Unprepared by this s-shaped drift, Jiang Mian shook his body uncontrollably and quickly stabilized.

Qi Yanshu retracted his hand to help her.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Luo Jiale opened his mouth for a few times before making a sound. Looking in the rearview mirror, he immediately met Qi Yanshu's gaze and shivered, "I will slow down immediately."

Qi Yanshu faintly reminded: "Look at the road ahead."

Luo Jiale raised his eyes and saw that his scalp was numb in fright. With the car parked in front of him, he almost slammed his **** up.

Speed ​​down and stop quickly.

After stopping the car, Luo Jiale's heart was pounding, and he couldn't help but continue to look backwards-he didn't intend to eavesdrop on purpose, there was so much space in the car.

When Jiang Mian spoke, he lowered his voice. He didn't hear what he was saying, but the boss's words-unless it was deaf.

He followed Qi Yanshu for a few months, although he felt that Qi Yanshu didn't care about Jiang Mian like men to women.

But the two had never known each other before, and Qi Yanshu showed a difference to Jiang Mian. Apart from "love", he really didn't think there were other situations.

He thought he felt wrong.

Well, now he understands that the co-author's care for Miss Jiang is not the way men care about women, but the way father cares about daughters? ? ?

The boss actually treats Miss Jiang as his daughter? !

Ms. Jiang is eighteen this year and the boss is thirty. When the boss said this, is it possible that he meant that he gave birth to Jiang Mian when he was twelve?

Luo Jiale felt that his worldview was severely damaged.

His thoughts couldn't help but diverge: Fortunately, he hadn't told Old Man Qi that the boss already had a favorite.

This is... the person you like has become a daughter.

He quietly went to observe Jiang Mian, wanting to see her reaction.

At first glance, the latter's complexion was calm and calm.

Luo Jiale secretly admired himself, and at the same time despised himself: look at others, and then look at himself, the little girl in her twenties who is not in her teens is not surprised.

The quiet drop of a needle in the back seat can be heard, Luo Jiale swallowed and decided to break the silence and revitalize the atmosphere.

He was very helpful and said: "The rain outside seems to be getting heavier... Sir, Ms. Jiang, which restaurant do you want to go to?"

Jiang Mian stared at the back of Luo Jiale's head: What is the true relationship between the rain and which restaurant to eat?

"Mianmian, what do you want to eat?" Qi Yanshu has been paying attention to Jiang Mian's expression, but her expression has not changed. For a while, he could not see what she was thinking.

"Uncle Qi decide." Jiang Mian smiled, as if he didn't take Qi Yanshu's words to heart at all.

Qi Yanshu's eyes darkened, and a dark light flashed through his eyes: Mianmian thought he was joking?

He paused for two seconds and handed the question to Luo Jiale, who had to rack his brains and talk about a very famous restaurant.

At the end, Luo Jiale said: "The steaks in this restaurant are very good."

No one cares about him.

Luo Jiale silently shut up.

The green light came on and the car restarted. Luo Jiale had learned this time and decided to close his ears and concentrate on the front.

The boss doesn't like assistants who know too many secrets.


"Uncle Qi."

The two spoke together, and Jiang Mian said without hesitation: "Why do you think this way."

Qi Yanshu noticed that Jiang Mian used a respectful name for him.

He twisted his eyebrows slightly, regretting that he shouldn't have told Jiang Mian the truth so early. She didn't believe it was normal.

Jiang Mian reminded him: "I have a father."

In fact, when Qi Yanshu said the phrase "I think, you may be my daughter" to Jiang Mian, Jiang Mian's first reaction was nonchalant.

In the original book, she only had four fathers, and there was no record of "one more father".

Furthermore, the Qi Yan book in the original book has long since died, and it is just an insignificant character who appeared once in the background in the book.

There are some popular golden phrases on the Internet, such as jokes like "call my dad" and "I am your dad".

But Qi Yanshu is not like a joke,

The change in Qi Yanshu's attitude towards her after the curse was solved, and his concentrated and complicated eyes when he looked at her, made Jiang Mian suspicious.

Perhaps after the curse was resolved, the original Qi Yanshu disappeared, and there was a person in his body, and that person accepted all the memories of Qi Yanshu.

And this person probably knows her from a previous life.

That's why she asked tentatively.

But I don't want to get such an answer.

If the person in the body changes, she will never say this to her.

After the carp essence Jiang Mian died, he woke up to the world of cultivating immortals and became the top genius in the martial art. At that time, when she passed through, the original owner was only eight years old.

She inherited the memory of the original owner. The memory is seldom and simple. Jiang Mian in the world of cultivating immortals is an abandoned infant who was picked up by the master when he was in a canyon and accepted as a closed disciple.

She has outstanding talents. When Jiang Mian woke up, the original Xiao Jiang Mian failed because of the impact of the foundation building period and fell into a demon.

The ghost knows where an eight-year-old genius cultivator comes from. Anyway, since Jiang Mian wakes up, he has become the only genius cultivator who has built a foundation at the age of eight in the entire world of cultivating for hundreds of years.

After that, Jiang Mian devoted himself to cultivating, and his mind was soaring into immortal. When he encountered a bottleneck, he went out to travel through the mountains, often making breakthroughs in actual combat.

She has won treasures, has been to many caves and blessed places, got a few big chances, made some friends, and made many terrible enemies.

None of these people wanted to be her "daddy".

This is even more strange. Where did Qi Yanshu get the idea to make him think she is his daughter.

It is impossible to have the biggest bug in the original book. The original owner has not only four relatives, but five.

Jiang Mian looked at Qi Yanshu without blinking, hoping that the other party could give her an explanation.

"I know." Facing Jiang Mian's gaze, Qi Yanshu's heart palpitated.

He quickly lowered his eyes to cover the flash of blood under his eyes, and moved the hand on his knee to his side without leaving a trace, clenched his fist, and the back of his hand had blue veins protruding.

"But you have more than one dad." He lowered his voice calmly, making sure Luo Jiale couldn't hear it, "right?"

"Then you can be established if you are my daughter."

Jiang Mian: "..."

How is the equation used?

She wanted to say something more, but suddenly realized that Qi Yanshu was sitting a little farther away from her, and looked down, not looking at her at all.

She tentatively reached out and pointed to Qi Yanshu. The latter raised her hand to hold her wrist like lightning. Although his movements were fast, his strength was very light. It seemed that he was afraid that a little more strength would hurt her.

Such a cautious action made Jiang Lu startled, remembering that the detective father had held her wrist in the same way when the poison happened before, and desperately restrained him from hurting her.

She frowned: "Your curse..."

Qi Yanshu glanced at her quickly, then withdrew his gaze, then gently let go of her, shook his head, and his voice was muted: "It's fine."

"Uncle Qi."

"Mianmian, you can call me father." Qi Yanshu said these words seriously, and his eyes calmly looked at Jiang Mian.

Now that Xiang Mianmian was calm, he didn't need to hide it.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Are you catching up to be a father these days? !

The sudden ringing of the phone's ringtone rescued Jiang Mian, and he took out the phone to see that it was the local tyrant who called her.

A smile suddenly appeared on Jiang Mian's face: "Dad!"

Even if he knew that Jiang Mian was not calling him, Qi Yanshu was shocked, and his gaze at Jiang Mian became dazed and dazed.

Han Xu on the other end of the phone was startled by the loud and clear cry of the baby girl, and he responded with joy.

The baby girl must be thinking about him so hard that when he speaks, the soft voice seems to be several decibels higher, which can scare Jiang Mian.

"Mianmian, guess what Dad is doing?" The local tyrant said in a mysterious tone.



"Blind date for Princess Bomi?"



Jiang Mian was talking with the local tyrant father while paying attention to Qi Yanshu with her light. She coughed slightly, "Dad, I really can't guess."

"Dad is choosing a pet for you." The local father finally revealed the secret.

Jiang Mian: "?"

The local tyrant said on the phone: "I heard that you even bought you a pair of bunnies for your father?"

Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that the so-called "pet" of the local tyrant father was a male model in a certain club.

Fortunately, it is an animal.

She was dumbfounded: "Dad, how do you know."

Father Tuhao directly ignored her question: "Mianmian, what can you raise with rabbits. Don't you like cats? You have one at home. Let's raise another one. Then we can have a bunch of small ones."

When Jiang Mian heard it, he thought of a litter of kittens, and his scalp was tingling.

Jiang Mian wanted to give the cat named Mimi to the nanny Liu Ma to raise the cat raised by the original owner, but because its eyes were similar to those of a spiritual pet raised in her previous life, he stayed.

Mother Liu would go to the apartment every day to feed the cat, and occasionally take it out for a stroll, and send a small video to Jiang Mian to check her status.

"Daddy bought you a male cat with noble blood, it..."

Jiang Mian interrupted the local tyrant father: "Dad, I have enough of one, you forgot, I have to film, it is not easy to take care of in the crew."

When the family meeting was held, the local tyrant father had learned about Jiang Mian's filming. He didn't say anything, anyway, as long as the baby girl likes it.

Not to mention filming, even if you start an entertainment company, let the whole team serve Jiang Mian.

The actor father stunned: "Do you want people in the circle to think that Mianmian is the daughter of the upstart?"

Tyrant father: "..."

Isn't the narcissist with the surname Qin insinuating that he is an upstart? !

Jiang Mian had to act as a peacemaker in the middle.


"It's okay, Dad has picked it up and sent it to the apartment, so that the nanny will raise it first." The local tyrant father wanted to give it out, so far, it has not failed.

Even the grumpy original owner has never refused the "arrogance" of the local tyrant father.

Knowing that the detective father gave Jiang Mian a living thing, how could the local tyrant father let him lose to Surname Lian in this regard? !

Send the best if you want.

The price of each cat breed that the local tyrant looks at is above six figures.

"You don't have fish in your apartment. Dad will order a fish tank for you so that you can raise some beautiful fish."

"..." Jiang Mian said quickly, "Don't have carp, especially red carp."


Qi Yanshu silently looked at Jiang Mian who was talking to "Dad", and after looking at the time, he had been talking for more than ten minutes, and the smile on Jiang Mian's face never disappeared from start to finish.

"Sleep, don't talk on the phone too long, it's easy to hurt your ears." Qi Yanshu suddenly said, the voice is not high or low, enough for the people on the phone to know.


The local tyrant father's voice rose a few degrees: "Mianmian, who is next to you?"