"Brother Qin, I am not a paparazzi, I have no harm, my name is Cheng Xinyue, I am your fan."

Qin Jingrun narrowed his eyes and looked at the other person up and down. After a while, he said, "Are you...?"

"Yes, yes, I'm a girl." Cheng Xinyue's body trembled when she heard Qin Jingrun's words, "I just look like a man, really."

As she said, she took off her coat, straightened her chest, and looked at Qin Jingrun expectantly.

Qin Jingrun looked away, disgust flashed past his eyes.

The so-called fans make secret photos for their own selfish desires. Such actions cannot be called fans.

He said lightly: "Delete the photos you took."

Cheng Xinyue held the camera and said, "Brother Qin, I really didn't take a picture... I know your nanny car. I saw it from a distance just now. I guess you are in the car, so I want to take a picture of you."

Qin Jingrun didn't speak, Lin Xi said in his place: "You give me the camera first."

Cheng Xinyue looked at Qin Jingrun eagerly. Seeing that he didn't even look at him, disappointment flashed in his eyes, so he had to give the camera to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi looked at the photo, frowning her brows-through the photos, it is indeed confirmed that Cheng Xinyue is not a paparazzi. Professional paparazzi has a strong sneak shot technique and will not easily blur the photos.

Several of the photos in the camera were blurry, and what made him frown was that Cheng Xinyue took a picture of Jiang Mian getting out of the car.

Also captured Jiang Mian's profile.

Lin Xi handed the camera to Qin Jingrun and motioned him to look.

Qin Jingrun's eyes were cold.

Cheng Xinyue didn’t know if it was courage, or was sure that the person in front of her would not hurt her. She asked, “Brother Qin, was that Jiang Mian who got off your car just now? I looked a bit like that, she lives here again. The hotel... are you dating?"

Qin Jingrun raised his eyes, his gaze fell on her face.

Cheng Xinyue has very short hair and wears masculine clothes. At first glance, she looks like a man. She looked at Qin Jingrun's eyes with excitement, and when she met Qin Jingrun's eyes, she was even more excited to rush forward.

"Brother Qin, I don’t mean anything. I like you very much. I don’t expect you to respond to me. I just want to see you. I am your senior fan. I have been following you for ten years. I started to fan you, you are me..."

Qin Jingrun interrupted her endless "confession": "So."

"If you didn't find you, what would you do with these photos." He lowered his head slightly, his eyes pressed against her, and the ending sound overflowed with a shallow "Huh?"

In the next second, Qin Jingrun suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Cheng Xinyue's right hand, and pulled out the hand she had put in her pocket earlier, along with the mobile phone with the screen on.

Cheng Xinyue's expression changed and she was about to pick up her phone immediately. Lin Xi held her shoulder to stop her movement.

Qin Jingrun picked up the phone, and the interface on the screen was a WeChat chat box. Cheng Xinyue sent a photo to a person in which Jiang Mian got out of the nanny car.

The photo showed that it had just been sent. Qin Jingrun clicked on the photo and pressed the withdraw button.

The opposite person answered quickly: [? ? ? What did you withdraw? 】

Qin Jingrun exited the chat box expressionlessly, and slid down on the interface. Cheng Xinyue only sent a photo to this person-perhaps because of a bad situation and wanted to send the photo.

He clicked into the album and deleted the original photos, and found that the album was full of his photos, many of which were naked photos of him in the play due to filming needs.

Qin Jingrun handed the phone to Lin Xi: "Find out her information."

"Brother Qin, what are you going to do?" Cheng Xinyue was anxious. "I just share the photos with my friends and don't want to do anything. Really, you have to believe me."

"I am your fan and you are a public figure. You can't treat your fans so brutally." Cheng Xinyue said with red eyes. "You have been single for so many years. I want to try if I have that opportunity. I really like it very much. like you."

As she spoke, she moved herself to cry: "Also, I want to know if you and Jiang Mian are dating..."

Qin Jingrun interrupted her: "Want to know my relationship with her?"

Cheng Xinyue nodded frantically.

Qin Jingrun looked deep and slowly said, "Since you are my fan, I will tell that Jiang Mian is my daughter."

The expression on Cheng Xinyue's face froze. She opened her mouth wide and stared at Qin Jingrun blankly, as if she had been given a hold technique and could not move anymore.

"You are the only fan who knows about this. If this news is leaked on the Internet, I will assume that it was you who leaked it." Qin Jingrun lowered his head and said every word, "By then, you will never have peace."

Cheng Xinyue blankly touched Qin Jingrun's gaze, and for some reason, she trembled, and a feeling of "fear" rose from her heart, and she subconsciously moved her gaze away.

"Brother Qin, the information has been found." Lin Xi said out and reported Cheng Xinyue's ID number, home address and other basic information.

He looked at Cheng Xinyue and said: "With this information, it is too easy to find someone."

"Please, Miss Cheng."

Cheng Xinyue got out of the car, holding the camera in a daze, the words "Never Peace Day" kept ringing in her ears like a spell.

After a while, the legs suddenly softened.

After Jiang Mian returned to the room, he sent a message to the actor father: [Dad, I'm here. 】

The actor father didn't reply, she didn't think much, turned around to look at Dabai Erbai.

When she asked for leave, the two little rabbits were taken care of by Tang An'an. The two white dumplings were huddled together, sleeping soundly, and their mouths moved.

Jiang Mian poked their soft bodies, and the two white dumplings opened their red eyes and looked at her silently, as if they had suffered a great grievance.

Jiang Mian, who had bullied Little Rabbit, sent Tang Anan a WeChat message from her.

A few minutes later, Tang Anan came up and saw Jiang Mian. Without a word, he gave Jiang Mian a big hug: "Mianmian, you can count as coming back."

Jiang Mian: "???"

She only took three days off.

However, Tang An’an’s enthusiasm made her smile, but as soon as the smile appeared, Tang An’an took out the schedule and the script: “This is your play tomorrow. From morning to night, there will be two shows with Guan Xin. You have to prepare well, crush her, and vent her breath to Teacher Yu."

Since filming, as a senior, Yu Ran has taken good care of Jiang Mian. The two are friends. Tang Anan knows this and dares to say so.

Jiang Mian: "..."

About Yu Ran and Guan Xin's hot searches on Weibo, she hasn't had time to read them yet.

People who focus on filming like Yu Ran and are more Buddhist in other aspects, even if they are not happy with Guan Xin, will not show it, let alone make small movements behind their backs.

She took the time to glance at Weibo, the hot search has already dropped more than a dozen, clicked into it is some dynamic pictures forwarded by the marketing account.

There are only two people in the picture, Yu Ran and Guan Xin. The most important thing is that Yu Ran embraces Guan Xin and looks very close.

No wonder the hot search at the meeting was thought that they were dating.

Guan Xin did not have a company and did not speak up, but Yu Ran's brokerage company issued a statement saying that they are playing against the scene and don't spread rumors.

Yu Ran liked it and made no other response.

Guan Xin posted a Weibo, claiming that she was indeed playing against Teacher Yu.

As a result, there are two groups of online comments. One group believes that they are indeed together, and the statement is false and wants to cover it up.

One group thinks that Guan Xin used Yu Ran to make a hype. Although Yu Ran did not respond, he liked it, indicating that it was true.

The noise is very lively.

If this melon is Guan Xin alone, Jiang Mian would be happy to watch, but it involves Yu Ran - Yu Ran helped her more or less in filming, and his temperament Jiang Mian also liked it.

If a friend is involved, she needs to watch it for a while.

She looked at the picture and thought: According to the original plot, although Yu Ran's role is low, he does like Guan Xin.

And it has always been silently like, guarding her behind Guan Xin.

Did it follow the original plot?

However, after filming for so long, Yu Ran and Guan Xin had no intersection, and she did not see that Yu Ran liked Guan Xin.

She couldn't ask for leave for three days. Yu Ran suddenly liked Guan Xin.

"Why are you looking at me?" Jiang Mian found Tang An'an staring at him eagerly, raising his eyebrows.

Tang An'an coughed: "Mianmian, don't you ask Teacher Yu what is going on."

She absolutely doesn't believe that Yu Ran would like Guan Xin, but the action in the photo is too ambiguous. She has seen the script, and even if the scene is correct, there is no scene where the male and female two embrace.

Jiang Mian frowned.

Tang Anan regretted it after speaking.

Although the relationship between Xiao Boss and Teacher Yu in the crew is close, it is really not good to ask such questions at this time.

"Mianmian..." Just as she was about to speak, Jiang Mian's phone rang, and the two saw a WeChat slip from the top of the screen of Jiang Mian's phone.

[Teacher Yu: Xiao Jiang is back? 】

Jiang Mian and Tang Anan looked at each other, the latter silently walked aside, Jiang Mian replied: [I'm back, is Teacher Yu still asleep? 】

[Ms. Yu: No, I'm looking at the script. 】

[Ms. Yu: Do you know about the hot searches on Weibo? 】

Jiang Mian didn't want Yu Ran to take the initiative to bring up the hot search, and since she mentioned it, she asked unceremoniously.

[Jiang Mian: What is going on? 】

[Teacher Yu: Do you believe me? 】

[Jiang Mian: I believe in Teacher Yu's character! 】

Yu Ran explained briefly.

Guan Xin did meet him last night, and he didn't think much about it. Guan Xin came with his assistant at the time.

His assistant Shishi was there, the door opened wide, and the curtains opened.

He is frank and frank.

At the end of the scene, Guan Xin thanked her for leaving, but her foot accidentally slipped. The corner of the coffee table where she fell, if it hits it, it will definitely go wrong.

Yu Ran grabbed her subconsciously.

The result was a hot search on Weibo the next day.

Jiang Mian frowned.

Through Yu Ran's description, she subconsciously felt that Guan Xin was deliberate. Of course, she did not rule out that she did not fall in love.


[Jiang Mian: You can clarify and explain what happened. ] By the way, let Guan Xin also post a clarification.

Yu Ran did not reply.

Jiang Mian waited for a full minute, but did not receive a reply.

[Jiang Mian:? ? ? Teacher Yu? 】

[Ms. Yu: The company asked me not to clarify in detail. 】

[Ms. Yu: It’s getting late, take a break early, ask for three days off, don’t let the play tomorrow fall. 】

After the conversation, Jiang Mian frowned.

Tang Anan came over: "Mianmian, what did Teacher Yu say?"

Jiang Mian was funny, and showed her the chat history. After reading it, Tang Anan frowned, "Ms. Yu's company's attitude is too weird. This is for free to let Guan Xin get hot."

This is also what Jiang Mian puzzled. It stands to reason that even if you want Guan Xin to get hot, you should tell the true story of the matter, rather than simply explain it in two words.

But since it was the decision of Yu Ran's company, Jiang Mian didn't have much to say. She told Tang Anan to go back to rest, go to the bathroom to wash, hide in bed, and watch the script.

There has been so much happening in the past few days, she almost forgot the script, read it again to find the feeling.

The phone rang, but the local tyrant sent a small video.

Jiang Mian opened it and saw that Princess Bomi was crying with the rain in her water cup.

After two glances, Jiang Mian came to a conclusion: This princess Bomi is probably really made of water.

Immediately afterwards, she received a screenshot from the local tyrant father, showing the conversation between the local tyrant father and the detective father:

[Han Xu: (Video)]

[Han Xu: What do you think of this woman? 】

[Lian Feng: Sick? 】

Jiang Mian: "..."

Didn't you say you should introduce it to the detective father?

In the next second, the picture disappeared-the local tyrant withdrew the photos and videos:

[Han Xu: Mianmian, Dad made a mistake! 】

Jiang Mian was silent for two seconds and replied:

[Jiang Mian: Dad, I saw it. 】

[Han Xu:...]