"Mianmian, thank you." Xia Qiuyan was grateful to Jiang Mian as he sent the two old people away. If it weren't for Jiang Mian, it would be difficult for her to persuade her parents to go back.

Although what Jiang Mian said to Xia's father and Xia's mother was actually exaggerated, it was undeniable that the effect was very good.

It is rare for Jiang Mian to say so many things at once. Xia Qiuyan poured her a glass of juice. The two looked at each other and laughed together.

Yuan Jinfei: "..."

Suddenly there is an illusion that lying on the bed is unnecessary.

Yuan Jinfei's recovery speed is good. Although he can't get out of bed and walk around at will, his complexion is much better than the previous two days.

Jiang Mian didn't stay long. She was here to visit. After leaving, she checked the time and was almost ready to go to the airport.

She bought a hat and put it on-the airport is the place with the most reporters, just in case.

"Wait a minute--"

After buying the hat, Jiang Mian was about to take a taxi. A voice suddenly came from behind. She looked back and met a beaming face: "It's really you, do you remember me, Ji Jun, in the alley the day before yesterday, The one who recognizes the murderer."

Jiang Mian had the impression of the policeman who seemed to fall in love with her at first sight.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Ji Jun didn't expect to see this colleague again. Originally, his mind was weak. Just now seeing Jiang Mian's profile face from a distance, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he ran over without thinking.

He said enthusiastically: "I'm not on duty today, so are you?"

"Officer Ji, I think you have misunderstood, I am not a policeman." Jiang Mian said.

Ji Jun was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his hands, feeling a little embarrassed: "No, it's tiring to be a policeman. You girls should be in the office... I didn't mean to look down on girls. Don't worry. ."

He stammered: "It's not a policeman, but it's amazing to be able to catch a gunman."

After a two-second pause, he added sincerely: "It's better than me."

He felt that he was too unpromising, what was all this talking about, he opened his mouth, and finally closed his mouth altogether, looking at Jiang Mian eagerly, expecting her to say something.


Jiang Mian said: "I have something to do, let's talk again when I have a chance."

Ji Jun said: "You, you are going to take a taxi, right? There are so many people here that it is not easy to take a taxi. Where are you going, I will send you off, and I will make amends."

He held his breath and waited for Jiang Mian's answer. Jiang Mian was about to refuse, and suddenly remembered Wang Weidong. It was the district police who sent the people to the hospital. Maybe Ji Jun knew what to order.

"Okay, I'm going to the airport, trouble you."

Ji Jun is overjoyed: "No trouble, no trouble."

"Wait a moment, I'll drive the car over." After Ji Jun finished speaking, he ran away with a scream.

Then, a Harley rushed over and stopped by Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She kind of wanted to go back a minute ago, and hold her disobedient head.

"I don't know your name yet." Ji Jun handed the helmet to Jiang Mian, asking shyly and generously.

Jiang Mian reported his name.

Ji Jun smiled white teeth: "Our two names are both two characters, this is fate."

Jiang Mian showed an awkward and polite smile.

She glanced at Harley and had already agreed, but she couldn't refuse any more, so she took the back seat.

Ji Jun stepped onto Halley cautiously. His speed was very slow. This speed does not affect his speech. Jiang Mian thought for a while and simply asked him bluntly: "How is that prisoner named Wang Weidong?"

"I only know that he has been rescued and is out of danger, but he has hurt his brain and he hasn't woken up yet." Ji Jun said, "This case is handled by the city bureau, and our police are not qualified to intervene."

They are only good enough to beat them-like sending people to the hospital.

Jiang Mian frowned. She asked Yuan Jinfei about Wang Weidong in the hospital just now, just as Ji Jun said.

Before Wang Weidong awoke, several people were sent to protect him from being silenced.

No matter how much, Yuan Jinfei refused to say.

"Do you know his background information?" Jiang Mian asked smoothly, without expectation.

Since Ji Jun and other district policemen are not qualified to intervene in this matter, they know very little.

"I really know a little bit about that." Ji Jun was not surprised that Jiang Mian asked Wang Weidong. She caught the person, so she is not allowed to ask about the murderer.

At the traffic light, Ji Jun said: “Because of the area where he traveled, the person from our district police station was dispatched the day before yesterday. Based on the information he provided, I checked.”

"He used to be a soldier, and became a truck driver after he was discharged. He went to work everywhere. He got married very late, and his wife died of illness the year before, leaving behind a daughter, who is now five years old. After his wife died, he had no contact with the Yue family, so he went to work. At the time, the daughter was taken care of by grandparents."

"He has no criminal record before, so he is a good citizen. From the neighbors, he is a very enthusiastic person. How could he commit an assassination with a gun in the downtown area? I guess someone instructed him to do so behind his back."

Jiang Mian did not speak.

"But no matter who is behind it, this case will definitely be solved in the end." Ji Jun's voice is full of confidence.

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows: "This matter is not under the control of your district police station. Why are you so sure that the case will be solved?"

"Because this case is connected to the gods." Ji Jun said without thinking, "The officer was actually a **** that day!"

When Ji Jun thinks about it, it feels a pity that he didn't talk to Lian Shen, and he seemed to be stunned by Lian Shen.

He suddenly remembered--

"You and Lian Shen seem to be very familiar, what is your relationship?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he added: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say, I just ask casually."

Jiang Mian was happy, and heard from other policemen that she was called "Lianshen" to the detective father, which gave her an indescribable pride and pride.

She smiled and said, "He is my uncle."

When the words were over, Harley accidentally turned an S shape.

After arriving at the airport, Ji Jun did not say that he wanted to accompany Jiang Mian into the airport. He just summoned his courage and again asked Jiang Mian to add WeChat.

While Lian Shen is not there, add WeChat first!

Just add a WeChat, Jiang Mian agreed, Ji Jun waited for Jiang Mian's figure to disappear in front, and then slowly prepared to return.

But before returning, he wanted to see Jiang Mian's circle of friends, clicked it in, and had permission, he couldn't see it.

He began to look for reasons: They are not familiar yet, how normal it is to block him.

Then, the phone shook, he quit and took a look, and found that Jiang Mian had sent him a message, and Ji Jun’s heartbeat accelerated:

[Jiang Mian: Thank you, this is car money, please accept it. 】

[Jiang Mian: Congratulations on getting rich, good luck and prosperity]

Ji Jun: "..."

Of course he will not accept it.

However, someone suddenly ran over and bumped his elbow when he brushed him.

The next second, his fingertips clicked on the red envelope, and a number appeared, indicating that he had received the red envelope.

Ji Jun picked up the phone and smashed his forehead twice.

There are many people in the airport. Jiang Mian walked straight to the exit. She watched six directions and listened to all directions. In a short time, she had found several reporters in the crowd, and there were also star entertainers accompanied by the staff.

As long as there is a group of circles, there must be an artist in the middle.

Jiang Mian saw several, and some passersby would look around when they heard the sound. Most of them were indifferent, as long as they didn't affect themselves.

Jiang Mian lowered the brim of his hat and hid in the crowd, waiting for the flight of Master Tian to arrive.

Look at the time, there are about ten minutes left.

Then, from the noisy voice, she keenly caught a sentence: "Brother Qin is coming soon, everyone is ready."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She turned her head abruptly, and then discovered that there were many more girls in the airport at some point, not only on the first floor, but also on the second floor, densely packed, and the number was very considerable.

At the same time, Jiang Mian received a WeChat message from Master Tian: "Mianmian, I met your father Qin!"

When he first used WeChat to learn to express love without a teacher, he sent a series of crazy expressions.

In fact, Zuo Xingping met Qin Jingrun at the airport in City X, but he didn't have the opportunity to message Jiang Mian at that time.

He met Qin Jingrun in the bathroom.

Probably the day was so smooth today that God couldn't make it through, so when Zuo Xingping arrived at the airport, his stomach hurts.

He panicked looking for the toilet, but he was not familiar with the airport and had no time to ask the staff. In short, he was very embarrassed. At the last minute, he finally found the toilet.

This is of course endless.

The paper in the compartment he was in was gone.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

The little paper people in the Taoist robe all gathered together, and they didn't come out after death.

Just when Zuo Xingping decided to send a small paper man out to steal paper, someone came to the compartment. Zuo Xingping didn't care about embarrassment or embarrassment. He was about to knock on the wall of the compartment to ask for help.

A cold voice sounded next door: "Contact the airport security and find a way to lead the fans away."

Zuo Xingping was stunned. This voice sounded familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

But the most urgent thing is to ask for help. He knocked on the wall and whispered: "That...do you have paper?"

At the same time, Qin Jingrun next door was also taken aback. He didn't expect that there would be people in the cubicle—this bathroom was in a remote location at the airport and few people came.

He came to this bathroom to avoid fans.

He came to City X to attend an event. Something happened to his bodyguard and did not follow him. Only Lin Xi was around him.

But I don't want the fans to know his itinerary. As soon as they arrive at the airport, they are surrounded by fans soon.

Lin Xi was afraid of a stampede and tried to attract fans to give Qin Jingrun a chance to evacuate.

Finally, Qin Jingrun found an opportunity and evacuated to the bathroom in a pretentious manner to avoid safety.

The fans are almost girls, not so crazy that even men's toilets can be used.

Qin Jingrun has encountered this situation many times and already has experience. This time he was angry that his whereabouts were once again exposed.

Someone leaked his itinerary to the outside world, and then fans bought the itinerary at a price to get a chance to arrive at the airport, which was called a drop-off.

The fire in his heart was burning, suddenly the partition wall rang, and a request for paper came from next door.

Qin Jingrun: "..."

In the same way, he felt a sense of familiarity with this voice, as if he had heard it somewhere, and couldn't remember it for a while.

Qin Jingrun had nothing on him except the mobile phone—all his things were on Lin Xi.

"No." He replied.

Zuo Xing mentioned it all in peace, "Is there no one in the toilet?"

Qin Jingrun glanced around, but found the paper he brought with him.

"Next." He threw the paper over his head.

As a top male god, naturally he would not bend over and stuff paper from the bottom.

However, he was not careful and used a little more power.

Zuo Xingping watched as a roll of paper flew over his head and fell to the innermost compartment, and then a painful cry sounded from that compartment.

"Who is throwing paper away!"