Jiang Mian was very clever to escape the complaint from the local tyrant father with the reason of "bad signal".

At this time, she was wrong wherever she stood.

What happened between the fathers, let the fathers solve it by themselves~

Early the next morning, Jiang Mian packed up and went to the studio, and went to see Director Zhang for the first time.

Director Zhang was watching the direction of the camera positions through the monitor. One of the camera positions could not be fixed. Jiang Mian waited for him to finish his guidance before saying: "Good morning, Director."

Director Zhang turned his head when he heard the voice and saw Jiang Mian, who was already dressed as Li Wanjing, with a smile flashing in his eyes, and then frowned: "I'm all cured? I think you are still pale."

The reason Jiang Mian had asked Director Zhang for leave before was illness, and Director Zhang did not doubt it.

Although the three-day holiday is a bit too much, if she is really sick, she is the total investor again, and the funds are sufficient, there will be nothing.

"Thank you for the director's concern, it's all right." Jiang Mian smiled.

A few words of greeting, not long after, Yu Ran came.

"Ms. Yu."

"Little Jiang."

The two greeted each other, Yu Ran looked at Jiang Mian and said with a smile: "You have lost a lot of weight if you haven't seen you in a few days."

As artists in the circle, especially female artists, what others like to hear most is "you are so beautiful", "you are so thin" and "you are thin again".

"Really?" Jiang Mian smiled, "It seems that I have succeeded in losing weight."

When the words fell, Director Zhang interrupted: "It's too skinny, Li Wanjing is not so thin, so much weight, go back fat."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Today, except for the two dramas with Guan Xin, Jiang Mian is almost all rivals with Yu Ran. Director Zhang began to speak for the two.

After speaking, let the two of them think about the preparation for themselves.

Jiang Mian and Yu Ran went through the show and found that Yu Ran didn't seem to be in a good state.

He didn't show it in front of Director Zhang just now, and he didn't hide it too much because he was familiar with her now.

"Sorry." Noting Jiang Mian's look, Yu Ran pressed her eyebrows and said apologetically, "I didn't sleep well last night, I was a little tired."

Before Jiang Mian spoke, a surprised voice came: "Mianmian."

——It is Chen Xueyi.

She trot over, and first greeted Yu Ran politely, and then said to Jiang Mian: "You can count back, you don't know, the last three days you were absent, the last name is Guan..."

Surprised that there were many people around, she quickly swallowed the words that followed, and pulled Jiang Mian, very surprised: "Why have you lost weight? Did you do high-intensity exercise in the past three days?"

Then he said happily: "But it looks better than before."

Yu Ran gave the space to the two girls as a gentleman, and walked to the other side with the assistant.

Talking between girls, gossip is indispensable, this gossip naturally comes from the hot search of Yu Ran and Guan Xin-the most important thing is to fight the injustice for Yu Ran.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Guan Xin took advantage of the hot search.

"Teacher Yu is really unlucky." Chen Xueyi glanced at Yu Ran, then turned to Jiang Mian and said, "According to my experience of mixing in the circle, the paparazzi that was secretly photographed may have been deliberately found by Guan Xin. ."

"Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence."

"Be quiet." Jiang Mian was helpless. They were on the set, not in the dressing room.

There are a lot of people around, the girl said openly, she was not afraid of being heard by someone with a heart, and used it to write an article.

It's no wonder that the original book has a tragic ending.

Chen Xueyi stuck out her tongue, she felt that she was speaking quietly.

She lowered her voice again: "Fortunately, Guan Xin's play will be finished in a few days. Once she leaves, the crew will be much cleaner."

She made no secret of her dislike of Guan Xin.

Obviously relying on other people's superiority, he just wanted to pretend to be Bailian, and he also slandered Jiang Mian. That kind of attitude is really disgusting.

Don't say that she regards Jiang Mian as a friend, even if she is not a friend, she simply can't bear this kind of artificial person.

Speaking of finishing, Jiang Mian asked her: "I remember your scene, it should be almost finished."

"Yes, I finished it the day before yesterday." Chen Xueyi nodded.

Jiang Mian: "? Why didn't you go back?"

Chen Xueyi said: "You haven't come back when you asked for leave, and I haven't seen you yet. How can I go back. Anyway, the company didn't arrange a notice for me. I went back to the rented house when I went back. It happened to be fine. I was waiting in the crew. you come back."

Jiang Mian didn't expect this girl to be so sincere, and her heart warmed. She said, "If you want to see me, you can contact me on WeChat."

"How can it be the same." Chen Xueyi said, "Now that I see you, I can go back."

Jiang Mian looked at her with a sudden movement in her heart.

I asked her to endorse the brand of high-end mobile phones. After Gao Huaqiang, the person in charge of the endorsement party, went to prison, the endorsement party sent a person named Du Yi to contact her.

Because she has been running out of time, the contract has not been signed yet.

This endorsement said to her, it is optional, not to mention that she has a actor father behind her, she can also find better resources on her own.

But this endorsement is a great opportunity for Chen Xueyi.

Chen Xueyi's family is not good and her parents are seriously ill. Almost all of the money she earns after entering the circle is subsidized to her family, and she lives very tightly.

Chen Xueyi waited until Jiang Mian was about to play before leaving.

She did stay and wait for Jiang Mian to come back. Of course, she can contact Jiang Mian on WeChat.

I just thought that in the future, maybe because of various reasons, it would be difficult to meet again. I don't want to miss the opportunity to meet at this time.

She has been in the circle for a while and has encountered many unfair things. In this circle, there are too few real "good people".

The communication between people is based on interests. Maybe the person in front of you praises you in front of you, and he can stab the knife in the back without hesitation when he turns his head.

It is too difficult to make real friends in this circle.

Maybe it was her bad luck. Since entering the circle, she has received various unfair treatments.

She has a charming face, a fiery figure, and her lordosis is curled back-this look and figure has brought her a lot of criticism.

The fight between men is usually by fists.

In the battle between the women, they all wield colorless and invisible swords and shadows.

However, she is shallow, like it is like, disgust is disgust.

In this way, many people are offended, and they will be calculated if they are not careful.

When she first signed the company, Ji Jing said to her: "Just your looks, it will definitely be a big fire."

At that time, the agent had high hopes for her.

However, she was counted a few times, and she didn’t know how to fight back. The agent probably thought she was a Yulin bump, and brought other artists under her hand, so she was almost stocked in the back, and she had few resources in her hands. Bad again.

The role of the third female in "Sing Lover" shouldn't be her turn.

Although the role is the female third, this is Director Zhang's play. How many artists squeeze their heads to film Director Zhang's play, even if it is a supporting role.

In the end, for some unknown reason, the role fell on top of her head.

When joining the group, Chen Xueyi entered the group with the idea of ​​smashing the heavenly pie on his head. The company did not arrange for her an assistant, and it didn't matter if she didn't care about her.

This is a good opportunity, she must take it.

I didn't expect to meet Jiang Mian.

When she was filming for the first time, she felt kindness.

Because it is rare, so treasure.

Jiang Mian handed over the change of spokesperson to Tang An'an for help. The latter was stunned when he heard this: "Mianmian, you want to give the phone endorsement to Xueyi?"

Jiang Mian nodded.

Tang Anan swallowed her throat, only to feel a bit astringent. The first time she met an artist, she would transfer the good resources she got.

Although the previous endorsement of Gao Huaqiang was disgusting, the height of this endorsement cannot be denied.

At the same time, the endorsement fee is an astronomical figure for ordinary people.

"Mianmian, will the endorsement party agree if you don't talk about it? This endorsement is a high-end endorsement, so you just let it out?"

Jiang Mian: "Let's see if it works, then forget it."

Tang Anan had to follow suit.

The result was quickly obtained. The other party said that Jiang Mian had been selected by the person, and even if Jiang Mian did not pick him up, he would not accept Chen Xueyi.

The gap between the two sides is too great, and Chen Xueyi is not yet qualified to accept this endorsement.

After listening, Jiang Mian didn't force it, so let's find opportunities to help Chen Xueyi in the future.

After Jiang Mian had lunch in her dressing room, Xie Siyuan took the lunch box and left. Tang Anan went to wash the fruit for Jiang Mian, and she was the only one left in the dressing room.

She was playing games with the tablet, and the door of the dressing room was suddenly pushed open. Jiang Mian looked up and saw in the mirror that the person who opened the door was Guan Xin.

She glanced, lowered her head, and continued to play the game.

Guan Xin looked ugly, closed the door with his backhand, waiting for Jiang Mian to speak, but didn't want the latter to ignore her.

After a few seconds of silence, she couldn't help but speak first, and said coldly: "Jiang Mian, you are relying on the money in your family to steal my boyfriend and the role that originally belonged to me. I and Mr. Shen are just friends. Relationship, but you even have to grab him."

"Is it because I have something that you are going to grab from me?"

The characters in the game were killed again, Jiang Mian put down the tablet, raised his head, and met Guan Xin's eyes in the mirror.

After a while, Jiang Mian's lips twitched slightly, and said slowly: "Miss Guan, you and Gu Qiwen are really...a perfect match by nature."

Guan Xin's momentum stagnated.

"You said that you and Mr. Shen are just friends." Jiang Mian got up and slowly walked towards Guan Xin, who unconsciously stepped back, "Isn't your face hurt when you say this?"

"Even if I'm not, at least I won't pedal two boats, oh no..." Jiang Mian lowered his head and fell to Guan Xin's feet, "I wonder how many boats did you step on?"


"Mianmian, when I just washed the fruit..." Tang Anan pushed the door in and saw Guan Xin, ran over a few steps, and shouted at her, "What are you doing!"

Guan Xin's face changed again and again, and then left, her back showing a bit of embarrassment.

"Mianmian, what is she doing?!"

Jiang Mian said lightly: "Don't bother her."

An angry Guan Xin bumped into someone in the corridor and nearly fell, but the person held her waist and whispered, "Is it all right?"

Guan Xin raised her head, facing a handsome and innocent face, she had a touch of surprise in front of her. She only felt that this person was the best of all the men she had ever seen, even the top male **** Qin Jingrun couldn't compare with it.

The handsome man stared into her eyes and asked softly, "Excuse me, where is Jiang Mian?"

Guan Xin pointed behind her in a daze.

"Thank you." The man let go of her and walked towards Jiang Mian's dressing room.

In the dressing room, Tang An'an was still whispering about Guan Xin while Jiang Mian was eating fruit leisurely.

Suddenly, she frowned and raised her eyes to look at the door.

The next second, the door was unscrewed, and a handsome man walked in and closed the door calmly.

Tang Anan stepped forward to rush people: "Who are you..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell softly to the ground.

"Miss Jiang, excuse me." In response to Jiang Mian's video, the handsome man smiled slightly, "I am ordered to come and take your life."