn't know, otherwise, he would definitely pay attention to this case.

Since there is a business matter, he is not good to rush Jiang Mian back home. He said: "This case is the responsibility of a team. You go to the fifth floor and find a team leader Gao."

Jiang Mian nodded: "Go ahead."

Then he whispered to him: "Don't tell even Uncle about this, and don't tell him that he is here. I just came to report the situation, one more witness, and one more witness to put more of their charges on top of them, and I will go back."

Zhou Sirui didn't say anything, Yu Guang turned around Shen Shiqing, then hurriedly left.

Jiang Mian and Shen Shiqing walked to the fifth floor. Jiang Mian looked at Shen Shiqing's face with little change in expression and raised his eyebrows: The latter's self-cultivation skills are getting better and better.

She didn't speak, nor did Shen Shiqing. When she got out of the elevator, Shen Shiqing watched Jiang Mian stepping out of the elevator, his eyes narrowed, and he said: "Mianmian, you know the policeman just now."

He used declarative sentences.

When Jiang Mian said that he kidnapped her, although the policeman didn't believe it, his eyes were slightly hostile when he first looked at him.

It's okay to know a policeman, he knows too.

But Jiang Mian called the young policeman "Uncle Zhou", which is somewhat intriguing.

If it's a friend, it's impossible to call it that way, and the brief conversation between the two just now didn't seem like getting along with friends.

"Ms. Shen, my surname is Jiang." Jiang Mian stopped and gave him a slanted look. "We are not familiar enough that you can call me by name."

"This is the police station. If you don't want me to shout indecent words, enjoy the experience of being detained in the police station. Please be normal." Jiang Mian smiled slightly. "Just now I told Uncle Zhou that you kidnapped me. It was just a joke. But this time, I won’t be joking."

Shen Shiqing's eyes darkened for a moment, then smiled again, sighed slightly, and said helplessly: "I know you are joking, and don't mind. Just thinking, you are willing to joke with me, indicating our relationship One level closer, it should be called to sleep."

"I was abrupt." Shen Shiqing said apologetically, "I will pay attention."

Jiang Mian looked at him from left to right. After thinking about it, the purpose of using Shen Shiqing to get to the police station has been achieved. There is no need to keep him in front of his eyes. He said: "I have confirmed that the four people are locked here. Since there is nothing else, Mr. Shen, please go back first."

"I don't have anything else to do. Ms. Jiang can send me at any time." Shen Shiqing said.

At this time, he could already know that Jiang Mian used him to come to the police station on purpose.

He wanted to see what Jiang Mian's purpose was.

"Since Mr. Shen is so generous, then I'm not welcome." Jiang Mian smiled, took two steps in Shen Shiqing's direction, and got close to him, "I want you to get out now, do you understand?"

Shen Shiqing: "..."

In the end, Shen Shiqing left the police station under the threat of Jiang Mian's eyes.

Jiang Mian didn't have much time to come to the police station. Only a few people knew her, and most of them had seen her from a distance.

Rao was so, and someone who recognized her came over, Jiang Mian bluntly asked for the high team, so he met the high team very smoothly.

Gao Yunjing is the captain of the second criminal investigation team. He is about the same age as the detective father. He is a little blessed. Yuanyuan's face looks kind of kind, not quite like a criminal investigation leader.

He had heard from the bureau before that Lian Feng had a niece and came to the police station.

But he hadn't seen it before, so he didn't know that the beautiful girl in front of him was Lian Feng's niece.

Jiang Mian wanted to go to the detention area openly and must have a legitimate reason. That's why she had to find the team Gao and take advantage of the case of Huang Wenkang.

Huang Wenkang's four convictions were convicted. As for the sentence for several years, it is still unknown.

The four people were detained in Detention Room No. 1, and Jiang Mian’s purpose was naturally not Huang Wenkang, but Zhong Wuli in Detention Room No. 3.

After some tossing, she was finally taken by Gao Yunjing to the detention area. Bo she discovered that Zhong Wuli was not detained in Detention Room No. 3.

Jiang Mian frowned, how about people?