"No, Uncle Qi." Jiang Mian refused with a smile, "I am not cold."

Qi Yanshu seriously said: "If you don't want to go to the mall, you will report your size to me, and I will ask the people in the mall to send it over."

Jiang Mian thought to himself: Then I might as well go back to the room to get it.

As if seeing what Jiang Mian was thinking, Qi Yan said to Luo Jiale, "Let's go."

Then he changed the subject directly: "How about filming?"

"It's okay, it's interesting." Jiang Mian casually said a few interesting things in the filming.

When she said, Qi Yanshu stared at her all the way, listened carefully, and the corners of her mouth raised.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She tilted her head and looked at Qi Yanshu.

Qi Yanshu’s eyes are very beautiful, with long and thick eyelashes and shallow eyelids. When there is a smile in his eyes, his eyelids will hold up a thin fold. Compared with the white cloth before his eyes, he looks a little less. Alienation, a little more warmth.

Qi Yanshu allowed her to watch, his eyes focused.

Jiang Mian didn't know what to say for a while, so she smiled politely.

Qi Yanshu's long eyelashes drooped slightly, concealing the flashing emotions under his eyes and sorting out his thoughts. He raised his eyes again and looked for a new topic: "Where is your fox?"

"In the room." Jiang Mian found a reason casually.

Qi Yanshu: "You can raise him well, if you have anything to tell him to do."

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows slightly.

It is not surprising that Qi Yanshu can see that the silver fox is a demon. Master Tian said to her that Qi Yanshu’s strength in Taoism is not worse than him.

But Qi Yanshu's words seem to know that she knows that silver fox is a demon.

The question is, how did he know?

She had been pretending to be in front of the heavenly master, and the heavenly master did not see it.

Jiang Mian smiled deliberately, "What can a little fox do."

Qi Yanshu's smile deepened, and he did not answer.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Thinking of what the Heavenly Master said, Jiang Mian changed the subject: "By the way, Uncle Qi, if my father said anything bad last night, I would apologize to you on his behalf."

In her view, Tian Shi Da is Qi Yan Shu's senior brother, and Qi Yan Shu's person should not drive Tian Shi Da out of the car, not to mention it was early morning.

That time, when the Heavenly Master saw Qi Yanshu downstairs in the community unit, the first sentence was astonished "You are not dead"——

Perhaps in the car last night, Master Tian said astonishing again, which caused Qi Yanshu to rush people.

If this is the case, she must apologize for the heavenly master.

"It's my problem." Qi Yanshu shook his head with an apologetic expression on his face. It is not surprising that Zuo Xingping told Jiang Mian about the matter last night, "I have an urgent matter, so I can't send the brother away, so I had to ask him to get off."

He emphasized the word "please" to show that it was not "rush".

The power of the curse that he had suppressed in his body at the time and had not been lifted was out of control, and Zuo Xingping had to be driven out of the car, otherwise it would be easy for Zuo Xingping to find something unusual.

If Zuo Xingping found something unusual, he would most likely inform Master Xuan Su of the result.

Master and his elders have worried enough for him, so there is no need to bother him.

And the attack of the power of the curse, every time it happened, the memory image flashing in his mind would be clearer.

He needs the stimulation of these cursing powers to allow him to see all the memory images clearly.

"Uncle Qi is still troublesome after all." Jiang Mian said.

Qi Yanshu was silent for two seconds and said, "Since you call my uncle, we don't need to be so polite."

Luo Jiale who was driving quietly swallowed his saliva and carefully looked at the situation behind from the rearview mirror. He was afraid of being caught, so he took a look and then withdrew.

The surprise in his eyes almost overflowed.

After being an assistant to Qi Yanshu for a few months, he deeply knew how "cold" the boss was. When in Taoist temple, he would often not say a word a day unless Master Xuan Su arrived.

Only when Jiang Mian is mentioned, does the boss seem to be so popular.

But this is limited in popularity.

Now, the boss who can see with the eyes, when facing Ms. Jiang, he seems to have changed.

When he and Miss Jiang were getting along before, they were not so gentle, they were almost kind.

Is it true that when a person can see and cannot see, his personality becomes so fast?

Not right, he denied himself in his heart.

The boss's change is only for Ms. Jiang, and there is no change in other aspects. When facing him, he still cherishes his words.

Or did the boss just simply like Ms. Jiang? This time, Miss Jiang put a silver needle to stop him from bleeding and saved him. With the help of life, the boss's attitude towards Miss Jiang is more gentle?

After Luo Jiale made a careful comparison in his mind, he felt that he should be guessed at Ba Jiǔ.

Earlier, the old man Qi was ill. The Qi family believed that it was Qi Yanshu that caused the old man to become seriously ill. Qi Yanshu took the initiative to return to Taoism.

After Mr. Qi's condition improved, he was probably afraid that he would leave suddenly one day, and wanted to see his youngest son have a destination, so he made the characters look like ladies.

As Qi Yanshu's assistant, Luo Jiale became the passer-by for the father and son. Elder Qi screened out the girls who felt suitable and asked Luo Jiale to transfer them to Qi Yanshu, who didn't read any of them.

Elder Qi didn't get feedback, and he deducted a lot of Luo Jiale's salary. He felt that he had to reveal to Elder Qi that the boss already liked someone.

Otherwise, he is caught in the middle as an assistant, which is really difficult.

If the old man knows that the boss has a sweetheart, he will definitely be happy-Ms. Jiang is beautiful, good personality, good character, superior family background, standing with the boss, it can be described as a right pair.

As Luo Jiale thought, he showed his skills in the crowded traffic and quickly arrived at a shopping mall.

"Sir, Miss Jiang, the mall is here." Luo Jiale also took out a black sunglasses from the box especially understanding, "Miss Jiang, would you like to wear this?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

When Jiang Mian was about to get out of the car, Qi Yanshu had already got off, and went around to open the car door for her.

Luo Jiale retracted his hand silently.

"Sir, my stomach hurts a little bit suddenly, or I'll wait for you here." Luo Jiale clutched his stomach-in order to make his acting realistic and prevent Jiang Mian from seeing this real actor, he secretly ruthlessly Pinched himself severely.

It's rare for the boss to be alone with Ms. Jiang. Although the two don't need to visit the mall in person, this is another opportunity to get along.

As an assistant, be wink.

Qi Yanshu nodded and stared down at Jiang Mian: "Let's go."

Jiang Mian had to enter the mall with Qi Yanshu.

However, Qi Yanshu suddenly stopped and hesitated in his eyes when faced with the crowded shopping mall.

This is the first time Qi Yanshu has entered the mall. He hasn't been here before, so that after entering the interior, he doesn't know which way he should go.

He offered to buy clothes at the mall, but he really wanted to be alone with Jiang Mian.

Bring Jiang Mian into the mall and choose her clothes personally. He can't wait to do this.

Jiang Mian refrained from laughing--Although Qi Yanshu tried to hide it, his hesitating steps and strange eyes had already betrayed him.

Qi Yan's eyes swept across the crowd, and quickly determined where to go through the crowd, and no longer hesitated in the next steps.

Jiang Mian swallowed back with the reminder.

Still save some face for this Uncle Qi.

The clothing area of ​​this shopping mall is on the third floor. The two took the elevator, and Qi Yanshu stood behind Jiang Mian in a protective posture.

Jiang Mian tilted his head slightly, facing Qi Yanshu's gentle eyes. The two were close to each other. From her direction, it could be seen that the color of Qi Yanshu's pupils was not black, but light brown.

Looking closely, there seems to be a faint red.

"Borrow it." Someone hurriedly came behind him. Qi Yanshu subconsciously took Jiang Mian into his arms, avoiding the young mother who was holding a child and a big basket.

Jiang Mian frowned, but Qi Yanshu quickly let go of her, and naturally raised her hand to straighten her crooked hat.

Jiang Mian: "..."

A vague voice came from ahead:

"Look, there is a handsome guy over there."

"Where is it? Damn, this side looks absolutely beautiful."

"Quickly, take a picture."

Qi Yanshu suddenly raised his head and met a young girl with accurate eyes. The latter held the phone, and after a while, silently put the phone back.


There were fewer people on the third floor than on the first and second floors. Qi Yanshu took Jiang Mian into a women's clothing store. There were many customers inside. After they entered, they turned their attention to them.

Jiang Mian was wearing a hat with the brim lowered, and only the lower half of his face could be seen at a glance. Most of his eyes fell on Qi Yanshu.

"Sir, miss, what can I do for help?" A clerk walked over with a sweet smile.

"I want a simple coat." Jiang Mian hurriedly before Qi Yanshu spoke, "Uncle Qi, just buy any one."

Qi Yanshu frowned slightly, what he wanted to say, but he didn't say anything.

To avoid Jiang Mian’s discomfort, Qi Yanshu did not take the initiative to choose clothes for Jiang Mian. Instead, he waited for Jiang Mian to take a light blue coat before shook his head and said, “Mianmian, this dress is too dark. , Not for you."

Qi Yanshu logically selected a knitted jacket he liked and handed it to Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian took it, didn't look closely, and said with a small smile: "Okay, just this one."

She asked the clerk to pack the clothes and pay with the card. Yu Guang saw Qi Yanshu standing quietly behind her: She thought Qi Yanshu would say that he would pay the bill.

Fortunately, Qi Yanshu did not do this.

Luo Jiale sat in the car and chatted with his girlfriend. Through his difficult experience of walking with his girlfriend in the mall, he thought that the boss would not return until at least an hour.

By chance, he raised his head and looked through the windshield, and saw two figures walking by. They fixed their eyes. Aren’t they the boss and Miss Jiang? !

Luo Jiale was agitated and quickly opened the car door and glanced at the time on the phone by the way.

It has only been fifteen minutes since the two entered the mall!

"Sir, Miss Jiang, is it so fast?" Because the Lord was surprised, he couldn't help expressing his thoughts.

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows slightly: "Does your stomach still hurt?"

Luo Jiale looked slightly stagnant and shook his head quickly.

Jiang Mian smiled and did not speak.

When the car drove out of the underground parking lot, it was only then that it was raining outside. Jiang Mian looked at the rain curtain outside the window and said, "It hasn't rained for a long time."

The last time it rained, it seemed to be a month ago.

When the words fell, she felt warm-Qi Yanshu took the newly bought coat out of the bag and put it on her.

Jiang Mian's eyes flickered, looked at Qi Yanshu, smiled slightly, and tightened his clothes: "Thank you Uncle Qi."

Qi Yanshu's eyes fell on her hand holding the clothes, and an image in her mind suddenly became clear——

A pale, slender hand grasped the corner of his clothes.

She held it tightly, as if holding something important, her finger bones turned white.