Hearing Jiang Mian's words, Mage Xuansu was overjoyed and hurriedly waved: "Little donor, come here."

Master Tian was dizzy. When did the baby girl learn to get the needle, why didn't he know.

But this did not delay him saying in a proud and proud tone: "What little benefactor, uncle, this is my daughter."

Jiang Mian cleverly shouted: "Uncle Master."

"Daughter?" Master Xuan Su's kind face was blank for a few seconds.

When did Gojin pop up a daughter?

Jiang Mian found that the focus of several people was all on her, so he had to remind him: "Uncle Shi, let me put a needle for Uncle Qi to stop the bleeding first."

Master Xuan Su was not surprised and asked the monk to fetch the silver needle.

The old lady who was in the WeChat video with Master Xuan Su is Ling Qingguan’s co-doctor, an old Chinese medicine doctor, but now she is in the UK and cannot come back, so she can only use video calls.

The silver needle is a tool that the old lady stayed in Lingqingguan. The old lady didn't know the specific situation, only that there seemed to be a young girl who wanted to put a needle for Qi Yanshu to stop bleeding.

She said in the video: "You can't do it randomly. A wrong point will have a counterproductive effect."

Mage Xuansu was said by her and looked at Jiang Mian carefully. Just now when Jiang Mian said that she would, she was confident and inexplicably convincing.

At this moment, she opened the box containing the silver needles, which was divided into several layers, containing silver needles of different lengths.

Jiang Mian picked up a medium-length silver needle, and only by looking at her familiar way of taking the needle, she knew she would.

Master Xuan Su breathed a sigh of relief.

Simply turn the camera to Jiang Mian and let the old lady watch.

Jiang Mian squeezed the silver needle and looked at it twice, then turned around and smiled at the old lady, and then repeated the more than a dozen acupuncture points she had just mentioned in the video: "Is it these?"

The old lady nodded: "Yes."

"Let's see if there is any problem with what I did." Jiang Mian said, piercing the first silver needle on an acupuncture point on Qi Yanshu's temple with little attention.

The so-called expert will know if there is any when he makes a move. Jiang Mian's posture for the needle is strong... the old lady's eyes lit up: "No problem."

Next, Jiang Mian sealed all the more than ten acupuncture points on Qi Yanshu's temples at a very fast speed.

"Stop it!" Luo Jiale jumped excitedly.

Jiang Mian closed his hand, put his hand behind him without leaving a trace, and gently turned it.

The old lady was a little excited and pushed a foreign old man who had come close to him. In recent years, fewer and fewer people are studying Chinese medicine, and even fewer people can recognize acupuncture points on the human body.

And to be able to do this, all are getting older.

Although this girl is not very old, the speed at which she recognizes the acupuncture points and the level of acupuncture is completely incomparable with ordinary Chinese medicine.

Unless you start learning Chinese medicine at a few years old, you will never be so proficient.

"Girl, how long have you studied medicine? Where did you study? You..." the old lady couldn't help asking.

"Okay, I'll talk about other things later." Master Xuan Su reached out and hung up the video.

The blood stopped, and then there was another thing, no time for video.

Master Xuan Su asked Luo Jiale and the little monk to withdraw. He originally wanted to invite Jiang Mian out, but was stopped by Master Tian.

The white cloth in front of Qi Yanshu's eyes has been removed, his eyes are closed tightly, his complexion is as white as gold paper, and his chest is slightly undulating.

"Mianmian." Tianshi Daddy looked at Jiang Mian from time to time, with an expression that wanted to ask but didn't know how to ask.

Jiang Mian knew that Heavenly Master wondered why she would pierce the silver needle, so he leaned to his ear and whispered: "Dad, I'll explain to you later."

Zuo Xingping had to put his doubts in his mind and asked the Master Xuansu who covered the quilt for Qi Yan: "Uncle Master, what's the matter with Junior Brother Chen? The last time I met him, he told me that the curse had already happened. Yes, this is...a failure?"

Master Xuansu looked at Jiang Mian, and he agreed to keep Jiang Mian. First, Jiang Mian stopped Qi Yanshu from bleeding just now, and second, her relationship with Zuo Xingping.

From what Zuo Xingping said, it can be seen that Jiang Mian already knew about Qi Yanshu's curse.

In that case, there is no need to cover up.

He looked at the disciple's bloodless face and sighed: "I don't know, only when he wakes up will I understand."

According to Luo Jiale, Qi Yanshu shut himself in the bedroom after dinner. He is not surprised because Qi Yanshu often does this.

Until he passed by the bedroom, he smelled a pungent smell, which was very fishy, ​​and it made people sick after smelling it.

Luo Jiale didn't know what was going on, and was afraid that Qi Yanshu might have a problem, and immediately knocked on the door: "Sir, are you okay?"

There is no sound inside.

Anxiety enveloped Luo Jiale's heart, his heartbeat was out of balance, he pushed open the bedroom door without thinking, and met a pair of dark eyes as soon as he entered.

Luo Jiale's scalp was numb for a moment, only to feel that he was stared at by a cold and ruthless beast, and he could die on the spot at any time.

The next second, Qi Yanshu's body shook for a while, his face changed, and then he closed his eyes and said to Luo Jiale in a dumb voice: "Look for Mianmian."

Before Luo Jiale could react, Qi Yanshu fell on the bed, and then a large amount of thick blood began to overflow from the corner of his eyes.

Luo Jiale hadn't seen such a situation before, and his legs were frightened. He immediately called Jiang Mian, and at the same time, he looked for the boss's master, Master Xuan Su.

Master Xuan Su hurriedly arrived, and there was no good way to stop the bleeding.

As for why not sent to the hospital-Qi Yanshu is useless, but it will cause unnecessary speculation.


When this happened suddenly, it must have been cursed. As for the result, Qi Yanshu won't wake up, no one knows.

Since the curse in Qi Yan's book, as a master, Master Xuan Su has been looking for a solution to Qi Yan's curse, but he couldn't find it, so he could only rely on himself.

Fortunately, although he was cursed, it also allowed him to escape the mortal calamity, save his life, lose the ability to see, and rely on misfortune and good fortune.

Zuo Xingping stepped forward, trying to open Qi Yanshu's eyelids, and was quickly opened by Master Xuansu: "Your brother's blood has finally stopped, so stop tossing."

"I'll just take a look, maybe what I found after reading it." Zuo Xingping rubbed the back of his sore hands.

Master Xuan Su ignored him, but looked at Jiang Mian.

Probably because Qi Yanshu's blood stopped and his anxiety was gone, he seemed to be just a kind-looking old man: "Child, come here."

"Uncle Master."

Master Xuan Su motioned to Master Tian and Jiang Mian to stand together and looked carefully.

After a while, he frowned and said to Zuo Xingping: "Take off your obnoxious beard."

Master Tian had to take off his beard, and Master Xuan Su smiled with satisfaction: "Father Xiao Qi, if your master sees it, you will be pleased."

The celestial master was very happy, and his chest stood out. Of course, his precious woman is like him.

"Why are you laughing?" Master Xuansu glared at him, and said, "My daughter is so old, and I have only brought it back to Guanli until now. Can you take me as an uncle in your eyes?!"

Lingqingguan does not forbid the marriage custom, and the disciples who enter the temple take voluntary actions.

But since he is willing to join the Taoist temple, he must not be too greedy for the world.

So few people marry and have children in Lingqingguan.

Less does not mean no.

It's just that Zuo Xingping has never revealed that he has a daughter for so many years, and he suddenly brought the daughter who grew up to Rén back to Taoist temple, and the impact caused by Xuan Su was shocked.

"...I didn't find the opportunity." Zuo Xing said flatly, "If I have the opportunity now, I will bring it back."

"Child, what is your name?" Mage Xuan Su asked.

Jiang Mian reported his name.

Master Xuan Su twisted his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at Zuo Xingping. He knew the layman's name of Master Tian, ​​and the girl's surname was Jiang, which seemed to be from his mother's surname.

Master Xuansu asked about Jiang Mian's basic information, and the latter answered one by one. Finally, Master Xuansu asked, "Your mother is a Chinese medicine doctor?"

Jiang Mian: She doesn't know how to answer this question.

"Uncle Master, you are not a mortal person, ask what so many do!" Zuo Xingping interjected, "Mian Mian and I rushed back at night, and didn't even have a sip of water."

As soon as Mage Xuansu was about to speak, the little monk knocked on the door and entered, and then attached to Mage Xuansu's ear and said something. The latter's expression changed slightly and he stood up and said to Zuo Xingping: "Wuzhen, you are here to take care of the dust."

Without waiting for Zuo Xingping to speak, Master Xuan Su and the little monk hurriedly left. When they left, they lovingly patted Jiang Mian on the head.

Master Xuan Su and the little monk left the bamboo house, the former stopped slightly, and the light swept towards the bamboo sea—something passed by just now.

The little monk explained: "Uncle Shi, that is a silver fox brought back by Uncle Shi."


Counting the time, Jiang Mian began to take the silver needle. Zuo Xingping surrounded him and struck him. Ai Ai asked, "Mianmian, when will you get the silver needle?"

Jiang Mian kept holding hands and explained with a smile: "Dad, I have read a book before. It contains various acupuncture points on the human body, as well as some knowledge of silver needles. I found it interesting, so I memorized it."

The truth is certainly not the case.

Jiang Mian doesn't know how to heal. The reason why he can get a silver needle is related to the five years that he was seriously injured and became a mortal in the world of cultivating immortals in his previous life.

Jiang Mian woke up in an ordinary mortal village. It was a healer who rescued her from the river.

The meridians and bones all over the body are broken, leaving only one breath.

The doctor said that he had never seen a person with such a strong desire to survive-when he rescued her, the initial idea was to let her live a few more days.

Unexpectedly, she became tenacious day by day.

The doctor wanted to break through his own medical skills, so he simply took Jiang Mian's life as a goal, determined to save Jiang Mian.

At that time, Jiang Mian, a weak three-year-old child could kill her.

Later, with the help of doctors, her injury slowly recovered. The doctors would treat her with various silver needles every day.

Jiang Mianpain was so bored that he let him teach her to recognize acupuncture points and how to get a needle.

After a long time, I will remember it naturally.

After she had a little strength in her hands, she began to experiment on herself and gradually became proficient.

Unfortunately, for such a long time, she could only recognize acupoints and inject needles.

It was those five years of mortal life that allowed her to break through the realm and return to her cultivation.

She is grateful to the people in the whole village. After regaining her cultivation level, she even wants to send them all to the martial arts.

However, it hasn't been implemented yet, and the enemies come to the door.


Jiang Mian lowered his eyes, the dark light in his eyes flashed away, and when he raised his head again, he returned to a sweet smile: "Dad, I am very good, I learned how to get a needle just by reading."

Zuo Xingping always believed Jiang Mian's words, nodding his head.

Luo Jiale brought two glasses of water to the bedroom. After hearing Jiang Mian's words, he silently looked at Qi Yanshu: With Ms. Jiang, this is the first time to get a needle. The boss is an experiment.

Fortunately, it succeeded.

He couldn't help but rejoice.

After Zuo Xingping finished drinking a glass of water, his stomach gurgled, like singing a symphony.

Zuo Deping: "..."

Jiang Mian refrained from laughing, and asked Luo Jiale to take Tian Shifu to find food, and she stayed here.

Master Tian was not worried about letting his precious daughter stay with Qi Yanshu, even if the latter was in a coma, he shook his head flatly: "Mianmian, I am not hungry!"

Jiang Mian: "..."

Then you don't want your stomach to cry.