The reason why Han Xu asked Qin Jingrun to take Jiang Mian away was because of the phone call from Han Jiayuan—Chu Nianshi was lost.

After receiving the news, Han Xu took the bodyguard team to the hospital and asked the bodyguard team to find someone.

According to the two female bodyguards, they took Chu Nianshi to go shopping outside and met a street artist performing a show. Chu Nianshi was curious, and the two bodyguards accompanied her to watch together with her thoughtfully.

As for Han Jiayuan, because the princess was "different between men and women", she stayed in the hospital and did not follow them.

Taking this opportunity, he went to find a reliable online dating site to invite Chu Nianshi to marry him.

This is casting a net widely, and it depends on the personality of the other person. It is time-consuming and energy-consuming, not a simple matter.

He would rather be by Han Xu's side and be scolded by Han Xu every day, facing the danger of wage deductions, and did not want to do this.

There are three street performers, all young boys, one playing the piano, one singing and the other dancing.

At the beginning, Chu Nianshi was afraid because of how nervous people were.

However, the two female bodyguards firmly guarded her and separated the crowd around her. Coupled with the wonderful performance of the three, she quickly became at ease and watched with gusto.

When the other party performed the second program, she heard a few syllable errors in the piano, and subconsciously reminded her.

Unexpectedly, her voice was heard by the piano player, the other party stopped playing the piano, singing and dancing also stopped, the boy playing the piano invited Chu Nianshi to play.

Chu Nianshi hid in fear, and the boy said enthusiastically: "Since you can point out the mistakes of my song, it means you know it. I am not familiar with this song. Can you help?"

It turns out that it can't play.

Chu Nianshi hesitated, and was a little undecided, and subconsciously cast his eyes to the two female bodyguards.

The task of the two female bodyguards is to protect Chu Nianshi. As for what Chu Nianshi wants to do, it is not within their decision.

However, appropriate suggestions are still possible.

"If Miss Chu wants to play, you can try." Bodyguard a said.

So Chu Nianshi sat in the chair in front of the piano boy under everyone's eyes.

Soon, the smooth notes overflowed from her fingertips, amazed everyone.

After the song was finished, the crowd applauded enthusiastically. In addition to her beautiful appearance, the cheers were particularly loud.

Chu Nianshi was a little frightened by everyone's enthusiasm, and wanted to leave with the bodyguard.

Three street performers invited her to their club, where there are more musical instruments.

Chu Nianshi came to China for the purpose of Han Xu, not wanting Han Xu to have a sweetheart.

As soon as she arrived in China, she retreated.

She contacted her father last night and wanted to return to China, but was persuaded by her father.

Since returning to my mother’s country, it’s okay to wait a while and make some new friends.

Chu Nianshi was convinced.

She quietly changed the purpose of coming to China in her heart. Since Han Xu already has a sweetheart, she can't get in shamelessly.

It is disgusting to intervene in others.

Chu Nianshi was very interested in the clubs mentioned by the street performers, so he agreed to the invitation. After playing for a while, it was already night to return to the hospital.

At this time, Han Jiayuan took out a list of people he had compiled today for blind dates, and handed it to Chu Nianshi to let her choose the time to meet.

Chu Nianshi glanced at him, stunned: "Why so many?"

After speaking, he raised his head to look at Han Jiayuan, bit his lip, and said quietly: "I don't want to have a blind date."

Han Jiayuan thought: Who can't see your thoughts.

He wore a professional smile that belongs to the general assistant: "Miss Chu, your father Tuo Han will do your blind date for you in China. President Han is busy with work and can't be distracted. I will handle this for you. You can rest assured that the list above is carefully selected by me. You can choose slowly."

"I'm not saying that the person you picked is not good." Chu Nianshi tugged at the clothes, "I am, I am..."

When she was anxious, she didn't know what to say, and then her eyes were red again.

Han Jiayuan: "..."

"Well, Ms. Chu will first look at the information of everyone on the list. If you have made a decision, you will inform me. I will be next door." Han Jiayuan finished speaking and exited the ward politely.

As soon as he quit, Chu Nianshi and the bodyguards were left in the room. She breathed a long sigh of relief and said to the two bodyguards: "You go out first."

She was in a daze with the list and information, and each page of the information was accompanied by inch photos, which looked like a resume.

Chu Nianshi looked at it, she was lying on the bed, thinking of Han Xu, but couldn't help but feel sad, tears falling down.

Pomezia is very small, the style is enthusiastic and honest, and there is not much intrigue.

Not long after Chu Nianshi was born, his mother went away due to a serious illness. King Bomi did not marry the queen again. He only had such a daughter, who was pampered in every possible way.

But probably because of overprotection, Chu Nianshi was raised extremely fragile and timid, and she was born with well-developed lacrimal glands, she obviously didn't want to cry, and when she was stimulated, tears would flow out involuntarily.

In many cases, when someone said something to her with a little emphasis, the tears would come down when she was afraid, and she couldn't stop it.

She actually didn't want to cry.

Before coming to China, Chu Nianshi had only met Han Xu three times in the palace.

The reason why she likes Han Xu is because Han Xu rescued her--Chu Nianshi once sat on a rockery in the palace and accidentally slipped and fell. It happened that Han Xu passed by and caught her.

In fact, the reason why Han Xu caught her: If you don't reach out to pick her up, you will be smashed!

It was a terrible thing that a big living person smashed his head down. Although he caught the person, Han Xu's hands and feet were sore for two days.

The so-called young girl cherishes the spring, Chu Nianshi was very well protected by the king and rarely had close contact with other men. He was rescued by Han Xu. Since then, a heart pounced on Han Xu and began her secret love journey.

She had a close relationship with the king and quietly informed the king of the girl's concerns.

The king knew Han Xu's partner very well, no matter his identity, character, or temperament, he was perfect.

If the two parties can successfully marry, what will happen to the entire Pomi country to Han Xu.

So the father and daughter had some discussions, and there was this "blind date" incident.

The king called to investigate Han Xu and learned from Han Xu that he had a sweetheart, but the king did not tell Chu Nianshi the news.

——Chu Nianshi has already set off to leave. At this time, let her know, I'm afraid she will shed tears all the way to China.

Moreover, the king was a person who came by, knowing that sometimes he would not believe it if he didn't see it with his own eyes.

If he told Chu Nianshi ahead of time that Han Xu already has a sweetheart, Chu Nianshi would not believe it 100% in her heart. Instead, she would be more worried and let her discover it slowly.

As a result, Chu Nianshi found it the night she arrived.

If Han Xu doesn't have someone she likes, she will definitely muster the courage to find opportunities to get along with Han Xu. But Han Xu already has a sweetheart, so if she moves forward, she just stepped in.

Chu Nianshi did not allow herself to do this.

Although I have a decision in my heart, I like a person.

So that when I think of Han Xu, I can't help feeling uncomfortable, and when I feel uncomfortable, tears fall uncontrollably.

While crying, her cell phone rang suddenly, and the boy who played the piano by the street performer sent her a message. The boy was called Zhongyi, and they added WeChat to each other.

[Zhong Yi: We plan to go to the riverside to play once. Now that there are few people, you don’t need to be so scared. Do you want to come? 】

Then he took photos of them moving their instruments.

[Zhong Yi: Where are you, I will pick you up? 】

Seeing this news, Chu Nianshi suddenly felt an impulse: She was going.

Two female bodyguards accompany her out of the hospital gate, and soon they like to drive over on a motorcycle. There are at most two people in the back seat of the motorcycle. Bodyguard a accompanies Chu Nianshi and bodyguard b stays.

By the river, there were five people in the club. Everyone was ready. There was a lady dancing the square dance nearby, attracted by their performance, and surrounded them.

After playing for a while, Chu Nianshi, driven by his favorite, joined the aunts to perform a square dance, and the bodyguard a followed firmly.


A wild dog suddenly rushed towards the crowd, and everyone rushed to avoid it. In the chaos, bodyguard a and Chu Nianshi rushed away. When the wild dog ran away, when she looked for Chu Nianshi again, the person was gone.

No one answered the call.

Zhongyi also disappeared with Chu Nianshi.

Bodyguard a turned pale in fright. People were lost under her protection. If something happens, how can she afford this responsibility.

So he contacted Han Jiayuan urgently. The latter rushed to find a friend who likes to be with the club, contacted Zhongyi, but did not contact him.

It's just that it hasn't been seen for a while, it's impossible to call the police in this case, Han Jiayuan couldn't make up his mind, so he had to notify Han Xu.

How can I think that I was looking for it, Chu Nianshi returned by herself.

It was Yi who sent her back.

It turned out that when the wild dog rushed over, he subconsciously dragged Chu Nianshi and ran away.

In the process, Chu Nianshi's cell phone dropped and ran, Chu Nianshi fainted, startled Zhong Yi.

Without thinking about it, he hired a taxi and took Chu Nianshi to the nearest hospital.

The doctor checked that it was too scared.

His mobile phone automatically turned off when it was out of power, so his friend did not contact.


When Chu Nianshi went back to the ward, she saw Han Xu and her eyes were red.

Zhong Yi was by her side, looking at these people with a slightly wary look.

He thought these were Chu Nianshi's family members, so he simply explained that he did not abduct the girl casually.

The bodyguard handed Chu Nianshi a glass of water to make her feel shocked. Chu Nianshi took it and choked and apologized to Han Xu: "I'm sorry, Mr. Han, for causing you trouble."

Han Xu didn't speak. After listening to the explanation, he was not angry because of King Bomi's face. After all, Chu Nianshi didn't mean it.

He was just looking at his favorite.

Young, medium-looking, like a college student.

After Chu Nianshi was in a coma, he didn't give birth to evil thoughts, but sent the person to the hospital, and then sent the person back again. Isn't his character wrong?

Because Han Xu did not speak, Chu Nianshi mistakenly thought he was angry.

She opened her mouth and wanted to explain something more, but tears appeared before the voice.

Then she cried herself into a bucket with a water glass.

Han Xu: "..."

He suppressed the beating nerve, took out the phone, and took a small video of her crying.

The original intention was to send it to King Bomi, telling the king that he did not bully his daughter.

I clicked on WeChat and found that Lian Feng's avatar was at the front. With a heart move, he posted the small video.

It's not easy to explain on the phone. It's okay to send a message. What if Lian Feng likes this? !

After waiting for a long time, Lian Feng replied: "Is sick?"

Han Xu stared at these two words, including the question mark at the back, and began to ponder: Does the guy with the surname Lian say that he is sick, or that Chu Nianshi is sick?

At this time, Zhong Yi suddenly said: "Can I go now?"

Han Xu turned his mind back from the phone, and he looked at Zhong Yi, who just now was very gentleman comforting Chu Nianshi with a tissue.

The comfort effect was pretty good, and Chu Nianshi's tears almost stopped.

"You can leave at any time, but if Miss Chu wants to keep you down, I have no opinion." Han Xu said lightly.

Chu Nianshi restrained her tears. She was not stupid. The meaning of what Han Xu said was too obvious. She hurriedly said to Zhong Yi: "Thank you today, thank you, you go back first."

Zhong Yi smiled at Chu Nianshi and turned to leave.

Now that the person had returned safely, Han Xu didn't wait much and left the hospital soon.

On the way back, he looked at the words Lian Feng returned, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the other party was scolding him.

He hummed secretly, took a screenshot of the conversation, and then sent the video and screenshot to Jiang Mian.

He wants to show his baby daughter how Lian Feng treats him!

Feeling that this action would appear to him to be naive, so he deliberately waited a while before withdrawing the message, indicating that he had accidentally sent the wrong message.

The reply from the baby girl proves that she saw it.

Han Xu looked at the screen and smiled successfully.

He poked the screen and said openly: [Mianmian, you even dad scold me! 】

After a while, he received a reply from his daughter: [Dad, my signal here is not good and I cannot receive the message. I will go to bed first, good night. 】

Han Xu: "..."