At six in the evening, Jiang Mian and the three arrived at Han Xu's mansion in Karowan.

Every year during the New Year, Han Xu will take Jiang Mian to a private island abroad for the New Year, and the other three dads will also arrive.

Except for those that are really unreachable.

Such as Lian Feng.

As for the mansion of Han Xu, the other three dads had visited once before, but it was a long time ago.

Qin Jingrun's complexion was calm, and there was nothing unusual—Han Xu was richer than him, this is an indisputable fact.

Zuo Xingping looked around. He came here more than ten years ago, and he almost forgot about it. Now I look at it again. There is only one feeling: excellent Feng Shui.

No wonder such an empty and remote place does not touch any dirt.

The total area of ​​Kahlo Bay is very wide, but there are not many luxury houses inside, each of which exists independently. He looked at it a few times with curiosity, and there are a few places that he wants to take a look at.

However, seeing that Qin Jingrun was calm and holding his baby girl firmly, he had to hold this thought in his heart and held Jiang Mian's other hand tightly.

Then, the little paper man in the robes of Heavenly Master Father sensed that he wanted to look elsewhere, but couldn’t get out of his mind. He quietly squinted out of the robes and ran to the side quickly. The quick Zuo Xingping was too late. prevent.

Jiang Mian hadn't paid attention, but Xiaobai suddenly jumped out from her feet-Xiaobai removed the bomb, and after her two thin legs were burned to black, she stayed quietly on Jiang Mian, not as active as before.

Jiang Mian didn't know when Xiao Bai ran to his feet. It suddenly ran out, just in time for Jiang Mian to see a few paper figures running into the green bush next to him, and immediately understood why Xiao Bai became active again.

It is estimated that a "companion" was sensed.

Jiang Mian and Tianshifu looked at each other, and the latter glanced at Qin Jingrun triumphantly.

Qin Jingrun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't take care of the magic stick that didn't know which tendon was wrong.


Qin Jingrun touched Jiang Mian's hair: "Baby, when did you come back to live with your father Han?"

"Last night." Jiang Mian said in a deliberate tone, "I just happened to meet Daddy Han, so I came to live."

In terms of where to live, the heavenly master has no right to speak at all, so he stays silent.

"Then when the matter is over, you and Dad will go back to live with me." Qin Jingrun lowered his voice, "You haven't lived in the bedroom Dad prepared for you."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She had naturally seen the bedroom prepared for her in the actor's father's house.

That is a dreamlike princess room.

It's all lace!

In addition to these, the wallpaper on the wall is still cartoon-it can hardly be called a girl's boudoir, but a children's room.

Master Tian was secretly angry: the surname Qin is really sinister and cunning! Like the surname Han, they are not good things!

"This..." Jiang Mian thought of the room, her heart frustrated, and she smiled sweetly and changed the subject cleverly, "Dad, I have to go to the crew tomorrow."

The three-day leave she had previously requested for Director Zhang ended today.

Fortunately, her filming will be finished in half a month, which will not delay her participation in the criminal police father's case.

The detective father said that this case is deeply involved and cannot be solved overnight.

Qin Jingrun suddenly realized something was wrong. It stands to reason that the baby girl should be filming in the crew today. He frowned: "Mianmian, your crew is on holiday today?"

"No." Jiang Mian shook his head, "I asked for leave."

Sure enough, it was a leave.

Qin Jingrun looked at Zuo Xingping. In his opinion, the baby girl shouldn't ask for leave specifically to meet Zuo Xingping at the airport.

Unless there is a reason why she must ask for leave, think of Lian Feng's message and Jiang Mian's previous message to him to do something.


This thing she did should have something to do with Lian Feng.

And Lian Feng's profession is a policeman——

Qin Jingrun's heart jumped, and his eyes sank sharply. Just as he was about to speak, the butler who received the news hurriedly greeted him and interrupted him.

"Miss, you're finally back." Seeing Jiang Mian who was intact, the manager was relieved.

He looked at the movie emperor father and the heavenly teacher father, there was something strange in his eyes, and then he remembered: "This is Mr. Qin and Mr. Zuo, right?"

The housekeeper is not familiar with the other three dads, only recognizes a face, knowing that they are suspected friends of Han Xu.

The reason why it is suspicious is that Han Xu will not let others come easily in this luxurious house, and the person who can get his permission to come in must be someone who can be trusted.

But if you are a friend, you don't have to come only once.

If it weren't for the fact that Heavenly Master Daddy and Movie Emperor Daddy hadn't changed much from the time they came many years ago, and the two impressed him enough, the steward might not have been able to remember who they were just now.

"Grandpa housekeeper, go ahead." Jiang Mian took the housekeeper away, otherwise there would be other people around and it would be difficult to speak.

The butler stopped talking, and finally stepped aside without asking anything.

"Dad, let's go into the house."

Jiang Mian didn't notice the change in the eyes of the actor's father. She had just let the two fathers sit down and rest when a nurse came over with medicine.

When Jiang Mian saw it, he quickly motioned the nurse to leave.

The actor father and the heavenly master father did not know about her injury, if they knew, she would have to coax it again.

It's a pity that the nurse did not understand the look in her eyes, and said in a gentle voice: "Miss, you should change your dressing."

Jiang Mian: "..."

The next second-

"Change the dressing, what kind of dressing?" The Tianshi father was very puzzled, but he didn't react for a while, the baby girl was so good.

The actor's father stood up directly, his voice was quite cold: "Where is it hurt?!"

Without waiting for Jiang Mian to answer, the actor father looked directly at the nurse: "Where is she hurt?"

The nurse was stunned, subconsciously: "Lower back."

When the words were over, the actor father directly pulled Jiang Mian into his arms, and carefully lifted the back of Jiang Mian's clothes to reveal the gauze on his waist.

Master Tian was slow for two seconds, finally recovered, and rushed over in an instant: "Mianmian, what's going on!"

Jiang Mian lay in the arms of the actor's father, closed his eyes, and decided to pretend to be dead.

Han Jiayuan is the chief assistant of Han Xu, because he is going to deal with the blind date of Princess Bomi, work matters, temporarily followed by another assistant.

Han Xu, who finished his work briefly, sat in a chair, rubbed his eyebrows, and stared at the report on the table blankly.

The assistant brought a cup of coffee and glanced at Han Xu's face.

Although he didn't spend a long time with the boss like Han Zongzhu, but also quite a lot, and knew the boss very well.

Looking at Han Xu's appearance, he knew that the boss was not in a good mood.

A boss who is in a bad mood is a bomb that will explode sometime. You must be careful at this time, or one who is not careful will detonate the bomb and suffer serious injuries.

The last time Zongzhu Han was a lesson from the past, I could hear the boss's roar from far away. I heard that Zongzhu Han’s salary had been deducted a lot.

Although the boss is generous and pays everyone a high salary, what the boss loves most is to deduct work times. No amount of wages can withstand such deductions.

Therefore, he was extremely careful in every move, trying to prevent himself from following in Han Jiayuan's footsteps.

"President Han, Minister Jiang invites you to have dinner, look..."

"Push it." Han Xu said.

At this time, if it was Han Jiayuan, he would definitely persuade him again and clarify the situation. Minister Jiang is one of the representatives of the military, and Han Xu should not refuse this type of dinner invitation.

His refusal did not give Minister Jiang the face.

However, the assistant did not have the courage of Han Jiayuan, so he could only nod his head to express his understanding.

He is not stupid. Hearing Han Xu's tone, he made it clear that he didn't want to participate. If he rushed to persuade him, he would definitely add fuel to the fire.

The assistant felt something was wrong. If the boss didn't participate in the dinner invitation, he would be able to leave work now, so why sit still.

"I ask you, if your daughter is with a man, one day, that man suddenly finds you and says that there is a very important thing to discuss with you. What do you think he will discuss with you?"

assistant Manager:"……"

The assistant thought, I'm only in my twenties, and I don't even have a girlfriend. Where's my daughter.

But the boss’s question must be answered.

He racked his brains to think and thought, and said carefully: "It depends on the relationship between this man and my daughter. If it's a relationship, he is looking for me, it is likely to propose marriage to me."

Han Xu glanced at him: "If you are not a couple, men are your daughter's elders."

The assistant's face was twisted, this... he really didn't know, the range was too wide, how could he answer.

"Forget it." Seeing the assistant like this, Han Xu suddenly felt that he was too strong.

I won't know what is going on with Lian Feng when I go back.

The reason why he sat still and asked the assistant this question was a sudden anxiety in his heart.

Lian Feng suddenly held a family meeting, which was related to his baby girl, and he always felt that it would not be good news.

"Prepare the car and go home."

Jiang Mian's injury was given medicine by the actor's father. Fortunately, after two days of her injury, she had scabs and did not seem to be very serious.

This is the case, the actor father's face is cold and frosty.

Heavenly Master kept asking Jiang Mian if it hurts.

Jiang Mian shook his head obediently, not to mention how he was injured.

She had to find a way to break up the two dads and get them one by one.

After the medicine was finished, Jiang Mian couldn't resist the complaints in the eyes of the two fathers.

With a move in her heart, she suddenly thought of a way to separate the two fathers. She yawned and said, "Dad, I'm a little sleepy. I'll go back to the room and sleep."

After that, regardless of the reaction of the two fathers, Jiang Mian quickly ran to the second floor, leaving the actor father and the heavenly master father looking at each other downstairs with annoyance.

After a while, Qin Jingrun suddenly got up, and Zuo Xingping stopped him: "What are you doing! Mianmian said that she wants to sleep, so don't disturb her."

"Idiot, what are you fighting at this time?" Qin Jingrun looked cold, "The enemy who took over us is Lian Feng."

Zuo Xingping: "...Huh???"

The amount of information in the latter sentence was so great that he ignored Qin Jingrun's words to call him an idiot.

Qin Jingrun did not go to the second floor, but went out, he had to go and make a call.

Zuo Xingping looked at his back blankly, what's the matter with Lianfeng? !

He scratched his curly hair, glanced at the second floor, his eyes lit up.

The surnamed Qin is not robbing him now, it happens to be looking for the baby girl at this time.

Zuo Xingping ran up to the second floor with joy, knocked on Jiang Mian's bedroom door, and lowered his voice: "Mianmian, it's me."

Upon hearing this tone, there must be only Tianshida outside the door.

Sure enough, her method worked, she ran back to the room, and there was always a father who came to her alone.

Jiang Mian quickly opened the door.

"Your father Qin went to steal it." Zuo Xingping did not hesitate to smear Qin Jingrun in front of Jiang Mian, "Tell me, which **** hurt you, and I will avenge you!"

Jiang Mian took the celestial master into the house and decided to take this opportunity to pull the celestial master into his camp first: "Dad, what you said in the car, support me no matter what I do, does it count?"

Master Tian nodded heavily.

Jiang Mian turned around and said, "Dad, what I am about to do is to avenge myself."

Thinking of the injury of the baby girl, Tianshida felt very distressed, and kept asking.

"Didn't Lian Dad bring his injuries to work? I don't worry, so I followed. I just met a big bad guy who wanted to hurt Dad Lien. The injury on my waist was the hand that big bad guy did to me!" Jiang Mian said angrily. "So I decided to participate in this case with Lien Dad and convict the villain."

"Dad, do you support my decision?"

Zuo Xingping didn't think much, his mind was full of the belief in revenge for his daughter, and he made a loud voice: "Of course I support, I will participate with you and take this **** off!"

"Thank you Dad." Jiang Mian kissed the face of Master Tian.


Next, before the local tyrant father comes back, the movie emperor father must be settled.