Jiang Mian slowly straightened up slowly, then took a step back, and waved to Qi Yanshu: "Uncle Qi..."

Her voice suddenly stopped, because Qi Yanshu's eyes suddenly spread blood, and he came back quickly. If Jiang Mian had not been watching, he would only ignore the past.

Qi Yan shut his eyes quickly, unable to see his expression, but the violently trembling eyelashes indicated that he should be suffering severe pain.

Jiang Mian turned around thoughtfully, Qi Yanshu probably didn't want her to see this situation.

After she turned around, Qi Yanshu, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes again. The white of his eyes had completely disappeared, and replaced by a blood red.

And in the blood red, occasionally there will be black air currents swimming-that is the curse power.

He solved the curse and half succeeded.

After a few seconds, the blood in his eyes faded, his eyes returned to normal, and he could see objects in front of him.

Qi Yanshu slowly tilted his head and turned his gaze to Jiang Mian who turned his back to him.

He showed hesitation, and a trance flashed in his eyes.

When he was about to speak, a silver fox suddenly jumped in from the window, rubbed against Jiang Mian's feet, raised his front leg and pointed out to signal Jiang Mian to go out.

Jiang Mian: "?"

The Silver Fox yelled, and slowly glanced behind Jiang Mian.

After Jiang Mian entered the bamboo house, her silver fox was thrown into the bamboo sea. The latter wanted to quietly transform into a Rén shape, but did not dare. If Jiang Mian found out, he would violate the order.

He simply ran happily in the bamboo sea and caught a snake by the way. After playing for a while, he felt it was not fun. He twisted his neck, dug out the snake gall and swallowed it.

After Mage Xuansu came out, he ran away quietly, not wanting to be seen by Mage Xuansu--this old man had too strong Buddha nature, and he would be burned if he got too close.

Then, he felt an evil atmosphere coming from the bamboo house in the middle.

The demon's perception of this aspect is much more acute than human.

He knew that Jiang Mian was inside, Zuo Xingping left and went elsewhere, thinking and thinking again-he is now signing a master-servant contract with Jiang Mian, and if something goes wrong with Jiang Mian, he will still finish playing.

So he jumped into the room to see what was going on. After jumping in, he found that nothing happened. The evil aura that made him feel his scalp numb had disappeared.

But this did not prevent him from letting Jiang Mian leave the room.

It's just that since he came in, there was a line of sight locked on him. As soon as he turned his head, he met Qi Yanshu's line of sight.

silver fox:"……"

For some reason, this person's mere sight made him feel the oppression, which was stronger than Zuo Xingping's oppression.

In the past, either he would never meet a monk, or all he encountered were three-legged cat kung fu, he could deal with it easily.

However, today, after the ship capsized in the gutter, following Jiang Mian, it seems that big bosses can be seen everywhere.

Silver Fox took a breath to comfort himself: Fortunately, Jiang Mian was not killed.

According to the information given by the organization, Jiang Mian is just an ordinary girl-is this so-called ordinary? !

Jiang Mian noticed the silver fox's movements, turned his head, and looked at Qi Yanshu's line of sight, and said hello naturally: "Uncle Qi, congratulations on seeing it."

"I'm Jiang Mian." Thinking that Qi Yanshu had never seen her, although she should know who she is, Jiang Mian introduced herself politely.

After seeing Jiang Mian's face clearly, something flashed in Qi Yanshu's eyes. He opened his lips slightly, but there was no sound.

Jiang Mian's eyebrows were twisted unnoticeably: Qi Yanshu's eyes looked a little weird.

Jiang Mian picked up the glass of water that Luo Jiale poured her—she hadn't drunk it before, and handed it to Qi Yan.

The latter locked her eyes, paused for two seconds, took the cup, and drank the water in it.

"Is there something on my face?" Jiang Mian touched his face. He found that Qi Yanshu was looking at her when he was drinking water.

Fortunately, although his eyes are focused, they are not offensive.

Jiang Mian is just a little weird--is it because he hasn't seen it for a long time, now he has regained his eyesight and is still a little uncomfortable?

"Uncle Qi, can you speak now?" Jiang Mian asked.

Qi Yan tried it and shook his head slowly.

His eyes finally withdrew from Jiang Mian and turned to Yinhu.

Glancing at the silver fox whose hairs seemed to be about to explode, Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows slightly-she did not expect that the silver fox was so afraid of Qi Yanshu.

She told Qi Yanshu again about the explanation to the heavenly master.

When the words fell, the voice of the heavenly master was from far to near: "Mianmian, look at what I brought you..."

Zuo Xingping came in with a bunch of dark things. He was not surprised to see the book of Qi Yan who had already woke up. He just stood next to Jiang Mian vigilantly: "Junior Brother Chen, can you see it?"

Qi Yanshu nodded again.

Zuo Xingping let out a cry, and handed what was in his hand to Jiang Mian: "Look at Mianmian, baked sweet potatoes, I baked them."

He carefully peeled off the sweet potato, revealing the pale yellow inner flesh, and a sweet scent filled it.

"You taste it."

"It smells so good, Dad is amazing." Jiang Mian lowered his head and took a bite, "Sweet."

Master Tian's eyes curved into a line with a smile.

Luo Jiale entered the bedroom a few steps later, and when he saw Qi Yanshu wake up, he rushed over in three steps and two steps: "Sir, you... can you see it?"

Luo Jiale subconsciously moved away from the gaze that Qi Yanshu was looking at, and did not dare to look at him.

After getting the affirmative answer, Luo Jiale's eyebrows were dyed with joy: "I, I will inform the old man immediately."

If Mr. Qi knows that his husband can see, he will heal his happy illness immediately.

Qi Yanshu made a gesture-his eyes were inconvenient, and he rarely spoke. He communicated with Luo Jiaguang, and sometimes used gestures to inform.

Luo Jiale didn't understand at first, but slowly understood.

Qi Yanshu's gesture was to tell him: ask him not to notify Old Man Qi for now.

Luo Jiale had no choice but to hold back his excitement and found that the boss had been watching Jiang Mian, but couldn't help but follow him. The father and daughter just ate the sweet potatoes as food in the high-end restaurant, which made the onlookers look inexplicable. Appetite aroused.

Luo Jiale swallowed his throat.

There are several bamboo houses, one of which is a special kitchen-monks come to the depths of the bamboo sea every day to cook for Qi Yanshu.

In the past, Qi Yanshu ate with other monks in the canteen of the Taoist temple. Later, a monk became ill. Although it has nothing to do with him, he thinks it was affected by his own destiny.

After discussing with Master Xuan Su, he ate alone in the bamboo house.

There was a monk cooked dinner in the bamboo house. Qi Yanshu didn't eat much for dinner, and most of the dishes were left untouched, just enough for Zuo Xingping.

When he arrived in the small kitchen, Zuo Xingping saw sweet potatoes piled up in the corner and there was charcoal fire on the stove, so he wanted to roast sweet potatoes for his baby girl.

When it was his turn to take Xiao Jiang to sleep in the past, he could not cook, but he knew how to cook croquettes, bake exercises, and spread pancakes.

When Xiao Jiangmian was a child, he especially liked to eat his roasted sweet potatoes. The essence of sweet potatoes lies in roasting. The roasted ones are much better than the steamed ones.

The key is cheap.

Even-sometimes no money is needed at all.

Master Tian took Xiao Jiangmian to run around, and from time to time he would go to the countryside, where he planted sweet potatoes, corn and the like in the soil, he would steal some of them secretly, and then roast them for Xiao Jiangmian.

Xiao Jiangmian followed his ass, sometimes educate him with milky voices: "Dad, it's not right to steal things."

Master Tian dexterously made a small wreath of straw for Xiao Jiang Mian, and put it on Xiao Jiang Mian's head, and said: "Mianmian, I am not stealing, I call it an honest take."

Xiao Jiang Mian thought, and finally nodded: "Daddy is right."

Occasionally, when encountering fruit trees, Master Tian will climb up the trees and quickly pick a few for Xiao Jiangmian. Once they met a plum tree, the plums on it were very beautiful, big and round.

Tianshida had just climbed up the tree, and Xiao Jiang Mian, who looked out of the wind, said, "Daddy, there are a lot of hoes coming over."

Master Tian: "What hoe?"

Then he saw that a large group of villagers carried their hoes aggressively toward this side, and the scared Heavenly Master jumped off the tree and picked up his daughter and ran wildly.

However, the villagers did not come to catch him, but to fight the neighboring village.

Master Tian hugged Xiao Jiang Mian and hid beside him. The father and daughter watched with gusto.

After the Tianshi father raised Xiao Jiangmian, it would be the local tyrant's turn to raise him. Every time the local tyrant came to pick up Xiao Jiangmian, he would get angry with Qiqiao and smoke.

And when he first started, Xiao Jiangmian couldn't change it. When he arrived at the big mansion of the rich father, he wanted to climb up when he saw a tree...


Only later, when Tianshida baked sweet potatoes or corn for the baby girl, the daughter would not even look at it again, and just threw it away.

In fact, after roasting the sweet potatoes, Tianshida is ready to be rejected by the baby girl.

A roasted sweet potato, Jiang Mian ate half of it, and the remaining celestial father ate it. At the end of the gnawing, he found the fox demon staring at the sweet potato in his hand.

After thinking about it, Tianshi Dad kindly threw the chewed skin to the silver fox.

silver fox:"……"

Then, he found that Qi Yanshu had been looking at his baby girl, and he unhappily pulled Jiang Mian behind him, remembering the business: "Junior Brother, is your curse solved?"

Qi Yanshu nodded calmly.

Zuo Xing believed, he was surprised: "Why don't you speak?"

"Dad, Uncle Qi can't speak for the time being." Jiang Mian said.


Jiang Mian shook her head, saying that she didn't know, she guessed it might be a sequelae of finishing the curse.

Without saying a few words, Master Xuan Su hurried to receive the news that Qi Yanshu was waking up, and Silver Fox jumped out of the window.

Qi Yanshu finally retracted his gaze from Jiang Mian. He was about to get off the bed and was held down by Master Xuansu on his shoulders.

Master Xuan Su was very pleased to see him waking up and his eyes could see it, indicating that the curse had been broken.

Since Qi Yanshu is okay, Jiang Mian will have to make a movie tomorrow, and by the way said goodbye.

Master Tian naturally followed the baby girl.

But he didn't want Qi Yanshu to suddenly walk to Jiang Mian. Although he could not speak yet, his expression was obvious enough-he also wanted to leave Taoist temple.

He asked for a gesture to Luo Jiale, who said with a difficult online translation: "Uh... Mr. Means, he has healed from the injury and it is time to go back to his home."

He didn't know whether he had translated it correctly, but Qi Yanshu didn't shake his head or look at him, indicating that his translation is invariable.

Master Xuan Su has no opinion about this-the dust curse has been resolved, and there is nothing wrong with his body. It is his freedom wherever he wants to go.

Qi Yunshu glanced at Luo Jiale. The latter had a flash of inspiration and said to Jiang Min and his daughter: "It's so late, and I can't get a taxi back to the city. Mr. has a car, so I can just drop you back on the way."

The Heavenly Master was about to refuse to go with Qi Yanshu, he hesitated when he heard this.

This time he came back to ride a shared bicycle, no more than an electric bike. If he takes his daughter back to the city, the time will be doubled.

The last few people bid farewell to Master Xuan Su and got in Qi Yanshu's car.

Naturally, Qi Yanshu would not take the passenger seat, so the three of them took the back seat.

Master Tian decided to sit in the middle, separating her daughter from Qi Yanshu.

But didn't want to, Jiang Mian opened the door of the co-driver without saying a word and sat in.