When Master Tian opened the door, there was a voice coming from inside. Jiang Mian couldn't hear it clearly. When she put her head in, she looked at the three fathers.

She shrank her head silently, and whispered to Master Tian: "Dad, what's the matter?"

"Nothing." Zuo Xingping shook his head, regaining his spirit.

He would never be exposed in front of the baby girl, he did not understand the plan discussed by the three guys.

That's why Heavenly Master decided to be lazy, and couldn't understand their plan anyway.

He closed the room and pulled Jiang Mian to sneak downstairs. He wanted to spend more time with his baby girl while the three guys were discussing.

But just after two steps, the door was opened, and the tyrant father's gloomy voice sounded: "God stick, where do you want to take Mianmian?"

The sneaking plan failed, and Zuo Xingping had to give up.

Jiang Mian smiled and relieved the siege for the Tianshi father, she ran over: "Dad, have you finished the discussion?"

When the words fell, the detective father and the actor father walked out. The former nodded to Han Xu, then turned his eyes to Jiang Mian, and said, "There are still cases waiting for me in the bureau. I will leave first."

Before Jiang Mian had spoken, Han Xu said to Zuo Xingping: "You go with Lian Feng."

The named Zuo Xingping knew that he was assigned a task, and he was not displeased. Instead, he was happy. By following Lian Feng, he could come into contact with the **** who hurt his baby girl. He had some ways to make him look good.

"Make a good film, don't worry about me, take care of yourself." Lian Feng stretched out his big palm, covering his daughter's delicate face with deep eyes.

This time, he couldn't see her for a long time.

Jiang Mian nodded obediently, and she didn't have to worry about having Master Tian with Dad Interpol.

Jiang Mian sent Criminal Police Daddy and Tianshi Daddy out, and when the two got in the car, Jiang Mian suddenly remembered that Tianshi Daddy's little paper people were still scattered in the mansion and the ground, including Xiao Bai's little black legs.

As soon as this thought flashed, I saw a small sound from the grass next to it, and then a group of small paper people ran over.

Zuo Xingping: "???"

He reflexively touched the Dao robe, only to realize that the little paper men were gone--he didn't know that he had given all the little paper men to Jiang Mian, and thought they had sneaked away again.

Zuo Xingping picked up the small paper people, and made up his mind in his heart: We must find a way to cure them, and if you die, there will be no lawlessness.

The detective father saw this scene, even his eyes did not change.

The four fathers negotiated in the bedroom. Strictly speaking, they were three fathers. The final result was that all the assistance needed for Lian Feng's investigation was provided by Han Xu and Qin Jing Runyi.

As for Zuo Xingping, Lian Feng needs to take advantage of his special technique.

Master Tian collected the little paper man, Jiang Mian pinched Xiao Bai who ran back, and handed Xiao Bai's black legs to Master Tian: "Dad, do you have a way to repair Xiao Bai's legs?"

Zuo Xingping thought it was mud on his legs and said, "Wash it with water and let it dry."

Jiang Mian thought this was the method given by the Heavenly Master, so he didn't ask much, and finally waved goodbye to the two fathers.

"Goodbye, Dad."

Lian Feng started the car and quickly drove out of Caro Bay. There was silence in the car and no one spoke.

After a while, Lian Feng interrupted the silence. He looked at the road ahead and said, "Your paper man, can anyone call it?"

"Of course not." Zuo Xingping shook his head without even thinking about it. If everyone could use his little paperman, what else would he raise.

The car turned, there was a car behind to overtake, and the Lian Feng slowed down and let the opponent pass.

After pondering for a few seconds, he said: "Can others raise it?"

"No." Zuo Xing finally reacted after a long time, "Do you want to raise my paper man?"

Lian Feng did not speak, and replaced his default with silence.

"I'm not a stingy person. If you can raise it, it doesn't matter if I give you one." Zuo Xingping explained, "Even if you raise it, it will be useless for at most one day."

The little paper man was raised by his side, and he was nourished by his breath to "live". Others got the paper man, but it was just waste paper.

If Xiao Bai hadn't been transformed by him, Jiang Mian would still be just waste paper.

Not every modified paper figure can be raised by others. Jiang Mian can raise it because she is Zuo Xingping's daughter. She has his bloodline in her body, and they belong to the same line. Through his transformation, Jiang Mian will naturally be nourished.

Zuo Xing gave him a glance, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising: "Do you like my paper man?"

Lian Feng expressed his liking for the little paper man, but Zuo Xingping's face was greatly increased-the other three guys didn't believe in his abilities and thought he was a liar.

Now Lian Feng not only believes, but also likes his paper man, can he be unhappy.

Round up, this is a face slap!

Lian Feng said nothing.

Zuo Xingping felt that he had guessed right, took out his phone, and wanted to tell his baby girl joyfully. When he saw the horizontal lines on the phone screen, he froze and muttered: "Why are the dirty things still there."

He took the corner of his robe and wiped the screen.

Lian Feng Yuguang noticed that he didn't want to bother.

However, Zuo Xingping kept wiping the screen, muttering in his mouth, Lian Feng: "..."

Lian Feng suddenly stopped outside a mobile phone repair shop, and said to Zuo Xingping, "Take your phone to the repairer, and he will tell you what the dirt is on the screen."

Although Zuo Xingping felt that something was wrong, he subconsciously followed Lian Feng's words to get off the car and enter the repair shop.

A minute later, Zuo Xingping walked out of the repair shop angrily, got in the car again, and asked Lian Feng: "Why don't you tell me, my screen is broken!"

Even Feng didn't even look at him, restarted the car, and only said indifferently: "Only a professional can explain it to you, and you can understand it thoroughly with your IQ."

Zuo Xingping: "..."

Jiang Mian returned to the living room and found that the actor father and the local tyrant father were far apart, and they were calling each other.

The voice of the local tyrant father was obviously angry.

The actor father's voice was laziness and unhurried.

But after seeing Jiang Mian coming in, the two fathers almost simultaneously said to the person on the same side of the phone, "That's it."

Then hung up the phone, and the two fathers came to Jiang Mian at the same time. Realizing that they were acting in the same way, they stopped and said to Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, come here to Dad."

Look at the local tyrant father on the left, and then look at the actor father on the right.

Jiang Mian: "..."

How does this make her choose? !

Qin Jingrun smiled slightly and said, "Baby, my father has not been busy at work these past two days, and it is not early. Let me go home with my father."

"Joke, can you live in your shabby place?" Han Xu sneered, "The meeting is over, I don't welcome you here, butler, see off."

Qin Jingrun is not polite: "You let Mianmian live with you, do you have time to accompany her?"

"She has injuries. If you are at home all day today, will she have a chance to run out?"

"Since there is no time to accompany her at home, what good is it for you to be big and luxurious here?"

Han Xu: "..."

He couldn't answer any of them.

When he was about to speak, Qin Jingrun did not give him that opportunity: "Mianmian wants to live where she wants to live is her freedom, you have no right to interfere."

Han Xu couldn’t say that, so he simply ignored him and stopped waiting for Jiang Mian to take the initiative to choose someone. Instead, he walked over to embrace Jiang Mian and said, “Go, Dad will take you to the kitchen to see the ingredients in the kitchen and what you want to eat. I let the chef cook it."

Qin Jingrun watched his movements and stood still.

He knew that Jiang Mian had taken three days off. Today’s holiday is over. Given his understanding of his baby girl, she will definitely return to the hotel tonight.

It is now ten o'clock late, and the chances of the baby girl staying are small and pitiful.

He remained silent, waiting for the refusal of his baby girl.

Jiang Mian didn't know what the actor father was thinking. She was thinking about how to reject the local tyrant father. At this moment, the local tyrant father's cell phone rang.

It was Han Jiayuan who came here.

Jiang Mian knew that Han Jiayuan had been assigned by the local tyrant to deal with the blind date of Princess Bomi. This call was probably related to Princess Bomi.

Sure enough, when the local tyrant father finished answering the phone, his face changed slightly, and he immediately said to Qin Jingrun: "Huh, it's cheaper for you this time, you can take Mianmian back."

"Dad, what happened to that princess?"

Before the local tyrant father could answer, Qin Jingrun had already come over and pulled Jiang Mian away in a half embrace.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Forget it, the Tyrant Father will take care of it.

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry and got in the actor father's nanny car.

Qin Jingrun is planning to take her baby girl home-she can finally live in the bedroom he prepared.

The announcements of these two days have all been pushed, and I will accompany my daughter full time.

He had already started thinking about where to take Jiang Mian to play in the past two days, and how to avoid being spotted by the paparazzi when he went out to play. After thinking about it, he heard his baby daughter say: "Dad, I have to go back to the hotel."

All the plans in his mind disappeared, and Qin Jingrun frowned in disapproval: "Baby, your injury is not healed. Since you have taken three days off, please ask for a few more days. It is not too late to return to the crew after the injury is healed."

Lin Xi couldn't help but pull the corners of her mouth as she listened to the boss who was honestly encouraging her daughter to ask for leave.

In Qin Jingrun's place, as long as it is not hurting the muscles and bones, or hurting to walk, he cannot ask for leave during the filming process.

When an actor asks for leave, what is delayed is the process of the crew. Even if the crew is not short of money and can afford it, it is a matter of principle.

During the filming process, Qin Jingrun asked for leave very few times. In many cases, he fractured or dislocated a certain part of his body during filming. After the connection, it only takes half a day before he will continue filming.

Even if you can't shoot the violent scenes for the time being, just shoot other scenes. In short, you can't just ask for leave.

This rule went to Jiang Mian and disappeared in an instant.

Jiang Mian blinked and asked, "Dad, when you were filming, you accidentally suffered a slight injury. Would you ask for leave?"

"Of course not." Qin Jingrun blurted out, and smiled at her daughter's face as soon as he finished speaking. Only then did he understand that the baby girl was giving him a "set".

Qin Jingrun smiled in his eyes and said, "How can you and dad be the same, dad is a man, and it is not a problem for a man to have injuries."

He stretched out his slender and beautiful index finger, gently scraped the tip of Jiang Mian's nose, and then put his daughter in his arms: "But you are a girl, and you will be filmed if you are injured. If the wound is stretched again, scars will be left. It's not pretty."

"Papa Han gave me the best medicine, it won't leave scars." Jiang Mian obediently put his head on the shoulders of the actor's father, "Besides, Dad, I am now an actor. This is my job. Be dedicated. I have taken three days off. If I ask for it again, the crew is irresponsible."

This dedicated and stubborn character inherited me... the actor father who thought so much compromised.

"Well, Dad will take you back to the hotel." said the actor father, "but before going back, Dad will take you to a supper. You didn't have a good meal at night."

In the Han family, everyone only ate something.

Qin Jingrun asked Linxi to choose a restaurant. Although there were few restaurants open at this point, it was not uncommon. Linxi chose a chain restaurant.

With a little cover, the father and daughter entered the restaurant. After the supper, Qin Jingrun sent Jiang Mian to the door of the hotel. Watching the back of her baby daughter entering the hotel, Qin Jingrun reluctantly looked back.

"Let's go," he said.

"Boss, there seems to be a paparazzi." The driver in the driving seat suddenly said.

Qin Jingrun's pupils shrank slightly and looked towards Lin Xi, who nodded and got out of the car quickly.

Before long, Lin Xi carried a man into the car.

"Brother Qin, this person doesn't meet him, and he says he wants to see you." Lin Xi's face is not pretty. He has been photographed secretly a lot, and Lin Xi will deal with it.

When the paparazzi is caught on the spot, they will delete the negatives and backups with interest.

In particular, most paparazzi like Lin Xi who follow Qin Jingrun's "red man" know him, and when he meets Lin Xi, he will be especially obedient-don't want to offend Qin Jingrun.

As soon as the man saw Qin Jingrun, his eyes lit up: "I knew I didn't make a mistake in the shot, it really was Brother Qin."