Hung up, Xie Siyuan looked at Yinhu blankly.

silver fox:"……"

He sternly said: "Don't mess around, it is illegal to imprison others privately, you are committing a crime."

"You are right." Xie Siyuan nodded.

Silver Fox breathed a sigh of relief.

Xie Siyuan is just a senior nutritionist. Fortunately, he has been with Qin Jingrun for several years, and he is also a nutritionist who has seen the world.

"However, since Mianmian asked me to do this, I had to do it." Xie Siyuan said, "As long as you do it without leaving a trace."

Don't look at Xie Siyuan's calm and unhurried expression, but he doesn't know what to do in his heart: He has no experience in stunning people, and if he really hurts people, the nature is different.

But he can't show it, and pretend to show it.

There were no bricks in the warehouse. Xie Siyuan flipped through the warehouse for a while and found a steel wrench. He put the wrench in his hand and weighed it, as if he was testing the weight.

The silver fox's eyelids twitched.

Xie Siyuan is holding a wrench in one hand, and a mobile phone in the other. On it is a WeChat message from Jiang Mian: [This person is very cunning, in case of fraud, don't get close. 】

Looking at this news, Xie Siyuan had a feeling that they were making a thrilling action movie.

But Jiang Mian's ability to say this shows that she has her own reason.

Even if you are in doubt, just follow her instructions.

Xie Siyuan frowned slightly distressed: What should I do?

Soon he thought of a way, and he found an iron basin from the warehouse.

Then he took out a headset from his pocket-he always likes to listen to music while cooking, so he always wears a headset anytime and anywhere.

Just come in handy.

Xie Siyuan put on the earphones, inserted the earphones into the music hole of the phone, and clicked on the music.

Getting ready, he walked behind Yinhu.

Then he put the wrench and iron basin on top of the silver fox's head.

Although Silver Fox couldn't see it, he could feel Xie Siyuan standing not far behind him, his eyes flashing killing intent.

If it weren't for him to be injured and **** with a rope, how could he be so weak.

He didn't know how Xie Siyuan would "stun" him.

In the next second, a harsh clank sounded like thunder in his ears. The sound penetrated into his ear canal and went straight to his brain, making his head stunned...


After Jiang Mian arrived, he found that Yinhu was awake and was not knocked out.

It's just that expression, no matter how you look at it, the words "being unlovable" are revealed.

She looked at Xie Siyuan, who was rubbing his ears-although he was listening to the song with headphones on, but he was close to him, the sound still more or less reached his ears.

After listening for a long time, it is really a bit harsh.

He thinks his method is not bad: he solved the opponent without seeing the edge.

Jiang Mian didn't ask, anyway, the silver fox was tied here well, she said to the two people: "Go out."

"Mianmian..." Tang An'an was a little worried, and at Jiang Mian's irresistible look, he had to leave the warehouse with Xie Siyuan.

"Jiang Mian." Yin Fox opened his eyes, and his eye sockets were red. He stared at Jiang Mian. The gentleman and gentleman who had been disguised before were gone, except for the boundless killing intent and anger.

Listening to the silver fox calling her name from between her teeth, Jiang Mian was really curious about what Xie Siyuan did.

Looking at the appearance of the silver fox, it seemed to have been stimulated and tortured a lot.

She moved the stool to the silver fox, sat down leisurely, and raised her legs by the way.

Seeing her movements, the green veins on the silver fox temples bulged.

He struggled to lean forward, and even if his limbs were unable to exert his strength, he could still make the wheelchair rattle.

"You are an actor, you dare not kill people." Yinhu said coldly, "As long as you let me go, I won't take any more tasks related to you."

"Of course I dare not kill people." Jiang Mian took out the bricks she picked up on the road from her bag, "but you have to understand, are you a human being?"

"Kill you, you changed back to your original form, just a fox, who knows I killed someone."

The silver fox's pupils shrank.

From Jiang Mian's tone, he heard the meaning of "It's just killing one person, what's the big deal".

Such cognition is normal in the eyes of criminals or professional killers like Silver Fox.

But Jiang Mian was just an ordinary girl.

Reminiscing about her courage and the speed at which she counterattacked him, Silver Fox moved in her heart and asked word by word: "Who are you?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

She didn't know what Yin Fox had done to her brain, and smiled and said: "I should ask you this sentence, let's talk about your origin."

"It's not easy for you to practice for many years. Don't want to end it today." She was smiling, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Silver Fox shut up and said nothing.

Jiang Mian decided to make herself more patient: "You should be a professional killer. Since you said you were ordered to take my life, you can't take my life now. You shouldn't take your own life in for me."

"Or are you worried about telling me that you will be silenced by the people behind?"

Disdain flashed in Silver Fox's eyes, and he gave a cold snort, with a somewhat proud tone: "No one dares me to kill my mouth."

"Then it will be easy to handle. The person who knows the practice is a handsome man. I don't think you want to suffer from flesh and blood." Jiang Mian waved the brick in his hand, "I don't have a handy weapon. I usually use brick instead. "

"Warm reminder, think about it."

silver fox:"……"

The zipper of the bag suddenly opened, and the little paper man got out. It carefully pulled a silver wire with both hands and held it to Jiang Mian laboriously.

This is telling Jiang Mian: You now have a handy weapon.

Jiang Mian dumbfoundedly took the silver thread and poked it on the head in response.

"You really are a cultivator." Seeing the little paper man, the silver fox's eyes flashed a dark light, and all the killing intent around him disappeared.

His doubts were explained, and he was suddenly relieved: "You won't lose in your hands."

Jiang Mian did not deny it.

She took the silver wire in her hand, and the little paper figure who had completed the task retracted into her bag.

"I am indeed a killer. I was ordered to kill you. I was ordered by the organization." After confirming that Jiang Mian was a cultivator, Yinhu did not hide his face so much, "As for who wants your life. ,I do not know either."

"You didn't lie?" Jiang Mian stared into his eyes.

Silver Fox said: "You can go to the road to understand and understand, I silver Fox never lied."

"Then can you know from the organization, who is killing me?" Jiang Mian carefully played with Yinsi.

"Ms. Jiang, there is a line-by-line rule. If I do, I will be the enemy of the entire organization." Yinhu said, "Although I am not afraid, I don't want to be chased by the entire organization."

Jiang Mian said, "In other words, you can do it."

Silver Fox shut up and said nothing.

Jiang Mian didn't speak, but just looked at him, shaking the silver wire for a while.

"Miss Jiang, I only know the employer's last name Zhou." After a while, Yinhu sighed, "I really don't know the others. Even if you kill me, I don't know."


Jiang Mian frowned. In fact, she initially guessed that the person behind it might be Zhong Wuli. If you think about it carefully, if there is an enemy who wants to kill her, it's just Zhong Wuli.

She followed the detective father before and caught the eye of the caring person.

Zhong Wuli is in prison, but he must have a way to communicate with the outside world.

If Zhong Wuli wants her life and is remotely controlled in prison, it is not impossible to give orders.

But Yinhu said that this person's surname was Zhou, maybe a pseudonym?


Jiang Mian squeezed the silver wire and pierced the silver fox's eye with the sharp point!

Facing the incoming silver thread, the silver fox's pupils opened instantly, his eyelashes trembled violently, but he gritted his teeth and did not back down, calmly looking at Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian stopped moving until the tip was only one centimeter away from his eyeball.

"You promise that what you said is true?"

A bead of sweat rolled off the silver fox's forehead, and he swallowed his throat, and said: "The organization has regulations. When an employer places an order, it must not only give money but also report its true identity."

The purpose is naturally to protect the killer organization.

Knowing the real identity of the employer means that both parties have a handle. If the employer feels that this treaty is unreasonable, it is enough not to place an order.

When Silver Fox received the task, because Jiang Mian's message was too simple, he asked him to kill a teenage girl, so he asked more.

The person above only said that his employer's last name is Zhou, which is a person who can't afford to provoke him. Let him act swiftly.

Jiang Mian looked at him, and then took the Yinsi back.

Silver Fox let out a breath quietly in his heart, trying to calmly return to Jiang Mian.

Inferior to human skills, he overturned the boat at Jiang Mian, but he did not have the so-called dignity of human beings.

He has been cultivating for many years to transform his form, and he has gone through various difficulties until now. If he can survive, he still cherishes it.

Jiang Mian didn't ignore the relaxation that flashed through the silver fox's eyes--he thought he was not afraid, it seemed that he was also afraid of death.

Fear of death proves that what he said is true.

Jiang Mian suddenly asked him: "How much blood did you have on your hands?"

After such an episode, Silver Fox answered questions much more quickly than before. He said nonchalantly: "I don't know about that. I bought a suite in the city center with the payment for the task. Not a lot."

The tone was indifferent.

Demon, there is no sense of belonging to humans.

Just like people do not treat animals equally.

Jiang Mian paused for a few seconds on his face, and said, "If I let you go, would you continue to be a killer?"

Silver Fox answered without thinking, "Of course."

He looked directly at Jiang Mian: "This is my profession. I rely on this to make money, support myself, and also rely on this to integrate into humanity."

"Why do you have to be a killer?" Jiang Mian sat down on the stool again, "Since you have successfully transformed into shape, it is great to choose to be a clean ‘person’."

She didn't know why she suddenly talked about "morality" with a fox demon who had attempted to assassinate her.

I probably remembered her last life.

Jiang Mian from the last life was a carp essence, she didn't know when Lingzhi was opened, but one day, she could understand what human beings said.

She is an ornamental red carp, living in the same aquarium with a group of other fish-she later learned that she lived in the lobby of a dental clinic.

There are many people coming in and out every day. She listens to them, observes human behavior, learns from them, and imitates them.

It’s nice to be a person, you can walk around and see a wider world, instead of being trapped in a small fish tank and having to grab food with other fish.

The front desk of the outpatient clinic is a middle-aged woman who often forgets to feed them.

Everyone was hungry at the first shot, and naturally rushed. She was weak and couldn't grab the big head.

There was a big crab in the fish tank. Everyone didn't disturb the water in the well. However, this big crab would pinch Jiang Mian by her tail every time when she didn't pay attention to it. She was so painful that she wanted to unload the crab.

They are all cohabiting partners who are raised in the water, so why bother!

And she observed that this big guy only caught her every time and never caught other fish.

Later, the big crab was fished out and never came back.

For this, she secretly rejoiced.

After a long time, Jiang Mian found that the people around him had somehow changed a group, and she was the only one who remained strong inside.

Her biggest wish every day is to hope that she can transform herself.

At that time, Jiang Mian learned to absorb aura without a teacher. The aura of the world he was in was much richer than the aura of the world in this book.

There will be a premonition in the dark—Jiang Mian has a premonition that he is not far from the transformation.

She began to plan how to integrate into humans after transforming, so that humans could not discover her differences. She happily draws for the future every day.

As a result, there was a medical disturbance in the clinic.

The patient had a bad temper and smashed the fish tank with a punch. She jumped on the ground for a long time, wanting to jump to a place with water, or expecting someone to pick her up.

Finally, she turned herself into a salted fish on the ground.

When she died, she had only one thought: It was said that carp could be transported, where did she turn her luck!