"Miss Jiang, humans often say a word to make people have their own ambitions, and demons are the same, they are all for living." Silver Fox didn't know that the girl in front of her was once the same species as herself. Hearing Jiang Mian's words, he felt ironic.

Be a clean person?

His once wish was nothing more than a carefree life in the mountains and forests, but mankind would not let him go.

He consciously behaved very "behaved" and said: "I have said everything, now you can let me go."

Jiang Mian withdrew his thoughts. The demon is a demon after all. After qualitatively speaking, it is difficult to say "waking up".

"I let you go, continue to kill."

Silver Fox's voice was obviously more tense than before: "Then what do you want?"

Jiang Mian didn't answer the question, she shook the silver wire in front of him: "You refined this yourself?"

Silver Fox's gaze fell on the silver wire and nodded honestly.

In order to refine this silver thread, he used up all the hair he had replaced for many years before he made this one.

Other assassins rely on hot weapons to kill. He doesn't like that stuff, he always feels that he will collapse if he doesn't pay attention.

This silver wire is extremely sharp, as long as it is used properly, the target will not even feel pain when killing someone, and will have died.

Weapons are nothing more than weapons. As long as life is still alive, there are opportunities to refine them. He didn't ask Jiang Mian to ask for it.

"You are good at refining tools." Jiang Mian lowered his long eyelashes and looked at the silver thread in his hand.

Although this silver thread wasn't even aura, it was a good weapon in this world, showing that this fox demon still had some abilities.

Master Tian's peach wood sword is really too tattered, it's time to upgrade his peach wood sword.

"That's natural." Silver Fox said proudly.

He was a spiritual wisdom who developed in a Taoist temple, and the master of that Taoist temple was a master refiner - when he left, he stole the master's book of forging weapons, studied for many years, and achieved little success.

"For the sake of your hard work, I will let you make a living." Jiang Mian raised his head again, with a sweet smile on his face.

The silver fox suddenly met her smiling face, his eyelids twitched, and his scalp became numb involuntarily.

"But if you have too much blood on your hands, just letting you go is tantamount to letting the tiger return to the mountain. In the future, more people will die in your hands."

The silver fox gritted his teeth: "How are you willing to let me go?"

"Very simple, I want you to be my spiritual pet and sign a master-servant contract."

"Impossible." Yinhu flatly refused.

He is not stupid. Once the master and servant contract is signed, it is equivalent to giving his soul to Jiang Mian.

He must be loyal to Jiang Mian, Jiang Mian is the mainstay, and he can't have the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

In other words, after the contract was successfully signed, his life was in Jiang Mian's hands.

Jiang Mian got up, looked at him condescendingly, and said lightly: "This is your only chance. I will give you one minute to think about it."

She turned around and gave space thoughtfully.

Yin Fox looked at Jiang Mian's gaze about to breathe fire, but no matter how angry he was, it was useless. Whoever let him be careless, underestimate the enemy once, made him lose everything.

"The master-servant contract has long been lost. Even if I agree, how can you sign it?" Yinhu compromised after a minute.

He comforted himself and became Jiang Mian’s "servant", no matter how better he was than when he was a fox as a pet...

He miraculously felt better.

"Since I proposed, I don't know how to do it?" Jiang Mian turned around, smiling with crooked eyebrows-very satisfied with Silver Fox's knowledge and practice.

In this world, let a demon be a servant, and many things can be left to him.

"Don't worry, I have always treated myself very tenderly." Jiang Mian showed a self-confident smile.

silver fox:"……"

He almost didn't recognize the word kindness.

Tang An'an and Xie Siyuan were outside the door, the latter's expression was calm and calm, but he pulled out his ears from time to time.

Tang Anan is not worried about Jiang Mian. You must know that the man wants to kidnap the little boss. Although he is tied up, what if he suddenly breaks the rope and hijacks the little boss, as shown in a TV series or movie?

She replenished the picture, and the more she thought about it, the more worried she became. After walking a few steps back and forth, she finally stopped: "No, I'll go in."

"What do you mean, Brother Xie."

Xie Siyuan shook his head slowly: "No."


"Mianmian can cope with it." Xie Siyuan reminded me by the way, "As an assistant, you just need to do your job well. Too much interference can sometimes be counterproductive."

Tang An'an was stunned.

She knew what Xie Siyuan said was reasonable, and this was also the rule in the circle.

If you put your foot in everything, it would be too wide. Even if the work is done well, most artists will not like it.

Tang Anan just entered this circle, and at the beginning, with his enthusiasm, he did this and was successfully fired by the artist. Later, she only did her part and became a regular assistant.

It's just that the appearance of getting along with Jiang Mian doesn't look like an employment relationship, but like a friend. It is inevitable that Jiang Mian will be really worried about Jiang Mian.

She glanced at the door silently and stopped talking.

It's just that a heart couldn't calm down. Tang Anan leaned toward Xie Siyuan, suddenly curious, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Xie, Mianmian asked you to knock that person out on the phone, why didn't you knock him out? "

Xie Siyuan touched his ear uncomfortably, and said, "I changed the method."

Tang Anan: "?"

Just about to ask what the method was, when the door opened, she immediately threw the question behind her head, turned to Jiang Mian, and deliberately lowered her voice: "Mianmian, did he recruit?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

"What are you recruiting?" Yin Fox's voice sounded behind Jiang Mian, and he smiled softly at Tang An'an, who was sluggish.

What does this mean?

"Misunderstanding, he didn't come to kidnap me." Jiang Mian patted her on the shoulder, "Okay, you go back first, I have something to do with him, and I will go back later."

Tang Anan wanted to say something, the reminder Xie Siyuan had just given her flashed in his mind, so he swallowed it back and left with Xie Siyuan.

But before leaving, Yin Fox shouted to Xie Siyuan, his eyes gloomy, very oppressive: "What is your name?"

Xie Siyuan: "..."

He looked at Jiang Mian subconsciously.

Jiang Mian glanced over the silver fox.

silver fox:"……"

He first stretched out his hand to Xie Siyuan, with a two-part stiff smile on his face: "My name is Hu Li."

Xie Siyuan had to report his name.

"I have a chance in the future, I invite Mr. Xie to listen to a loud voice show." The silver fox fur said with a smile.

Xie Siyuan glanced at him blankly, said nothing, and left with Tang An'an.

Silver Fox stared at Xie Siyuan's back.

"Xie Siyuan is my dietitian. Before making his idea, please weigh it."

After Jiang Mian signed the master-servant contract with Yinhu, as the master, she naturally couldn't make the servant's limbs move inconveniently, so she reconnected the joints that Yinhu had removed.

Silver Fox looked aggrieved: He was ravaged by Xie Siyuan with his voice for nearly half an hour, so forget it now? !

He gritted his teeth and muttered: She is the master, she is the master, she is the master...

After the warning, Jiang Mian thought for a while, and said to Yinhu: "Return to its original form."

silver fox:"???"

"You don't want to follow me back to the crew in human form." Jiang Mian smiled, "I still have night scenes at seven."

Before Yin Fox spoke, Jiang Mian added: "In the future, without my permission, don't use your body casually."


A few minutes later, a beautiful girl walked out from the exit of the small alley. She took a leisurely pace with a faint smile on her mouth.

Behind her was a silver fox with a beautiful coat. He walked two steps and stopped two steps. It seemed that he wanted to get close to her but didn't dare.

The silver fox is petite, with long pointed ears and very cute furry.

The owner is beautiful and his pet is so cute. Such a combination attracts the attention of many passersby.

"Girl, this is your pet. It looks so cute. If you don't hold it, what if it runs away." An aunt passed by and couldn't help but stop, and said to Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian didn't expect the silver fox's original form to be so popular. Walking along the way, she gained a lot of attention. She glanced at the silver fox and said to the aunt: "He doesn't have the guts."

When the aunt saw Jiang Mian stop, the Silver Fox stopped too. She was not well-behaved. She stretched out her hand and touched it twice: "This hair is so smooth, what kind of species is this."

"Fox." Jiang Mian said.

Aunt: "It doesn't look like it, I remember the fox has a very pointed mouth."

Jiang Mian said casually: "Is the bloodline impure."

silver fox:"……"

Jiang Mian took a taxi back to the crew, she went back to the hotel where she first, threw the silver fox into the room and went to the studio.

There were only three scenes in the night play, not many. After the filming was finished at half past nine, Jiang Mian returned to the hotel room. As soon as he entered the door, Silver Fox took a pair of slippers and placed them in front of Jiang Mian.

Under the shackles of the master-servant contract, Jiang Mian didn't dare to disobey any order Jiang Mian gave him.

When Jiang Mian threw him into the room, he said three inaccuracies:

Don't run around.

No bullying is allowed.

The smell of fox is not allowed.

The first two items were okay, and the last item—Silver Fox jumped into the sink and washed three times inside and out.

"Mianmian, where did this fox come from?" Tang An'an was very surprised, obviously not before.

"I bought it at the street stall when I came back." Jiang Mian found a reason casually.

Tang Anan believed it, took a look, and commented: "It's pretty cute."

Tang Anan took care of the chores and went back to his room. Jiang Mian called Master Tian, ​​but before the call to Master Tian was made, her mobile phone rang first.

The caller ID is: Uncle Qi.

A touch of surprise flashed in Jiang Mian's eyes.

Although she has Qi Yanshu's contact information, she has never contacted Qi Yanshu with her mobile phone, and the latter has never contacted her.

Now he suddenly contacted her?

The bell rang for two seconds, Jiang Mian answered the phone, but it was not Qi Yanshu's voice that came from the receiver, but Luo Jiale's: "Miss Jiang, I am Luo Jiale, do you have time now?"

"What's the matter?" Hearing the eagerness in Luo Jiale's voice, Jiang Mian frowned.

Luo Jiale spoke extremely fast: "Mr.'s eyes opened tonight, but the blood has been flowing continuously. Now the person is in a coma, and he said to look for you before he was in a coma."

"I'll be here right away." Jiang Mian looked solemn, hung up the phone, cleaned up, and rushed to Ling Qingguan with Yin Fox.

Qi Yanshu solved the gu for detective father without saying a word, and now that he had an accident and asked her by name, she naturally couldn't ignore it.

But she knew very little about the curse. After thinking about it, her celestial father called and explained the situation.

When Zuo Xingping received the call, he was arguing with Lian Feng——

It can't be said to be noisy, because Lianfeng ignored him at all.

Until he received a call from Jiang Mian, Zuo Xingping jumped up and raised his cell phone to Lian Fengwu: "See you, Mianmian called me!"

Lian Feng moved his fingers, suppressing the urge to reach out to hang up.