"What did you say, you say it again." Zuo Xingping suspected that he had misheard, what is called—"My memory tells me that Mianmian is my daughter?"

Qi Yanshu raised his eyes, a flash of blood flashed across his eyes.

Zuo Xingping was close to him, and instantly received the **** color in his eyes. He twisted his eyebrows: The situation of Chen Chen did not look right.

Qi Yanshu seemed to want to say something, but at this moment he suddenly held his eyes and shouted: "Stop."

Luo Jiale slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped with a chirp. Qi Yanshu hurriedly before Zuo Xingping spoke: "Brother, get off the car, I have something else."

"What you just said..."

Qi Yanshu did not answer him, and almost drove Zuo Xingping out of the car.


Luo Jiale stepped on the accelerator with a blank face and blasted the car away. Zuo Xingping chased the car for two steps. Seeing the car disappearing in front of him, he stomped angrily: "Asshole, return the bike to me!"

His shared bike is still in the trunk of Qi Yan's book car. There is no shared bike around here. Where can he find a bike?

Zuo Xing whispered around the place a few times, destroying a few weeds on the side of the road. After a while, he took out his cell phone and hesitated to tell Master Xuan Su about the situation.

Although Liechen could see again with his eyes, his curse did not seem to be completely removed.

But he didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know what to say when he called Master Xuansu.

Zuo Xingping rested his thoughts on calling Master Xuansu.

The words that Qi Yanshu said came to mind.

Zuo Xingping was holding his curly hair blankly, and for a moment he couldn't figure out whether Qi Yanshu really said that, or whether he had hallucinations and had misheard.

A little paper man got out of his cuff and shook his head at him, saying: He heard it right, Qi Yanshu did say this.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

Zuo Xingping rubbed his face and said to Xiaozhi: "Liaochen has always lived in Lingqingguan. He is only thirty this year. How could Mianmian be his daughter, right?"

The little paper man nodded.

"Is it because of the curse that caused his memory to be confused?" Zuo Xingping guessed.

The little paper man nodded again.

"You think so too?" Zuo Xingping's eyes lit up, and he immediately thought about it, "I have to follow up and ask."

He first sent a message to Lian Feng: [Are you in the police station or have you returned? 】

Lian Feng returned quickly: [Site. 】

[Zuo Xingping: I have something to deal with. I won't be back tonight. I will go directly to the police station tomorrow. 】

[Lian Feng: Where's Mianmian? 】

[Zuo Xingping: I have returned to the hotel. 】

Zuo Xingping crouched to the side of the road and tentatively said: [If someone tells you that besides the four of us, he is also Mianmian's father, what do you think? 】

[Lian Feng:? ill? 】

Zuo Xingping thought of Qi Yanshu's situation, isn't it just "ill"?

With the word Lian Feng's "illness", he felt a little in his heart. He ignored Lian Feng and looked around, looking for any means of transportation.

It was almost two o'clock in the morning, there were no pedestrians on the streets, and there were few passing vehicles, let alone taxis.

He saw a bicycle locked with a lock in front of a store.

Zuo Xingping's eyes lit up, moved over, and began to let the little paper man unlock. He looked around like a thief, and muttered: "This is not a steal, just borrow it. I will ride back soon."

The little paper man unlocked the lock a few times, and Zuo Xingping stepped on the bicycle and hurried to Jiangmian Community.

If you want to go home after the dust, you must go back to this community.

On the other side, Lian Feng, who appeared on the scene, looked at the last message sent by Zuo Xingping on his mobile phone, frowning slightly.

Adu continued to be the background board next to him.

Zhou Sirui and Tang Xiaoshu were busy at the scene-they received a murder case early in the morning and hurried over.

In the homicide case two days ago, Lian Feng has already targeted the murderer today and painted the murderer by profile.

The murderer absconded, the hunting order has been issued, and the rest is hunting.

Lian Feng was investigating the situation at the scene. When Zuo Xingping sent the message, he glanced at it-he could quickly identify the murderer of the previous case, and Zuo Xingping's little paper man made a little effort.

He also thought that Zuo Xingping was going to work with Jiang Mian, so he responded quickly.


Lian Feng meditated, Zuo Xingping would not send him this kind of information to ask him for no reason, let alone make such a joke, unless someone said something to him.

Lian Feng wanted to ask a few more questions, but Zhou Sirui's nervous voice interrupted him: "The company has new discoveries."

"Company, company?" Zhou Sirui ran over, "Did you think of anything?"

"No." Lian Feng put away the phone naturally.

Tomorrow when the **** stick comes back, I will ask in detail.

After Qi Yanshu drove Zuo Xingping out of the car, he leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, and said nothing.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?" Luo Jiale glanced in the rearview mirror, showing concern.

Because the mumbling of Qi Yanshu was very small, Luo Jiale who was driving did not hear him. He didn't understand how it was so good, the boss wanted to drive his senior out of the car.

There was no sound in the back seat, and Luo Jiale, who did not hear a reply, looked in the rearview mirror again, and found that the boss was motionless, his heart jumped: he passed out.

Lenovo Qi Yanshu's a series of abnormal performances just now, Luo Jiale's heartbeat accelerated, and his face turned pale-if Qi Yanshu's accident happened, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Go to Lanyuan." As he was about to stop and check, Qi Yanshu opened his eyes again, and everything returned to normal. He glanced at the night outside and spoke lightly.

Jiang Mian's community is called Tianjingyuan, and the blue garden in Qi Yan's book is another residence arranged by Mr. Qi for him.

Since the last time Elder Qi bumped into Jiang Mian and the local tyrant father on the stairs, he and the local tyrant father wanted Jiang Mian to move away.

He wants Qi Yanshu to move out of Tianjingyuan—he thinks that Jiang Mian is the golden boudoir raised by Han Xu. He doesn't like Qi Yanshu and Jiang Mian getting too close, which will damage Qi Yanshu's identity.

So he handled a set of real estate in Lanyuan and wanted Qi Yanshu to live there, but the latter did not agree.

Luo Jiale didn't know why, after Qi Yanshu opened his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did he realize that in just a few seconds, his back was actually wet with cold sweat.

"Don't you go back to Tianjingyuan?" Luo Jiale was a little confused. Although Miss Jiang did not go back because of filming, it stands to reason that the boss wanted to return to Tianjingyuan.

The owner of Lanyuan has never been there once.

Luo Jiale, who didn't get a response, shut his mouth wisely, turned the steering wheel, and drove in another direction.

So that Zuo Xingping rode his bicycle for almost an hour to reach Tianjingyuan, sneaked in, knocked on the door of Qi Yanshu's house, knocked for a long time and no one opened the door.

Zuo Xingping thought that Qi Yanshu would not open the door deliberately, so he let the paper man in unceremoniously.

After a while, the little paper man squeezed out from the gap with difficulty, poking his little finger and said: The lock is too advanced to open it.

"..." Zuo Xingping, "what's the use for you."

He instructed the little paper man to go in and find someone.

After a while, I got feedback, and Qi Yanshu was not in it.

Zuo Xing walked back and forth in the corridor angrily, not knowing what to do for a while.

Qi Yanshu didn't return here, didn't answer calls, didn't send messages, then where would he go to find someone? !

Finally, Zuo Xingping stayed in place for a while, and had to ride his bicycle back in despair, returning the bicycle to his owner.

Then I found a park nearby and lay on the bench above to deal with it all night.

The Blue Garden is a villa area. Inside are a series of independent villas. After Luo Jiale sent Qi Yanshu to him, he was driven away by Qi Yunshu.

Only Qi Yanshu was left in the wide hall.

The huge ornate chandelier cast bright light, illuminating every corner in the living room like daylight, but the light falling on Qi Yanshu made him even more lonely.

He looked at the layout of the living room, and after a round, he thought: Mianmian should like this decoration style.

The corners of Qi Yanshu's mouth slowly rose, thinking of Jiang Mian, and a warm force surged in his heart.

The reason he didn't return to Tianjingyuan was because he knew that Zuo Xingping would probably rush to Tianjingyuan to look for him.

The sentence that suddenly came up in his mind made him say it without thinking about it, and only after he finished speaking did he realize that something was wrong.

Now he himself has not figured out the situation.

He needs time.

Qi Yanshu has lived in Taoism since he was a child. When he was very young, he knew that he would not live to be thirty years old, and he also knew his life style of self-denial and self-denial.

Elder Qi sent him to Taoist Temple to prevent him from denying him.

Qi Yan knew all about these.

He cultivated in Taoist temples, grew up slowly, read a lot of books, learned Taoism, and learned anything he could learn, whether he needed it in the future, it was not within his consideration.

Until he was cursed, saved his life, and lost his eyes, the old man Qi felt distressed when he learned that he wanted to take him home.

Qi Yanshu refused, so Elder Qi had to arrange a house for him outside.

In the end, he chose Tianjingyuan because of its good geography and feng shui. Although he could not see it, he could feel it.

From the first time he met Jiang Mian in the underground parking lot, a weird sense of familiarity developed in his heart, so much so that he asked to touch Jiang Mian's face.

He wanted to confirm whether he knew her.

Later, Qi Yanshu determined that he had never seen Jiang Mian before. However, when he stayed with Jiang Mian, he would feel a sense of satisfaction that he had never had before.

It seems that she has the whole world by her side.

Too strange.

Qi Yanshu is a self-controlling person, this feeling made him vigilant-he suspected that the curse had affected him and gave him a certain illusion.

Although he restrained himself, he still wanted to know news about Jiang Mian uncontrollably.

So Luo Jiale took the initiative to tell him about Jiang Mian, and he never stopped it.

He thought, since Jiang Mian calls him uncle, it is okay for him to treat her as a junior.

As long as she wants to, he can unconditionally agree to any request she makes to him.

When he solved the curse tonight, he was not sure of success, he just had to try, otherwise he would never be able to successfully solve the curse.

Before he fainted, a very strong thought appeared in his mind. The source of his curse was Jiang Mian.

Therefore, when Luo Jiale rushed in, he fought against the power of the curse in his body, and at the same time told Luo Jiale that he should find Jiang Mian.

When he was in a coma, there were more chaotic, clueless memory images in his mind.

He can't even see what these images are telling. The only thing he can see clearly is a young girl.

That is Jiang Mian.

A voice said to him that he was a person more important than his life.