After Jiang Mian received the WeChat from Tianshi Dad, he didn’t immediately think that the two dads could fly on the same plane so coincidentally, but—

She glanced at the densely packed "fans" at the airport, and quickly replied to Master Tian: [Dad, are there many people around Dad Qin? 】

Seeing this reply from Jiang Mian, Zuo Xingping felt sour: My baby girl learned that he was with Qin Jingrun, so instead of asking him, she asked Qin Jingrun instead.

He is not accustomed to typing on the touch screen, so he typed slowly: [Only two. 】

Jiang Mian: "..."

She called Qin Jingrun directly. The latter and Zuo Xingping were not in the same exit, and they were not in the same place.

He saw Jiang Mian's call, a smile suddenly appeared in his eyes, connected, and said softly: "Baby."

The attitude when getting along with Zuo Xingping was completely different-the actor father at this moment was just a gentle "daddy".

Jiang Mian quickly said, "Dad, there are many, many fans of yours in the airport. They have already put up banners and are enthusiastically welcoming you out."

The gentleness in Qin Jingrun's eyes disappeared in an instant. He raised his head to look at Lin Xi, who said, "I will contact the airport security immediately."

"Baby, where are you?" Qin Jingrun raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the noisy background sound from Jiang Mian, and had a guess in his heart.


"Dad, I'm at the airport."

"Come to pick up your left father?"

Listening to the slightly low voice of the actor father, Jiang Mian rolled his eyes and said awe-inspiringly, "No, I'm here to pick you two!"

——It must be the godfather who revealed to the actor father that she would come to the airport to pick him up.

Even though he knew that this was a "lie" from his daughter, Qin Jingrun still felt very helpful in his heart. He smiled softly, "Well, then Dad is waiting for you to pick me up."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian: "Dad, we will be recognized this way."

Qin Jingrun: "But you just said to pick me up."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She felt a little pain in her feet.

"Let's do it." Qin Jingrun said, "I'll let Lin Xi come to pick you up later, and we will meet quietly so that fans will not see it, okay?"

How could Jiang Mian say it was bad, so he nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xi also contacted the airport security. At the airport in City X, the reason why Qin Jingrun was chased by fans in such a "troubled" manner was because it was too sudden.

His itinerary was exposed, and he didn't expect that there would be so many fans at the airport, and he was surrounded as soon as he entered the airport, and it was too late for Lin Xi to contact the security.

Back in Beijing, with Jiang Mian's reminder, I am now prepared in advance so that there will be no more besieged.

After finishing the call with the actor father, Jiang Mian read WeChat again, and Tianshi father has already sent her several WeChat messages, accompanied by his own expression.

[Zuo Xingping: He feeds me a drink. 】

[Zuo Xingping: He got me drunk and made me sleep all the way. 】

[Zuo Xingping: Bad water in my stomach. 】


Jiang Mian couldn't help but smiled.

She clutched her belly and looked up in front of her. There were already many people coming out of the exit. She did not reply to Heavenly Master, but looked for the familiar yellow shadow in the crowd.

About ten minutes later, she saw the swaying celestial master coming out——

Is this wine still awake?

Zuo Xingping didn't see Jiang Mian. He was hit by someone just now and his phone fell to the ground. He was holding the phone in distress right now.

I just bought the "new" phone.

He should have come out before the other passengers, but when he woke up, his head was dizzy, and the person in front of him was still a double image-at this time Qin Jingrun had already left.

The stewardess took him to the lounge and let him rest before leaving. Zuo Xingping was anxious to see his baby girl and didn't wait much.

In this way, he and other class passengers will come out together.

He simply leaned against the wall and let the others go first, and found that there was a horizontal line on the phone screen, which could not be wiped off no matter how he wiped it-he didn't know that this was the cause of the broken screen, and thought it was dirty.

Zuo Xingping blinked, and his eyes started to feel dizzy—he was in a lot better just now, but he was probably hit by someone, causing his head to dizzy again.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

He must be the villain of Qin Jingrun when he goes back this time!

If you go out like this and be seen by your baby girl, you will definitely worry.

After thinking about it, Zuo Xingping decided to wait a little longer before going out.

He simply leaned on the wall and sat down, regardless of the glances of people passing by.

And Jiang Mian saw through the crowd, only to see the Tianshi father suddenly leaning on the wall and sitting down, showing a state of fainting. She jumped in her heart, took two steps forward, and was about to turn over while supporting the railing.

The airport security that flashed past made her calm down in a desperate way-if she just turned over like this, she would probably be able to search for it soon.

She took out her mobile phone and called Zuo Xingping.

"Dad, why are you uncomfortable?"

Zuo Xingping was taken aback, realizing that his daughter saw him, he quickly got up and walked out with the flow of people.

But there were so many people, and there was a little flower in front of him. He couldn't find Jiang Mian accurately for a while, and kept looking around: "I'm fine, Mianmian, where are you?"

It turned out that it was not a faint, Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief: "Dad, at five o'clock."

Following Jiang Mian's instructions, Zuo Xingping succeeded in seeing her baby girl.

Now his head no longer feels dizzy, his legs are no longer soft, and the Heavenly Master Father violently injected a force of strength all over his body.

He stretched out his hand, Dali waved to Jiang Mian, and then rushed to Jiang Mian at a very fast speed.

Excited for a while, he hugged Jiang Mian.

This scene happened to be seen by Lin Xi who was sent by Qin Jingrun to pick up Jiang Mian——

Lin Xi's eyelids twitched.

In order to prevent Qin Jingrun from going to the United States, Zuo Xingping followed Qin Jingrun with a faceless face. Lin Xi had always wondered why the boss would know someone who dressed up like a magic stick.

At this moment, seeing Zuo Yiping holding Jiang Mian in a circle, Lin Xi thought to herself: No wonder the boss and this magic stick would know each other, it turned out to know Mianmian.

He subconsciously took out his phone, took a video of this picture, and sent it to Qin Jingrun on WeChat—he didn't know why he did it, but subconsciously told him that he should.

Lin Xi walked over after the display was successful, and politely interrupted the two: "Mianmian, Brother Qin is already waiting in the car."

Zuo Xingping let go of Jiang Mian, and his eyebrows were erected: "Mianmian, you are going to find..." He glanced at Lin Xi, swallowed "that guy" back, and changed it to "Are you Dad Qin?" "

What Tianshifu wants to do most now is to take her baby daughter and rush out of the airport all the way, without giving Qin Jingrun any chance to see her daughter.

But this is too easy to attract the attention of others. He knows that the baby girl is now filming, and there are reporters around the airport, and this will only cause trouble for the baby girl.

In the end, Zuo Xingping had to reluctantly join Jiang Mian and followed Lin Xi into Qin Jingrun's nanny car.

As soon as he got in the car, Jiang Mian had no chance to speak at all. Qin Jingrun took her by and separated her from Zuo Xingping. His eyes fell on Lin Xi and said, "Why is he here?"

Lin Xi: "..."

"You thought I wanted to come, I wouldn't come if it wasn't for sleep." Zuo Xing's calm beard almost turned up, "I haven't asked you to settle the account yet, why are you drinking me drink?!"

Qin Jingrun said lightly: "I just let the stewardess pour a glass of fruit wine. It's your business to drink it or not. If you choose to drink it and sleep all the way, what does it matter to me?"

Master Tian: "..."

He actually felt that what Qin Jingrun said was reasonable-why did he drink it? !

"Why is your face so ugly?" Qin Jingrun pulled Jiang Mian to sit down, touched her daughter's tender face, and frowned.

Jiang Mian didn't speak yet, Tian Shifu jumped up, "Are there problems with your eyes!"

"Mianmian is obviously healthy, I think you just can't see that Mianmian is good." Zuo Xingping stretched out his hand to pull Jiang Mian over, and was opened by the actor's father.

Qin Jingrun didn't even look at him: "Lin Xi, take him to the front seat."

Just as Jiang Mian was about to speak, Qin Jingrun said to her, "Where do you want to go to play with your baby? Dad has nothing important to do today. He can stay with you."

Lin Xi's mouth moved: tomorrow night there will be an invitation for a product launch!

"Dad, I have something to discuss with you." Jiang Mian finally found a chance to speak. She got up, dumbfounded, and pulled the angry Zuo Xingping over. She sat in the middle, each holding one father's hand.

Qin Jingrun frowned and realized that his daughter was really upset and told them that he and Zuo Xingping looked at each other, and the latter was at a loss.

"You go to the front seat." This was to Lin Xi.

Realizing that the conversation between the three of them was not something that he could listen to, Lin Xi quickly went to the front seat and intimately closed the small door in the middle.

Sometimes Qin Jingrun rushed to announce that if he was tired, he would rest in the car to avoid disturbing him. The interior of the nanny car was modified.

The front row is separated from the living area at the back by a door. Once closed, the back is a private area, no different from a small bedroom.

Faced with the gazes of the two fathers, Jiang Mian coughed: "That's... we need to have a family meeting."

Heavenly Master & Actor Father: "???"

The four dads would not hold family meetings easily-because no one wanted to see anyone.

Moreover, family meetings are usually held by the four fathers themselves and discuss the education of Jiang Mian. The two fathers did not expect to hear from their daughters a request for a family meeting.

Jiang Mian didn't explain the situation to the two fathers for the time being, only that he had to do one thing and needed the four fathers' approval.

"Dad, I promise this is a very meaningful and worthwhile thing for me to do." Jiang Mian said to the two dads.

Master Tian has always had no say in what his daughter does. He doesn't ask what it is, but says: "Mianmian, no matter what you do, I will support it."

Qin Jingrun felt a bad premonition in her heart. What exactly will the baby girl have to do to start a family meeting and let them vote?

Jiang Mian took the time to send a message to the detective father, claiming that she had joined the actor's father, Tianshi father.

She wanted to take her two dads back to her residence, so that she had only two dads by her side, and then used the video's Fang Gong for family meetings.

Since Master Tian supports her, there must be no big problem.

She only needs to fix the movie emperor father and the local tyrant father, first fix the movie emperor father, and then go to the local tyrant father.

Come one-on-one, or the four dads together——

She, she can't hold it.

But after receiving the news from her, the detective father immediately sent a message to each of the other three fathers: "There is something to discuss, hold a family meeting, and be anxious. 】

Coincidentally, at this time, the local tyrant father was about to call Jiang Mian-he learned from the housekeeper that Jiang Mian had left early in the morning, and he has not yet returned!

After a while, Han Xu thought of his baby girl at home and took two minutes to call home.

Before the call was made, I received this message from the detective father.

Han Xu: "..."

He stared at the phone and sent a series of question marks.

Every year is not a birthday, and it is not a Chinese New Year. There is no special day to hold inexplicable family meetings, when he is idle and panic? !

【It's about sleep, it must be turned on. 】

Knowing that the other three would have doubts, Lian Feng sent the second one immediately after sending the first one.

Han Xu realized that something was wrong, with Lian Feng's temperament, he would not say anything in this tone unless the situation was urgent.