The next day, Jiang Mian put the little star with Song Ziyi in the hotel room and explained to her: "I only have time at night. I will take you home at night."

The little star moved slightly.

The little paper man got out from under the pillow and wanted to run into Jiang Mian's bag. Jiang Mian squeezed it: "Today you stay in the room."

She pointed to the bottle containing the little star.

The little paper man immediately understood what she meant, and ran to the bottle and sat down obediently.

The thin legs swayed and the black spots were very obvious.

Jiang Mian frowned. When she came back too late last night, she confessed to the silver fox. After the silver fox left, she would wash and meditate.

It was twilight that I lay down and slept for a while, and forgot to clean the black spots on jio for Xiaobai.

Jiang Mian simply took the little paper man to the bathroom, took a basin of water in a small basin, and carefully washed the little paper man.

After a while, looking at the black that did not fall at all, Jiang Mian: "..."

Didn’t Tianshifu say that it can be washed off by washing with water!

The little paper man grabbed Jiang Mian's fingers and looked down at jio. Jiang Mian used a paper towel to absorb the moisture, but it was still soft. The little paper man could not walk temporarily.

After the infiltration of water, the black on the legs seemed to spread more widely, and the little paper man dropped his head on Jiang Mian's fingers and stopped moving.


Jiang Mian got a hair dryer, dried the two thin legs of the little paper man, and comforted it: "This is also good, you see, there are black spots on the legs, so much cooler than your companions."

As soon as the voice fell, the little paper man stood up quickly, tilted one leg and looked carefully-it seemed to confirm what Jiang Mian said "cool".

Jiang Mian couldn't help but laugh.


After cleaning up, Jiang Mian arrived on the set, put on makeup, changed clothes, and sat on the prop wicker chair while watching the play while holding the script.

Today’s weather is good. Jiang Mian is sitting in the courtyard with a view. Next to it is a pear tree. A ray of sunlight falls through the pear tree, coating her with a faint golden layer.

Tang Anan saw it accidentally, his eyes straightened. Looking at Jiang Mian from this angle, it was so beautiful that people didn't dare to bother.

She quickly picked up the phone: "Mianmian, keep this position and don't move."

Jiang Mian: "?"

Tang Anan hurriedly photographed this scene. She showed Jiang Mian the photo with joy: "Look at Mianmian, it's beautiful."

Jiang Mian took a look, then looked at Tang Anan’s excited face, she found that her assistant seemed to have too thick a filter for her: "Wearing makeup in your thirties, how do you see'beauty'? The word'explosive'?"

"Mianmian, I found out how your aesthetics are different from ours." Just as Yu Ran passed by, Tang Anan subconsciously turned her mobile phone to Yu Ran, "Teacher Yu, take a look, is this picture of Mianmian particularly beautiful?"

Yu Ran took a look, nodded seriously, and joked: "Xiao Jiang, don't deny your beauty. With your face, looking at the entire showbiz, you can also rank in the forefront of female artists."

"Teacher Yu, it's an exaggeration." Jiang Mian smiled, "If you let this out, I'm afraid that you will offend more than 90% of female artists in the circle in an instant."

Yu Ran deliberately lowered her voice: "Then please help me keep it secret and don't disclose it."

Jiang Mian couldn't smile, the two said a few words, and the latter went to another group to shoot.

Tang Anan waited for Yu Ran to leave before saying: "Mianmian, the beauty of a person cannot be summed up by age. Look at Brother Qin, you take out the little fresh meat that debuted in the circle with his prosperous beauty and compare him. It's clear at a glance who is better."

The position of the actor father among male artists in the entertainment circle is unmatched.

"Mianmian, you can post this photo on your Weibo. You haven't updated your Weibo for a week. Fans are still waiting for your feed. It's time to post some beautiful photos."

Tang Anan suddenly proposed to let Jiang Mian post on Weibo. In fact, he was reminded by his cousin Lin Xi. The reminder from his cousin was the reminder from the male **** brother Qin.

Jiang Mian had no objection. There were too many things that happened this week. She didn't even care about filming, so naturally she didn't care about the millions of fans she brought because of the actor father.

Her play is about to finish, and she will return to campus after it finishes. If she doesn't interact more with fans, the popularity will soon drop.

"You send me the picture."

"Wait, let me p." Tang An'an clenched a fist. How could the female artist's photo only be the original one.


Jiang Mian waited for several minutes, and Tang Anan finally sent her the photo, and at first glance, it was no different from the original.

Raised his eyebrows to look at Tang An'an, who sighed: "Mianmian, I just tried it. After I finished p, I found that the original picture is not as good as your original picture."

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry and posted the photo to Weibo, with an attached text: [Good morning, a beautiful day begins~]

She did not post on Weibo for several days. Jiang Mian did not expect to be commented immediately. He did not expect to receive likes and comments as soon as Weibo was posted.

At first glance, the familiar id【little baby】.

[Little baby: Seize the first place, good morning, do you have breakfast? 】

Jiang Mian was surprised. Although she knew that this [little baby] was a loyal fan of her, she had just finished posting on Weibo and commented and liked within ten seconds. The speed was too fast.

Jiang Mian replied with a smile.

During the time she responded, other fans' comments appeared one after another.

[I was critically beaten by beauty in the morning, and I felt beautiful all day. 】

【If I can grow into a tenth like yours, I will be satisfied. 】

[Fairy face value! Call for Mianmian! 】


On the other side, Qin Jingrun, who was holding a mobile phone to deal with the styling, saw the baby girl’s reply: [Healthy breakfast, soy milk fritters~]

He suddenly raised his head and said to Lin Xi: "I want to eat soy milk fritters."

Lin Xi was packing her things, and heard a question mark on her head: "Brother Qin, didn't you just finish breakfast?"

Qin Jingrun looked at him and smiled slightly.

Lin Xi resisted the pressure of his sight and reminded him conscientiously: "Didn’t Director Wu made a request to you? Before entering the group, you have to lose five pounds. You will be in the group in two days, but at the moment, you only lose weight. It’s three to five catties."

Qin Jingrun: "..."

Qin Jingrun said blankly: "I suddenly remembered that the salary increase for you recently seems to be a bit too much."

Lin Xi: "I'll buy it right away!"

The stylist Albert screamed: "Say good principles!"

Lin Xi quickly replied: "In front of salary, what is the principle?"

Qin Jingrun lowered his head and continued to read Weibo, but unfortunately the baby girl did not reply to him again.

Jiang Mian thought that today should be very peaceful, she honestly filmed in the crew, and when she finished work in the afternoon, she took Song Ziyi back to her home.


She finished a scene and just sat down to rest, the phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number, Jiang Mian thought about it and answered it.

"Is it Ms. Jiang Mian? Could you please come to the **** police station, your uncle is suspected of theft, and is now detained in our office..."

Jiang Mian: "???"

After a while, the person on the call was changed, and the heavenly master's low voice immediately sounded: "Mianmian."

Jiang Mian was shocked when he heard the voice of Heavenly Master Father. In one night, how did Heavenly Master Father get himself into the police station? !

Without thinking about it, Jiang Mian said, "Dad, I'll come over right away."

It’s just that Jiang Mian’s headache is that next is her play with an old actor in the crew. If she leaves, the old actor will have to wait for her.

Fortunately, the old actor plays with Jiang Mian. She prefers Jiang Mian. Hearing that Jiang Mian needs to leave for a while, she kindly said: "It's okay, everyone will be in a hurry. Go and work on you. I will shoot the second one. Just wait for you to come back and take another shot."

On the contrary, Director Zhang is more strict: "I only give you one hour."

Jiang Mian snapped his fingers. Instead of letting Tang An'an follow, she called Xie Siyuan, borrowed the crew car, and hurried to the district police station.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Mian arrived at the police station and saw Master Tian squatting in the corner. A policeman shouted at him: "Squat well, what should you move?"

Zuo Xingping: "Can't you move your legs?"

The police hesitated for a moment: "All right."

Zuo Xingping twisted his legs quietly, and when he saw Jiang Mian, his eyes lit up and he stood up.

As soon as he wanted to make a sound, he was afraid of embarrassing his daughter, so he swallowed it back and looked at Jiang Mian eagerly.

Tianshi Dad was caught at the police station early in the morning, because of his bad luck.

After returning his bicycle last night, he slept on a nearby park bench for one night, only to be awakened by a loud noise early in the morning.

Zuo Xingping opened his eyes and saw two policemen in police uniforms approaching him-his first reaction was that Lian Feng sent someone to pick him up?

After thinking about it, he didn't tell Lian Feng his position, how could Lian Feng know he was here.

Before Zuo Xingping could react, he was taken to the district police station in a daze, where he saw the bicycle owner-a very wealthy proprietress.

It turned out that the bicycle shop that Zuo Xingping "borrowed" was equipped with surveillance cameras, and his every move was recorded by the camera.

The proprietress opened early and opened before dawn. She has a habit of checking the early morning surveillance the next day.

From this look, hey, someone stole her bike. After a while, he returned the bike.

There is nothing wrong with the lady boss, she should not care about it, but the lady boss has a bad temper and can't rub the sand in her eyes.

And to open a shop and do business, it is necessary to have a good relationship in all aspects. The proprietress can be a person and has a better relationship with the district police station.

Therefore, after a phone call, the police station came quickly. After watching the surveillance, he checked in the direction where Zuo Xingping left—of course, without hope.

If someone stole something, how could it be still nearby.

It's a pity that it was destined to let Tianshida go to the police station. The two policemen were almost shocked when they heard someone muttering that a strange-looking person was sleeping in the park.

The look of the thief in the surveillance is also very peculiar. After the two policemen listened, they jumped in their hearts and hurried to the park.

Therefore, Heavenly Master was brought into the police station.

He explained that he was just borrowing, not stealing.

The proprietress also came to the police station and refused to listen to him at all. She yelled at him: "Comrade police, don't be fooled by his rhetoric. You watched the surveillance. His skillful actions are definitely not the first time he did it. This kind of thing, he is a habitual offender."


The excited lady boss was persuaded to leave, and the police began to inquire about Zuo Xingping, who answered honestly.

The police station did not find out that he had a criminal record, but he couldn't just let him go, so he decided to contact his family, and he needed his family's guarantee before he could be taken away.

Master Tian couldn't find the other three guys, so he had to report Jiang Mian's mobile phone number. The police asked him what Jiang Mian was to him. He was not ashamed to say that it was his father and daughter, so he said about his uncle and nephew.


After Jiang Mian understood the situation, he asked Xie Siyuan to help deal with it. After spending some time and money, he successfully took Tianshida out of the police station.

The heavenly master followed Jiang Mian with his head down and his ears shrugged.

Jiang Mian thought that Master Tian was caught in the police station because he was frustrated, so he took his arm and comforted him: "Dad, it's all right."

Zuo Xing was not calm about this. He took his baby girl's hand and said angrily: "It's all my fault, if it weren't for him, how could I borrow someone else's bicycle."

Jiang Mian: "?"

"He drove me out of the car last night and didn't return the shared bicycle to me." Master Tian was angry.

I remembered that he told his daughter not to interact with Chen, but the daughter still interacted with Chen. The daughter was still young and did not understand Chen's insidiousness.

Heavenly Master said: "Mianmian, I got the news that Chen Chen has an illegitimate daughter, and he has abandoned them. He has a bad character and has a bad stomach. Don't interact with him in the future."

Jiang Mian: "......???"