"It's finished?" The boss greeted the other guests, walked over again, and saw Zuo Xingping holding the phone without moving, thinking he was finished.

Zuo Xing shook his head flat.

The boss thought Zuo Xingping was embarrassed, and he waved his hand boldly: "You can play casually, you are welcome."

"No." Zuo Xingping pulled off his beard, tried to maintain his superior demeanor, and handed the phone over, "This... how does it work?"


The boss looked at him up and down carefully, and then looked at the rotten and ill-formed button phone on the counter: Yes, this artist doesn't understand the usage of high-end electronic products, it's normal.

——He regards Zuo Xingping with a robe, beard, and messy curly hair as a performance artist.

Artists, there are some quirks.

The boss took the phone, clicked on the dial interface, and taught Zuo Xingping: "You press your daughter's number on this, and then click the green button below."

Zuo Xingping quickly knew how to do it. After thanking him, he held the phone and carefully pressed out the backward numbers.



Zuo Xingping's eyes brightened. He didn't expect that he would use someone else's cell phone to call his baby girl. As soon as he connected, he heard the baby girl calling him.

"Mianmian, how did you know it was me." Zuo Xingping was puzzled, he didn't say anything.

Jiang Mian chuckled. She called Master Tian. The first time she got through it, she was disconnected. Then she called and shut down, indicating that there was a problem with Master Tian's phone.

The number now called shows the same place of attribution as the city where the heavenly master is located. You don't need to think about it to know that Master Tian must have borrowed someone's cell phone to call her.

"Because my dad and I have telepathy." Coaxing dad is also a technique. Jiang Mian's current technique is getting better and better.

Zuo Xingping was silly.

Jiang Mian can feel the joy of Tianshi Father through his mobile phone. Jiang Mian said, "Dad, has your work finished? When will you come back?"

"I will be back soon!"

Jiang Mian: "Then I will book you a plane ticket and I will pick you up at the airport."

"Do not……"

Jiang Mian didn't wait for Heavenly Master to refuse, and immediately said, "I miss my father. I want to see you soon. Keep the call open."

After speaking, interrupt the phone and don't give the Tianshida a chance to speak.

Zuo Xingping was at a loss, his daughter booked a plane ticket for him?

He, he has never made an airplane in his life!

"No wonder you care about your daughter so much. Your daughter is really filial." The boss said with a smile, "You don't use this phone anymore. Change it, or how can you contact your daughter."

Zuo Xingping's mind is a bit messy, and a little bit happy. The baby girl just said that she is going to pick him up!

He didn't grind anymore, and didn't throw away the broken phone, but put it in his Taoist robe-after so many years, even though it was broken, it was emotional.

The boss has helped him withdraw the card.

"Do you still have this kind of mobile phone here." Although the button mobile phone does not have many functions, it is durable, and the most important thing is that it is cheap. If it is broken, it will not be too distressed to steal it.

"Yes." The boss said, "but I suggest you buy a smart phone. I will teach you how to use WeChat later. If you are far away from your daughter in the future, you can use WeChat video if you have time. How convenient is it? "

Zuo Xingping said: "I can't use a very good phone."

The boss understood that Zuo Xingping did not want to spend more money on a new mobile phone. After thinking about it, he took out a black mobile phone from the drawer: "This is a second-hand mobile phone I recycled from someone else. It is 50% new, much better than your original phone. Yes, it will sell you three hundred yuan at the cost price, do you want?"

The boss paid more than 200 yuan for the phone, and sold it for 300 yuan, almost no profit.

It's rare to meet a performance artist, supported by meaning.

Three hundred is not expensive, it is a second-hand mobile phone, the price is similar to his button mobile phone, Zuo Xingping nodded fiercely: "Yes!"

The boss was happy, and soon he was ready for Zuo Xingping. Once the card was installed, he received the booked ticket information from Jiang Mian when he turned it on.

And teach him how to get to the airport to make a plane in detail.

The boss also watched, and once again lamented his daughter's sweetness. While teaching Zuo Xingping the basic operation methods, he applied for a WeChat account for Zuo Xingping.

Zuo Xingping immediately found Jiang Mian's WeChat according to what the boss taught, and submitted a friend application.

Soon he received the message of approval. Under the enthusiastic teaching of his boss, he dialed the first video call in his life.

Jiang Mian looked around, chose a place to avoid others, and connected to the video call of Master Tian.

The iconic bearded man hiding in the heavens appeared on the screen, Jiang Mian raised his forehead.

Master Tian put his entire face on the screen: "Mianmian, I bought a new phone."

Jiang Mian pretended to be upset and said, "Dad, I was going to buy you a mobile phone before, and you didn't agree."

"This is different, I only spent three hundred!" Zuo Xingping did not hear the "unhappy" in the baby girl's tone, and was a little proud.

I feel that I was lucky today and I met a very honest mobile phone boss.

Jiang Mian lost his laugh. The father and daughter said a few more words. She reminded: "Dad, I bought you a flight ticket at 3:30. You have to rush to the airport now. After you enter the airport, if you don’t know how to operate , Just ask the staff in the airport..."

Although he had already given these information to the Heavenly Master, Jiang Mian inevitably reminded him again.

Zuo Xingping didn't feel anything wrong with being told by his daughter, he kept nodding his head. The boss next to him was surprised by what he saw. Usually the father told his daughter, but the opposite was true for the father and daughter.

After hanging up the video, the boss smiled and said to Zuo Xingping: "Your daughter is so beautiful."

This can be compared to complimenting Zuo Xingping's professional ability and making him happy. Zuo Xingping took out a safety talisman from his robe: "For you, no money."


Zuo Xingping said goodbye to the boss, and hurried to the airport according to the order information Jiang Mian gave him.

The boss held the safety charm with a blank face. Finally, in order to show respect for the performance artist, he put the safety charm under the computer on the counter.

Soon after, there was a traffic accident on this street. Vehicles collided and exploded. The aftermath caused many shops on both sides to suffer, but the shop in the middle was undamaged and the glass was not broken.

The car accident hit the local social news. Many people believed that this store was blessed by the Buddha. With good luck, they came to check in and transfer, making the owner's store a local Internet celebrity store, earning more. A lot of money.

The boss himself felt that his luck was very good, and he took the time to buy lottery tickets-of course he didn't.

Later, when he got rich, the boss planned to expand the store. When he moved the computer on the counter, he found a black talisman paper underneath.

Jiang Mian booked an air ticket for Master Tian at 3:30 in the afternoon. There was still plenty of time. She did not rush to the airport, but went to the Armed Police Hospital to visit Yuan Jinfei.

There are four policemen guarding Yuan Jinfei's ward every day, taking turns to protect him. If Xia Qiuyan goes out, he will also be specially protected by a female policeman.

When Jiang Mian arrived, he vaguely heard the sound of arguing from the ward.


She opened the door with questions.

In addition to Xia Qiuyan and Yuan Jinfei, there is a man and a woman in the ward, probably in their sixties, who are Xia Qiuyan's parents.

As soon as she entered the door, the voice in the room was still, and one after another looked at her.

"Aunt Xia, former uncle." Jiang Mian put the fruit plate he bought at the door on the table.

"Mianmian, why are you here?" Xia Qiuyan frowned, took her hand, and looked behind her, "You came alone?"

Jiang Mian nodded.

Yuan Jinfei already knew what had happened to the police station. Lian Feng notified him on WeChat. He didn't expect Jiang Mian to come to see him: "Does Lao Lian know you are here?"

"I know." Anyway, the detective father agreed with her to participate in this case, so she came to the Armed Police Hospital. It didn't matter if the detective father knew.

Yuan Jinfei watched Jiang Mian and Xia Qiuyan get along, inexplicably, his desire to recognize Jiang Mian as a goddaughter rose again.

It's a pity that Lian Feng didn't agree.

"How is the injury?" Xia Qiuyan looked at Jiang Mian's back waist and moved the stool over to let Jiang Mian sit down.

"It's alright, it's okay."

Xia Qiuyan: "..."

It's only been a day, will such a big hole be okay?

Knowing that Jiang Mian didn’t want them to worry, Xia Qiuyan was considerate and did not ask, touched her hair, and said to Xia’s father and Xia: “Parents, she is Mian Mian, the company’s niece, she saved it the day before yesterday. I."

Xia's father and Xia's mother looked at her curiously since Jiang Mian came in. After hearing Xia Qiuyan's words, Xia's mother held Jiang Mian's hand and said gratefully: "Thank you, little girl."

Xia's father and Xia's mother came to visit Yuan Jinfei today. They wanted to visit before, but because Yuan Jinfei hadn't woken up yet, Xia Qiuyan asked them not to come.

Now that Yuan Jinfei woke up, the two old men naturally came to visit the prospective son-in-law.

The two elders initially disagreed that Xia Qiuyan and Yuan Jinfei were together, but because they were afraid that Yuan Jinfei would change his mind, Xia Qiuyan would have nothing by then.

But when Yuan Jinfei bought an apartment for Xia Qiuyan without saying anything, and promised that if he had an accident in the future, all of his will be inherited by Xia Qiuyan, the two elders were relieved and no longer cared about whether the two were married or not. .

When they came, they found something was wrong.

There are several policemen guarding the outside of the ward, and a plainclothes policewoman will follow Xia Qiuyan.

Although the two-year-olds are older, they are not stupid in their heads and can see the problem at a glance.

They kept asking, and finally Yuan Jinfei ignored Xia Qiuyan's obstruction and told the two old men about the attack on Xia Qiuyan the day before yesterday.

When the two old men heard it, it was worth it.

Immediately they planned to take Xia Qiuyan back - they simply thought that the target of the bad guy was Yuan Jinfei, as long as the daughter stayed with them and did not show up in this area, the danger would definitely be greatly reduced.

"Xiao Fei, don't blame us for being selfish. Our old couple only has Qiuyan and one daughter. We are old and can't stand the toss. If something happens to Qiuyan, we can't survive." Xia's mother hugged Xia Qiuyan. Cry.

Father Xia sighed and did not speak, but the expression was the same as Mother Xia.

They like Yuan Jinfei, the prospective son-in-law, but they like it, and the most important thing is their daughter.

Yuan Jinfei was half lying on the bed with a smile on his face. Just about to speak, Xia Qiuyan took the initiative and rejected the proposal of his parents.

The voice that Jiang Mian heard outside just now was their argument.

Although Jiang Mian's arrival temporarily interrupted their argument, this problem actually exists, and the two elderly people must take Xia Qiuyan home.

Xia Qiuyan was determined not to go back, although after she returned, the two guards left by Lian Feng took care of Yuan Jinfei, and there were still police officers.

She could not ask anything, silently guarding Yuan Jinfei's side, but she would never leave when Yuan Jinfei was injured.

Yuan Jinfei tried to talk several times, but Xia Qiuyan glared back. He touched his nose and dared not say any more.

"Grandma Xia, it's correct for Aunt Xia not to go back." Jiang Mian understood the cause and effect after hearing a few words next to her.

"Aunt Xia has already caught the eye of the caring people. In this situation, she is the safest only to stay with her former uncle because there are enough police officers here." Jiang Mian analyzed patiently.

"If Aunt Xia goes back with you, the protection circle will suddenly decrease. If someone really wants to be disadvantageous to her, it is very simple to find her. This will make her even more dangerous, and may even involve you. Come in and things will become more complicated."

The two old men hesitated, as if they were moved by Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian added another fire and snapped and said that Xia Qiuyan and Yuan Jinfei had no chance to interrupt.

Finally, she succeeded in persuading the two old men to go back.

However, when the two old men left, their expressions were a little confused.