After listening to what Jiang Mian said on the phone, Zuo Xingping reacted first: "Mianmian, why did he want you!"

My baby girl doesn't understand anything, even if I want to find it, should I find him as a brother?

Zuo Xingping was unhappy, thinking that Junior Brother Chen couldn't look at him too much—don't you tell that he didn't like him approaching his baby girl.

After thinking about it, he couldn't see it with his eyes, so naturally he couldn't see it.

The depressed heavenly master did not delay replying to Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, you are waiting for me, I will come and go with you."

He wanted to tell Jiang Mian not to go, but he also knew that even if he said it, his daughter would not agree.

Lian Feng raised his eyes, waited for Zuo Xingping to hang up, and said, "Where are you going?"

"You don't know after I said it." Zuo Xingping snorted, "I'm going to find Mianmian now."

As he spoke, he glanced at Adu who was beside him, who felt his gaze and raised his eyes silently.

Zuo Xingping snorted again.

After he followed Lian Feng to the police station, at first he thought Adu was also a policeman, a colleague of Lian Feng.

But not long ago, he learned that Adu was the bodyguard sent by Jiang Mian to protect Lian Feng.

Heavenly Master Father is sour, yelling to tell Han Xu about this, but Lian Feng completely ignored him, and Adu didn't say anything, only treating himself as a piece of wood.

He hurried out of the office, a few seconds later, backed back, and said to Lian Feng: "If I come back late, should I go back here or your home?"

Lian Feng: "..."

Jiang Mian didn't let Heavenly Master come to the hotel, and the two made an appointment, and they met directly at Lingqing Temple.

She took a taxi, and when she got into the car, the driver politely expressed that it was best to use something to install the silver fox.

"Are there plastic pockets?"

The driver provided a pocket, and Jiang Mian stuffed the silver fox into it, and the latter closed his eyes: I can't see, I'm worried.

"Girl, where are you going?" Seeing Jiang Mian's cooperation, the driver felt a little better.

Anyone who drives a taxi has encountered anyone.

He didn't dislike pets, he also carried it before.

But the owner has no quality and puts the pet in the seat, the animal self-control ability has always been poor. After the seats are soiled, some passengers will apologize or pay more.

Some directly said: I spent money to ride in your car, and I am the uncle.

After a few encounters, the driver learned to be obedient and can take a pet. The pet must be placed in a cage or held by himself instead of on a seat.

If the passenger cannot accept it, just leave it alone.

"Ling Qing Guan."

As soon as her voice fell, the driver shook his feet and the car went out.

Jiang Mian: "???"

"Girl, are you going to Lingqingguan at night?" The driver looked back from the rearview mirror and met the girl's smiling face, embarrassed, "Why don't you change one?"

Jiang Mian was surprised: "Why?"

Lingqingguan is somewhat famous in Beijing. It is said that the masters in it are very good at fortune-telling, and many people ask for it, so there is a lot of money for sesame oil.

Jiang Mian didn't know about Lingqing Temple before. Because of the Heavenly Master, he searched for Lingqing Temple on the Internet, and netizens had good comments on Lingqing Temple.

There are also people from other places who come to Beijing to make appointments to visit Lingqing Temple.

In addition, Jiang Mian asked Master Tian about Ling Qingguan about some things, and Master Tian told her in bits and pieces.

Lingqing Temple is different from other Taoist temples or temples. This Taoist temple has been passed down for hundreds of years. There are many disciples in it, but there are very few who are truly talented to learn Taoism.

"Don't you know?" The driver hesitated for a few seconds, "Lingqingguan is haunted."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Why would she know.

"Really, I didn't lie to you." The driver let the car stall and began to compose Jiang Mian's scores. "I have experienced this with my friends. It is best not to go to Lingqing at night. It is terrible.

Most taxi drivers will add a specific group. The same is true of this driver named Wu. He is in a group called "Beijing Taxi Family" and there are more than 1,000 taxi drivers.

Sometimes they will share in the group which areas have high passenger flow and make more money. In addition, they will complain about the difficult passengers encountered in the group.

There are many people, and there are all kinds of people.

Driver Wu and a driver surnamed Liu in the group get along better, and they often meet and drink in private.

A few days ago, the driver Liu suddenly sent a message to the group at three o'clock in the morning: "Damn, I hit a ghost on the road to Lingqingguan!" 】

There are many drivers who drive at night, and everyone is laughing. No one thinks what he said is true.

If there are any ghosts, how come they haven't met those who drive at night.

Driver Wu was also driving the night car at that time. Just after sending a guest, he saw this news and circled Driver Liu: [Old Liu, three in the morning, do you want to broadcast ghost stories to us? Come on, just a little sleepy, exciting. 】

Many +1s behind.

However, Driver Liu did not speak any more. Everyone thought that Driver Liu had been debunked by everyone because of his words, and the following story could not be made up, so he did not show up.

Others brought up another topic, and Driver Wu also followed the group cheerfully chatting.

At this time, he received a private chat from Driver Liu:

[Old Wu, I really met a ghost! 】

[I dare not speak out, she is outside my car! 】

[She stares at me! 】

[She wants to come in. 】

Damn it.

Driver Wu was shocked by the series of news from Driver Liu. His first reaction: I didn't expect Old Liu to be very good at creating a terrorist atmosphere.

When he was about to reply, Driver Liu sent a picture, and Driver Wu subconsciously clicked on it. The moment he saw it clearly, the blood in his whole body was solidified.

Driver Liu took the car window, which should have been taken from the chair. Anyway, the angle of view is very strange. A girl's face is reflected on the car window.

It's very common to encounter single women when driving at night. It's okay for a girl's face to be reflected in the window glass. It is very likely that a young girl wants to take a ride and just walks over and knocks on the window.

But this face is upside down...

Driver Liu kept sending messages, showing that he was really scared.

Then, driver Liu said that the "ghost" had gone, and he drove away, turning around the road several times, until the **** crowing sounded, and finally he drove out the road.

Driver Liu was admitted to the hospital in fright. Driver Wu thought and thought about it. Although Lingqingguan was closed at night, there were few people going there, but what if?

Just a reminder, believe it or not, see yourself.

So he sent the incident to the group instead of Driver Liu, and also sent the photos in. Some people in the group didn't believe it, and were curious, and deliberately drove to Lingqingguan at nine o'clock in the evening.

As a result, he encountered the same situation as Driver Liu.

For one thing, if one or two people say it, everyone will not believe it, but if there are too many people who say it, they will believe it if they don’t.

In this way, the story of haunting spread among the group.

After the driver Wu finished speaking, he said sincerely: "Girl, if you really want to go, go during the day. It's safe during the day."

Driver Wu thought that after he had told him about the haunting, the little girl in front of him would pale with fear, and then immediately got out of the car.

But he didn't want him to finish saying that the little girl Feidan didn't have any fear. How did she look like she was excited?

Driver Wu wondered if he had read it wrong.

Are these little girls so courageous? !

Silver Fox curled up in the plastic pocket opened his eyes, looked at Driver Wu, and let out a sneer.

Jiang Mian twitched his ears mercilessly, and then smiled sweetly at Driver Wu: "Uncle Driver, I have to go to Lingqing if I have an emergency... There is no ghost in this world, if it is really a ghost, you Can my friend go home safely? Sometimes the light will refract very strange things, and what you see may not be true."

"In this way, I will give you three times the price, how about it?" Jiang Mian scanned the QR code on the truck, entered the amount, and passed it to Driver Wu to see.

It takes about an hour from the film and television city to Lingqingguan, and Jiang Mian's input is 800, which is more than three times.

Driver Wu rubbed his hands restlessly, and moved slightly.

In the final analysis, coming out of the sports car at night is also to make more money. The price of a single run can cost him more than ten times and make a lot of money.

Many drivers in the group went to Lingqingguan at night, some met, some didn't—maybe he wasn't so unlucky.

Even if it's really unfortunate, close your eyes and don't see anything, just wait till dawn.

"That, that's all right." Driver Wu nodded and agreed.

Jiang Mian made the payment readily.

Taoist temples and temples are generally built on the edge of the city for quietness. Most of them will be built on the mountain-Lingqing Temple was also built on the mountain before, and later the Taoist temple was moved to the foot of the mountain.

The reason is that the observer at that time didn't want to climb the mountain every day and was tired.

The road leading to Lingqing Temple is an independent street, similar to a country road, with dense woods on both sides.

If you are driving, you must be careful and careful when crossing the traffic, otherwise it will be easy to scratch.

This street was named "Huangquan Road".

It is said that it was named after the ancestor of Lingqingguan. When Tianshida told Jiang Mian about this, he had an expression of "the brain of the ancestor was caught by the door".

Jiang Mian: "..."

"It's better to call Shengtian Road than Huangquan Road," said Tianshidi.

Jiang Mian held his forehead and said silently: "Dad, don't you think it is better to call Shengxian Road?"

"Yeah, why didn't I expect it." Tianshi Dad's eyes lit up, "Sleeping is still great."

Jiang Mian囧.


The haunting thing that driver Wu said happened on Huangquan Road.

As soon as the car drove into Huangquan Road, Driver Wu became very nervous, sweating on his forehead.

Anyway, there are no other vehicles on the road, and the far and near lights are turned on. Make sure the road ahead is bright.

He speeds up for a while, slows down for a while, be sure

He discovered that the little girl in the back seat actually opened the window of the car and put her head out. The driver: "..."

"Girl, you, you retract your head."

Jiang Mian sat down solemnly, her brows wrung unnoticeably-she just stretched her head out, and she felt nothing except the night wind.

When the driver of Cong Wu said that Huangquan Road was haunted, Jiang Mian was a little bit excited—she hadn’t replenished her spiritual power for a long time.

Especially when dealing with Silver Fox today, the spiritual power in the body was exhausted.

This "ghost" is just rain in time.

Now she has not found any abnormalities, either the driver Wu said is false, or -

Just thinking about it, the harsh horn suddenly sounded.

Jiang Mian raised his head, a shared bicycle crookedly on the street in front of him, and the cyclist was dressed in a yellow road robe.

Jiang Mian's eyelids twitched.

The next second, the bicycle fell over, and Jiang Mian heard a loud alas.

Driver Wu made an emergency brake.

Zuo Xingping got up from the ground quickly and walked to the front of the car: "What horn do you sound! Do you know..."

"Mianmian!" Zuo Xingping didn't care to be angry, seeing the baby girl getting off the car, he couldn't see his teeth with joy.