Qin Jingrun's punch was not weak, and Lian Feng didn't hide. When he punched it down, the corner of the detective's mouth broke. Qin Jingrun sneered: "Do you think this punch is enough if you don't avoid it?"

He grabbed Lian Feng's collar, and the two looked at each other. Qin Jingrun had to make another move. There was resistance from his wrist, it was Han Xu.

"Enough, what does it look like in front of Mian Mian."

After a pause, Qin Jingrun let go of Lian Feng and pulled Jiang Mian away. The coldness gradually faded from his body, and he became a gentle dad again: "Don't be afraid, baby, I'm joking with your Lian Dad."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She was going to stop it, but when the local tyrant father shot her, she stood there and didn't move.

She smiled at the actor father, then brought a tissue and handed it to the detective father, who took it and touched her hair by the way.

Before Jiang Mian spoke, Lian Feng wiped off the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, ignoring the stagnant atmosphere, and asked her, "Where is your left father?"

"In my room." Jiang Mian said honestly.

Lian Feng said: "Tell him down."

Qin Jingrun glanced at Lian Feng coldly, and when he turned to Jiang Mian, a gentle smile appeared on his face—the mood changed so quickly that no one could match.

He said to Jiang Mian: "Go, baby."

It’s a fight, and now it’s left Xingping. It’s time to sit down and discuss "voting".

"You two, why do you instruct Mianmian?!" The local tyrant quit, calling him a person, and asked the baby girl to go upstairs to call himself?

Where's the face of the **** stick!

He took out his mobile phone, but before he moved, Jiang Mian responded and ran to the second floor quickly.

Han Xu: "..."

"Slow down, you still have injuries!" He was as anxious as a nanny.

There were only three fathers left in the living room, and none of them spoke. As soon as Jiang Mian left, the atmosphere was more stagnant than before, like a tight string that would break if you didn't pay attention.

Han Xu looked at Lian Feng and broke the silence: "Are you okay?"

"Just a punch, what can he do?" Qin Jingrun said lightly.

Although his punch was heavy, Lian Feng didn't hide it, but suffered a little trauma.

Han Xu added: "He has thirteen stab wounds on his body."

Qin Jingrun's face changed slightly and stopped talking.

He wasn't angry, but he wouldn't do anything to a wounded person, but it was even more impossible to ask him to apologize.

If it were not for Lian Feng, could the baby girl be injured?

Lian Feng shook his head, glanced at the two of them, and said in a deep voice, "It's okay."

"I don't agree." Qin Jingrun said suddenly, "This is my answer."

After he finished speaking, he sat back on the sofa, closed his eyes, and made a gesture of not wanting to speak.

"Me too." Han Xu greeted Lian Feng's gaze, "For the sake of your injury, I can provide you with any help you need. But it is impossible for Mianmian to participate in your case."

Lian Feng said.

He had already guessed the attitude of Qin Jingrun and Han Xu, and he was not surprised.

The three were silent again, waiting for Jiang Mian to return.


After waiting for several minutes, Jiang Mian hadn't come downstairs with Zuo Xingping, Han Xu frowned, is it possible that the god-stick guy pestered the baby girl and prevented her from going downstairs?

Not only did he have this idea, but also Qin Jingrun. He snorted, stood up, and walked upstairs without saying anything.

"You stop for me." Han Xu chased up and said unceremoniously, "This is my site, you stay here honestly, and you are not allowed to go anywhere else without my permission."

Qin Jingrun kept walking and said without turning his head: "This is a good place for you, but I was invited by you, and I am your guest. You are my guest. Mr. Han's hospitality is very unique."

"The surname is Qin, don't be shameless." Yu Guang saw Lian Feng followed upstairs, Han Xu stopped, "What are you doing?"

The detective father was the tallest of the four fathers. With a long leg, he quickly passed Han Xu.

Like Qin Jingrun, he ignored his words and went straight upstairs.

Han Xu: "..."

He was standing at the top of the stairs, almost calling the butler out to push people out.

Seeing that the two were about to reach the second floor, he no longer delayed and went upstairs quickly.

He wants to see what the **** stick is doing!

Jiang Mian went back to the bedroom and called to Heavenly Master, but when he opened the door and went in, he found that Heavenly Master was not in the room, but there was a Rubik's Cube on the bed.

After Jiang Mian’s teaching last time, Tianshi Daddy had a certain understanding of restoring Rubik's Cube-however, this Rubik's Cube was a triangle Rubik's cube, which was originally more difficult than ordinary Rubik's Cube, and he has only recovered one side.

"Dad?" Jiang Mian picked up the Rubik's Cube and glanced at it.

From the bathroom in the bedroom came the weak voice of Master Tian: "Mian Mian, I am here."

"Dad, are you okay?" Jiang Mian walked to the bathroom door.

"No, it's okay." A slightly panicked voice came from inside.

Jiang Mian raised her eyebrows. She didn't think much about it at first, but the tone of Heavenly Master Father really couldn't help but make people think about it—a typical guilty conscience in it.

"Dad, even dad has arrived, we should go down." Jiang Mian said.

After a while, the bathroom door was opened, and the celestial master came out, holding a stack of small paper figures in one hand, and a necklace in the other. The necklace was a precious gemstone necklace at first glance, shining brightly under the light. .

Zuo Xingping was helpless: "Mianmian, they grabbed a necklace and came back."

After the Heavenly Master explained, Jiang Mian understood what was going on.

After Jiang Mian left, Zuo Xingping played with the Rubik's Cube in the room, touching the face kissed by his daughter from time to time, happily wanting to circle around.

Then, the little paper people in the Taoist robe came out, they first turned Zuo Xing around, and when he was not paying attention, they slipped out the window hand in hand.

There is only one short leg left, stay with him.

The surrounding area was sparsely populated, and Zuo Xing did not force them to come back. Soon after, Xiaobai came back from the window with a group of small paper people.

At the same time, he brought back such a beautiful necklace-the necklace was worn on a dog's neck. The dog found the little paper people and yelled at them.

A little paper man was bitten by a dog, and the remaining little paper men did not dare to do anything. They just surrounded the dog... and finally came back with the trophy.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

He is angry, how can he steal things!

Feeling he was angry, the little paper people fled in the room, and finally fled to the bathroom under the leadership of Xiao Bai.

Zuo Xingping entered the bathroom and took a lot of effort to catch all the small paper people back, and then found the blackened thin legs on the small white legs.

He didn't think much about it for a while. The most urgent thing was to return the necklace. At this time, when Jiang Mian came back, Tianshi father always felt that he had not set a good example, so he was guilty.

After listening to Jiang Mian, his eyes fell on the little paper figures in his hand. All the little paper figures were quiet, without any sense of "living".

The super rich and powerful live in Carlo Bay. It is normal for a dog to wear such a luxurious necklace.

Just like this, it shows that the owner of the dog is unusual, and the dog will definitely find it if he loses the necklace.

When the necklace appears in the Han's house somehow, it will be no good to make a misunderstanding.

Jiang Mian rubbed his eyebrows and said dumbfounded: "Dad, let them return wherever they grabbed it."

Zuo Xingping was silent and did not speak.

Jiang Mian: "What's wrong?"

Master Tian made only one movement, and the little paper figure headed by Xiao Bai in his hand was placed on the bed, and none of them moved.

Jiang Mian: "......???"

Seeing her baby girl's doubts, Zuo Xingping had to spit out a few words dullly: "They are on strike."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Xiao Bai." Jiang Mian poked the little paper man, who was motionless.

Qin Jingrun's voice sounded from outside the door at this time, and Jiang Mian remembered that there was another business waiting for them. She threw the necklace on the side table: "Dad, let's talk about it later, let's have a meeting first."

Jiang Mian opened the door. She thought there was only one actor father, but three fathers stood outside the door.

The three fathers walked into the bedroom, Lian Feng's gaze suddenly fell to the little paper man on the bed, his pupils shrinking slightly.

"God stick! Put your things away and don't obstruct our eyes." Han Xu also frowned when he saw the paper figures. He always didn't like Zuo Xingping playing these divine things, and looked very unhappy. .

Zuo Xingping got used to it too, and said nothing, putting away the little paper people, including Xiao Bai.

When it was closed, he blinked at Jiang Mian, meaning: I'll give it to you later, Dad.

Qin Jingrun was impatient and said directly: "Shen stick, what is your opinion on Mianmian's involvement in a dangerous case handled by Lian Feng?"

He knew that Zuo Xingping had a simple mind. Maybe the baby girl had coaxed him well. After saying that, he added: "The wound on the waist after Mian Mian was a bullet wound. It was just because of Lian Feng's relationship. I don’t want to know how dangerous this case is. I only know that Mianmian will be involved in danger if I participate in it. I and the person surnamed Han disagree.”

"Why don't you agree?" Zuo Xingping was very angry, "Mianmian, that **** actually wounded you with a bullet. It would be cheaper for him. I want him to..."

He looked at Qin Jingrun's three people and swallowed the rest of the words.

There is a clear stipulation in the Xuanmen that people who have metaphysics in their bodies cannot do anything with ordinary people unless they have nothing to do. Otherwise, you will suffer backlash if you don't pay attention, at the slightest injury, death.

Those who possess profound arts will consider it again and again if they want to deal with others. There is no need to kill oneself for a moment.

Otherwise, a person who possesses profound arts will attack an ordinary person if he doesn't go well, and he hasn't been punished. That won't cause trouble.

Qin Jingrun and Han Xu frowned at the same time-although they both dislike Zuo Xingping, they disliked Zuo Xingping. Zuo Xingping has a quarter of Jiang Mian's custody rights, and he has one vote for decisions made at the family meeting.

Qin Jingrun didn't expect that he was so blunt, Zuo Xingping would actually agree, he said coldly: "Are you so disregarding the safety of Mianmian?!"

Zuo Xingping was particularly strange. He pointed to Lian Feng and said, "Mianmian will be dangerous by following him, but as long as we solve the source of danger, isn't there any danger? Mianmian is injured, you just want to She protects her without revenge?"

Qin Jingrun & Han Xu: "?"

"The **** who hurt Mianmian is still closed. There is no conviction. You want to let him go like this?" Zuo Xingping looked at the two with disgust and hummed, "You always say that I am not qualified to be a father, I see You are not qualified, all of them are elm heads."

He pulled Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, it's okay, they won't give you revenge, and there is me."

Jiang Mian looked at Zuo Xingping with the gaze of the New World. He didn't expect that Heavenly Master Father could actually say such a logical thing.

If the purpose is not for Jiang Mian and Interpol's father to participate in the same case, but to avenge Jiang Mian, the nature of this matter will completely change!

Qin Jingrun and Han Xu frowned and thought carefully. After a while, the two looked at each other: What the **** stick said seems to make sense? !