Next, Jiang Mian found that the direction of the matter was completely beyond her expectation.

The words of Master Tian seemed to inspire the local tyrant father and the movie emperor father. The two asked Lian Feng about the case, and must figure out the ins and outs of the matter.

Lian Feng frowned, his gaze swept across the three of them, if he understood correctly-they meant that Jiang Mian didn't have to participate, but they wanted to avenge Jiang Mian and they participated.

Since the case that Lian Feng handled was very dangerous, it caused Jiang Mian to be injured. They didn't want to put Jiang Mian in danger, and they didn't agree with Jiang Mian to participate. They could do it themselves.

"I am not helping you, as the **** stick said, I am just avenging Mianmian." Qin Jingrun said first, "Although I am in the entertainment industry, I know many people."


Qin Jingrun looked at Han Xu, that was the big head.

Lian Feng did not speak.

He is a very proud person, he never troubles others easily, nor asks for help from others. Although the other three dads played the banner of revenge for Jiang Mian, it was him who made the profit.

He is equivalent to three assists.

But he is not a stubborn person. He also received a lot of help from others when he was undercover. It would never be possible for him to complete any case alone.

He didn't want Jiang Mian's help before, because he was afraid that Jiang Mian would get involved in the depths of the whirlpool and be implicated by him.

Han Xu glanced at Qin Jingrun with an ugly face, because Qin Jingrun had robbed him of what he wanted to say!

He had no choice but to say to Lian Feng: "That's what I meant."

He pulled Jiang Mian to his side and tried to make his voice sound educational: "Mianmian, leave this to us, you don't have to worry about it, do you hear it."

Jiang Mian blinked.

A minute ago, she was still racking her brains to figure out how to get the local tyrant father and the movie emperor father to agree to her participation in the case, and then she was removed a minute later, but-the other three fathers participated together!

The appeal of the actor father, the financial resources of the local tyrant father, the strength of the heavenly master father, these three fathers helped the detective father, this case does not solve her name and write it upside down!

What can she say, of course she nodded.

This is the best solution.

She silently looked at Master Tian, ​​but she didn’t expect that Master Tian solved her problem. She wanted to listen to the criminal police father telling the case. However, the criminal police father used the reason that she could not listen since she did not participate. Drive her out of the bedroom.

The remaining three fathers had the same attitude, including the Tianshi father, who quietly stuffed the little paper man to Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian watched as the bedroom door was closed, and she was ruthlessly isolated from the door.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"What the **** is going on in this case? Who is the murderer who hurt Sleep." It was Qin Jingrun who spoke first, and Han Xu stared at Qin Jingrun coldly.

This scheming dog.

Found that Zuo Xingping squatted to the side holding the Rubik's Cube, it was very unpleasant, Han Xu said in a bad mood: "It's not that there is no place, what are you doing there?"

It made them bully him.

Do you want your baby girl to feel sorry for him?

Zuo Xingping looked up blankly: "You said yours, I just listened to it. Anyway, you won't ask me if you have any comments. Then just tell me what you need me to do."

If he didn't have to know the cause and effect, he wouldn't want to stay here, how nice to go out with his daughter.

Three fathers: "..."

Jiang Mian came to the first floor. She was holding a stack of small paper figures in her hand. The Heavenly Master wanted to only give Xiao Bai to her, but he accidentally drew too much and gave her all the small paper figures.

She put the little paper man on the sofa and glanced at the second floor: Although she could not know the situation of the case, all the worries about the detective father in her heart disappeared.

That is the sense of security that the four dads brought her.

Xiaobai's little black legs moved suddenly.

This was like a sign, and then all the little paper figures began to move, and then they began to crawl on Jiang Mian. A few of them wanted to get into Jiang Mian's clothes, but Jiang Mian's eyes were quick to pinch them.

"Think I didn't find you?" Jiang Mian chuckled, and the pinched little paper figures suddenly stopped moving.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Go and play, be careful, don't let the servant find out."

The mansion is very large, and the small paper people are probably curious. Jiang Mian doesn't restrict them, anyway, they will definitely return to the heavenly master.

"Xiao Bai, come here." Among a group of identical little paper figures, Jiang Mian could easily distinguish Xiao Bai-the blackening on his legs was too obvious.

Xiaobai happened to stuff himself in the gap of the sofa and crawled out silently.

Jiang Mian squeezed it in his palm and pulled its jio. Xiaobai looked down at his jio, and did not lift his head for a long time.

For some reason, it was obvious that the little paper man's head was blank, and there was nothing. Jiang Mian had read disgust from his movements.

"I'll ask Dad later if you can fix your legs." Jiang Mian's voice softened, but Xiao Bai did a great job today.

If it weren't for it, the bomb would not be so easy to solve.

She turned her gaze to the other little paper figures. She wanted to ask for a few more little paper figures from Master Tian, ​​but when the little paper figure snatched the necklace, she dispelled this idea.

It is enough to raise one, but it is too skinny to raise a group.

Let the celestial father worry~

Jiang Mian asked Xiaobai to play with her companions. She picked up the necklace—when she was kicked out of the bedroom, she took it out by the way. Since there was nothing else, she settled the necklace.

Since the dog can be around the Han family, I think it should be a mansion adjacent to the Han family. She is not familiar with this place. It is most convenient to leave this to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper was in the back garden. Jiang Mian handed the necklace to him, and said without blinking: "Grandpa housekeeper, I went outside for a while, and a dog ran past. I don’t know who owns this necklace. It fell from its neck. It ran so fast that I couldn't catch up."

The butler took the necklace and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Miss, give it to me, I will return it to the dog owner."

It is easy to find a dog owner, just notify the property.

——The property is directly sent by the military.

But before the process started, the dog owner came to the door.

The servant ran to the housekeeper and said that there were two people at the door, a man, a woman, and a dog.

The steward said: "Miss, you go back and play, I will deal with it."

Jiang Mian wanted to see what the dog wearing such an extravagant necklace had—this necklace was at least millions.

It's okay to let a dog wear a million necklace, but to let a dog wear a million necklace run around, do you really regard money as dung?

Jiang Mian followed the housekeeper to the gate.

A man and a woman at the door, the man in a black suit, about forty years old, was whispering something to the woman next to him.

The woman was dressed as a lady, with a charming face, and she couldn't tell the exact age for a while. She held a beautiful Pomeranian in her arms, and the dog barked low in her arms.

"Doudou, it's okay." The woman coaxed Bomei's fur and coaxed softly.

Jiang Mian squinted at the woman, always feeling that the other person looked a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

The housekeeper talked to them.

Sure enough, the necklace snatched by the little paper people came from this dog named Doudou.

The middle-aged man introduced his surname Qi and lived in Karo Bay. Doudou ran out of the house by himself. When he ran back, his necklace was gone and his hair was messy.

The dog was also clever. He barked and led the two to find him. Then he stopped walking not far from the door of Han's house and barked at the door.

They guessed that maybe the dog accidentally jumped in, the necklace fell, and they came up to ask.

The housekeeper handed out the necklace and retelled what Jiang Mian had said to him to the two of them-only replacing Jiang Mian with himself.

Han Xu had warned that Jiang Mian's existence was enough for everyone to know, and it was kept secret.

"Thank you so much." The woman took the necklace and said to the housekeeper.

The dog in her arms was still barking, and it was barking in Jiang Mian's direction. The woman calmed it down: "Okay Doudou, you found your necklace, be good."

While soothing, frowned and looked at Jiang Mian.

The dog I own knows that he is usually the most docile, but how can he call this girl so fierce.

She glanced at Peas again, and she didn't know what to think of, her face suddenly looked a little unsightly.

"Let's go." The woman said to the man.

When the words fell, the dog named Doudou suddenly jumped off the woman, barking and rushing towards Jiang Mian.

"Peas!" The woman was shocked, her voice very sharp.

Facing the rushing dog, Jiang Mian just raised his hand and didn't make any other moves. The dog's rush was stopped abruptly.

Immediately back slowly, quickly ran back to the woman, whispering.

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows and quickly discovered what was going on: When the dog rushed over just now, a small paper figure emerged from her collar.

I don't know when this little paper man got into her clothes.

The woman picked up the dog and hurriedly left with the man surnamed Qi—and did not say sorry to Jiang Mian.

The housekeeper's expression was immediately pulled down: the other's dog almost scared the lady, and left without an apology?

"Miss, are you okay?" The housekeeper looked at Jiang Mian with concern.

If it hadn’t been for the dog that suddenly ran back, it might have hurt the young lady—thinking about this, the housekeeper felt a little bit more unhappy, and decided to tell Han Xu about this later, and Han Xu would decide. .

"Grandpa butler, I'm fine." Jiang Mian shook her head. She took her gaze away from the back of the two of them. She easily guessed his thoughts from the look of the butler, and said, "You don't need to tell Dad."

It's just a small matter.

She asked the housekeeper to work on her own, and she returned to the main courtyard, lying on the sofa and swiping her phone.

Brushing and brushing, Tang Anan called and asked her when she would return to the hotel.

"I'll be back tonight, maybe a little later." Interpol's dad was helped by the other three dads, and now she can film the scene at ease.

Tang Anan heard the joy in Jiang Mian's voice. Although she didn't know what the little boss was happy about, it didn't prevent her from being happy too.

"By the way, Mianmian, did you read Weibo, Guan Xin, she went on a hot search." Tang An'an said, "She went to meet Teacher Yu last night, but was filmed by reporters. They all said she was talking to Teacher Yu. Suspected dating."

When the word Guan Xin came out, Jiang Mian narrowed his eyes.

She finally remembered why the woman holding the dog just now seemed a bit familiar to her, and her facial features were at least five points similar to Guan Xin.

In the original book, the male protagonist Gu Qiwen was the illegitimate son of the Qi family, and later recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan, and formed an alliance with the Qi family to bring down the local tyrant father.

As for the female protagonist, the original book explained to her that her family background is very ordinary, even poor.

It is precisely because of growing up in such a family that she has a strong, independent, and yet untainted character. Almost all men will be impressed by her temperament after getting along with her.

After the original owner went offline, the male protagonist jumped to become the upstart in the capital, and the Qi family fell into his hands. He and Shen Shiqing competed for Guan Xin together.

He not only had to face the pressure of Shen Shiqing, but also the pressure of his family.

The Qi family believes that Guan Xin's life experience is too bad to be worthy of Gu Qiwen, and disagrees with them being together.

The original story of this story was entangled with almost a hundred chapters, and finally a reversal suddenly occurred. Guan Xin is the daughter of the Qi family living outside.

Guan Xin was wrongly held in the hospital when she was born.

The middle-aged man's surname is Qi, and the woman is a bit similar to Guan Xin, and the information instantly matches the number.

In other words, the man and woman just now are probably Guan Xin's biological parents.

The original work is very long, and the original owner only took up some part in the original work.

The real second woman throughout the original work should be the girl who was in the hospital and swapped with Guan Xin-Qi Menghan.

Gu Qiwen formed an alliance with the Qi family to bring down the local tyrants, and the Qi family also made a lot of effort in it-because Qi Menghan likes Gu Qiwen.

Gu Qiwen took advantage of her. She was completely unaware of Guan Xin's existence in the early stage, and her attention was all on Jiang Mian.

In the book, Jiang Mian and Qi Menghan have a lot of confrontational scenes. In the end, Qi Menghan's ending is no better than the original owner.

She doesn't know how Gu Qiwen brought down the local tyrant father, but this is a hidden danger.

Since she knew the Qi family by coincidence, it was necessary to send a letter to Qi Menghan.

Take precautions before they happen.

The other party shouldn't like Gu Qiwen yet, and it's not bad to let her know about Guan Xin's existence.

Just do what he said, Jiang Mianmian hurriedly ended the call with Tang An’an, asked the servant to prepare a blank letter, write a sentence on the letter, and then hand it to a servant for him to send it by courier. Go to the guard.

The guard saw that this letter was addressed to Qi Menghan, so he would naturally deliver it to Qi Menghan himself.

The maid was very professional and didn't ask anything, so he took the letter and returned.

After finishing this, Jiang Mian found that the four fathers hadn't finished the conversation. She couldn't sit still, went to the bedroom and knocked on the door: "Dad, are you all right?"

Surprised that this sentence was a bit ambiguous, Jiang Mian coughed, changed his words quickly, and changed his sentence: "Have you discussed it?"

After a while, the door opened, and Tianshida came out with a dizzy expression, as if he had been hit by something.

Jiang Mian: "???"