Qin Jingrun's call was made to Lian Feng, but no one answered after the call was made.

He returned to the living room with his eyes deep and found that there was no one in the living room. Don't think about it, the **** stick must have gone upstairs to find his baby girl.

He sat down again, instead of going upstairs, but sitting down and meditating.

After a while, a sound came from the stairs, and Qin Jingrun looked back.

It was not Zuo Xingping who went downstairs, but Jiang Mian.

Qin Jingrun was not surprised, and said, "Didn't you sleep?"

Jiang Mian touched his nose, and said without changing his face, "I'm lying down, but I think that Dad is downstairs and can't sleep anymore."

Qin Jingrun: "Where is your left father."

"I don't know, I only saw Dad all at once." Jiang Mian shook his head with an innocent look, "Yes, where did Zuo Dad go."

—— Zuo Xingping was coaxed by her to play Rubik's Cube in the bedroom!

Qin Jingrun: "..."

My baby girl shows off acting in front of him?

"Okay." Qin Jingrun got up and took Jiang Mian in his arms, "Go ahead, what do you want to say to me?"

Jiang Mian raised his head to look at the perfect handsome face of the movie emperor father, always feeling that in those deep eyes, she seemed to see all the things in her heart clearly.

She coughed, and just as she was about to say a few words to set off, she listened to the actor's father: "If I agree to follow you with your father as a police officer, this is absolutely not possible, there is no room for negotiation."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Now that the movie emperor father said so, Jiang Mian said bluntly: "Dad, I am not a policeman, I am only involved in a case handled by even Dad."

Qin Jingrun lowered his eyes, and a cold light flashed across his eyes: "He agreed?"

Jiang Mian nodded.

"So, the purpose of this family meeting is to allow us to vote, and do you agree to your participation in this case?"

Jiang Mian nodded again.

The coldness in Qin Jingrun's eyes grew deeper and deeper, and he changed the subject: "Do you suffer from your injuries because of him?"

"No." Jiang Mian shook his head flatly, "Dad, even the case that Dad encountered is very complicated and dangerous. I must help him."

Qin Jingrun was noncommittal.

"Dad, would you agree?" The attitude of the actor father made Jiang Mian suddenly become a big mountain.

Because of the good coaxing of the heavenly master father, she had an illusion that she felt that the actor father should also be coaxed.

It was only now that I had found a mistake in judgment, so I had to first know the emotion and reason, let the actor father understand his determination to help the detective father.

Qin Jingrun suddenly said: "Baby, do you know why dad can't publicize our relationship?"

"I know." Jiang Mian said.

Once their father-daughter relationship is announced, all eyes of the media, fans, etc. will fall on her, her every move will be restrained, and she will suffer unwarranted malice.

Not to publish it is to protect her.

"Since you know, you should understand that I will never allow you to be in any kind of dangerous situation." Qin Jingrun said, "You are even dangerous around your father, but since he chooses this career, the danger is bound to exist."

"You can worry about your Dad, but you can't come to him for him and put yourself in danger."

"If you get injured, what should I do, and what should your father and father do?"

"Baby, I can agree to anything you do. Even if you want the moon in the sky, Dad will find a way. I absolutely disagree with this matter." The actor father stated his attitude firmly.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian wanted to say something more, the local tyrant father arrived.

"The surname is Han." Qin Jingrun stood up and explained directly, "The baby just told me that she is going to be involved in a case handled by Lian Feng. Lian Feng called us to have a family meeting so that we voted to decide. What about you? Look?"

"The beauty he wants." Han Xu took off his suit and paused. "I think he is going back more and more. He wants his daughter to be a helper. Is he such a father?!"

"He dared to do this, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people."

Jiang Mian said helplessly: "Dad..."

She is still here.

"Mianmian." Han Xu pulled Jiang Mian over, checked her injury first, and then relaxed after confirming that it was okay. "Did not Dad tell you not to go out? Why are you not obedient."

After he finished speaking, his face changed, looking at Jiang Mian, with traces of sadness in his eyes: "Mianmian, you were even hit by a bullet for your father, and now you still want to do it for him, don't you want us?"

"What are you talking about?" The actor father's voice rose sharply, "Bullets?!"

Jiang Mian didn't tell them how the back waist injury came from. Qin Jingrun thought that Jiang Mian's injury was accidentally injured—he never thought of bullets.

Qin Jingrun's face instantly became extremely cold, and the temperature in the air swooped down.


Jiang Mian made an emergency remedy: "Everything is an accident. Besides, isn't it okay for me, it's just a small injury, I don't hurt at all, really."

"Dad, you can't worry about this just because I got a little injury." She held her two fathers. "My daughter has grown up, so she will always get hurt by bumps and bumps."

"Can the injuries from bumps be compared with bullets!" Qin Jingrun took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

However, when he thought of his baby girl being wounded by a bullet, he was stuck in his heart with one breath, and then coughed heavily, his face suddenly turned pale, and his body began to shake.

"Dad!" Jiang Mian was startled, and helped the actor father to sit on the sofa.

Han Xu frowned and called to call the family doctor.

"No, it's okay." Qin Jingrun stopped.

Then he touched his daughter's nervous little face: "A small problem, it's not a big problem."

Qin Jingrun has always been well-known in the industry for his dedication. He has suffered countless injuries during filming. Even if he spends a lot of money on recuperation, he has some root causes.

He hasn't suffered this problem for a long time.

Although Jiang Mian knew that actor father and local tyrant father might not agree to her participation so easily, she did not expect that their reaction would be so big.

For a while, she couldn’t say anything else--

Of course, she could say arbitrarily that no matter how the local tyrant father and the movie emperor father refused, she would help the criminal police father and completely ignore their feelings.

Unfortunately, she can't do it.

Jiang Mian suddenly felt that the detective father promised her to participate, but he had to get the votes of the other three fathers-this was the method used by the detective father to advance and retreat.

Because the detective father knew that, no matter what, it was impossible for the actor father and the local tyrant father to agree.

Jiang Mian sighed sadly.

In the short silence, the local tyrant father's cell phone rang-the detective father called. He arrived and needed the guard at the gate of Carlo Bay to let him go.

A few minutes later, the detective father entered the meeting room with the cool air from the bay at night. He glanced at the situation in the hall and asked, "Where is the **** stick?"

The actor father got up and walked to the detective father.

The latter looked at him lightly without speaking.

In the next second, the actor father clenched his fists and slammed his face down on the detective father.


The detective father did not hide.
