Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry. He looked at the angry look of Tianshi Dad and coaxed him and said, "How can Uncle Qi drive Dad out of the car at night? Dad can rest assured that I will not interact with Uncle Qi in the future."

As soon as Master Tian heard this, he felt relieved in his heart, and he knew that his precious daughter would promise him.

Jiang Mian knew that Master Tian had not eaten, and asked Xie Siyuan to help buy one. When Master Tian had almost eaten, she said, "Dad, I have to go back to the crew."

The one-hour vacation is almost here.

Heavenly Master nodded reluctantly and said, "I have to find you and even dad."

Jiang Mian's heart moved: "Dad, when will you go to the detention center to see Zhong Wuli?"

"You didn't even say that it's time for Dad." Speaking of this celestial master, he was angry, and he wanted to find the **** to settle accounts in secret.

Jiang Mian was about to take a taxi to Master Tian. Master Tian hurriedly stopped: "It's too wasteful. I'll find out if there is a shared bicycle."

Jiang Mian sighed, "Dad, wait for me."

Xie Siyuan stood not far away, and Jiang Mian walked over: "Please help me buy a second-hand bicycle around. Don't be too good. It's a little broken, as long as you can ride it."

Xie Siyuan took the order directly.

Jiang Mian was very satisfied with his silence.

This is why Jiang Mian brought him out. Although Xie Siyuan was a nutritionist given to him by the actor's father, he didn't talk much.

Occasionally let him do something to help, it will be very worry-free.

Xie Siyuan is very efficient-there are many businesses around, and many old bicycles are parked in front of them. Buy one at a high price, and no one will sell it.

"Dad, you can ride this." Jiang Mian pushed the bike to Tianshida.

This bicycle is very old, with a lot of oxidation on the outer shell, and it looks shabby.

According to the original owner, this bicycle is six years old. Although its appearance is a little worn out, the overall performance is very good, and the quality is out of the street of bicycles produced.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Master Tian likes it very much. He touched the car with joy and went around the car. He didn't expect that one day he would also have a car.

It was not that he had never thought about buying a car before, but he had no fixed place and shared bicycles, so naturally there was no need to spend this money.

Most importantly, it was bought by his baby girl.

Jiang Mian looked funny and distressed. She had to practice hard so that she had the opportunity to change her life for the heavenly master.

"Goodbye, father." Tianshi father got on the bicycle and rode out like wind.

Jiang Mian returned to the crew only after the heavenly master's figure disappeared before his eyes, and it had just arrived an hour.

Director Zhang saw her and was happy: "Are you the time set?"

Jiang Mian blinked: "Don't you just give me an hour off, how dare I defy it."

Director Zhang laughed.

When Zuo Xingping rode his bicycle to the city bureau, he happened to meet Lian Feng and Adu coming out. Zuo Xingping parked the car aside and locked it carefully.

After thinking about it, he stuffed a small paper man into the keyhole without worry-although no one who is desperate would dare to steal something here, and no one would have seen such a broken bicycle, but he has never been lucky. Well, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

The baby girl bought it for him, and must not lose it.

"Mianmian bought it for me." Zuo Xingping patted the seat and said to Lian Feng with a smug + show off face.

Lian Feng's eyebrows were lowered, his eyes swept around on the bicycle, then he retracted, and said lightly: "Go to the detention center and follow."

Zuo Xingping's eyes lit up.

The three of them got in the car, and Adu drove—since he came to Lian Feng, almost all the driving tasks were given to him.

"Didn't you say yesterday that it was not time?" Zuo Xingping was a little confused.

Lian Feng did not speak.

In fact, I could not go to the detention center because of the order given above: Zhong Wuli was seriously injured, and no one was allowed to "visit" in the detention center.

In the past few days, even the Lian Feng who was in charge of this case could not go.

Now that he can go, it was Han Xu who helped him.

Han Xu knew Minister Jiang of the military. Although the military and police were not in the same system, they belonged to "close relatives."

After some dealings, when he got to De Lian Feng, the order forbidden to see the clock was taken back today.

There is no need to talk to Zuo Xingping about these twists and turns, because with his IQ, he doesn't understand it.

"You posted it on WeChat last night, what's the matter?" Lian Feng asked.

Zuo Xingping: "???"

Lian Feng: "..."

He took out his cell phone and turned over the chat log to remind Zuo Xingping of intermittent memory.

Zuo Xingping was thinking about the detention center just now, how could he find a way to secretly teach Zhong Wuli, he saw the record, thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "Do you remember my junior who solved you Gu?"

Lian Feng nodded, frowning his eyebrows-he asked for Qi Yanshu's contact information from Jiang Mian, and wanted to invite him to dinner to express his gratitude.

It's just that too much has happened during this period, and I haven't found a suitable free opportunity.

Anyway, even this guy knows his surname, Zuo Xingping didn’t lie to him: "My junior brother didn’t live to be thirty years old, but he was cursed by mistake. Less than..."

He briefly introduced the antecedents.

"Before he loved to stay with Mianmian, and now he says that Mianmian is also his daughter. Although it must be a fake, what should he do if he believes that his memory has been harassing Mianmian." Zuo Xingping was angry.

My baby girl is kind and cute. Even if I promised him not to deal with Chen, what should I do if he can't stand Chen's obsession and her daughter is soft-hearted and entangled in his brown candy.

Furthermore, Lu Chen is his fellow junior, and there is an uncle above him. Even if he is angry, he can't do too much.

So this matter has to let the other three guys come forward.

And because of the principle of proximity, Zuo Xingping naturally chose the closest combo forward.

After listening, Lian Feng lowered his eyes, with a calm tone: "I see."

Zuo Xingping thought Lian Feng would say something, but he would shut up after saying these four words.

"Do you have nothing to say?"

"What are you worried about?" Lian Feng said quietly, "As for your junior, no matter what he thinks about Mianmian, as long as we are all there, he cannot succeed."

"However, Mianmian has grown up and she has the right to make friends. If she is willing to associate with Mr. Qi, neither you nor I have the right to interfere."

Zuo Xingping's head is dizzy, and Lian Feng is too calm.

He subconsciously said: "What if he snatches Mianmian."

Three guys have robbed him of their daughter, and now there is another one, which is still a "fake".

Lian Feng: "Do you have no confidence in yourself or Mianmian?"

Zuo Xingping felt that he was being despised again, and he hummed, "You said lightness, Mianmian didn't like me much, and you."

Lian Feng: "..."

"Look, I got it right, you're not as worried." Zuo Xingping laughed at him, "Don't pretend."

Lian Feng looked at him coldly: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Zuo Xingping stepped back to the side, and quietly pinched out a few small paper figures, with a vigilant look on his face to prevent Lian Feng from suddenly taking action.

Then I thought of Lian Feng's skill, felt that a few little paper men were not safe, and took a few more.

Lian Feng: "..."

Lian Feng retracted his gaze and ignored him.

He calculated the time in his heart, no accident, tomorrow should be able to squeeze some time to see Qi Yanshu.

When Jiang Mian finished work in the afternoon, he received news from Adu, saying that Tianshi father and detective father went to the detention center and saw Zhong Wuli.

As for the content of the conversation, he didn't know—he was stopped outside.

In addition to the fact that they went to the detention center, another group of people went there. Ah Du emphasized: [Mr. Lian calls the other party Political Commissar Zhou. 】

The reason why Ah Du emphasized this person is because when the other party was talking to Lian Feng, although the tone was kind, it seemed like a needle in cotton.

Zuo Xingping, the machine frontman in these words, couldn't hear it, but Adu had been tricked into going abroad to be a mercenary, and he learned a little bit.

In addition, the bodyguards who followed Political Commissar Zhou are very professional. Adu said bluntly: [The bodyguards next to him are not trained by a regular bodyguard company. 】

Jiang Mian's gaze fell on the three words "Zhou political commissar". Yinhu said that the person who bought the murder was surnamed Zhou—both surnamed Zhou. Is there any connection between the two?

She said: [You ask my father, what is the full name of Political Commissar Zhou? 】

Not long after, Jiang Mian received a reply: [Zhou Anmin. 】

Jiang Mian put down the phone and waited for Yinhu's news now.

What Jiang Mian didn't know was that Adu did not directly ask the full name of Lian Fengzhou's political commissar.

After getting along for a few days, Adu knew that Lian Feng was an extremely vigilant and sensitive person, and he could find clues in a little trace.

Then Adu quietly fooled the heavenly master, the latter did not think much about it~

Jiang Mian took off his makeup and changed clothes and went back to the hotel. After taking a shower, she put the bottle with the little star in her bag, and then she found the little paper man stuck on the table, motionless.

"Xiao Bai?" Jiang Mian poked it.

The latter still did not move.

Jiang Mian frowned, and she squeezed the little paper man, who finally moved his legs.

Jiang Mian: "???"

After a while, she got a peculiar feeling-the little paper man appeared in this situation because it was tired.

tired? ? ?

Jiang Mian suspected that he felt wrong.

She looked at the little paper man blankly: Will a piece of paper be tired.

And, she put the little paper man in the room and didn't let it do other things. Where did she get tired?

Shaking his head, Jiang Mian put Xiaobai back on the table, put some food in Dabai Erbai's cage, and then put on a hat, ready to take a taxi to Song Ziyi's house.

She had told Tang An'an to contact the car, but as soon as she walked out of the hotel, a low-key black car slid down and the window rolled down, revealing Qi Yanshu's face: "Mian, get in the car."

Luo Jiale quickly got off the car and opened the door for Jiang Mian.


Thinking of her promise to Heavenly Master Father, Jiang Mian helped her forehead and faced Qi Yanshu's gaze. She really couldn't refuse, so she had to bend down and get in the car: "Uncle Qi, why are you here?"

"Didn't I tell you last night to invite you to dinner?" Qi Yuanshu looked at her softly.

Jiang Mian took out the little star: "I have to take her home first."

"I don't have anything else to do, go with you." Qi Yanshu said.

Jiang Mian found that after the curse was solved, Qi Yan's words seemed to be more than before, and his personality seemed to have changed a little.

But this is also normal.

In the past, it was invisible to the eyes and all kinds of inconveniences. It was an alternative "handicapped".

Qi Yanshu turned her gaze from her face to her body, frowned slightly, and said to Luo Jiale: "Go to the mall first."

Jiang Mian: "?"

Noting Jiang Mian’s doubts, Qi Yanshu explained: “Today’s weather forecast says that the temperature will drop at night. If you wear too little, you will catch a cold easily. Go to the mall to buy a coat.”

Jiang Mian frowned: I always feel something is wrong.