Song Ziyi's home is in an old-fashioned community, and there is no elevator in the community. Her home is on the seventh floor and she has to climb stairs every day.

At this moment, Song Xueliang, who had finished the class, hurried into the corridor with his textbook. An acquaintance was closing his umbrella at the entrance of the corridor. He saw him and said hello:

"Teacher Song, you didn't come back so late, you didn't bring an umbrella."

Song Xueliang smiled and wiped the drops of water on his face: "I gave the children a make-up lesson. I didn't expect it to rain suddenly. It's not bad."

An acquaintance said: "By the way, I haven't seen your daughter for a long time. When will your daughter come back?"

The wrinkles around Song Xueliang's eyes fainted, and he said, "Xiaoyi and her boyfriend have gone abroad as exchange students, and they will not come back next semester."

"Wow, your daughter is really promising. It's a few blocks away from my boy." The acquaintance's tone was full of envy.

"Where is it?" Song Xueliang said modestly, the corners of his eyes and brows were all proud of his daughter.

Song Ziyi's father, Song Xueliang, is a middle school math teacher. He is forty-eight years old this year. His figure is not tall and burly, his back is a little rickety, and his temples have been stained with a touch of frost.

Although the profession of a teacher sounds good, it is actually hard work and the salary is not high.

Thinking of his daughter Song Ziyi, Song Xueliang was half happy and worried.

A month ago, his daughter suddenly told him that he was going to be an exchange student at a foreign university. She didn't even return home and went directly with her boyfriend. Although this is a good thing and she has a boyfriend to take care of her, as a father, she still can't worry about it.

The daughter was obedient and sensible. He asked her how she was living abroad and always responded well. Fortunately, her boyfriend was a reliable one.

In fact, when Song Ziyi was with her boyfriend at the beginning, Song Xueliang had seen her boyfriend. His instinct made him not like that boy very much. He always felt that the other party was a little heavy and they were not suitable.

But his daughter likes it, and he doesn't have much to say.

After sighing, Song Xueliang started walking up the stairs, stopped after two steps, and coughed while holding on to the handrail.

He has had a cold in the past two days, so he didn't go to the hospital, so he just wanted to delay it.

I don't want to seem to be getting worse, and I have to drink some cold medicine later.

People are getting old and have to bow their heads to the years.

"Is it Teacher Song?" When the cough subsided, Song Xueliang was about to continue walking upstairs when a sweet voice suddenly came from behind him.

Looking back, through the dim light of the stairs, he saw two people standing in front of him, one tall and one short.

It was a girl who was talking to him, who looked about the same age as her daughter. She stood there slim, beside a slender man with an umbrella in her hand.

The umbrella body was tilted, covering the girl's body under the umbrella, but his shoulders were quite wet by the rain.

"You are..." Song Xueliang was a little confused. He taught a lot of students. As long as he taught, after a long time, even if he forgets his name, he will not forget his face.

He was sure he hadn't seen this girl before, and it should not be his student.

"Hello, Teacher Song, my name is Jiang Mian, and I am your daughter's classmate." Jiang Mian did not expect to meet Song Ziyi's father when he arrived at the apartment building.

She didn't know Song Xueliang, but when she saw Song Xueliang, the little star in the bottle she was holding kept beating.

Song Xueliang's eyes lit up: "It turned out to be Xiaoyi's classmate, come in quickly."

Qi Yanshu waited for Jiang Mian to enter the corridor before closing the umbrella, and nodded to Song Xueliang without speaking.

"Xiaoyi often mentioned you to me. My uncle and I passed by here and came in to visit you by the way." Jiang Mian was the first to tell her why she was here, and relieved Song Xueliang's doubts.

"Go upstairs first, let's enter the house and say." Song Xueliang said enthusiastically, and couldn't help but ask after climbing the stairs a few floors, "Did Xiaoyi have a video with you? Did she tell you how to live abroad?"

In most cases, children will not talk to their parents. The most clear thing about children in life is their friends, not their parents.

Jiang Mian raised her eyebrows, she looked at the small bottle, and the little star did not jump.

"Xiaoyi went abroad." Jiang Mian asked skillfully, "Is Xiaoyi telling you?"

"She told me on WeChat." Song Xueliang said, "Don't you know?"

"Due to my busy schedule, I rarely contact Xiaoyi during this period, I really don't know."

Song Xueliang frowned. Her daughter became an exchange student and went to a foreign university. As her daughter's friend, it stands to reason that the girl in front of her should know.

But this is not absolute. Song Xueliang told Jiang Mian what happened. The three of them arrived on the seventh floor while they were talking. Song Xueliang took a few breaths, and then began to cover his mouth and cough.

The little star in the bottle began to beat violently again.

Jiang Mian took a step forward, put his hand on Song Xueliang's back, and patted it lightly for a while. The latter stopped coughing, and Song Xueliang opened the door and invited the two to enter.

The house is not big. It has two bedrooms and one living room. The decoration is medium. The living room has a large bookshelf filled with various books and teaching materials.

The walls are full of awards, and there are various trophies on the shelves,

"Sit down first." Song Xueliang took the cup to wash, and poured two glasses of water for Jiang Mian and Jiang Mian.

Immediately he said: "Have you eaten yet? Or stay and eat with me."

"No need for Teacher Song." Jiang Mian wondered how to release Song Ziyi appropriately, "We'll leave later."

She asked: "Where is Xiaoyi's bedroom?"


Qi Yanshu motioned to Jiang Mian to give him the small bottle, Jiang Mian handed him the bottle, and Song Xueliang entered Song Ziyi's bedroom.

Qi Yanshu took out the cap of the bottle, poured out the little star, and lightly tapped the little star with his fingertip, and a transparent shadow appeared immediately.

Then the shadow gradually solidified.

Song Ziyi looked at everything around her with red eyes.

"Your time is running out." Qi Yanshu said lightly.

"I know." Song Ziyi pursed his lips.

This is why she desperately wants to go home.

She could feel the weakening of her energy.

Fortunately, if you didn't meet Jiang Mian and others, I'm afraid there would be no chance to go home until she truly "dies."

Song Ziyi took a deep breath, walked towards the bedroom, and made an expression that she had just returned-she had heard all the conversation between Jiang Mian and Song Xueliang in the little star just now.

According to Song Xueliang's words, it is not difficult to understand that after Song Ziyi's boyfriend killed Song Ziyi, he destroyed the evidence and used Song Ziyi's contact information to forge Song Xueliang's fake image of Song Ziyi and his going abroad as an exchange student.

Song Ziyi hated her boyfriend, but couldn't help but rejoice that her father didn't know that something happened to her before that.

Knowing that, she shouldn't have come back.

In this case, Dad wouldn't know that something happened to her, so he had an idea.

Then I thought about it, after all, the paper couldn't contain the fire. One day my father would know that if she missed this chance to go home, she would never have another chance.

"Xiaoyi?" A shocked voice sounded. Song Xueliang saw his daughter Song Ziyi when he came out of the bedroom, and was speechless in surprise.

My daughter... how come back suddenly.

"I'm not dreaming." Song Xueliang stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes. When he looked again, his daughter did not disappear in front of his eyes.

"Dad." Song Ziyi's eyes burst with tears, but she couldn't fall. She walked over and hugged Song Xueliang, "I'm back."

"Just come back and come back." Song Xueliang patted Song Ziyi on the back, "What about the luggage? Why did you come back suddenly? Where is Xiao Zhou? Didn't he come back with you? Why didn't he tell me in advance when he came back, so I can give You prepare your favorite dishes."

Song Ziyi buried his head on his father's shoulders, his shoulders shrugged slightly, unable to speak a word.

"Dad, I'm sorry." At first, she should have obeyed her father and not be with him.

But she was blinded.

If I regret it in the future, it is useless.

"What's wrong with my dad." Seeing Jiang Mian coming out of the bedroom, Song Xueliang gently pushed Song Ziyi away and said, "Your classmate came to see me."

Song Ziyi looked at Jiang Mian gratefully. The latter could actually release her downstairs instead of sending her upstairs himself.

But she is now attached to the little star Zuo Xingping has cast. The little star is a protective shell for her. The further away from the protective shell, the weaker she will be.

"Dad, I want to eat the egg fried rice you made." Song Ziyi said.

Song Xueliang naturally agreed, and he asked Song Ziyi to greet Jiang Mian and quickly entered the kitchen to get busy.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, Song Xueliang's feet softened and his hands were on the wall to keep himself from falling to the ground, tears streaming out instantly.

After a while, his body began to tremble.

He brought Song Ziyi up in one hand and knew Song Ziyi himself.

Song Ziyi's body temperature is higher than normal. In winter, it is like a small stove. In summer, he is particularly afraid of heat and his hands are always hot.

Song Xueliang felt distressed and asked for an extra part-time job as a substitute. One month later, an air conditioner was installed in Song Ziyi's bedroom.

Rao is so, Song Ziyi's hands are also warm.

But just now--

The daughter's hands are cold like ice cubes, not only the hands are cold, but her body is also cold.

It's cold...desperate.

After a while, Song Xueliang cleared up his thoughts, walked to the refrigerator with heavy steps, opened the refrigerator, and took out the soil eggs that the students' parents gave him.

When he finished cooking and went out, Jiang Mian and Qi Yanshu had already left. Song Ziyi sat on the sofa and smiled at him: "Dad, it's so fragrant."

Jiang Mian got back in the car again.

She wanted to wait for Song Ziyi to be obsessed, but after it dissipated automatically, she could absorb the original cold power remaining in the little star and turn it into spiritual power.

She gave the little star to Song Ziyi, let her hold it by herself, and stay as long as she could stay with her father.

Before leaving, she offered Song Ziyi a method of revenge, took up the weapon of the law, and captured the murderer who killed her-she asked her to go to the detective father.

Of course, Song Ziyi can't do it alone. She needs her father's help-Song Xueliang will know the news that her daughter has died as soon as possible.

Let him participate in revenge for his daughter, only then will he have the motivation to live.


"Don't think too much." Qi Yanshu saw that her mood was not high, and comforted, "You have done well enough."

He stretched out his hand to touch Jiang Mian's head, his hand was half empty, and then restrained it back.

"I didn't think about Song Ziyi." Jiang Mian straightened slightly and shook his head, "I'm thinking about you."

Qi Yanshu's eyelashes trembled.

Jiang Mian looked at Qi Yanshu's eyes, and asked each word: "Uncle Qi, do you know me before?"

"Or in other words." Jiang Mian said, "Who do you think of me?"

Qi Yanshu's hand on his lap moved uncomfortably, his eyes changed a lot. He looked at Jiang Mian for a long time before he said a little bit difficultly: "Mianmian, I think you are my daughter."